Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1790: Breaking the sky

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At this moment, suddenly a ray of crisis started from the heart.

Xiao Naihe's acupuncture had a feeling of being exploded. When the thought was moved, a vortex of thought was formed in the body immediately, and the whole body was full of spiritual power.


In an instant, Xiao Naihe's body seemed to be a breeze, and he stepped back towards the back, so fast that he couldn't even catch it with his naked eyes.

The book of heaven and Dao in the hands of the sky, the golden light blooming, actually formed a continuous chain, and locked it towards Xiao Naihe.

"You really have inherited the experience of the Taoism of the Holy Spirit. With such a chance, I am afraid that no one can compare with you since ancient times."

The body of Tiandao breathed out a breath like a flame, spreading out, as if countless flames erupted, forming a burst of fire doors.

Puff ...

Suddenly, these fire doors stopped Xiao Naihe at the front and prevented Xiao Naihe from retreating to the back.

The situation immediately became dangerous, and the dim light from the heavenly Taoist book in the hands of the sky was faint and dangerous. Every light was full of a force to pierce people's hearts.

"Balance of the Balance!"

As soon as the golden light opened, it seemed to have given consciousness, and a huge divine sign suddenly appeared from the pages of the book of heaven. When the divine sign was taken away, the airflow around it suddenly became chaotic.

It seems that there is a charm to be crushed and reborn.

At this moment, the book of Heavenly Dao in the hands of Takino formed this force, which was crushed on the top of Xiao Naihe's head, and countless meteorites flew over his head.

Bang Bang Bang!

There was a loud noise, and there was an explosion in front.

Xiao Nai retired from the body, with five fingers, and the spiritual power in his body was rejuvenated, and he put together the ‘Great God Wheel’ of the Heavens ’, the Seal of Dharma Definition’, and the ‘Silver Moon Buddha Palm’ together, and the three forces gathered together.

Immediately, a blue ocean was formed in front of it. It was a sea of ​​spiritual power.

I saw a tornado in the ocean, which shattered the surrounding meteorite stream into a star shower.


Xiao Nai screamed, and collided with the Heavenly Daoshu respectively, and suddenly the sparks burst into burst, squeezing into pieces one by one, forming a vortex.

It seemed that all the extraterrestrial stars were disturbed, and a terrible aura was crushed.

"The sky is boundless, the law is fixed!"

At this time, the sound of the heavenly body seemed to be coming from a distance of tens of thousands of miles, breaking the vacuum mass, and actually spreading in the outer stars, mysterious.

There seemed to be a magic power in the sound, and a white light condensed between the hands of the heavenly body became a lightsaber.

This lightsaber is like a shuttle between the world and everything in the world.

The prestige of heaven cannot be violated.

When he saw this sword, Xiao Naihe couldn't help but such a sentence emerged.

"It is worthy of the heavenly body, even if it is far inferior to its peak, but now this strength, even if it is placed in the four realms, it is definitely the top rank and cannot be violated."

Xiao Nai said secretly, and at the same time he exhaled a breath, which condensed into mist in the void, and at this time a hint of golden light appeared in the mist.

"The law of the Dao is immortal."

It was heard that the original "Goddess Wheel of the Heavens", "Dai Delimitation Seal", and "Silver Moon Buddha Palm" that had disappeared from the impact actually recovered at this time, forming a stream of power.

There is an endless power in the light, and Xiao Nai splits his own source of power and covers it.

"Huh? How could it be recovered?"

After seeing this place for a long time, Dao Law, which had disappeared, was recovered again, breaking the normal law, and suddenly his face became very strange.

Tian Dao's face also rarely showed a trace of surprise.


The forces of the two collided with each other, forming a strong spark, and the airflow around them burst out at once.

At this time, Xiao Naiho's soul seemed to be crushed and exploded by Heavenly Sword Tianwei, and his body had a tendency to burn.

But that burning feeling is just that Heavenly Dao uses his divine power to influence himself.

"Humph! Tianwei is inviolable? Heavenly Dao, you think you can use illusion to affect my five senses, and you will succeed. If you can talk about the ability of illusion, my ability is still above you."

