Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1846: Son of the Era (Part 1)

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Passive power.

This is no ordinary force, an endless law of breath forever in a passive force.

Rumble rumbling!

Thunder rolls and thunder flashes.

The whole sky seems to be chaotic.

A pair of eyes suddenly opened from the sky.

No matter who was in the field, when they saw these eyes, they were shocked, and they actually developed a kind of irresistible psychology.


With a sound of thunder rubbing, Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank, running the four forces in the body, and the four channels above the head were collected into his own sea of ​​energy, and his own soul was stabilized.

Tian Daotong was forced to retreat a thousand feet by this air pressure, and even the face of the sky was slightly changed, with a slight cautious and careful face.

The Night King's flesh and blood seemed to be under control, uncomfortable.

"Dark essence, the spirit is set!"

The Night King put his palms together, and a burst of white light flowed between his ten fingers, blending together.

A black air wandered around the Night King constantly, protecting his own body.

"This passive power is definitely not something that anyone in the field can release. In addition to Chen Ming and Zu Long, two masters who were passive realms a long time ago, Hua Xiang is already very close. There is no more passive state. Even Xiao Naihe is now unfathomable. But these four people absolutely cannot release this passive force. "

A trace of fine awn flashed in his eyes.

Together with Jun Yongye now stopped, focus on the sky.

There are countless halos of rotation throughout the sky, and twelve large cloud circles appear in the clouds, and there are also thirty halos in each cloud circle.

Each cloud halo reveals an unfathomable breath.

"Passive power, unity of origin, chaotic form, the beginning of heaven and earth." Hua Xiang murmured a few words.

One of the "Great Chaos in the Heavens" among the "Demons of the Heavens" exhibited by Xiao Naihe was created based on the chaos in the era of the era.

Chaos is the initial form of one yuan, perhaps not just the era of the era of the first plane, even the third plane, and even the second plane that died out a long time ago, also started in the form of chaos.

Only after one dollar, after experiencing the five declines of heaven and man, can Nirvana be reborn. It is a legend of chaos that the masters of countless eras believe that they can survive the great decline of heaven and man.

Zulong also took a breath: "One yuan has twelve meetings, one will have thirty fortunes, one fortune has twelve lives, and one has thirty years, so one dollar has a total of 12,960 years."

"The number of Gai Wentiandi is 129,600 years old for one yuan. Divide one yuan into twelve sessions. Chaos comes out, and one yuan comes out!" Shi Yu also said.

All the expressions in the scene became cautious, hands clenched tightly.

"Huh? What's there?"

Tian Daotong was surprised, and Yu pointed to the light and shadow above.

It was a golden yak, and the upper cover was constantly rotating, glowing more than the blazing sun, as if the stars were circling.

At the front, there is the legendary Pegasus.

Tengyun drove the fog, and Nine-headed Tianma drove over, as if shaking the whole space.

"It is said that there are Tianma mythical beasts in the ancient times, but that was the first batch of mythical beasts after the birth of the era. But it soon disappeared, and some people said that the Tianma shuttled into the depths of Taiyu and sought auspiciousness." Zulong eyes Shrink.

Tianma is even rarer than Taikoo Zhenlong and Suzaku.

Each of these nine-headed horses has the realm of the late nineth layer.

But the nine-nine-nine is one, and the nine-headed horses unite, but it can destroy any existence of the nine-peak peak.

"It's Tianma, so the person in the big yin should be the one." Hua Xiang's calm face flashed a deep chill in her eyes, but soon disappeared.

Chen Ming also did not change his face, standing on the spot, the sky pattern above his head circled up and shrouded around him.

At this time, Chen Ming had already condensed the power in his body and became even more unfathomable.

"Come back." Chen Ming beckoned, his voice continued long.

The long sky shrank, as if a black shadow had unfolded, forming Jin Peng and jumping to Chen Ming's side.

Except for Chen Ming and Long Tianlong, the forms of other people became very complicated.

Tian Daotong froze for a moment. Looking at the left and right, the others looked deep, and the atmosphere at the scene was very solemn.

"Zulong, what's the matter? Who is that inside the golden big dragon? Even Tianma came out. Nine-headed Tianma is almost as strange as the ninety-headed Suzaku."

