Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1844: ruling

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Hua Xiang looked unmoved, only to see his fingers slightly in the void, as if he really wanted a little to kill Xiao Naihe.

Two fingers pierced out, a huge outline suddenly appeared, shining the whole world.

The wild continent that was originally dim and dark suddenly became complicated.

In the dark, a gust of wind swept up and seemed to tear the entire world apart.

At the next moment, I saw a flash of light in the eyes of Hua Xiang, resembling a viper, and instantly locked Xiao Naihe.

"Can I take my finger?"

Hua Xiang's incomparably ghostly sound, so rushing towards the void, suddenly seemed to be concentrated in the coercion of the gods.

A fierce light burst out of the fingers, turning into a sword spirit.

A long sword energy, like a river of God Realm, spans hundreds of worlds on both sides, and runs through it.

For a time, the airflow above the wild continent seemed to be exploded, extremely violent.

Tear and tear!

That is the tearing sound in the wind, there is a world of champions that can dominate the world.

The flower phase is the five-finger flipping, as if the blue lotus bloomed, a long sword gas surged into the void, separating the two realms.

It seems that after this sword spirit came over, the heaven and man were separated, showing a powerful means.

This is the half-step passive power.

If you say the truth, Hua Xiang will even be better than Jun Yongye and Shi Yu.

"If there is no repression of heaven and earth's atmospheric transportation, Hua Xiang may have stepped into the passive realm. If Hua Xiang is placed before the Six World Jihad, he would have existed as a unity of origins."

Xiao Naihe's heart was bright, and he glanced at Hua Xiang, and he clearly saw the profoundness of his Taoism.

It has to be said that if Xiao Naihe's strength is absolutely not under Huaxiang, but this means of Huaxiang is definitely close to the unity of the origin.

It can be said that Hua Xiang has now stepped into the level of the passive state with one foot, and his talents and details are better than that of Shiyao or even Jun Yongye.

Huaxiang's current strength of Yuanshen has already reached the level of passiveness, and the physical body has not yet reached this level.

That's because after the Six Worlds Jihad, the world's air transport was consumed too much, and almost 60% of the world's air transport was consumed.

If a cultivator wants to go to the next level, he must borrow the atmosphere of heaven and earth to increase his own luck and make himself better.

However, although Huaxiang already has the capital of the unity of origin, it cannot enter the passive realm because of the transportation of heaven and earth.

"For all these years, after the Six Worlds Jihad, the only one I know can step into the passive realm, that is Beinanyi. Beinanyi is indeed good. Although I am like me, I have practiced six original books of the original source He was able to break through in such a shackled environment, and he had to say it was too much. "

Although Hua Xiang's eyes are high, she has to admire a person, that is, Bei Nan Yi.

Beinanyi is the first truly unity of origin in more than 6,000 years, ignoring the suppression of the atmospheric transport of heaven and earth, and entering the passive realm.

The other party fought into God Realm and challenged Bai inorganic. Although he exploded, the reputation of Beinanyi has always been the first under Bai inorganic.

When thinking of Bai inorganic, there was a hint of coldness in Hua Xiang's eyes.

Bai Gangui is the first person in God Realm and can control all the flow of luck in God Realm.

If Bai inorganic is willing, he can even help Huaxiang to enter the passive state, but never did so, perhaps because of the barren atmosphere of heaven and earth.

But in the eyes of Hua Xiang, Bai inorganic is no different from a dictator.

In addition to Bai inorganic, there is also a mongolian Wu also a passive realm.

However, Humengwu is not practicing six original books, his physical strength is so powerful that it cannot be described by common sense, but Humengmengwu does not have much control over the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

It can be said that Bai inorganic control of the luck in God Realm is to control the lifeblood of all God Realm cultivators in disguise. He can be the first person in God Realm and has his own special means.

"Sword qi coming east."

