Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1783: Mysterious Man (Part 2)

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Xiao Nai raised his eyebrows, but his expression was very calm, and he smiled gently: "Let me go with you? Do you disagree with each other and just get on with this one next to me?"

He pointed to the night king.

"After all, in the Nine Heavens Realm, the night king who was one of the original masters of the Nine Great Supremes, I naturally cannot be underestimated. I am also helpless."

Hearing this, Ye Wang's face suddenly changed greatly!

But he did a bit of disguise and used his magical power to change his appearance, temperament, and figure, even the ordinary Jiuzhong peak master, he could not recognize it.

But this mysterious man actually knew that he was the night king! Have to guard!

"When did you recognize it?"

"From the beginning!"

"It seems that you not only know me very well, but also the characters in God Realm."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"The spirit of God Realm is still there, I naturally cannot be underestimated. However, this Lord of the Night King would actually go with Xiao Shengzi, and it seems that he has put your trust in Yantian Pavilion ... No, it has put you on Xiao Shengzi. It's extremely weird. "

"Who does he trust? Is it about you?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. I came here today to ask Xiao Shengzi to follow me. The adult has been waiting for a long time. It was the order he ordered and I had to listen."

That adult?

Xiao Nai **** moved secretly in his heart, and his face was not surprised: "Who is that adult?"

"Sorry, no comment. As long as Xiao Shengzi walks with me, he will naturally know who the adult behind me is."


Xiao Nai snorted coldly, and seemed to mobilize the divine power of the acupuncture point. He snorted, and even the airflow around the air had a tendency to be smashed away.

With such a cold hum, even the Night King couldn't help but feel shocked, and was amazed by Xiao Naihe's current strength.

But the mysterious man used his magical power to quickly bring up to protect himself.

"You went to Yanyan, and you beat people. If it wasn't for the Night King, I'm afraid you would have to absorb the entire Yantian Pavilion, so that I wouldn't be able to use it?"

The Night King has secretly merged all the things just happened into Shen Nian and injected it into Xiao Naihe's mind.

It turned out that the mysterious man had entered the Yantian Pavilion and wanted to use magical powers to draw Xiao Nai out.

However, the other party did not know that Xiao Nai had reached Loulan mainland, and did not lead out, but led out the Night King.

There are countless people in the Night King, who will not know where this person came from, and immediately started to work.

The man was very cunning, knowing that the Night King was protecting Yantian Pavilion, and deliberately led the war to Yantian Pavilion.

The Night King also saw the man's intention, and immediately inspired the enchantment inside the sect door to protect it.

Then, after the night king and the man played against each other for a while, Xiao Naihe hurried over, and Xiao Naihe already knew the things that came down.

"It turns out so."

Xiao Nai nodded.

"Just against you at Yantian Pavilion, either today I will roll or I will fight you!"

The sound was like a thunder, a blast, and a burst of noise. Xiao Naiho's mysterious man seemed to shake down from the sky.

"Lei Yin!"

The man runs around the mind, covers his spiritual power, forcibly stabilizes his body, and keeps himself from moving in the void.

But the sweat on his forehead showed his thoughts.

"Xiao Shengzi, is that what you really think?"

"I said it for the last time!" Xiao Naihe paused, his blood floating, running his body strength, and suddenly a light bridge appeared above his head, and a figure came out of the bridge. It was Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Xiao Naiho seemed to have entered a very mysterious state, the thoughts were flying, and the word shouted: "Go!"

Violent shaking, the mysterious man's body almost shook off from the sky in time.

"I didn't expect Xiao Shengzi to have this prejudice against me, so I had to force you away."

The mysterious man shook his head. He knew he could not let Xiao Naihe continue, otherwise, when he continued to speak, his self-confidence was shaken.

"Want to take me forcibly?"

Xiao Nai sneered. At this time, the man finally expressed his purpose. Without waiting for the man to start, Xiao Nai waved his hand and said coldly: "You are not my opponent, are you sure not to roll?"

"Try to find out!"

The man sighed lightly, but Xiao Nai could hear the eagerness of the man's tone.

"Tongtian Wanjian!"

Gently, this man's eyes suddenly showed a soft look.

Speaking in a straight line, I saw that the golden light in the sky directly gathered together, and then formed 10,000 lightsabers.

Huh, huh ...

The sword wind burst, this burst of sword light flashed continuously in the void, and suddenly, it was already coming.

"This kind of Taoism is familiar?"

