Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1777: How could it be you (middle)

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Xiao Naiho's hand at this time was intentionally suggesting that these two people, I was already angry.

However, the ancestors of the Hong family and Bei Songyang did not feel very worried when they came here, but were very excited.

Because Beiming Xieyue showed such emotions, it showed that this man really had an opinion on Xiao Naihe.

However, on the surface, the ancestors of Hongjia and Beisongyang did not have this so-called excitement, but said in a very helpless tone: "Jiangshan has talents out, and the two of us came here today to not specifically mention these. Just like before, there is a deal to find you. "

Xiao Nai frowned and immediately said, "What deal?"

"You also know that this Xiao Nai is the pioneer of the Four Cultivation Avenue, which is an extraordinary existence in itself. There must be many chance secrets in him. I am afraid that if it is exposed, it will definitely make a sensation in the world."

The ancestor of the Hong family whispered, and then North Songyang nodded, then answered: "Yes, today we are looking for the North Lord, just to work with the Lord to discuss how to deal with this Xiao Nai. You must be against this Xiao But is there much interest in her own chance? "

Hearing this, Xiao Nai sneered secretly in his heart, and couldn't help but say in his heart: These two people are really unwilling, it is no wonder that they will come to Beimingxie here, it was originally to discuss and deal with me together!

Xiao Naihe knew that North Songyang and the ancestors of the Hong family had mixed together. Since they appeared at the wedding banquet of Wu Shenyi, the two people seem to have joined forces.

Hearing these words now, Xiao Nai is not surprised, but he already had a murderous intention towards these two people.

However, it does not appear on the surface. The two men are the ultimate in the nineth peak. Although Beisongyang has now degraded some strength from the half-step passive state, if he is fighting alone, Xiao Nai wants to kill the other party. Unlikely.

It is also difficult to deal with these two people at the same time.

So Xiao Naihe is not in a hurry to reveal his identity now. If he sneered in a deep tone, "Hong Family Patriarch, it seems that the two of you want to use my Beimingxie as a pen?" I ca n’t hear you two looking for me to deal with Xiao Naihe, but just want me to be a vanguard. Are you really the wrongdoer when I ’m innocent? ”

Xiao Naihe is not in a hurry. If he hastily agreed to these two people now, I am afraid that Hong's ancestor and Bei Songyang would doubt it.

So Xiao Naiho said this, but instead more in line with his own temperament.

Beimingxie is not the kind of person with empty combat power. On the contrary, Beimingxie is very powerful, and his mind is very smart.

Who is not a wise man who can cultivate to the highest level of the nineth level?

"Your Lord Bei misunderstood, we really want to find you to take a slice of the soup. In fact, it is not just you, we have already dealt with Xiao Naohe together with the Huo Luo King. No matter how powerful Xiao Nai is, as long as he does not reach the passive state, he ca n’t escape our palms. "

The ancestor of the Hong family smiled coldly.

When Xiao Na heard it, he suddenly thought in his heart and secretly said, "Good guy, actually joined the Huoluo King, Hong Family Patriarch and North Songyang, even if it is troublesome, but I also have enough Take control. But if you add a Huoluo, it will be different. "

I have to say that Xiao Nai believes that if he meets any one of them alone, he is confident enough to defeat each other.

Even if two people, he still has a certain confidence.

Three, then Xiao Nai, even if it is not good, still has enough ability to protect himself and slowly work around.

But for four people, that changed.

Whether it is Beimingxie, Hongjia ancestor, Beisongyang or Huo Luowang, the four people are the top existence among the nine peaks. If they are united, they will be enough to sweep under the passive state.

Not to mention Xiao Nai, even the masters of the half-step passive state, such as Huaxiang, Jun Yongye, and Duo, once they meet with these four people, they can only turn around and leave.

"If I didn't take away Beimingxie's flesh today and heard the words of these two people, if I met Beisongyang, Hongjia ancestors, and Huoluo king, I would be afraid that it would be very dangerous. If you kill Beimingxie, the four of them will really come to me. I am afraid that even if I am even more powerful, I can't fight them. "

Xiao Naihe sighed softly, and could not help but see an extremely dangerous situation.

