Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1852: You are threatening me

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As soon as Xiao Naihe's palm opened, the beads floating in the void glowed looming black.

In the ray of light, Tan Moran and Xue Xuexia appeared.


Xiao Nai sneered. The two men estimated that their heads were smashed. At this time, Huang Lin threatened themselves.

Since Xiao Nai dared to capture these two people, he naturally had his considerations. Besides, both of them hit Yantian Pavilion. If Xiao Naihe didn't take it down, wouldn't it seem that he was very useless.

"Yes, Xiao Nai, don't make mistakes yourself. We are also one of God's competitors anyway. It is very likely that we will become God's people in the future. If you don't let us go, you will endure the anger of Lord God.

There is snow and temptation in the world.

"Oh? This is the reason why I let you go? Are you threatening me?" Xiao Nai seemed to laugh.

Whether it's snowing in the world or talking at the end, the two of them are afraid of being beaten by Xiao Nai.

This time Xiao Nai grabbed them, making them both afraid and frightened, but even more unwilling. Their hatred of Xiao Naihe is so persistent that they can want to take the position of God.

There is snow in the world and the peace talks can't wait to get Xiao Naihe out of the soul, but his face is very calm.

Because they felt that Xiao Na was afraid of Huang Lin, and he certainly would not shoot him.

At the end of the conversation, when I thought about this, I sat down, sat cross-legged on the ground, and slowly said: "Of course, it is not unconditional. We can swear with our heart that we will never fight against you in the future. If we will board in the future God, you can give you supreme glory and benefits. "

There was snow nodding and nodding: "Yes, this time we are not right. Looking at the face of Lord God, if you let us go, we will definitely allow you great benefits."

"Uh huh! It sounds very reasonable." Xiao Nai thought pretendingly, slowly pacing in the room.

Yun Weixue is very quiet to help Xiao Naihe pour tea, pour tea, the two drink tea and eat pastries.

Seeing the two people being so cozy, there was snow and peace in the world. The face was distorted and slightly grim, but it recovered in an instant. Rao was so murderous in their hearts that they did not dare to show it easily.

Xiao Nai is not a man who believes in men and women. If he is aware of it, he will only be afraid of one accident, and they will wipe out both of them.

Tick ​​Tick!

The rain fell quietly outside the courtyard, dripping on the green bamboo, and made a pleasant sound.

Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue suddenly felt that they hadn't been so comfortable for a long time. During this time, they have been constantly relaxing because of many things.

Today Tiangong is a poetic beauty.

"Xiao Nai ... Xiao Shengzi, what do you say? We can only make the biggest move. As long as we get to the position of God, we will tell you the secret of Huang Lin's promotion in the future, how?"

Xiao Nai closed his eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and it became thicker and thicker, and finally he laughed a lot: "Ha ha ha, interesting, interesting, there is snow in the world, the talk is endless, the two of you have not figured it out yet, Now it ’s not you and I talk about the conditions, you have no such qualification. "

Upon hearing it, there was a bad hunch in Tanran's heart, and he stubbornly said: "Did you forget Lord God?"

"You don't need to press Huanglin to suppress me. I believe that you two are just two clowns in Huanglin's eyes. Even compared to the entire Danting in his eyes, Huanglin doesn't put it in his eyes."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

In the eyes of a master like Huang Lin, the ants are the passive.

"You ... Xiao Naihe, are you really so ruthless?"

"I am ruthless? If I am ruthless, then be ruthless. I'll grind the two of you apart."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Talking about the end of the conversation with Youxue, I suddenly had a bad hunch: "Xiao Nai ... Xiao Shengzi, don't be impulsive. We can trust you. We have been in business for so many years, and we have many magic weapons in our hands. It ’s for you, and you can be your minion. "

At this point, these two people also began to lay down their self-esteem, facing the threat of life, all dignity is air.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Nai didn't talk nonsense, he pointed **** a little, and this law suddenly came out of his palm.

It seems that there is an independent consciousness in this light, which is suddenly injected into it.


Just like thunder and lightning, a clicking current flashed through and wrapped the bodies of two people, Xue Xue and Tan Ran, who were in the world.

