Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1812: You are Xiao Naihe

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"You ... are you Xiao Nai?"

A cold air blasted into the sky, forming a dragon-like form, as if to absorb all the cold air from the whole earth and permeate the whole courtyard.

Suddenly, the courtyard seemed to turn into an ice cave. In the ice and snow, Xiao Nai shot, and the mind and mind merged, shaking constantly above his body.

After that, the huge gigantic Buddha's palm has fallen from the sky, overturning all the rockery, trees, and small rivers in the courtyard.

"Supreme God Buddha, follow my mind, whirling Buddha seal."

Since Xiao Nai's success in integrating Taoism, many methods of Daoism's application in the past have been renewed, and they are no longer confined to obsolescence.

Just like his ‘Rulai ’s handprint’, it was originally a psychic mind running around the whole body, and then he visualized the Rulai Fa from his body, and then shot again.

But now it's different. Xiao Naihe made himself into a medium of truth. He is the Buddha, and the Buddha is him. Every hole in the Buddha's body is integrated with his own mind.

With one shot, a strong buddha light shone, and within ten miles, the airflow circulated, as if a huge shell shrouded in it, and surrounded everyone.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe's eyes were already bursting out of the shape of a golden Buddha, with a lot of Buddha images.

"If you come to a handprint, I heard that the Daocheng Daocheng is not one-nine-nine, but Yang nine hundred sixty-six. Sure enough, it ’s not false. You are young, even if you step into the Ninefold Realm, you will actually practice the Buddhist path to the legendary Yang Jiu Hundred and six, no wonder the Congee Emperor was not your opponent at the time. "

In a moment of speaking, Long Aotian snorted coldly, his five fingers turned open, as if a huge Tianshan mountain was rolling down, and the rolling sea of ​​air burst out, forming a qi and blood wolf smoke from his body. , Rushed into the clouds.


This wolf smoke rushed into the sky, almost breaking the whole world, and Xiao Naihe stood in the sky, and then a French seal was shot.


When the two forces collided, the entire Longjia compound suddenly exploded, as if to overturn the entire manor.

"Miss, rewind."

The old woman's face changed greatly, pulling Qianxueye and Weiwei, even backing towards the back.

Long Gongtian did not dare to neglect, and quickly backed up, like a viper, leaping up.

But in the blink of an eye, this Dragon Palace took the old Linzi and the two already flew out of the yard, tightly locked in the battle in the yard.

"Xiao Naihe ... He is Xiao Shengzi? We are the son of Yantian Pavilion?" Ye Nantian looked at Xiao Naihe with a look of consternation, his heart was shocked.

"It turns out that he is Xiao Naihe. No wonder Long Junjie's first level is not picked at random, but I heard that this son is not in the existence of a dollar? How is it a real person in the eightfold realm?"

"Stupid, how can the Ninefold Legend be understood by us? Xiao Shengzi must be the existence of the Ninefold Realm. The reason why it is misunderstood into the Eightfold Realm is that our vision is low."

"I finally understand why this real person dared to come to the Dragon family to settle the accounts. I thought it was just bravery. I didn't expect it to be the son of Yantian Pavilion."

"Haha, our thousand families have been saved, and there is Xiao Shengzi. The thieves of the Dragon family don't even want to run. Ask the Son to avenge my thousand families."

Those former desperate guards of the thousand families, at this time, were full of confidence and clamoring among themselves, and the group was excited!

Only Qian Xueye's expression was calm, but there was a trace of fineness in his eyes, and he couldn't help saying: "He is Xiao Shengzi, the big man we asked for rescue this time, did not expect to be so young. But Long Aotian is extremely arrogant Three thousand years ago, in the legend of the Ninefold, could this son really defeat the ancestor of the Dragon family? "

Unlike the excitement of the Qianjia and his entourage, the people of the Long family had a bad complexion. Even when Lao Linzi looked at the two big nine legends in the field, they were all frightened and indifferent.

"Who is Xiao Nai? Why did the ancestors react so much?"

"I seem to have heard that Xiao Nai is the big man behind Qian Family, and what kind of sect leader is famous in the 3,300 world."

