Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1779: Startled bird

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Xiao Naiho's soul at this time is already under his own deity and returned to his body.

And when he looked at the Lushe of Beimingxie, there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

"It's a pity, a house with nine peaks."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, knowing that Beimingxie now had a lot of trauma in the house, and it was difficult to recover.

From the battle between Loulan mainland and himself, to Zhu Zi's burning personality blow at the peak of the Nineth Layer, now North Songyang has been hit hard.

The physical body of Beimingxie has been greatly injured.

Even if it can be recovered, it will cost a lot of talents.

Although Xiao Nai has a lot of talents and talents, it is okay to restore a North Xingxie flesh, but there are many things to be consumed.

After all, a master of the ninth peak, once you want to recover, you need to consume something, it is absolutely difficult to describe in words.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe left this Beimingxielu building, which is not much use, naturally useful, and it is absolutely impossible to bring the trace of the "killer" to Huang Lin.

The blow from the North Mingxie's house was no longer Xiao Naihe's taste, because Xiao Naihe had completely wiped it out.

It's just that there are traces of the North Songyang and Zhu Zi, and the mysterious person in Zhu Zi's mouth.

If Huang Lin sees the building of Beimingxie, he will certainly not doubt himself for the first time.

"Not only that, but I also erased all the memory fragments from Beiming Evil's flesh."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, put away the house of Beimingxie, and then glanced at it, looking towards Beisongyang and Hong's ancestors.

North Songyang and Hong's ancestors looked closely at Xiao Naihe, and there was a strong murderous opportunity in their eyes.

If the eyes can kill people, Xiao Naihe now does not know how many times he was killed.

"Xiao Naihe, how could you be in the Beimingxie Lu ..."

Bei Songyang breathed a sigh of relief, suppressing all the violent killings in his heart, expressionless.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "It's interesting for you to ask, how can I be in the house of Beimingxie, it's nothing, because Beimingxie was already killed by people before, I just picked up cheap, It took only the Lushe of Beimingxie. "

It is naturally impossible for him to tell the truth of Bei Songyang, saying that he is the one who killed Bei Mingxie. He vaguely introduced the sign of the murderer to the mysterious man behind Zhu Zi!


The ancestors of Hongjia and Beisongyang glanced at each other, and they both saw a shock in each other's eyes.

To be honest, they do not believe that Xiao Naihe killed Beimingxie.

"This Xiao Nai said that Beimingxie was killed by other people, do you think it was true? Or why did Xiaonai lie to us, in fact Beimingxie killed him?"

"I'm afraid that Beimingxie wasn't killed by Xiao Naihe. I admit that Xiao Naihe is really powerful. He already has the power of the Ninth Peak, but Beimingxi is a master of the world, and he is a disciple of Huanglin. The life-saving strength is definitely in you Above me. Even if Xiao Nai had a fate weapon, it would be difficult to kill Beimingxie! "

"Yes, I am afraid that Beimingxie was really killed by some master, so that Xiao Nai picked up the bargain and actually took away Beimingxie's flesh!"

"However, I think Beimingxie's physical body has already been hit to such a degree that it needs to be spent to make up for it, and this house is considered a waste."

There was a pity in the eyes of the Hong family ancestor, but it soon disappeared.

"Xiao Naihe, you will pretend to be the North Mingxie and seriously injure me and the ancestors of the Hong family. We will never forget this hatred."

Bei Songyang screamed coldly, and once coughed, even blood came out.

"Really? Since you have united the Huo Luo King, three people want to deal with me, and they even want to unite the Beimingxie, the one who killed me, take my inheritance, and **** my mate, if the two of you are not dead, I will Why do n’t you get in the way! "

At this moment, Xiao Nai closed his eyes as if he was making an oath.

Hearing here, the ancestors of the Hong family and Bei Songyang suddenly changed their faces. They knew that Xiao Naihe ’s move was actually using his own dignity.

If Xiao Naihe did not kill Bei Songyang and Hong's ancestors, I am afraid that it would be difficult for Xiao Naihe's martial arts to take one step further.

But the same can be felt, Xiao Naihe has born an endless thought to the two of them.

But this is not surprising. The two Songyang and Hongzu ancestors are determined to let Xiao Nai die. Only one of the two figures can survive.

Xiao Naiho said this just now, that is to make up his own mind!

