Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1818: death

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Still dead?

Why didn't Xiao Nai know.

He has now walked into the red light door without turning back.

Once inside, the sky was dim, and the red light at the beginning disappeared at this time.

"Where is this?"

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho's mind popped out a very classic sentence, his eyes flashed and his mind moved.

There was a dim place in this mysterious realm. When Xiao Naihe's consciousness swept away, the originally dim space suddenly became bright, as if the sky was spinning.

"What a weird space."

Suddenly, a wind of blood rolled over in the thought.

Each of Xiao Naihe's divine thoughts contains a force that envelops the power of the four avenues.

With a shot, a light net was formed. When the light net spread out, it was like a sword, and it was rolled directly.

"Dragon Fist."

One thousand and eighteen acupuncture erupted, it was a punch, and each of the punches seemed to blend the breath of the ancient dragon.

There are 1,118 acupuncture points, and each acupoint has a punch.

Xiao Naihe's fist, at least a thousand and eighteen frightened dragon fist fusion, even if Long Ao hit this trick, the flesh must be broken.

It can be seen that Xiao Naihe's current strength in boxing is far beyond his own expectations.

"The weirdness and power in this space is endless, and I don't know where it came from. Even if this place is a passive relic, it is impossible to have continuous power."

Xiao Naihe is very clear that even if the master of the passive realm falls, his own power is not dissipated in the world, but if it is transformed into a secret realm, there is a time limit.

Over time, the remaining power will be lost.

Just like the mysterious vaults obtained before, the ancient holy saints are so powerful. The five realms of the Zongsheng are finally settled and turned into the secret vaults themselves, but the power that Xiao Naihe can inherit is not 60% of the peak period of the ancient saints.

That's the reason.

For example, if you, the body of Beinanyi, was really transformed into a secret realm, if it was acquired by future generations, at most, only 70% or 80% of the power would be left behind.

And with the passage of time, the remaining power will become weaker and weaker. After tens of thousands of years have passed, the remnants of Beinanyi may have disappeared.

But there are still many remaining forces in this mysterious realm, and there are only two explanations.

Either the declining passive master's strength was still above Beinanyi.

Either it is because of this reason, most of the strength of the falling master is preserved.

"So, don't I choose a dead end, but a dead end."

Xiao Nai He groaned for a moment, raised his head, the blood light rolled up in the air, and suddenly a dazzling fine mango burst out, as if the blood of thousands of life burst, and merged into a blood surge.

Between the fingers, blood splattered, like a magic rain falling down on Xiao Naihe's periphery.

"I knew it couldn't be this simple. It seemed that I was out of luck. I chose a dead door!"

Just as he spoke, the blood gleamed above, and Xiao Naihe's eyes had already seen the scene above the void.

Just like a starry sky, there are light spots in the sky, and countless stars flow.

For a while, Xiao Naiho seemed to have entered Taiyu.

"The power of space? This is the space of stars, obedient, even if it exists in the ordinary passive realm, I am afraid that it can't absorb part of the starry sky, let alone absorb the star field and put it in a secret realm.

Xiao Nai frowned, and his heart shook slightly.

Very generous, this is like someone grabbing the wild continent directly and putting it into their own inner world.

How big is a continent? At least one billion creatures can be accommodated, and even more!

Even Beinanyi at that time did not dare to say that he could put a continent into his own inner world, let alone such a mysterious and crisis-ridden area.

The characters who can do this kind of thing are all the characters like Bai inorganic, Taigusheng.

"Why is there such a master in the ancient times? Could it be that this passive secret realm is not of this era? But of other eras?"

It is as if the inheritance of Shakyamya obtained by Xiao Naihe does not belong to this era, but the inheritance of the last era.

Of course, this may be too small, and it is even less likely than the inheritance of the Taigusheng.


Blood gas and the starry sky above the void seemed to merge into one, and Xiao Naihe only felt each of his acupuncture points, the original surge of punching force, bombarded above this starry sky, and some kind of was absorbed into it.