Tian Dao Tong transmitted the sound to Zulong.

She found that Zulong's body was a little trembling. Since she and Zulong cooperated, she has never seen Zulong have such a look, even when she saw Tiandao Chen Ming.

There is only one possibility, that is, the people in the big yin are very special in their identity, so special that even Zulong must be surprised and treated with care.

People in the world who can make Zulong treat with such care are counted with one hand.

Thinking of coming here, Tian Daotong's face changed slightly, and the corner of his mouth moved: "Is that the person? How is it possible, but here is the lower bound, that existence will come here?"

In that person's identity, even if the person in the field is very powerful, if it is really the person who Tian Tiantong thinks about, no one in the field can get into the opponent's eye.


At this time, Jun Yongye felt that his palms were a little wet. He squeezed a cold sweat, and with his half-step passive existence, he would be so nervous.

It's not just him. Even Hua Xiang and Shi Yu felt tired.

The Night King was extremely cautious, and his body was trembling slightly.

Buzz buzz ...

Suddenly the treasure cover above Dayong flew from above, the golden light was released and enveloped in the void.

Then a person came out of the sedan chair.

The man was dressed in purple, with a white crown, sword eyebrows and staring eyes, with sharp edges and corners. Her hair is black, and her hands are covered slightly.

The body corners and long hair fluttered unrestrictedly, and the nine-headed Tianma suspended in mid-air suddenly knelt down to the man as if the creator came.

Not only that, the skin on his whole body was glazed with glaze, which shimmered and remained spotless.

And there is a flow of color in his eyes, as if the entire Taiyu is gathered in his eyes, not angered!

"Shen Bai's Lord Bai inorganic!"

Xiao Naihe exhaled a breath, and the long white gas formed a river, flowing.

The thirty-six apertures in the air are still flowing, and the radiated light covers the white body.

In this era, the most powerful master in 100,000 years has come out again.

The last time Xiao Naihe saw Xiao Naihe, still in the secret realm of Wuhe Tianzun, Bai inorganic and Huang Lin appeared together.

At that time, Xiao Naiho was hiding in the dark, but Bai inorganic did not find him.

Besides, Bai Fei was only an avatar at the time, and Huang Lin was also a form of mindfulness.

The present Bai inorganic is a real entity, definitely not a form of nothingness, nor an avatar.

Tian Daotong's pupil shrank. Although she had never seen Bai inorganic, she naturally thought of a person in her mind.

"Zulong ... This is the one in God Realm ..."

"Yes, Bai inorganic, the master of God Realm, did not expect him to appear. This white inorganic is a new generation of passive masters, and now the youngest passive master in this era. This person is far more unfathomable than Heavenly Dao. Chen Ming is even more terrifying. Even at the peak of Chen Ming, he may not be able to beat him. "

Zulong's eyes shone with fine awns.

He is the most powerful real dragon in the archaic real dragon. If it is in terms of age, the ancestral dragon is far larger than Bai inorganic.

But even during the peak period of Zulong, the strongest among the archaic Zhenlong, it still cannot see through the white inorganic.

Except for the Beinanyi that year, it became a passive existence when it was more than 300 years old, and the age of Bai inorganic achievement of the passive state is no different. Now it is less than 20,000 years old.

It seems that Bai inorganic is the most mysterious one since the birth of this era, and it is the alien among the passive strong.

Even Taigusheng, there is no such deep charm of Bai inorganic.

The more Zulong looked at the white inorganic, the more he felt that the white inorganic was unfathomable, and he could not even see the true strength of the white inorganic.

When Bai inorganic appeared on the spot, all the places in the scene took a breath.

Bai inorganic waved his hand, standing above a cloud of light, slowly opening: "Chen Ming, you just stop."

There seems to be an extremely ghostly power in Bai inorganic's voice, and a leisurely tone, after it came out, but after listening to it, the other people took it for granted.

Chen Ming took a deep look at Bai inorganic, said quietly: "Since this is the case, I will stop. Zulong, I don't know your opinion?"

Zulong nodded, and he was also very afraid of this younger generation.