"The two of you were hit hard by me, and today I can't escape my palm, obediently stay with me, leave a life!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Naihe opened his right hand and agitated a huge **** wheel, which is the "Great God Wheel", but there is another kind of charm in this **** wheel, which actually merged with the "God of God" meaning',

Suddenly, ** rolling, the silhouette appears extremely ghostly, completely surrounding the two Songyang and Hongzu ancestors.

The airflow around it poured up, as if a huge storm rolled out, wrapping itself.

"Everything ..."

This windy wind seemed to tear apart the Hong Family Patriarch and Bei Songyang.

"Xiao Naihe, you are really arrogant, don't think that at the wedding banquet of Wu Shenyi, the two of us lost to you? If it wasn't that Huang Lin's breath had been drifting around, would we be afraid of you?"

The pale face of the ancestors of the Hong family suddenly became awkward, and with a slight shaking, the murderous opportunity rallied.

"Break me, break the wind and cover the sun!"

"Return to the three-element treasure."

The voices of the ancestors of Hong Family and North Songyang were like thunder sounds, and they suddenly spread to the whole void.

And Xiao Naihe raised his head, the humane essence and the power of Wu Dao that these two people condensed were even merged together, and there was a great momentum of integration with Xiao Naihe's people and Wu Wu.

But Xiao Naihe's was perfectly natural, and although the two men used magical powers and merged their Taoism with each other, they were full of ingenuity!

"God of God."

Xiao Nai did n’t look at all. At this time, he condensed the “Gods of Gods” and the meaning of “God”. The two forces of Yaodao and Wudao gathered together to form an altar. Coming down, turning into a stream of light in the void and opening.

At the next moment, that huge wheel of God seemed to exterminate everything in the world, and there was a wave of power that could destroy the world.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The strong sound of explosion exploded under the impact of the power of these three people.

As if the two planets were squeezing and exploding against each other in the void, that kind of momentum has a flavor that reverses the world and Datong.

"It is worthy of the four initiates to create a precedent. This is how Xiao Nai is not dead, is our dead end."

Rao is a master like North Songyang or Hongzu ancestors, they have to admit that to deal with the current Xiao Naihe, only to join forces, if they fight alone, I am afraid that none of them is Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Xiao Naihe's "God of Gods" rolled out madly, and released a heavenly taste all over his body, that is, the "God's Intention" in the Taoism, which has a kind of divine power like the world's master.

The **** wheel is rolling, the majestic momentum is coming in a roll, and it looks like it is wide open.

Xiao Nai's momentum is really more and more courageous, and now the ancestors of Hongjia and Beisongyang cannot help but resist.

Both of them were counted by Xiao Naihe. Before the Hong family ancestor was attacked by Xiao Naihe from the back, he suffered a lot of harm.

Bei Songyang, under Xiao Naihe's strategy, struck each other with Bei Mingxie's flesh, and suffered a lot.

In contrast, Xiao Naihe now, the momentum has reached a top level, without fear of the two people in front of him, in one move, the energy of the whole body is exerted to the extreme.

"This Xiao Naihe, but did not meet for a while, actually became so powerful."

"Although he used to be a four-cultivation avenue in the past, but all four of his avenues were magical powers of his own. Now he feels that the magical powers between two of them are integrated with each other, and now they are already so powerful. Would n’t it be more powerful if the four supernatural powers merged? "

"At that time, the three major avenues merged by the Archaic Saints, and they almost created a new generation of avenues, competing with the sky. If Xiao Naihe did what even the Archaic Saints did not do, I was afraid that he would be able to unite and achieve success. Passive! "

The ancestors of Hongjia and Beisongyang were in fear of each other, and quickly laid out all their own strength to resist Xiao Naihe ’s spiritual power.

"Fate locks!"

When the four words Xiao Naihe were called out, the entire void suddenly shook, the golden light flickered, as if to become extremely ghostly.

Beisongyang was terrified.


For a time, when Beisongyang heard that Destiny was locked, he suffocated all of a sudden, all at once, and there was a fear in his eyes.

As soon as his thoughts opened, his body subconsciously receded towards the back, his expression changed rapidly, and he didn't hesitate anymore, leaving Hong's ancestors on the spot.

"Brother Bei, you are ..."

The ancestors of the Hong family couldn't believe it. This Northern Songyang actually withdrew its own power at this time.

As long as Bei Songyang withdrew his own power, the treasure shield they had gathered together would immediately be disbanded and swept up by Xiao Naihe's power.

The ancestors of the Hong family and North Songyang united, and they were able to withstand Xiao Naihe's attack.

Now that he is left alone, where can the ancestors of the Hong family resist.

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