It was like a rock sinking into the sea, and even a little power fluctuation disappeared.


This time, Xiao Naihe's fist banged up, making a loud noise, which was extremely dull, as if the strings had cracked, causing a thread in Xiao Naihe's heart to break.

Even with such a punch, even if he is a master with a passive face, he is enough to destroy the opponent's body.

But now in the blood, it seems that the sky is broken.


"What sound is this?"

Xiao Naihe hadn't had time to be shocked. Suddenly, the blood light had converged, and the stars in the void were like ten million stars, which filled up and formed a long galaxy.

And Xiao Naihe seemed to be in a galaxy at this time, and turned into a flat boat by himself.

Bang Bang Bang!

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe only felt that his flesh was about to be torn apart. Xinghe turned and changed into a **** on the earth, wrapping Xiao Naihe's whole person in it.

At the next moment, all the stars in the galaxy flew out, and Mars generally hit Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe, even if he is not bad and has a five-fold real body, faced with the impact of countless stars, there was a feeling of relatives for a while.

"This is not an illusion, but a real star impact."

Xiao Naihe's face changed, and everything in front of him was not illusory. The impact of the star rock, the kind of impact that can tear the soul and break the flesh, is really real.

"Five-fold true body, six in one, King Kong is not bad, four blessings."

Facing such a danger, Xiao Naihe gritted his teeth and urged the strength of the four avenues in his body. At this time, a book of four passages suddenly appeared above Xiao Naihe's head.

Every word in the sutra has supreme mana.

Humanity has a real dragon.

Yaodao has five real bodies.

Buddhism is like coming to a dharma body.

Wu Dao has diamonds that are not bad.

The strength of the four-fold physical blessing, Xiao Naihe's current physical strength, and four types of defense can almost be compared to the existence of the passive realm.


Xiao Naiho's eyes showed up firmly.

The thousands of stars turned into meteors and hit Xiao Naihe's flesh in the blink of an eye.

In a flash, Xiao Naihe's true dragon spell was already broken.

If Zulong appears on the spot now, I'm afraid it has already been knocked into a patty by this part of the star stone.

After part of the Star Stone, Xiao Naihe still had three physical defenses.


"I just couldn't stop the 20% star impact, so I can't carelessly."

Xiao Naihe gritted his teeth and ran his dharma body. From his body, a layer of colorful aperture suddenly appeared. After splitting, a hundred apertures were formed. The golden golden phase appeared to suppress Xiao Naihe's body.

For a time, surrounded by golden seas, Xiao Nai seemed to be in the golden sea.



Another star impact, Xiao Naihe's rupture of the law, the smoke disappeared.

But this time the resistance was only 20% of the impact, and the impact of 60% of the stars did not come over.

"Obiously, the impact of the two Dafa bodies is less than half. The power left over by this passive ruin is too terrible. I am afraid that the owner of this ruin would have existed as a superpower such as Bai inorganic. "

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly.

Then, thousands of stars flew over, like a roll of laser, directly hit Xiao Naiho in front.

Vajra is not bad, broken!

It was still only 20% of the impact force, and the remaining 40% of the impact, but Xiao Naihe only left the five real bodies of Yaodao.

"If Liu Zhongzhen is unsuccessful, he can't stop the remaining impact, even if there is no passive existence, the peak hit is no more than that."

Xiao Naihe's face was pale, and now he seemed to be facing a peak passive master, struck with all his strength, and left the power of tricks.

"Fivefold true body, Zhenzhen Zhen!"

Xiao Nai He repeatedly read the three words "town", and the spiritual power of her body suddenly rose suddenly. At this moment, Xiao Nai He seemed like an ancient giant.

Raising his hand, the huge star rock has already come down.

Xiao Nai turned his real body, and his Jindan, Qihai, and Soul Soul seemed to be shattered by this powerful impact force at this time.