If Bai inorganic is willing, none of them can escape. Zulong thought so.

"Xiao Nai, what are you going to do?"

After seeing Zu Long's statement, Tian Daotong moved his heart and quickly transmitted a voice to Xiao Naihe.

But she found that Xiao Naihe didn't respond, and she couldn't help but glance at it. Xiao Naihe's eyes were locked on Bai inorganic at this time.

Speaking of this, Xiao Naihe was face-to-face with Bai inorganic for the first time since rebirth.

When he saw Bai inorganic, Xiao Nai could not help thinking of the situation in the last life when he played against Bai inorganic.

He and Bai inorganic contested to the heavens and the world, from the God Realm Tianmen to the depths of the God Realm, from the beginning to the end can not take advantage. In the end, he even lost half a stroke and blew himself up.

Until now, Xiao Nai could not see through the white inorganic practice.

This white inorganic is constantly the existence of the passive state, and it is also the most top-notch existence among the passive strong.

"The battle between heaven and earth and luck between heaven and earth has been around for a long time. I know the grievances between the two of you, but since the holy war of the Six Realms, the atmosphere of heaven and earth has disappeared too much."

Afterwards, Bai inorganic's eyes turned and looked at both Shiyao and Jun Yongye. After being glanced at by Bai inorganic, all his acupuncture suddenly closed tightly, locking all the thoughts in his heart.

These two people knew that Bai inorganic's induction had definitely reached a state that could not be described by words. Once Bai inorganic felt the fluctuation of the breath in his body, he might have any opinions.

This Demon Realm Overlord and Demon Realm Overlord even felt the crisis for the first time.

"When I first saw Huang Lin, I didn't feel that way." Jun Yongye was mad.

When I first saw Huang Lin, Jun Yongye felt the deep, impenetrable spirit of Huang Lin, but unfathomable.

And Bai inorganic's aura is completely a kind of overbearing and kingliness that people can't refuse, and every move reveals a strong spirit.

It is not easy to say whether Huang Lin and Bai inorganic have higher strength than others, but both have distinct characteristics. Compared to Huanglin, Bai inorganic looks more dangerous.

"It is worthy of being the first person in God Realm. Bai inorganic is the same age as me, but it has broken through to the unity of origins tens of thousands of years ago. I really don't know how he entered this realm."

Jun Yongye closed his eyes and calmed down his thoughts.

Ei Yu also took a deep look at Bai inorganic.

"Jun Yongye, 殒 湮, let's meet for the first time." Bai inorganic laughed.

"Yes, but I was very surprised. I didn't expect His Excellency Bai inorganic to actually know my real name." Di Yu smiled slightly.

"Of course I know, you are a demon. I still can't forget the previous generation of demon Beinanyi. I was able to break the shackles and break out on the spot to achieve the existence of a passive state. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong way and finally couldn't help it. Fall. The generation of arrogance disappeared, unfortunately, unfortunately! "

Bai inorganic sighed slightly, his eyes moved, and looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai's face didn't change, but his mind was shocked. Did Bai Nanfei find that he was Beinanyi?

Impossible, this strange way of rebirth has never appeared in the countless eras of all ages, even Bai Baiyuan can't see through his re-survival, how can he know that he is a North and South clothing?

Or did Bai inorganic know other things?

Xiao Nai thought about it in his mind, but his expression was very calm, as if there was nothing at all. After opening his eyes slightly, his eyes were bright.

No one knows how choppy Xiao Nai is now.

"Xiao Naihe, the Four Cultivators exist, the name of the Holy Son, inherit the inheritance of the Ancient Saints, Beinanyi and Sakyamuni, and get the book of the dust and witch of the year of Jiuwu Youhuang, surpassing the 'holy' and succeeding in the integration of the Tao, My strength has stepped in ... well, half a step is passive? Your year-old rings are less than thirty years old, even if I was that year, when I was thirty years old, it was only able to reach the ninth peak. "

Bai inorganic waved his hand and laughed.

But after hearing Bai inorganic, Xiao Naihe could not help but feel a kind of repression, secretly said: "Bai inorganic has actually started to pay attention to me, and has investigated me so deeply."

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