A burst of purple gas suddenly came from Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

I saw that Xiao Naihe had a strong purple qi condensed in his palms and gathered them together, and then formed a sword qi.

When this sword spirit rushed out, it crossed the sky and broke the space of the entire wild continent. It actually opened a space hole above the wild continent, as if it led to other worlds.


The two sword qi collided with each other and converged together, making a violent noise.

Suddenly, the bodies of Hua Xiang and Xiao Naihe seemed to be shaken out by these two sword qi, and I didn't know which space hole was hit.

When the two people changed, Chen Ming's voice suddenly remembered, a powerful and unspeakable force seemed to form a dark star, which enveloped the sky.

There was an aura above everyone's imagination on that dark star, and even the Night King stood in the distance, feeling terrified.

"Tian Dao Chen Ming is worthy of being the strong Dao Dao in the past. Although he degenerates into the passive after the Six World Jihad, he must not ignore his previous role as a Dao Dao orderer to monitor the existence of the world.

The Night King took a breath.

Chen Ming is very mysterious. If he says his name, I am afraid that not many people in the Four Realms will know it.

But if you are talking about the body of heaven, it is that no one knows no one knows.

The power of the heavenly body is definitely the most special one since the birth of countless eras.

Even when the alien attacked the first plane, the first attack was on the body of Heavenly Dao, which shows Chen Ming's power.

But in the Six Worlds Jihad, the other world caused all the chaos in the Five Realms, and the cultivators were at least over half dead. Even the Matriarchs were involved in this holy war to destroy the clan.

The strength of the alien world is so powerful, and he attacked Chen Ming with all his strength. If other passive sources exist, I am afraid that he will die. However, Chen Ming escaped at the cost of degradation. From this, we can see what Tiandao Chenming has gained.

"Zulong, I ruled with one-handed Heavenly Dao. You are no longer the majestic Zulong tens of thousands of years ago. How long can you hold up under my Heavenly Dao ruling?"

Chen Ming's voice was extremely indifferent. Between his speeches, a shimmer of light erupted in his eyes. After opening, a beam of colorful glaze came out of his pupils.

Later, on top of Chen Ming's head, a huge disc was revealed, revealing a pattern.

When he saw this array, Zulong's eyes shrank slightly, and he immediately felt a strong crisis, seeming to recall the most unwilling things to remember before.

In that array, there are various forms of ghosts, terrifying.

Jinmu water, fire and earth, the five elements of heaven and earth, the atmosphere of disaster.

Before going through the Creator, every time you cross a big realm, you will be subject to heaven. This is the ruling of Heaven.

And the way the Heavenly Dao works can be achieved by the power of its own laws.

As soon as it was revealed, the power of the law converged into an endless array of light.

Each ray of light contains the power of the avenue, flashing slightly, and immediately forming a strong wave that seems to break the entire space.

"The power of the world, the heavenly ruling, is this the power of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Zulong experienced a catastrophe when he was just born.

At that time, Tiandao was not Chen Ming, but Chen Beixuan.

Zulong was very clear about the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

Now came down, immediately broke the silence in the void.

Even the distant Jun Yongye and Shi You stopped and looked at the Zulong in the sky.

"Heavenly ruling, using the power of Heavenly Tribulation, that is to encounter Heavenly Tribulation under the passive, I am afraid that it is all about life. Even half-step passive is dangerous."

Seeing this step, the strength of the Heavenly Dao revealed in the Heavenly Dao's ruling, using Heavenly Tribulation, came down, so that the Battle of Evil had a sense of fear and fear.

It can only be said that Chen Ming's strength is indeed in line with the strength of tens of thousands of years.

Although Chen Yu is not afraid of Chen Ming, Chen Ming, a veteran master, is too scary.


An explosion, a loud noise, the whole world seemed to shake, rumbling, oscillating left and right.

Five thousand miles of ground was actually overturned.

The entire continent seemed to be exploded, and a blast of sand and stone fell.

