Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1861: Chief disciple

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"What sound is this?"

"It seems to be Lu Zhong."

"If it is not a major event, it will not ring Lu Zhong."

"A total of six sounds, this is a big event at Zongmen level!"

Ye Yonghao's face twitched slightly. It has been a long time since he stepped into the five-level realm.

Not to mention six sounds, for the first time in his many years of practice, he heard Lu Zhong so many times.

Chen Hong and Wang Shaolong looked at each other, and the other disciples looked horrified.

call out!

Su Bingyun took two steps, his body was like blue smoke, and immediately flew out and disappeared in front of many disciples.

"Let's go too."

Liu Tao pulled Xiao Naihe, she didn't mean that her move was very ambiguous.

In the middle of the mountain, countless disciples have gathered together.

Xiao Nai and He Yuguang swept away, whether it is a human or a disciple, even a demon and demon in the phoenix division.

"Although the Nine Heavens Realm is mainly based on the blood of the Protoss, but in 100,000 years, there have been too many and too many Nether Powers in the Nine Heavens Realm. These strong men cultivated in the God Realm, cultivated great power, opened the school, and blossomed. Loose leaf. There is no longer a simple **** race in God Realm. "

There is no difference between God Realm and God Realm except God Clan.

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

However, the core disciples of the Huofeng tribe are still the Protoss. As for the human races, they are ordinary disciples.

The natural talent of the Protoss is extremely high, and it is much better than the human race. The starting point is different. There will be no accidents like this.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of Lv Zhong struck Xiao Naihe's thoughts.

"Look, what is that?"

Zhang Jiangfan pointed to the front, and everyone looked down, only to see a huge palace ten miles away, at the top of a vast mountain.

Suddenly, a burst of light appeared in the palace, and the red and blue in the light were vigorous and shattered the void.

Countless fine lights burned, shaped like a rainbow of light piercing into the void, and directly transformed into a huge vortex.

There are several apertures in the vortex, and inside the apertures are merged, countless lights and shadows are revealed, and there is a trembling trembling.

"Huh? That's the case, is it groundbreaking?"

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, how could he not see what happened inside when he saw it here?

The halos in the entire void are united together, as if forming a small world.

Only when the creator of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm merges the laws of heaven and earth and opens up a new world in the body, will this kind of situation be revealed.

"Opening the earth? What does this mean?" Liu Tao was a little stunned, a little unclear.

"The Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, which can integrate the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport, and cultivate the laws of heaven and earth, can open the earth. The reason why the creator is called the creator is because he has the great magical power to open the earth, so he is called the creator.

Xiao Nai said lightly.

He has taken the path of the creator twice, and he understands the laws of the sevenfold realm very clearly, and naturally knows the mystery of it.

Liu Tao was confused, but she still understood some things, that is, someone in the sect broke through to the seventh realm of supremacy.

You have to know that the Sect Master is only the Seventh Creator, and I did not expect that they will already have another creator in the Fire Phoenix Division.

The creator is placed in the thirty-three days, and is also among the ranks of first-class masters. If placed in the thirty-three days, he will be respected by others.

"Brother Xiao, you mean some people are breaking the ground ... someone has become the creator."

"Yes, the biggest sign of the creator is that when he was promoted, he was like a rainbow, and the sky turned into a hole. This is the sign of the earth."

"But I don't think the holes in the sky are as big as dozens of miles?"

"Oh, that's the reason for cultivation and accumulation. When you are promoted to the founder, if the accumulated background is more solid, then the vision of the world will be more magnificent. But it seems that you are promoted to the founder in your line The world vision is very dangerous compared to the process. "

Xiao Naihe said.

Liu Tao thought deeply, because she was frightened by the vision in front of her, and because Xiao Naihe said so much amazing news, she would make Liu Tao forget that Xiao Naihe was a supreme cultivator, but she knew So many things.

