Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1785: do not

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When Xiao Nai came out, Yun Weixue rushed over.

I saw Yun Weixue standing behind Xiao Naihe obediently, and asked for warmth.

Tang Yuanyi saw all this in his eyes, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and a very complicated look.

However, this expression disappeared quickly after it was revealed.

"It's okay, I just went out and did a thing. This time it's done. I just have to go back, and I don't have to go back so early. I promised you, this time I will take you out to play."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Yun Weixue's face flushed suddenly, it seemed a little embarrassed, but there was also a strong sense of happiness.

Xiao Naiho cared about her so much better than anything.

"Have seen Xiao Shengzi."

With Tang Yuanyi's current identity and strength, even if he meets Xiao Naihe, he is treated with an equal status.

However, Xiao Nai could very clearly feel that Tang Yuanyi had an inexplicable admiration for himself, and a faint emotion.

"The Tang Palace Master is welcome, this time I am going to say goodbye."

"So fast?"

Tang Yuanyi froze for a moment, but did not expect Xiao Nai to leave so soon.

Her eyes suddenly showed a kind of reluctance, although it was not the kind of sentiment between men and women, but vaguely let Xiao Nai understand what.


Tang Yuanyi still regarded himself as the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi.

To be honest, Xiao Nai did not want to believe at first, but after he came back, he had considered this problem along the way. He may really be the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi.

Not to mention the fact that thousands of years apart, the ‘Yuchen Wuxu’ appeared on Xiao Naihe ’s body for no reason, which probably illustrates this possibility.

But whether Lou Lanzi ’s reincarnation is Beinanyi or ‘Xiao Naihe’ cannot be demonstrated.

"Now that the enemy of Loulan Palace has been eliminated, the owner of the palace should not worry too much."

There are only so many things Xiao Nai can do.

After listening, Tang Yuanyi could not help being silent. Xiao Naihe had hinted that Beimingxie had already been removed, and the person who was doing it was only afraid of Xiao Naihe.

Although I felt a little safe in my heart, it was also very shocking.

Although Tang Yuanyi has now stepped into a half-step passive state, he did not dare to speak with Beimingxie and be able to get rid of masters like Beimingxie.

And Xiao Naihe actually has such a combat power, does that mean that Xiao Naihe is now almost indistinguishable from half-step passive.

"The Master of Beimingxie is the imperial Lin of Danting God. Although our Loulan Palace has not been out of customs for thousands of years, we have never broken the information outside. Now, this time Beimingxie was killed, the one who feared there would be some reactions, Master ... Xiao Shengzi and be careful. "

"It's okay, Huang Lin is indeed heavenly, and now I am far from this person's opponent. However, the matter of Beimingxie has nothing to do with me now. Even if Huang Lin really wants to reckon with autumn, he will never find Get on mine. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly. He had already thrown this black pot to the mysterious man named Zong Sheng, and Xiao Nai He did not need to worry at all!

Hearing Xiao Naihe say this, Tang Yuanyi opened his mouth, as if to say something, but after thinking about it, he no longer said much, but sighed softly.

Still can not stay, although Xiao Naihe may be the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi, Tang Yuanyi also hopes that Xiao Naihe can stay in Loulan Palace.

But now it is Xiao Naihe, not Lou Lanzi who was the best in the world.

"This time the Loulan Palace was in great trouble. If the Son didn't rescue him, the consequences would be disastrous. I also asked the Son to stay one more day and get a taste of his hometown."

Tang Yuanyi said.

This woman is very thoughtful. She seems to be unintentional on the surface, but in fact she moved a little carefully, suggesting that this Loulan Palace is also the hometown of Xiao Naihe.

If Xiao Nai is the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi, Loulan Palace is indeed the hometown.

Loulan Zi created Loulan Palace in one hand, and Tang Yuanyi followed along along the way.

Although thousands of years have passed, Tang Yuanyi's respect for Lou Lanzi has not changed for a day.

Although I know now that Xiao Nai can't be kept, I can't help but try it out.

"It's okay for a day. I've never been to Loulan before. I really want to appreciate it."

Xiao Nai did not know what to do, and he already said in his speech that he was no longer Lou Lanzi, but Xiao Naihe.

After understanding Xiao Naihe's meaning, Tang Yuanyi couldn't help but sigh lightly. On this day, Tang Yuanyi took Xiao Naihe to walk on the Loulan mainland.

"However, I am really worried that you will promise Tang Yuanyi Palace Master to stay in Loulan Palace?"

After a day, Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue returned to the place of rest.

Yun Weixue is also a wise man. When she can't hear Tang Yuanyi and Xiao Naiho talking, she is specifically suggesting something.