"Oops, what about Yantiange?"

The Night King shook his heart, and Shen Nian locked the Yantian Pavilion.

Yantian Pavilion is now less than a mile away from these two wars.

If it's a battle between ordinary cultivators, even if it's a wild battle, it's impossible to really fight thousands of miles away.

But whether it is Chen Ming, Zu Long, Xiao Naihe, Hua Xiang, there is a half-step passive state in the field.

These four people are at once breaking the mountain and breaking the ground, shaking the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles. If they are fully exploded, even a small world can be destroyed alive.

Yantian Pavilion is extremely dangerous in this fighting area.

The Night King did not dare to act casually, because he had to pay attention to the long sky, but he was worried that Yantian Pavilion would be affected.

In this destructive Zixia, the Yantian Pavilion is extremely fragile. Even if there is a large gate, it can't resist half of Tianwei's strength.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

At this time, in the Yantian Pavilion, thousands of miles away, the rocks shook, the flying sand walked away, and pieces of blue light came out from the Zongmen, as if they were calling each other.

Then, it was another shock.

The eyes of the Night King, Long Tianlong and Tian Daotong shrank, and I saw the mountain gate of the entire Yantian Pavilion flying like this, floating in the air, just like a city in the sky.

"Is that a space weapon?"

The Night King's heart moved, and then suddenly, it seemed that Yantian Pavilion was now placed on a space weapon, like a spaceship or an ark.

The entire Yantian Pavilion spans tens of thousands of miles, and the mountains and rivers are arrested. The means of immortal elders can still be done, but to maintain perfection in this wave of Tianwei, it is not within the power of immortal elders.

Unless there is a high-grade ninth-grade Taoist implement, the mountain gate of the Yantian Pavilion can be surrounded.

Jiupin's superior space Taoqi can even accommodate dozens of small worlds, let alone Yantian Pavilion.

"It seems that every time this space device is activated, it consumes a lot of energy. And this space device is not a defensive device originally. It is not as good as the mountain gate array. It is no wonder that it did not appear at first."

The Night King also has space Taoqi, but Xiao Nai has already given it to him.

Compared to Xiao Naihe's space device, the Night King's one is still inferior.

Immortal elders stand in the Yantian Pavilion and activate the space channel of the entire Yantian Pavilion. At this time, the Yantian Pavilion is flying higher and higher, already floating in the void, and continues to fly to the top.

"I didn't destroy your Yantian Pavilion back then, now I want to accomplish what I didn't do."

At this time, from a space hole, a burst of light burst out suddenly, as if countless flames sprayed out and released into the sky.

These flames formed a long river, and after being exposed, it directly hit the Yantian Pavilion.

This is Hua Xiang shot.

When Hua Xiang shot, his power immediately shuttled through the Heavenly Dao Ruling. It seems that Chen Ming intentionally let Hua Xiang go, let Hua Xiang directly attack Yan Tiange.

With the existence of Huaxiang, Tongtian characters, but hesitate to put down any face to attack a sect of the lower realm. For Hua Xiang, something like face is of no use at all.

Otherwise, Huaxiang would not use Yan Tiange to threaten Xiao Naihe, and finally he even shot Xiao Naihe and sent someone to chase Xiao Naihe.

People like Hua Xiang can't look at it with common sense, which shows his horror.

It is also a sword spirit, even in the state of Huaxiang, even without other weapons, a powerful form can be formed in every move.

If Hua Xiang is willing, a sword and gun can be formed in an instant.

This sword spirit came alive, as if it was really a force that burst out with peerless weapons.

At the moment of rushing out, across the sky, the whole world was shaken.

In an instant, the Yantian Pavilion has been attacked. If it is used hard, this sword gas can directly destroy the entire Yantian Pavilion.

"Oops, I'm going to shoot."

When the Night King saw this, he was anxious.