At this time, Xiao Naihe's eyes glowed with golden light.

These golden lights refer directly to their own golden pill.

That ’s right, Xiao Naihe ’s first golden magic power was the illusory type of “mirror that stops water”.

No one in the world can hallucinate him.

"Oh? I didn't expect that you not only got Bei Nanyi's" Emperor Demon Codes ", but also got" Spirit Mirror to Stop Water ". The most important thing is that your magical power just now was recorded in the" Dust and Witch Book " "Dao law is not extinct ', the magical power of Jiuwu Youhuang, have you actually integrated so much?"

The voice of heaven is indifferent, and there is a force that cannot be rejected.

"Not only that, I still have two gifts for you."

In a word, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows immediately glowed with a golden spark. This golden light condensed into one piece, and actually merged into the void. Then two aurora shots came out of the eyebrow.

Swish swish!

"Fate lock? Fate chain!"

There was a surprise in Tiandao ’s body, and the expression was cold: "These two Taoist devices are the Jiuwu Youhuang, yes, but if I remember well, these two Taoist devices should have been given to Beisongyang. You here? "

"Does this world actually know North Songyang?"

Xiao Nai was slightly taken aback for a moment, but then he was relieved that Heavenly Dao itself was in control of human order, although it was said that as long as the masters in the void were crushed, they would no longer be controlled by Heavenly Dao.

But Beisongyang stepped into a half-step passive, which is equivalent to the heavenly path at this time. It is normal for Tiandao to know the existence of North Songyang.

"The Quartet of Destiny!"

Xiao Naihe slapped his hands together, and suddenly the ‘Chain of Destiny’ in the air burst into purple light, as if a crack in the space in the supreme void had been opened, and the spiritual light converged into one, enclosing all the surrounding thousands of miles of space.

As soon as the lock of destiny came down, an octagonal cage was formed.

This octagonal cage locks the body of Tiandao in the middle and becomes immobile.

"Although you got Jiuwu Youlan's natal Taoist weapon, it seems that these two Taoist weapons are not as good as before. Without the kind of power they used to be, it is at most 60-70% capable. Can they trap me?

Tiandao laughed lightly.

I saw his five fingers flip, and a huge storm suddenly burst out of his palm. A careful heart seemed to stir up. At this time, a golden mountain was formed, like a mountain with life.

A burst of vitality interrupted the deep lifelessness on the "Fate Lock".

Boom Boom Boom!

As soon as the two forces collided, it seemed that all of them would be smashed away. The body of Heavenly Dao used its own strength to shake Xiao Naihe's two avenues, and suddenly showed its own strong advantages.

"The heaven and the earth are boundless, ten years of life and death."

At this time, the sound of the long sky came again, and there was a magic in his voice. At this time, the long sky seemed to be a successful judge who died.

Fingers turned into pen and ink, just a stroke above the book of Taoism. Immediately, Xiao Naiho's figure oscillated as if both the flesh and the soul would explode, turning into scum powder.


It seemed like a burst of thunder and explosion, extremely fierce.

"It's not over yet, heaven lock!"

Similarly, on the body of Tiandao, a golden lock was suddenly formed.

This lock is similar in shape to the "Fate Lock", although it is not the same, but it is such a lock in the void, which actually seems to lock down the four weeks.

"Promise countercurrent, six ways **!"

Xiao Naihe immediately turned on supernatural powers, and Shennian's spiritual power surged, and a **** wolf smoke spewed from the top of his head. This wolf smoke poured into the sky fiercely, as if to pierce the entire extraterrestrial sky.

Buzz ...

The spirits of the three people all oscillated at this time, and the forces between them caused huge friction and collision, which was extremely dangerous.

"Tian Dao and Tian Dao Book, if I deal with one of them alone, I will not fall into the disadvantages. But these two people o (> ﹏ & lt;) o millions of people exist in the same body, not to mention the coercion accumulated by Tian Dao over the years It ’s far more than the masters I used to deal with. It ’s really difficult. ”

Xiao Nai said silently in his heart.

"And then on!"

The long sky is about to catch up.

Suddenly, a voice shattering the void rang out.