Xiao Naihe may be the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi, but now it is no longer Lou Lanzi, but the real Xiao Naihe, her mate.

Perhaps it was the woman's intuition. When Yun Weixue felt that Tang Yuanyi and Xiao Naihe were talking, there was a complex emotion in their tone.

That feeling made Yun Wei Xue feel very dangerous.

Not the danger of life threatened, but the threat between women.

That's why Yun Weixue maintains an attitude between Tang Yuanyi and his predecessors, and at the same time there is a vague hint of Tang Yuanyi.

"Little fool, how can I stay in Loulan Palace." Xiao Nai didn't know what Yun Weixue thought, and smiled.

"Princess Tang Yuanyi has also argued before, you may be the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi. Although I am very reluctant to admit this, but the ability of the predecessor is more powerful than I do not know, if she is serious, Then it is very likely to be true. "

Yun Weixue knew that Tang Yuanyi would never use this kind of thing to make a joke, so Xiao Nai and He Jiu were really the reincarnation of Lou Lanzi.

"Even if I was really Lou Lanzi before, it was something thousands of years ago. Now that I am Xiao Nai, it has nothing to do with Loulan Palace. You, don't think so much about it."

Xiao Naihe took Yun Weixue in a hug and suddenly felt soft, Xiao Naihe enjoyed it very much.

Yun Weixue was as blushing as Apple, and was suddenly speechless.

"We will leave Loulan Palace tomorrow."

"So fast?"

"Why? You can't bear it?"

"I'm not, I ..."

Yun Weixue hadn't finished speaking yet, and there was a whine in the room, as if someone's mouth was blocked.


The day did not rise, and the chicken did not tweet.

Tang Yuanyi and Su Cai were standing in a study room in Loulan Palace.

"Palace, the three elders, when are you going to say it?"

Su Cai grinds ink, and Tang Yuanyi takes the brush in his hand and does not know what he wrote on a piece of white paper.

A little bit, the light on the white paper suddenly flashed, and the original words suddenly appeared very dazzling at that time, as if they would pop out at any time.

A master of half-step passive realm, when writing a word on paper, has a strange power. This is a normal phenomenon.

It is like Xiao Naihe now. If he uses supernatural powers and divine thoughts, if a fire is written on the white paper, the white paper can be turned into ashes in an instant.

And if you write down the wind and rain on the white paper, you can even summon the wind and clouds.

As long as you step into the ultimate state of a dollar, you have this skill!

"It is not the right time. If I say it at this time, I am afraid that the disciples in the entire Loulan Palace will immediately have a morale chaos."

Tang Yuanyi shook his head, his thoughts moved, and suddenly said: "Unfortunately, if the one who really wants to come back to my Loulan Palace, even the three elders have such a big event, they don't need to be so passive.

Su Cai knew that the person Tang Yuanyi said was Xiao Naihe. If Xiao Naihe was willing to return to their Loulan Palace, then he would appear as Lou Lanzi, the founder of Loulan Palace. He would definitely betray the three elders by then Things are down.

It's a pity that Su Cai can think of how Xiao Nai will never agree.

Although once returned, Xiao Naihe could become the first person in Loulan Palace.

But in the realm of Xiao Naihe, even if you get Loulan Palace, it's nothing.

Now Xiao Naihe still has a Yantian Pavilion, with Xiao Naihe's ability, now Yan Tiange's prestige, even vaguely covered Loulan Palace.

Tang Yuanyi was about to say something, and suddenly his face changed, and the brush in the book was slightly messed up, and fell to the ground from his hand.

The originally written words disappeared naturally at this time.

"Hey, he left anyway!"

Tang Yuanyi shook his head. There was an indescribable politeness in his tone, and when he thought about it, he went out.

Su Cai raised her head, her face suddenly changed, she knew what Tang Yuanyi was talking about.

I saw Su Cai's body flashing, as if it was a wind blowing through, and then appeared at the door of Xiao Naihe's room, just about to knock on the door, and suddenly looked, regardless of 3, 721, immediately pushed the door Come in.

At this time, there was no person in the room anymore. Whether it was Xiao Naihe or Yun Weixue without chaos, he was not in this room at this time.

"Really gone."

Su Cai shook her head.

Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue left without saying goodbye, Su Cai never thought of it.

When Su Cai sighed, Xiao Naihe had taken Yun Weixue away from Loulan mainland and entered the Jiehe River. They were riding a spaceship.

Although the speed is not comparable to Xiao Naihe's full flight, it is also very fast.

"However, we leave without saying so, don't we?" Yun Weixue's voice came from above the deck.

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