This thunderbolt was Xiao Naihe's extraction of thunder from Taikoo Leichi.

Taikoo Leichi's Thunder was originally a force of vitality, and it was endless. But Xiao Nai used magical powers to transform this magical machine into death.

If the power of thunder in this ancient miracle is transformed into the power of death, even the Nine Heavy Powers are terrified, not to mention that there are two people in the world who have snow and peace.

"Don't stop it, don't let this thunder enter my body."

"Three rounds of exquisiteness."

"Xiao Piao Divine Art."

Tan Moran and the world have snow clenched their teeth, and the flesh and blood seem to start to burn, exhausting all strength to resist Xiao Naihe's thunder.

Xiao Nai He also let them both, the thunderbolt drilled in his eyebrows was like a thunder snake, directly drilled in the chest of these two people, and immediately tore up their flesh.

"Ah! Xiao Naihe, you are so cruel, I will curse you even if I die."

"I'm going to curse that you are as good as life and death, and you will be extracted from the soul ..."

There are snow and peace talks in the world. The screams of the two people came out from the beads. Xiao Naihe frowned, and he saw a dark red breath in the air, flying out of the spirits of these two people, toward Xiao Naiho's eyebrows drilled inside.


"Don't be afraid, it's just that the two of them are going to die, and it's too tender to curse me."

Xiao Nai He smiled indifferently, and saw that Xiao Nai He was a scratch in the void, and with his fingers, he shattered all the halo floating in the void.

Originally, the dark red breath was drilled from the bodies of Xue Xuetian and Tanran in the world, which was also caught by Xiao Nai and turned into nothingness.

Afterwards, there were Xue and Tanran, the spirits of the two slowly flying out of the flesh and wanted to escape.

After all, these two people are in the Eightfold Realm. If they escaped, it is really possible to recover their flesh and take the lodge.

"Soul Search Dafa."

Xiao Nai didn't look at it. When he plugged in the left and right, he pressed two people's souls, and a stream of memory flowed out of the minds of these two spirits, and flowed into Xiao Naihe's mind.

"The memories of these two people are useless!"

Xiao Nai originally thought that some useful memories could be found in these two people, but now it seems impossible.

"However, you killed these two people, don't you worry about the one in Dan Ting?"

Yun Weixue was worried. She also knew a lot about the news of God Emperor Lin, especially Yun Huaxue had heard Xiao Naihe say about what happened at the Wushen First Banquet.

"It's okay, for Huang Lin, these two people died before they died. Besides, the two of them voluntarily committed me. I killed them without breaking the rules."

Xiao Nai waved his hand and took Yun Weixue to sit down.

The Night King also came out from behind and asked worriedly: "But just in case, I think you still have to be careful about the master."

Xiao Nai nodded and pondered for a while, then smiled: "It's okay, even if Huang Lin wants to find me, it's useless. I will soon be in the Nine Heavens Realm. Although Huang Lin is very capable, it's impossible. Chasing into God Realm. "

Dan Ting and God Territory are like two different holy places. The former has imperial forest, the latter has white inorganics. These two people are mysterious. The other is a passive strong man who has been famous for many years. It is impossible for conflict to happen easily.

Moreover, the relationship between Huang Lin and Bai inorganic is also very bad. Xiao Nai did not think that Huang Lin chased into God Realm to kill Xiao Nai for the two dead people, but Bai inorganic is there.

"Yes, master, you have now entered a half-step passive, even if there is no God Realm messenger to lead, you can forcibly tear the God Realm barrier and enter the Nine Heavens Realm. But there is a lot of danger in God Realm, although there are no three thousand There are three hundred worlds in the world, but there are many masters hidden in the nine **** realms, some of which do not even exist under me. They have not appeared since the Sixth World Jihad. "

The Night King is very clear about the structure in God Realm.

Xiao Nai nodded. The news of the Night King was very important to him, and he had to write it down.

As for why Xiao Nai went to God Realm, the Night King did not ask, since Xiao Nai wanted to ascend to God Realm, he naturally had his own reason.

"But master, compared to someone in the realm who noticed you, it is better to hide your identity by then. Unfortunately, I have been relieved of my duties from the dark palace, otherwise I can introduce it to you."

