Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1767: I give you the harem

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In the Loulan Palace, what happened last night did not fully spread.

The entire Loulan Palace is still in an orderly arrangement.

However, the three elders in the palace are gone, and those who are interested will soon notice it. As for when, it will be unknown.

Before, Beimingxie broke through the sky and broke a big hole in the place where Tang Yuanyi closed down, and generated that kind of power. Many people now know that.

But Tang Yuanyi didn't publicize what was going on. Instead, Tang Yuanyi stepped into a half-step passive, and generated extremely great power, breaking the sky.

Although this is a lie, it is not completely false.

After all, Tang Yuanyi has indeed reached the realm of half-step passiveness, and she has been in retreat for so many years. Once she came out, she was half-steplessly passive, which caused a sensation in the entire Loulan Palace.

It was the news of Tang Yuanyi's promotion that about the disappearance of the elders in the three halls, it was possible to hide for a while.

"Xiao Shengzi, what are you thinking?"

At this time, it was not Yun Weixue who was sitting next to Xiao Naihe, but Su Cai, the saint of Loulan Palace.

Today Yun Weixue, because he was caught by Tang Yuanyi, asked Tang Yuanyi to go, as if to teach Tang Yuanyi some ways.

Although Yun Weixue is not a Wu Dao cultivator, her yin and yang physiques have something to do with the extreme law in Loulan Palace.

Besides, because of Xiao Naihe, Tang Yuanyi loved the house and Wu, but instead took a fancy to Tang Yuanyi.

If it were not for Xiao Naihe's relationship, Tang Yuanyi even wanted to accept Tang Yuanyi as an apprentice.

"No, I'm just thinking about what happened to your Loulan Palace now, how to hide it from the past."

Xiao Nai He laughed, and he and Su Cai met, but it wasn't a gift for a genius who would be a good lady, but two people were drinking tea and chatting normally.

Su Cai heard it and secretly sighed: "It won't be possible to hide it for a long time. Nowadays, it has not been fully arranged in the Loulan Palace. At one time, the betrayal of the three elders was announced. . It is about to suppress it during the period of time the palace master thinks about. "

Xiao Nai nodded: "But Tang Palace Master, after all, has stepped into a half-step passive state. After the three elders disappeared, they would not hurt the foundation too much."

When Su Cai looked at Xiao Naiho at this time, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

She already knew that Xiao Naihe was most likely the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi. Although Su Cai had not seen Lou Lanzi, the reaction was not as great as Tang Yuanyi's.

But knowing Xiao Naihe's current identity, Su Cai vaguely feels weird.

Sometimes he even treats Xiao Naihe as a character like Lou Lanzi.

Su Cai looked at her eyes so weird, Xiao Naihe was somewhat chilled, and quickly said: "These things happen in the Loulan Palace, and I can't help. After a while, when Wei Xue returns, I will say goodbye. Now. "

"Ah? Son, are you leaving? Don't you stay in Loulan Palace?"

Su Cai for a time regarded Xiao Naihe as Lou Lanzi, thinking that Xiao Naihe might stay in Loulan Palace.

"You don't need to say more, I am Xiao Naihe now, not Loulanzi ... Hey, I still have to talk to Tang Yuanyi. I have my foundation, I am from Yantian Pavilion, not from Loulan Palace People. This time I came to Loulan mainland for some news from Loulan. I did not expect such a thing to happen. These things are not something I can control, so I will talk about it later! "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and looked away.

What he said is very simple, he certainly will not stay in Loulan Palace for a long time. Whether he is Lou Lanzi's reincarnation or not, even if he is really Lou Lanzi's reincarnation, after rebirth, he has broken off his previous relationship and became Xiao Naihe.

Even the identity of his former demon Beinanyi has been abandoned, and naturally he will not be held to the identity of Lou Lanzi more than five thousand years ago.

Su Cai seems to have expected Xiao Naihe's thoughts for a long time.

"Forget it, since you said that, I won't disturb your son. Your rest, so many things happened last night, and you also came. Su Cai retired."

Su Cai stood up and saluted Xiao Naihe.

Today's Su Cai treats Xiao Naihe, but it is quite different from before.

Xiao Nai nodded and returned to Su Cai after sending him outside.

After he entered his own room, he suddenly exhibited a realm of prohibition, and then transformed into a meson form, and entered into his inner world, that is, the space-time world.