"Even if the main body of Heavenly Dao hits that day, there is no such powerful force."

The fingers were already cracking, and Xiao Naihe's five-fold real body was all broken at this time, leaving the flesh without any defense.

That is to say, Xiao Naihe was using his physical body to counter this star impact.

Xiao Naihe's body was already bloody, and his original tough face became **** and cruel at this time.

Rao is Yun Weixue, I'm afraid I can't recognize Xiao Nai.

It was not just his face, his flesh and blood fluttered and blood spattered.

Ordinary people suffer from such injuries, I am afraid that they have died more than once.

However, Xiao Naihe's physical vitality is tenacious, especially the vitality of the ancient Thunder Pond and all living creatures. While enduring such damage, he can resist it time and time again.

Xiao Naiho only felt that he had walked a dozen or twenty times between life and death. Perhaps he had already died many times, but he was rescued by the vitality of his body.

Slowly the power of the stars became weakened, and Xiao Naihe exhaled softly. At this time, his face was covered with blood, his flesh was swollen, and his bones were deeply visible in the injury. There was no human like before, but he was extremely embarrassed , Can even be called a pile of flesh.

"I ... The spiritual power in my body is already empty, and even if it can recover, it will take a long time."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and smiled a bit fiercely. His dignified existence reincarnated, Sixiu Avenue, and now after walking through the secret realm, it actually became this look.

It's no wonder that the door into which I felt before was the dead door, and the strong crisis in my mind lingered.

"In this way, the door that Long Aotian walked through should be the birth door. I am afraid that if he walks in this time, he will get the opportunity in the passive ruins and become more powerful. It ’s easy to say, in my current appearance, it ’s no doubt that I will go out to meet Long Aotian. ”

Xiao Nai smirked. He didn't know how long it would take for him to look like this now.

It may be one and a half years, or ten or eight years, or even decades or hundreds of years.

The power in Xiao Naihe's body was completely exhausted, and the accumulation of knowledge over the past six years was almost exhausting to resist the shock just now.

Only the original source, the ancient miracle in the body is left.

For the rest of this, if you want to restore Xiao Naihe to the creator, it can be done in a few months, but if you want to return to the current state of harmony, I am afraid that you will not be a teenager.


Just when Xiao Nai was in a low mood, suddenly there was another wave of spiritual power that directly broke the void and crushed it from above.

Another star shock.

"Shit, it's not over yet?"

Rao is a calm person like Xiao Naihe, who can't help but swear.

At this time, Xiao Naihe could not afford any force to resist, but the next impact was even stronger than the star impact just now.

Xiao Nai feels that there is no hope, just like he lost to Bai inorganic at that time, without any hope, and finally blew his gold body.

However, after Xiao Naiho's self-exploitation at that time, it was a desperate rebirth and became Xiao Naihe.

But now Xiao Nai doesn't feel that if he dies, he can be born again.

"It's okay, having such a number of lives can be considered bad luck for me."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Suddenly the thought moved, and the pupil above the **** face suddenly burst into a gleam, just like the moon, gleaming with tremendous light, full of an unprecedented expression.

"Si Xiao Nai, since my rebirth, there have been countless battles, big and small, and in six years, I have pushed myself into the fusion of the four major paths. I have faced more than ten deaths, but I never gave up. It is to fight for the last strength and strength, but also to resist this star impact, at least have persevered. "

The glory in Xiao Naihe's eyes continued.

Suddenly, a white light was drilled out of his eyebrows, and again the four masters appeared.

This master plan that merges the three major sources and the holy humanity suddenly glowed extremely dazzlingly, blocking the impact of the stars.

This is already Xiao Naihe's last resort.

But at the next moment, under the influence of this star, the four masters suddenly merged into Xiao Naihe's body. Xiao Naihe was already a weakened body, and was suddenly flew out.

"Is it ... so far?"

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