Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1854: Soaring God Realm

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"I have integrated 13 space devices on this big tripod, which is beyond the top level of the ninth grade. Even if ten masters of nine heavy peaks attack at the same time, it will definitely be unbreakable in three days."

Xiao Naihe put this meson in Yun Weixue's hands, and at the same time left Yun Weixue a magic pill, which was also refined by Xiao Naihe from the accumulation of the body, after Yun Weixue stepped into the eighth realm , Take it, you can enter the eighth peak in one fell swoop.

By that time, with Yun Weixue's means, as long as Jiuzhong couldn't make it to the top, she would be able to protect herself.

"However, you must be careful this time in God Realm. I have heard Mr. Ye Wang say that the danger in God Realm is not so much easier than our 3,300 world, even more dangerous."

Yun Weixue's eyes are full of worries. Although she knows that Xiao Nai is supernatural, she is also very worried in thinking that Xiao Nai is going to the mysterious **** realm.

Seeing Yun Weixue's look, Xiao Nai couldn't help but feel warm. He gently pulled Yun Weixue and gently stroked on her catkin: "Relax, I will."

Yun Weixue nodded, and she knew she couldn't go anywhere with Xiao Nai all the time.

Especially God Realm is too dangerous. If you follow Xiao Naihe, it will definitely be Xiao Naihe's burden.

Thinking of this, Yun Weixue couldn't help but secretly make up her mind, and she must strive to improve her practice. As long as she has stood in the top of the 3,300 world, she has enough power to help Xiao Naihe , Accompanied by Xiao Naihe.

"Miss Yun doesn't have to worry, the Son has great powers, and with the strength of the Son now, even the old monsters in the God Realm that are hidden from the world may not have gotten the Son."

Afterwards, the Night King offered a **** with his hands in his hands.

"Master, this is my memory of God Realm, all in it."

"it is good!"

Xiao Naihe pinched the divine thought in the hands of the Night King, then fell into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows and disappeared.

"I'm gone, and I will leave you with Yantian Pavilion. If the time is fast, maybe I will be able to come back in less than a hundred years. Of course, it may be a thousand years, or even ten thousand years."

Xiao Nai He sighed lightly, how difficult the road of integration is, it was not easy to step into this step.

Even Xiao Naihe, a man who stepped on a passive state in his previous life, had little assurance.

The path he is going to take is the one that no predecessors have taken.

A golden aperture undulates continuously on Xiao Naihe's body, like a big Buddha, making Xiao Naihe's whole body floating in the void.

Subsequently, Xiao Nai He was a blast in the void.


In the palm of his hand, a golden stream of light burst from the palm of his hand and hit the Void Barrier, which suddenly caused the entire Void Barrier to vibrate and split a small mouth.

"Even the weakness of the God Realm barrier is known? How does the master know? I shouldn't tell him it is."

The Night King was surprised. Xiao Nai and He Mingming had not yet merged their memory gods. They should not know that there is a barrier to God Realm in God Realm and the 3,300 world. This barrier has a weakness.

But Xiao Nai actually found it out, which had to surprise the Night King.

But where did the Night King know that when Xiao Nai became the Sky Demon, when he attacked the Yan Tian Pavilion, he found the weakness of this God Realm barrier before he could enter the God Realm.

"I'm gone, Xueer, take good care of yourself."

"You have to take care too."

Yun Weixue's eyes were full of reluctance.

Xiao Naihe gave Yun Weixue a affectionate look, then turned his head, and directly fell into the God Realm barrier.

Click, click!

The **** barrier is like a glaze, it bursts in an instant and turns into glazed fragments.

In the clamoring piece, Xiao Nai He got behind the barrier, and the God Realm barrier that was soon broken was healed.

Looking at Xiao Naihe's disappearing back, Yun Weixue was a little bit at a loss, and the Night King didn't know when, he exited the courtyard very consciously, not daring to disturb Yun Weixue.

Yun Weixue looked at the sky and slowly spread out the clouds, and suddenly his hands were clenched tightly, and a firm look appeared in his eyes: "However, I swear, I will definitely catch up with you, there is really One day with you ... "

At that moment, Yun Weixue held his hands tightly.

In the depths of the clouds, Xiao Naihe traveled across the void, and then experienced the extraterrestrial starry sky. He summoned a nine-grade Shenzhou, and entered the other piece of heaven and earth from the outer starry sky.

The Nine Sky God Territory was originally from the 3,300 world, through the cross flow of the void and the extraterrestrial starry sky, and then entered the God Territory.

Xiao Naihe was sitting in the Shenzhou, and a black mind was floating in Xiao Naihe's hands, and there was a dark breath in it.

This is the memory of the night king.