"You don't need to be in God Realm now, Bai inorganic has noticed you, if you appear, it will definitely cause a lot of suspicion. You are in Yantian Pavilion to protect the people in it, I am to God In the world, it may not be that the intelligence forces of Yantian Pavilion will be borrowed in the future. "

"it is good!"

"But just in case, I still refine a Tao weapon that can reverse the space. As long as I can predict the danger in advance, even if you can't beat it, you can break the space in advance and escape."

This time it was because of Xiao Naihe's "fake death" that attracted so many hostile forces and forced Yantiange into desperation.

In order to eliminate this situation, Xiao Naihe had already wanted to re-refine a dozen pieces of Taoism in his body and turn it into a space Taoism with triple protection.

In the event that the Night King is invincible, Yantian Pavilion can escape by reversing the space.

The immortal elder went back to the Dan Court and re-covered the Yantian Pavilion. But this time he couldn't go back to Wu Shenyi. For a short period of time, Xiao Nai refined Taoism in his space-time world.

He spent a hundred days in his space-time world, but only one day outside.

Inside a dim house, a plume of blood radiated from a Baoding and entered into Wu Shenyi's body.

As soon as Wu Shen gradually calmed down, but every time he thought of Xiao Nai He actually riddled him with so many people, Wu Shen was very angry in his heart.

But at the same time, Wu Shen's hatred for Xiao Naihe was beyond remedy, and he was also afraid of Xiao Naihe.

This time Xiao Naihe killed King Huo Luo and Bei Songyang. Wu Shenyi already felt that he was far worse than Xiao Naihe.

Once he had revenge on Xiao Naihe again, he must have died.

Without the Huo Luo King, Wu Shen felt too heartbroken as soon as the Huo Luo King, who was the great backer of the Wu God fighting for the position of God, now died in Xiao Naihe's hands.

Moreover, there are still many people who depend on themselves, all in the hands of Xiao Naihe. For Wu Shenyi, this time the losses were too severe.

"I have told you not to seek revenge from Yantian Pavilion. Yan Tian Pavilion is different from Xiao Nai He. Even if Yan Tian Pavilion is destroyed, what use is it? If you want to be God, you must have God's mind.

Pan Lingzi frowned, before she disagreed Wu Shen went to Yan Tiange to settle the bill.

In her eyes, if Xiao Naiho is really dead, then everything will be fine. There is nothing to fear about mortal forces like Yantiange.

Wushen didn't listen, and with Huo Luowang and Bei Songyang, he also gathered the world's snow, Tan Moran and Ling Xiao to attack the Yan Tian Pavilion.

It was not difficult to attack the ten Yantian Pavilions in such a situation.

But in the end, Xiao Nai turned over in the gutter, and turned back, turning the situation around, and instantly became Wu Shenyi's nightmare.

"Hey, I didn't expect this to be the end." Wu Shen gritted his teeth. "Senior, I will have you left this time. If I can achieve God, I will definitely promote this master to the passive state. Give you the secret. "

Pan Lingzi pondered, and his tender white fingers were like spring water, and he clicked a little in the void, "This time you are disadvantaged, but I also got a message that Xiao Naihe and Hua Huairen also fought after you left. , I do n’t know why, but I was actually injured. Now Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, Xiao Naihe, and Shi You seem to have closed their doors. Sai Weng has lost his knowledge and is not blessed. You are not without advantages now. "


This is great news for Wu Shenyi, who has no information.

"The news will not be false. I have already let Tianshui Yi and Linglong know the gods and hope to bring some helpers."

"All this will bother Pan Lingzi's predecessors."

Now Pan Lingzi is Wu Shenyi's biggest backer, and Wu Shenyi naturally does not dare to neglect.

"I didn't expect immortality to betray us, but he was very good with me."

Hearing Pan Lingzi's words, Wu Shenyi's face was twisted, and the murder and anger flashed by.

Pan Lingzi didn't care either, but a dignity appeared in his eyes: "There are also Heaven Dao Chen Ming and Zu Long actually came out. If this news is true, then this era of heaven and earth, I am afraid it will change.

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