He knew that Huaxiang's sword gas exploded, and Yantiange's ordinary array of mountain gate array and space Taoqi was certainly not enough to watch.

Just as the Night King was about to act, suddenly, he seemed to feel a very powerful force locked in, making the Night King seem to be locked by a beast, his body hole opened, and his vigilance rose to the highest level for a while.

It was the invisible coercion of Long Teng's body that enveloped it, and even Tian Daotong couldn't help but take a step back.

"Good guy, this guy who is not male or female, is not a half-step passive, or even a nine-fold peak. It can actually make me feel dangerous. What is the relationship between him and Tiandao Chen Ming?"

The Night King felt a shock in his heart, and there was a feeling of being blasted in his heart.

"Long sky, are you finally going to shoot?"

Tian Daotong's voice also seemed very nervous. She knew that she was not the opponent of the sky, although she wanted to absorb all the original power of the sky.

But now if Tian Daotong starts, the first person to be dealt with must be himself.

She didn't believe that the Night King would help her.

Long Tianlong didn't speak. In his eyes, although Tian Daotong was very powerful, he didn't need much scrutiny. Only Night King's eyes reflected a burst of fine awns.

Hua Xiang's sword spirit crossed the sky, but it was just a breathing time, and he ran into Yantian Pavilion head-on.

"Vientiane Senrow."

At this moment, Xiao Nai's leisurely voice came from another space hole, and the entire tens of thousands of miles of Yantian Pavilion, the sky city formed, suddenly twisted.

Everywhere ...

It is as if the entire city of sky was absorbed into another space-time at this moment.

When the Night King saw this, his heart moved. He knew that Xiao Nai must have absorbed Yan Tian Pavilion into his own inner world.

Xiao Naihe's inner world is the size of a continent and can live. As long as you separate a small world, do n’t let others notice the ancient opportunities such as the river of time and the golden sun, and so on.

And this is not the first time Xiao Naihe has sent Yantiange into his own body world.

In between the fingers, that sword gas was also distorted, and the entire Yantian Pavilion was absorbed by Xiao Naihe into the world of space and time.

"Xiao Naihe."

Hua Xiang's eyes narrowed, and Xiao Naihe's body shimmered with golden light, just like the ancient heavenly Buddha, and absorbed Yantian Pavilion directly into the inner world. Suddenly, he saw his fist flying from another space.


The speed is faster than everyone's imagination.

Xiao Naihe's momentum at this moment actually became stronger, and even Hua Xiang was a little surprised to see here.

"Four Daojie Quan!"

A book of classics emerged above Xiao Naihe's head. This book of classics was only visible to Xiao Naihe's talents, not even Hua Xiang.

But he could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something above Xiao Naihe's head.

"Is this the fusion of the four strands of avenues, the fist of converging together? Xiao Naihe, I will take a punch."

Faced with such a punching gesture, the flower phase did not recede, but the strength of the whole body burst out, and the bones and hairs all over the body made a clicking sound, as if the sound of thunder and lightning running together.

Hua Xiang's whole body burst out at this time as well, the body's strength rang, a punch came out, and a long punch came directly out of the void, but in the blink of an eye, it seemed like The two punches with Xiao Naihe collided with each other.

The passive existence of the two big and half steps, each squeezing each other's fist, the strength is strong, beyond imagination.

Xiao Naihe's "Four Dao Jie Quan", Hua Xiang's humane fine Yuan Quan.

The two punches collided like stars squeezing, all kinds of gas fields burst, and all of them fluttered into the void.

"Heavenly ruling."

It was at this time that the power of Heavenly Tribulation was originally accumulated in the void, and a Heavenly Path ruling turned out not to Zulong, but to attack Xiao Naihe instead.

The Heavenly Tribulation was crushed and magnificent, and the entire space suddenly burst.

[The author's off topic]: Grandma's wrist fracture, often have to help. I'm too tired recently, and I'm very tired every day.

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