"No, I remember that when the Supreme Realm was fivefold, it was a world of flowers and flowers. When Brother Ye and Master Ye entered the Realm of Fivefold, they themselves opened up a small world. How to create the world Has also opened up a world? "

"The independent world created during the five-level realm is like a storage space. But the world created by the seven-level realm is equivalent to a small world in the thirty-three days. There is a big gap between the two. "

Xiao Naihe's unexciting explanation to Liu Tao, this little girl is quite flattering, and he doesn't mind explaining so much.

As he spoke, a strong breath suddenly fell from the sky, as if breaking the vacuum.

Huh ...

The whole void shook, and a violent light wave spread out.

Another creator.

Standing in the sky is a middle-aged man of immortal spirit, showing a sacred breath between every move.

This person has stepped into the Supreme Realm Sevenfold, and is very stable in this realm. As long as you have a chance, you can step into the Supreme Realm of Eightfold at any time.

Even the master of the Eightfold Realm, placed in God Realm, is already one of the best.

At this time, when everyone saw the middle-aged man in front, they bowed quickly, and their tone was extremely respectful. Even Ye Yonghao and others said respectfully: "I have seen the suzerain."

This person is Su Jian'an, the head of the Huofeng tribe.

It has been three thousand years since Su Jianan became the founder of the world. The background is very rich, and it is placed at the same level. It is definitely a top-notch existence.

He just stood there, countless disciples of the Fire Phoenix tribe are like worshipping gods.

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly, but saw that Su Jian'an had a very thin layer of light around his head.

Others could not see it, but Xiao Naihe saw it clearly.

"This is how the Protoss people absorb the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport?"

It was also the first time that Xiao Naihe saw that among the Protoss, people absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth's atmospheric transportation in the divine realm, and cultivated the six systems. Naturally, they must absorb the heaven and earth's atmospheric transportation.

Even Xiao Naihe is no exception. He has three roads to repair, and he needs a lot of air transportation.

It's just that in the lower realm, Xiao Naihe has a lot of luck each time, so it is not an exaggeration to actively absorb the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport.

When Xiao Naihe came out of the passive ruins, Xiao Naihe stepped into the half-step passive, there was only one road in front of him, and he could only rely on the absorption of heaven and earth to transport the air.

Only at the level of Xiao Naihe and others can we know how precious the atmosphere is.

If you want to get rid of absorbing the atmosphere of heaven and earth and get promoted, you only need to create a new cultivation system if you succeed in creating a path.

"If the" Holy "was able to cultivate the Dao Road three times successfully and create another source of avenues, then you can get rid of the shackles of this era of heaven and earth, and get rid of the influence of the atmospheric transport of the heaven and earth. Like the road of this era, I am afraid that it belongs to the previous era, and even longer ago, there is no need to specifically absorb the heaven and earth. "

The origin of Huanglin is mysterious, and Xiao Nai found out from many clues that Huanglin is likely to be a character of the previous era, or it may have inherited the origin of the road of the previous era.

It is as if Xiao Naihe's Buddhism came from the Sakyamuni in the last era, and it does not depend on the air transportation of the world.


I do n’t know which one called it, and then I heard a loud bang. It seemed that the giant mountain burst, and some people came out of the huge palace.

The figure soared, floated in mid-air, and looked, the golden light on his body, like a tide, spreading continuously, as if it were the gods of the saints.

The disciples of the Huofeng tribe who are low-cultivated can't help but want to bow down, which is a kind of repression on the soul.


Everyone shouted in unison.

It turned out that the master brother of the Fire Phoenix branch broke through and was promoted to a higher level.

"Hahaha, the master brother actually broke through. The master brother retired for ten years. It was the peak of the sixfold ten years ago. Now I come out, I am afraid to step into the seventhfold realm.

"That's right, the Seventh Level Realm's promotion to the heaven and earth vision is the rotation of high-altitude clouds, turning into a hole."

"Creator, I didn't expect that our Fire Phoenix branch would have another creator!"

When these disciples talked, they looked at Master Longya, and they were respectful and afraid.