Subsequently, Xiao Naihe put all his memories into his mind.

The Night King ’s memory spread out in Xiao Naihe ’s mind, as if it were a living body, making his knowledge of the sea suddenly more fulfilling.

"I didn't expect that I haven't been in God Realm for so many years, and so many changes have taken place."

Xiao Naihe turned the fragments of the memory of the Night King, and those useful memories were all captured by Xiao Naihe, and all the useless ones were given up.

He has not entered God Realm for about seven years, and he is not familiar with the development and changes in God Realm.

"I hope that God Realm will not let me down, even though Bai inorganic controls most of the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport, to maintain God's domain, at least a lot of heaven and earth's atmospheric transport is required."

Xiao Nai murmured.

In the memory of the Night King, there are nine divine realms in the divine realm, each divine realm is equivalent to the size of the ten big worlds in the lower realm.

Under the Divine Realm, there are multiple sky worlds, which are equivalent to small worlds.

Although the Nine Heavens is not bigger than the 3,300 world, it is definitely not small.

To accommodate billions of people is a trifle!

"There are also congenital and congenital among the Protoss, and the master who ascends from the lower realm is at least the creator. However, as the so-called one gets chickens and dogs to heaven, those who enter the realm of the creator will also bring some relatives, The apprentice is in the **** realm. Over time, these nine heavens are like another 3,300 worlds. "

Xiao Naihe carefully checked from the memory of the Night King. No wonder those people in the God Realm were unwilling to go into the 3,300 world. The atmosphere of heaven and earth in the God Realm far surpassed the lower realm, and cultivation is much better than the lower realm.

Unless it is Pan Lingzi, Huo Luo King, Hua Xiang, who has reached the shackles, he can no longer absorb the heaven and earth from the God Realm, and then he will go to the Nether to find opportunities.

However, Xiao Naiho did the opposite. His accumulation can be far more than that of Pan Lingzi and others. It must be much better to practice in the God Realm full of heaven, earth, and air, than the lower realm.

"Well, it's the critical point of God Realm?" Xiao Naihe felt a bright light before him, and a white light came from the depth of the starry sky outside the domain.

The messengers in the **** realm all got the sign of the **** clan, so they could ignore the **** realm barrier and go back and forth freely.

However, Xiao Nai is different. He does not have the logo of the Protoss. Although the Night King can give the logo of the Protoss to Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naiho feels too troublesome. He just uses the Shenzhou to transfer to the Divine Realm.

When he went to God Realm that year, he also tore the God Realm barrier with his bare hands.

But now Xiao Nai wants to act in a low-key manner, and naturally cannot do so.


There was a loud noise above the Shenzhou, and he got into the God Realm barrier.

Xiao Nai stunned for a moment, and then realized: "It turns out that it seems that this Shenzhou has not been able to persevere for a long time. The power of this God Realm Barrier really cannot be taken lightly."

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly, this nine-grade Shenzhou, now under the impact of the Divine Realm barrier, has already cracked.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai didn't care whether the Shenzhou would be damaged. After founding North Songyang and Huo Luo, Founder also obtained two other spaceships from their bodies.


As if struck by thunder, Shenzhou was suddenly squeezed away by the power in the barrier of God Realm, and finally couldn't hold it, turning into a scattered body.


At this time, in the desert in the distance, in the thirty-three heavens of the Phoenix Realm, several people raised their heads above the desert and saw a thunder flash in the sky, as if numerous meteors had landed.

"what is that?"

One of them looks like a beautiful woman pointing at the sky, there is still a trace of red light on the sky, very dazzling.

"As if it were a meteor, did the meteorite in the extraterrestrial sky hit the God Realm barrier?"

Also speaking is a little girl, seventeen or eighty years old, Xiu Wei has arrived in the realm of the gods, and he has a strong divine breath.

In the realm of God, the seventeen-eight-year-old God Realm is already a genius. Although the Protoss has a good talent, it is not like a **** beast. It is powerful at birth, but like humans, it needs to be cultivated from scratch.

A man in a grey coat flashed a fine gleam in his eyes: "No, if it is a meteorite in the extraterrestrial sky, there must be no such big momentum, it should be something else."

The two young men who followed were stunned for a moment, then a ecstasy appeared on his face: "Could it be ... Is it the birth of a strange treasure?"

In the Divine Realm, a lot of things happened when the strange treasure was born. I did not expect that monks would be sent on their heads.

Thinking of coming here, these people were very excited.

These three men and two women are all members of the Protoss, and another girl in her twenties is already supreme.

Of the three men, two on both sides are also supreme.

But the really powerful one is the one in the middle, with five levels of supremacy, one flower and one world!

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