"You haven't heard of it. This Xiao Naihe is called the Holy Son. He is a big man in the Yantian Pavilion of the wild mainland. It seems that he has stepped into the ninth realm at a young age."

"What? Actually it is the Legend of Ninefolds, this is troublesome! I didn't expect that the backing behind Qianjia was actually the Legend of Ninefolds."

For a moment, all the children of the Dragon family were pale, and when they wiped out thousands of families, it was equivalent to slap in the face of a nine-fold legend.

People who offend the Ninefold Legend are afraid that none of them will end well. No wonder these people are so afraid at this time.

"Well, don't forget, the ancestor was the Nine-Story Legend three thousand years ago, stepping into one yuan, but the pillar of the God Realm. Although Xiao Naihe is also the Nine-Story Legend, his generation is too far apart, at best. It ’s just the beginning of Jiuzhong. The ancestor is the pinnacle of Jiuzhong. A Xiao Nai scared you to look like this suit, and it ’s up to me. "

At this time, Long Gongtian snorted coldly and deserved to be a creator-level character. The words and characters were shaking like thunder and lightning, and all the children of the Dragon family were shocked in the presence.

"Yeah, the ancestor is a figure at the pinnacle of Jiuzhong, a master for thousands of years. Although Xiao Shengzi is powerful, but he has become famous for less than ten years, even if his talent is high, it is far inferior to the ancestor."

"It's our appearance."

"The ancestors will win, the Dragons will win!"

Long Gongtian simply replied in a few words, and immediately brought back the morale of all the Dragon family.

When Qian Xueye waited for someone to hear it, her face was not good. Although she was very confident in Xiao Naiho, she had to admit that Long Aotian had become famous for too long.

One is a famous big figure in the **** realm, which has achieved the Ninefold Legend three thousand years ago.

One is the leader of the human sect, less than ten years of fame, lack of heritage.

At this time, these thousand families and others were secretly worried about Xiao Naihe.

Qian Xueye's eyes shone in the dark, and her fists clenched.

"As long as the ancestors can get the ancient ruins, then I can get three points of benefit from Long Gongtian. No one wants to block me. Even if it is a **** son, Xiao Nai, you must die."

Long Gongtian's eyes showed a strong murderous opportunity, his fists were clenched tightly, and his face suddenly twisted slightly, becoming extremely terrible.

"The momentum has become great, Xiao Naihe, no, I should call you Xiao Shengzi. If you trust me, I will not only let you be the leader of Yan Tian Pavilion, maybe I can give you the entire Jinlin continent, how?"

Long Aotian carried his hands behind his back, proud of himself, and looked at Xiao Naihe with the corner of his eye, as if the myth above him looked down on Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Na He smiled indifferently: "A small Jinlin mainland wants to send me away, get me off."

"You do n’t toast, do n’t eat and drink fines, my ancestor is not the kid of the congee emperor. Although he is gifted, he is too young, but the mid-ninth heavyweight. It is not my opponent to reach the top of the nineth layer. "

In Long Aotian's eyes, Xiao Naihe's talent is as good as it is at most in the middle and late stages of Jiuzhong.

If you want to become the ninth peak, even the extremely talented genius, if there is no accumulation of decades or hundreds of years, I still want to achieve the legend of a one-year peak.


"Since you do n’t want to trust me, I wo n’t keep you. I heard that you have offended the Night King and the Huo Luo King, but they ca n’t kill you, it ’s just two wastes. Today I will use your The scrubbing of blood will let everyone in God Realm know that even the Son of the Son died in my hands. "

With a loud bang, Xiao Naihe only saw Long Aotian throw a punch.

The fist seemed to burst apart, flying to the front with a speed that time couldn't control and eyes couldn't catch.

At this time, this punch was infinitely magnified in front of Xiao Naiho, and a strong pressure crushed it, and it shook the whole ground with a bang, how horrible.

"Strength is like a sea, like a sea like a prison. Is this the strength of the Dragon family ancestors?"

Those Qian Xueyue and others looked pale, and backed off again and again.