With a look of Xiao Naihe's expression, he suddenly felt that this man's Dao and Dao breath were very familiar. When he looked at the void, the whole body's acupuncture point cooperated with these 10,000 lightsabers, and there was a resonance.

At that time, even Xiao Naihe had an idea to give up in a flash.

However, when this idea was born, Xiao Nai and He immediately suppressed it. At the next moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and a strong murderous force suddenly tempered from Xiao Naihe's heart.

"Good cunning Taoism, this man is afraid to be more cunning than any enemy I have encountered."

Just now the man must have secretly practiced Taoism, and he was able to affect his Dao heart in a short time. Even Xiao Nai had a slight influence in a moment.

Can't help but how Xiao Nai became more cautious. This man exhibited the Dao Law, and there was a feeling when Xiao Na had known each other, but it didn't happen for a while.

"The Great God Wheel of the Heavens, ** Wushuang, the town!"

Suddenly screaming, Xiao Naihou bowed his hands left and right, and the momentum was violent, and the body was surging suddenly, and a burst of streaming light burst between his fingers.

These streamers converged together to form a huge theism, the **** wheel rolled up and hit the sky violently.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Tens of thousands of lightsabers were rolled away by this huge wheel, and all were broken up.

It looks like a big empty meat grinder, which can crush and crush everything.

That kind of horror is self-evident.

"It's worthy of Xiao Shengzi. This should be the way of law in the heavenly demon scriptures. One of the Six Realms is really not simple."

The mysterious man exhaled, but there was no discoloration, but his fist was clenched tightly, the sword light in the original void flashed, and suddenly a sea of ​​light surging into a surging surge.

Wave after wave was drawn into the void, and Xiao Naihe was to be drawn into it.

"Dafa Seal!"

With two palms in one shot, the Fayin of the mountains and the sea flew to the front in a sudden.

At the next moment, I only saw this Fa Yin crushing the mysterious man's Dao Fa in one breath.

Puff! !

The man did not hesitate anymore, only to see him withdraw in a flash!

"It's not good to see the situation. When you retreat, you will retreat."

Xiao Nai had no expression on his face. The streamer between his five fingers directly condensed a second seal. This second seal came out, and it was shot directly over the sky.

When the mysterious man turned around, the Fayin had come to him, and there was no retreat.

This man's strength should also be at the level of the late Jiuzhong to the peak of the Jiuzhong. If it is a single fight, the strength may be vaguely inferior to the night king.

The reason why he was able to compete with the Ye Wang before was that it was because the Taoism he exhibited was very special, which suppressed the Ye Wang.

But Xiao Naihe broke the shackles, but the man was restrained everywhere.

In a face-to-face, the man immediately knew that he was not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Without much hesitation, he retreated directly into the depths of the void.

"Want to go?"

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, and he finally knew why at first he felt that this man's breath of Taoism was very familiar, because he also felt this breath on Zhu Zi and Yang Peng.

"This person is also alien."

When the thought moved, the man was to be captured.

But at this time, a spiritual light flew out of the man's eyebrows, as if it were photovoltaic, and the Fa Yin that Xiao Naihe condensed in the void was directly eliminated.

"Not the power of this man, nor the power of the mysterious man who fought with me before!"

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows slightly, and the power burst from the man's eyebrows was Xiao Naihe's first encounter.

But this force alone is not under itself. The two forces collided in the void, as if Mars hit the earth, causing a strong impact.

"Xiao Shengzi, you are really powerful. I am not your opponent. We will meet again someday."

The mysterious man smiled slightly, and there was no leisurely complacency between actions.

However, there are not many people who can safely leave in the hands of Xiao Naihe. Of course, if this mysterious force flew out of this man's eyebrows, otherwise this man was afraid that his life would be lost.

Seeing this man disappear into the void, Xiao Naihe did not chase the other party, but fell into a pensive move.

Soon, I saw Xiao Naihe shook his head: "I really don't know this person, but since he came to me, there will definitely be a second time."

The Night King bowed, suddenly said, "This person's power is strange, and it seems that I have seen it somewhere, not like a human being, nor like a demon."

"He is a different kind of life, and Taoism is naturally special."

"It's actually a different kind of life!" Rao is the current night king. After hearing what Xiao Nai said, he shook his head, raised his head, and looked again at the disappeared place: "How can people from other worlds appear? Did n’t you kill those people years ago? Why did you come out? "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, even the people who practiced Wuzu Avenue, and the appearance of several alien life was nothing.

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