"Everything ..."

That voice seemed to be the sound of broken glass, and fragments of various fragments.

"The heaven and the earth are boundless, breaking the sky order!"

At this time, from a corner not far away, smashing the void and opening a crack in the void to drill a figure.

A swipe.

A person emerged from the middle.

"Heavenly Dao!"

This person is no one else, it is Tiandaotong.

Tian Daotong was wearing a purple dress, and a wave of sound waves agitated on her clothes. Her ten fingers were crushed, like wheels, rolling.

The majestic sound waves and thunder sounds intermingled and seemed to be a world apart.

This independent world directly wraps the sky-long body into an amber cage.

The stars are mixed.

A blast of wind outside the stars.

"Tong ... you are finally here."

Tian Dao's body looks the same, and when he looks at Tian Daotong, he still has that expressionless expression.

"Of course I will come. You just want to tell you that I will be out of your control from today. From now on, I will be me, not part of your heaven."

Tian Daotong said.

"Bold, you are part of the Divine Taoist book that I have divided. You think you can surpass my control, and I am your reproductive parent. If you become obsessed, I can take back all your strength.

"Really? Why don't you try it."


The body of Tiandao burst into shock, and the surrounding wind was suddenly broken. The original cold outer starry sky suddenly became more and more cold.

That feeling is far colder than entering Loulan.

After hearing this voice, Tian Daotong's face suddenly became a little difficult to look at, but almost instantly, his face calmed down.

Just now the body of Tiandao tried to dissipate the power of Tiandaotong by using his own "Tianwei Thunder Sound", but did not expect that there was only a little influence.

Tian Daotong itself is the "sun face" of the book of heaven, and the long sky is the "negative face" of the book of heaven.

Looking at it now, the power of the book of Taoism and the source of the inheritance of the long sky is more than that of Tiandaotong.

Even when I was on the central continent, I absorbed some of the original power of the sky and the sky, it is still not comparable to the sky and sky.

She was formed by the consciousness separated from the body of Heavenly Dao. If Heavenly Dao is willing, she can indeed withdraw the power of Heavenly Daotong.

However, at this time, Tiandao ontology found that he could not affect Tiandaotong.

"Are you curious? After I became aware of myself, I am still under your control. But I know that there is an independent source of power in the long sky, which can surpass your control. If not, I absorbed this part before. I am afraid of the power of the source just now. You must bring back all the power in my body. "

Tian Daotong recovered his expression and said slowly.


Tian Dao's body slightly glanced at Long Tianlong, and Long Tianlong's appearance remained unchanged, even under the attention of Tian Dao, he remained calm.

Long Tianlong inherited the most power of the Heavenly Taoist Book, which was already beyond the control of the Heavenly Taoism itself.

However, Longman is loyal to himself, so Tiandao itself does not worry that Longman will betray himself like he does.

At the beginning, Tian Daotong absorbed the long-lasting power of the sky, in fact, she made such an idea. She also expected that if Tian Dao had to regain her own strength in the future, she would not have any resistance.

Therefore, it would be Xiao Naihe's means to sneak into the sky and the sky, absorbing the original power of the body on the sky and escaping the control of the body of the heaven.

"Maybe you are not under my control now, but your flesh and blood are all given to you by you. Do you think there is no influence at all?"

A burst of light erupted in the eyes of the main body of Heavenly Dao, and power was to erupt.

"You don't hurry up."

At this moment, Tian Daotong's voice seemed to be a continuous stream of thunder sounds spreading across the outer sky.

At the next moment, a loud roar immediately broke the thunder, and broke out with a more terrifying power, and it would be completely rioted in four weeks.


The sound of chaos like heaven and thunder, a huge figure suddenly emerged from the void crack, and a dark shadow emerged from it.

Surrounded by golden light, the entire meteorite in the outer starry sky shattered at this time, as if forming an independent world.

A kind of divine power that cannot be described by words is crushed down, and it is no less than Tianwei, which is no less than the body of Tiandao.

The figure was shrouded in the air, and Xiao Nai looked slightly, and his face moved slightly, and said in amazement: "An ancient dragon?"

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