After Longya stepped into the creator, the body's strength was surging and there was a feeling of transformation, as if he could directly kill a hundred of himself a decade ago before there was no transformation.

Not only the transformation of power, but also the state of mind has transformed.

The higher a person stands, the more changes there will be in his view of the world.

After sweeping the former siblings and sisters of the same ancestry, Longya only felt that these people were the same as ants, and did not need much attention from him.

"A thousand miles away, ascended to heaven and become the creator. I am now also a top player among the thirty-three days."

Longya said secretly in her heart, and she was even more proud.

There are thirty-three heavens in Phoenix Divine Realm. Among these thirty-three heavens, even the existence of the creator is very rare, and after entering this step, Longya is already a veritable master.

Looking at the respectful siblings and sisters underneath, as well as other elders who were surprised and frightened, Longya was even more proud.

"Now there are only two people who really attracted my attention, one is the Master, the other is the sister Su Bingyun."

Longya glanced at the two figures in front, Su Jianan and Su Bingyun.

Su Jian'an is a veteran founder, even Longya doesn't dare to underestimate.

As for Su Bingyun, he has been interested in it for a long time, and since Su Bingyun has a very good talent, no surprise, he can become a creator in about three hundred years.

If you can form a fellowship, it will definitely be more cheerful.


Su Bingyun has now stepped into the Seventh Realm with one foot, and his mind is very sharp.

When Longya gave birth to an idea, she vaguely felt an unpleasant feeling.

"Longya, it's not bad, you didn't disappoint your teacher, you have succeeded in studying the marrow within ten years, and your success has been so spectacular."

Su Jianan laughed, and his mood seemed very good.

Longya's look is the same, neither humble nor overbearing: "This is because some master's instructions allow disciples to take so many detours."

"Without humility, you have cultivated for 1,500 years to become the founder. Don't put these talents on our Fire Phoenix branch, even if they are placed in the Phoenix sect, they are second to none. You will have a copy of Zong ’s Seven Seas assessment list. "

When it comes to the assessment of the Seven Seas, even Su Jian'an's look has changed, and his tone is full of politeness.

Longya also looked very excited and seemed very excited, but quickly calmed down.

When Xiao Nai heard it, she was also curious, but she just had a thought.

The most important thing for him now is to be mixed into the flaming phoenix, and absorb more heaven and earth transport.

"Our Fire Phoenix tribute finally has two major creators. Now that you have stepped into the Seventh Level of Supreme Realm, you will no longer be the chief disciple, but the deputy suzerain."

The Huofeng Clan has a rule set a long time ago. Once any disciple enters the Sixth Realm, he can automatically become a deputy patriarch, and Longya is no exception.

The deputy patriarch has more rights and enjoys more treatment.

Longya is naturally undesirable. "So, thank you Master."

When the disciples heard it, their eyes were full of envy.

Even Liu Tao's excited little face turned red, as if the person who became the deputy patriarch was not Longya but her.

"Sovereign, I can successfully enter the sevenfold realm this time, I have a wish, I hope the master can be completed."

"Haha, just say it. I will allow it if I can."

Su Jian'an nodded and was in a good mood.

Longya smiled slightly, his eyes flashed, and suddenly looked at Su Bingyun's body.

When Longya's eyes looked over, Su Bingyun felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"I hope Master can assign Su Sister Xu to the disciples, and the disciples have been fond of Sister Sister for a long time. This time to step into the seventh realm, many hopes are for Sister Sister.

As soon as Longya opened his mouth, the audience was surprised.

Even Su Jianan didn't expect Longya to have such an idea.

Su Bingyun is the daughter of Su Jian'an. He is extremely talented. He has reached the peak of Liuzhong in less than a thousand years of practice. Within three hundred years, it will surely be able to open up the world and become a creator like Dragon Tooth.

However, Su Jianan never thought of using marriage to restrain his daughter. Now when Longya opens his mouth, Su Jianan is stunned.

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