"How? Lord Bei, if we three people join you now, even if Xiao Nai is the legendary son of the Four Cultivators, he will surely be finished. To know the road of the Four Cultivators, there must be a lot of chance secrets, we If it is available, I am afraid that what progress will be made at that time is difficult to describe in words. "

At this time, the ancestors of the Hong family still slowly confuse Xiao Naihe. Where did he know that Xiao Naihe secretly thought of other countermeasures.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe's face changed and smiled, "Have you notified others about this?"

"Of course not, then there must be a lot of secrets in Xiao Naihe. First, he may have inherited the chances of Beinanyi. Second, he may have inherited the things of Shakyam. Third, the avenue of his cultivation may have something to do with the ancient Saint , Maybe also got a lot of chances in Taikoo Sheng. How can we let more people know such a secret? "

Bei Songyang shook his head and smiled coldly.

Xiao Nai concealed in his heart: ‘These two people are really not simple. They actually guessed the opportunity I inherited so carefully. ’

Afterwards, a light flashed in Xiao Naihe's eyes, which seemed to decide what had been done, and he suddenly laughed: "Since that is the case, then I will join hands with you, and Xiao Naihe has so many secrets in my body. Although Xie conceited himself as the great disciple of Huang Lin, I really want to see the existence of Sixiu Avenue. "

The ancestor of the Hong family laughed: "It's so good. When I contact King Huo Luo, I will find the best time to deal with Xiao Nai."

"Yes, yes!" Bei Songyang nodded and said, "Don't underestimate this Xiao Naihe, this Xiao Naihe is very powerful. Although he is young, his strength is definitely not under the peak of the nineth heavy, together with Dan Ting Huang Lin praised this person, showing that Xiao Nai is so powerful. The few of us joined forces and we must be careful not to consider the issue of face. "

There was a hint of deepness in Bei Songyang's tone.

When Xiao Nai heard it, he couldn't help but move slightly. He didn't expect this Beisongyang to be so prepared.

It seems that I have calculated this North Songyang before, which has made North Songyang very careful.

The masters of Nine Heavy Peaks are all dragons among people, and almost do not join hands with others, because this is a question of face and dignity.

But Beisongyang actually had such a thought. It can be seen that now Beisongyang has become deeper and deeper.

Xiao Naihe looked at Beisongyang, and could not help but be prepared for defense.

Former Beisongyang was nothing. Even in the half-step passive state, Xiao Naihe did not pay special attention, but now Beisongyang is the most dangerous.

Xiao Nai could not help but secretly guarded.

"You have already said that, but I have to think about other things now, so I won't leave you in the manor!"

At this time, Xiao Nai made a guest order.

The ancestors of North Songyang and Hong's ancestors nodded. Anyway, their purpose is already achieved today, and there is no need to bother.

"In this case, the two of us will no longer bother Your Excellency North, so leave now!"

As soon as the voice fell, only to see the two men move, torn the void tunnel, they had to enter another space from here, and go back into the 3,300 world.

However, at this moment, Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly showed a golden light, and the blood within the human body suddenly exploded with a flame-like power, as if the entire void would be smashed up at this time.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Thunder riot, Xiao Naihe shot suddenly at this time, the whole person shot, there was a burst of loud vibrations in the whole void, and a burst of light burst into his eyebrows, as if at this moment Become alive.


Xiao Naihe's spirit power is extremely powerful. At this time, the remaining forces in the Beiming evil body are all brought together to form a river.

At this moment, a golden river of light suddenly appeared above Xiao Naihe's head.

And his punch was actually from behind, hitting the ancestor of the Hong family hard.

After all, the ancestor of the Hong family is a master in the masters. At the moment Xiao Naihe shot, he already felt something. A very dangerous thought came into his mind at once.


Although the ancestors of the Hong family had already given birth to a dangerous idea, the movement was still a bit slow.

After all, the ancestors of the Hong family did not expect that Beimingxi would actually do something with himself at this time.

And when you do it, it is a very terrifying trick, as if it is an enemy of life and death.

The boxing intention is concentrated, although the Beiming evil body has begun to degenerate, but after all, it is still a nine-fold peak of the body. When all the forces are merged together, it directly hit the Hong family ancestor.

Bang bang

Suddenly, the entire Hong family ancestor seemed to be a broken kite. The whole person was bombarded by Xiao Naihe's fist.

"Bei Mingxie, what do you mean?" Bei Songyang called out.

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