Now when Xiao Nai entered the world of space and time, he suddenly saw a flash of light and shadow in front of him.

"Xiao Naihe, when are you going to trap me?"

The master of this voice is Beimingxie.

Before, Xiao Nai forced Beimingxie to cast it, separating the soul from the flesh, and finally even the flesh was sent away.

Although Xiao Nai captured the soul of Beimingxie, he let go of the flesh.

"Hum, Beimingxie, are you still upset when you get here?"

Xiao Nai He snorted coldly, and as soon as he entered the world of time and space, the thunder around him flashed, making Xiao Nai He become the king of the world for a moment.

Seeing Xiao Naihe, there was a brutal murder in the eyes of Beimingxie, but it was suppressed in an instant. Instead, he said in a very deep tone: "Xiao Naihe, I know you are powerful, if you let me go , I can be your little brother and do things for you, and I have collected three thousand beauties. There are countless beauties in the harem. As long as you let me go, all these beauties are yours. "

"It seems that in your Beixiong's eyes, even these women can be traded. Like a person like you, there is no emotion, and the person who betrayed may be me in the future, you think I really will Obediently let you go? "

Xiao Nai sneered, expressing that the idea of ​​Beimingxie was very idiotic.

"Xiao Naihe, don't forget, my master, God Huanglin, has already stepped into the realm of unity of origin. If you don't let me go and kill me, if there is any end, you must be The clearest. If you let me go, I can even accomplish one thing for you. "

Bei Mingxie said a word, and then continued: "You help Liu Xiu, isn't it to get the secret of the passive state of the Master? I can help you get it, how?"

"Hahaha, a secret of promotion to the passive state? You Beixingxie Shang still believe that you can use your own potential, take your own holy way, and do not borrow the path of others' experience to promote the passive state. Why can't I Xiao Nai? In the future It ’s my way to go. The secret of promotion in Huang Lin is nothing to me. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

At this time, Bei Mingxie looked at Xiao Naihe as hard and hard to eat, and suddenly became a bit difficult, and his face became a bit ugly. Self-love once restored his fierce look: "Xiao Naihe, what are you going to do to let me go?"

"I want to know where your body is now?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said something.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Bei Mingxie's face was even paler. Originally, his state of spirit was very strange, and now his face looks even more terrifying than the ghost.

"Xiao Nai, why do you want to get my body? It seems that you don't want to let me go. If I let you get the body, after being destroyed, the only hope I have left is gone, you really think that I Let you know. Are you trying to force my fish to die? "

"Hahaha, what ability do you still have with me."

"Huh, I will send my flesh out, I'm afraid you don't know what's going on, right? Among the Taoist methods I practice, there is one that can store all the memories on the flesh body, as long as my Master Once I get my flesh, I can see the memory of my law, knowing that you dealt with me. I advise you to let me go, and do n’t mistake yourself. "

Xiao Nai sneered, and there was a hint of murder in his eyes: "What a great evil, maybe you do n’t know that I have already dealt with Huang Lin? Although he is powerful, but I ca n’t let others squeeze Yes. Whether you say it or not today, I have to know where you are.

"What? You have fought with my master? This is impossible, what are you capable of, and you are only the top of the ninefold, at most, it is to strengthen me, my master is strong, and I am ten thousand, where are you from him? opponent."

"You don't need to say these words to break my confidence. Among my cultivation voodoo, there is a supernatural power called the Soul Search Dafa. As long as it is not too many people who surpass me, let me search his Soul So that all memories can be Searched out. "

Xiao Naihe smiled secretly.

Upon hearing this, Bei Mingxie knew that today's events were not good and ended, and a sudden outburst broke out in his eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, you don't want to get my memories. As long as my body is there, my master can regain the fragments of my mind for me, and I might be able to resurrect me by then. I will destroy my memory now, you can't get it."

"How can you be happy!"

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, and a hint of thought suddenly appeared in his eyebrows.

When this idea emerged, it directly formed a glory.

After the thunder and light around them surged, they wrapped all the spirits of Beimingxie, and did not allow Beimingxie to do anything.

At this time, Bei Mingxie had to burn the fragments of memory himself, but after feeling a glory emerged from Xiao Naihe, he could not move, and suddenly knew it was bad.

"Xiao Naihe, my master will not let you go ..."

After Beimingx screamed, his thoughts reverberated, and he was unconscious.

The aperture in Xiao Nai's eyebrows has already fallen into the other person's mind.

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