Under the pressure of Long Aotian, everyone in Baili can clearly feel that an unstoppable aura rises into the sky, and he wants to crush the entire Longjia compound into powder.

Wow wow wow wow wow!

At this time, the whole world suddenly dimmed, and the airflow of dozens of miles was poured into the Longjia compound.

But in the blink of an eye, Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian were like two divine dragons. Suddenly they rushed into the void, punching and punching.

But it's just fingertips, the yard is already messed up.

"Large ovens, get up."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, a spiritual power formed a river, and when it started, it merged into a huge oven in front of everyone.

When the oven was lifted up, the four kinds of airflow had been compressed, and it was suddenly messy, and the entire void seemed to become a vacuum.


The huge oven came to Long Aotian in the moment it was revealed, and it was crushed down fiercely, sweeping the momentum of a thousand troops, and suppressing it in front of Long Aotian.

"Break me."

Long Aotian burst into a burst of light in his eyes, as if the gods merged together, absorbing ancient power.

His double pass seemed to absorb two huge suns, sending a strong heat wave.

In the blink of an eye, this heat wave has already rushed to the front.

"Rewind and rewind."

"This is the decisive battle between the masters of the Ninth Realm?"

"We don't want to take the test too close, otherwise we'll be afraid of being crushed into powder by these two huge forces."

These Dragon family and thousands of guards quickly retreated towards the back.

The battle between Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian has already shown a fierce situation.

In every move, it seems that you can crush the world and gather everything into your body.

At that moment, these two people were beyond human cognition.

In particular, Xiao Naihe, when merging the power of Buddhism and Taoism, is vaguely vague, and there is a category that transcends all cultivators in the world.

Thousands of snow nights were shocked and bloody, not only her but also Ye Nantian and other guards were extremely excited.

"To see such a decisive battle, it is worth it even if you die."

The thoughts of these people, Xiao Naihe and Long Aotian, did not want to care. The two of them seemed to be two flashes, colliding continuously in the void, as if Mars hit the earth, and the power generated was almost The entire small world can be destroyed.

"Xiao Naihe, do you have this skill? I admit that you are really good, but if you have this skill, then it is better for you to let me know, let me refine into a doppelganger, and really play the three repair The strength of the Son. "

Long Aotian smiled, five fingers grabbed it, as if it were dragon claws, it had already come to the front, and the whole person would be crushed towards Xiao Naihe.

At the next moment, the true qi around him collapsed, and Xiao Naihe was surrounded by this momentum, and he looked like he could not rush out.

"Long Aotian, my realm, how can you realize it. Let you see my true means."

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, but suddenly a golden light burst out in his palm.

This golden light seems to contain the most powerful force in the world, as if all the sun and moon are absorbed into it.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Naihe's strength, out of the 1,118 acupuncture points, burst out of incomparable true energy.

More than five trillion Shen Nian is rising from the sky.

Like the five real dragons, they are constantly swaying in the void to absorb the entire world.

"Xiao Naihe, what kind of Taoism are you?"

Long Aotian was stunned for a moment. Even if he was proud of the world, he knew that the power hidden in Xiao Naihe was extremely dangerous.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai pointed her finger at five points, as if countless golden lights converged into a river. When this river flowed to the front, it wrapped Long Aotian as a whole.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe built a golden bridge from the river, and the power of several avenues merged into one piece, forming each brick of the bridge.

These slabs are the power of the avenue, paved step by step, and finally formed the bridge on the other side.

Xiao Nai stepped on the bridge, and in his every move, he showed the power beyond the heavens and man.


With a loud bang, Xiao Naihe on the bridge was already punching out to the front and slammed into Long Aotian.


Long Aotian's face changed drastically, and his mind was running quickly. The strength of his whole body seemed to grow into a long wolf smoke, and his momentum was like a rainbow. In a sudden, he quickly took a palm shot. Xiao Nai hit with a punch.


As if two different worlds collided, the entire Longjia compound was destroyed by this time, and most of the yard was ruined.

At this time, everyone saw only one figure, and hit the ground fiercely under this explosive force!

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