Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1882: Passive life

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The black beads condensed into a face, soaring into the sky, almost like a demon.

But the breath it showed was not one of the six Dao, it belonged to a road that Xiao Naihe had never seen before.

"This alien life is either the one from the era of the first plane, or the life of another plane."

Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent, but his heart was running quickly, and he began to think about it.

In this situation, Xiao Naihe is in control of the entire battle, and he has a little attention to think.

There are not only three planes outside of heaven and earth. The first plane is their world, the second plane is the galaxy burial ground, and the third plane is the alien world that has no civilization to live and become a waste star.

But Taiyu is so big that it cannot be described by any numerical value. There must be other plane worlds.

Unless you cross the Xinghe River and enter the depths of Taiyu, you can find other planes.

But being able to enter the depths of Taiyu and crossing the galaxy to the first plane is definitely not an ordinary character, even ordinary passive masters can't do it.

"There is no passive breath in this alien life, it must be in another era."

The first person does not know how many times the era has changed. They are now in the era of the era, and Xiao Nai does not understand anything.

But every time the era of the era changes, it will usher in the five declines of heaven and man, enter the cycle of chaos, the exhaustion of luck, the world becomes nothing, and start again.

At that time, no matter how good the master will fall.

Unless stepping into the passive realm, you can find the mysterious and mysterious method of crossing the robbery, through the five decays of heaven and man, and the era of the era after the five decay of heaven and man.

But in the truth Xiao Naihe knows, no one in this world seems to have survived the five decays.

At that time, the third plane was facing the replacement of the era of era. When the five declines of heaven and man came to destroy the plane and enter the end of the world, the alien life would cross the galaxy and occupy the first plane.

The terrible decline of heaven and man, it is no longer a simple language to explain clearly.

Therefore, if you don't enter the passive, it will end up as a sham.

Xiao Naihe is so powerful now. No one can help him without a source, but no matter how powerful he is, he cannot find a way to survive the five decays of heaven and earth without entering the source.

The last time I stepped into the heavenly demon, the original unity, but did not carefully realize the mystery of the five declines of heaven and man.

"Aren't human beings with five decays? Huang Lin seems to have survived from the previous era, and its mystery is even better than Bai inorganic."

Xiao Nai thought of Huang Lin. Huang Lin was too mysterious. No one knew when he entered the passive realm.

Not only him, even Hua Xiang, Pan Ling Zi, and Shi Ying, all vaguely speculated that Huang Lin was not a figure in this era, but a master who had survived the fate of heaven and man.

Therefore, they all want to obtain a passive method of promotion on Huang Lin, so as to find out the way of the five-decay.

"Hangu Five Elements Search!"

At this time, the huge face formed by the black beads suddenly changed into a monster that had never been seen before.

The monster is thousands of feet tall, with countless black scales covering its limbs and three spiral horns above its head.

There are even six-winged wings on the back, like ancient trolls, showing a mysterious form.

The four glimmering eyes trembling constantly, the breath flickering in an instant, the already magnificent momentum suddenly changed suddenly, as if the stars exploded nine days away, entering the chaotic period outside the domain.

"What is this monster? I have never seen it."

Qi Ling sent out his thoughts to keep the air flow in his seven-star tower.

It didn't expect that there was such a monster in this black bead, and it was probably alien life.

"It's okay. Although this monster is fierce, I can see that its physical body is gone, and its most powerful means should be its own spiritual strength. If the average master is not careful, he will hit it."

"Do you have a way to eliminate it?"

"Of course, the origin of this monster is mysterious. I do n’t want to let it go. I have to use some means to seal it and refine its memory. It wakes up because of the energy of my luck, I I want to know how it has this mysterious ability. "

Xiao Nai He Dan calmly shot, grabbed directly in the void, the five fingers seemed to appear as a hurricane, and surrounded the monster in front.

"Four Daojing, out!"

A mysterious scripture book floated in the sky, and a looming aura suddenly appeared above Xiao Naihe's head.

At this time, Xiao Naihe did not borrow the power of his avatar, but operated magical powers and attached his own soul to his own body.

Although the avatar is powerful, it is far worse than its own body.

He borrowed the power of the Four Sutras to summon the light symbols on the Four Sutras directly, shrouded in the sky, and grabbed the monster fiercely.

"Roar! How can the deity be able to be caught by you ants, get the deity."

The monster roared, and the sound seemed to gather countless days of thunder, and a powerful thunder appeared above the monster's head.

After a while, this thunder seems to be a mysterious force in the void, beyond the five elements and jumping out of the six realms.

"Good mysterious ability, is this monster really not the existence of this era of era?"

This monster is so powerful that it can only survive the soul to such an extent that if the flesh is here, this monster does not know what level to be powerful.

Except for the appearance and flesh of human beings, the spirits are all like human beings, with intelligent life and thinking.

It also has its own internal expression, but it will not show up, and will only appear in his heart.


When Qiling was dizzy, Xiao Naiho's voice seemed to be two large stars colliding with each other, producing strong fluctuations.

When this wave of volatility spread, it was almost necessary to pull up the Seven Star Tower.

"This ... this kid is too fierce? Has he really not stepped into the passive? How do I think his momentum is three points stronger than that of his master."

Qi Ling's tone was shocked.

The Seven Star Tower is now under the squeeze of Xiao Naihe's momentum, and it already has a shaky look.

The entire Seven Star Tower was constantly shaking, and there was a huge shock from the first floor to the 100th floor.

"What's going on? Has the seven-star tower's deadline expired?"

"Damn, I haven't reached the 60th floor yet."

The testers of the Pyrophobia one after another have different looks, some are very sorry, a little angry, a little relieved, and more feel sorry.

This time they didn't get the chance in the Seven Star Tower, they didn't get any weapon, it was too disappointing.

"This source seems to be coming from very above, is it ... Could someone have reached a higher level?"

Su Bingyun was standing on the 70th floor at this time, with injuries all over his body, but he didn't hurt him at all.

She challenged the seventh rank formation method in the 70th floor. It was extremely dangerous, and several times it was life-threatening.

But in the end, with his own means, he broke the majority. However, the remaining three-layered formations were not cracked, and Su Bingyun didn't feel sorry.

"Although I did not completely challenge the 70th floor of success this time, I have a very high level of comprehension in the formation, which is also very helpful to my experience in monasticism."

Su Bingyun felt that when he passed the 70th floor, his strength was gradually improved. It seemed that he was greatly improved under this pressure.

"If you can step into the next level, I'm afraid there will be only that man."

What she said was naturally Longya. Although Su Bingyun didn't like Longya very much, she also had to admit that Longya was indeed a great man, and after surpassing himself as a creator.

As for the testers who came in with her, the senior members of the Huofeng branch accounted for the majority, but Su Bingyun was confident that the best of them was similar to her. It was impossible to exceed the 70th floor and enter One level above.

"I don't know what Xiao Nai, what's going on now? He should be under the thirtieth floor!"

Xiao Naihe is only one priority. Although he is qualified as an uncle, Su Bingyun also knows that Xiao Naihe is at most about the 30th level.

She didn't know why she suddenly thought of Xiao Naihe. It should be that Xiao Naihe is now her nominal disciple, so she thought about it subconsciously.

But Su Bingyun didn't know that she was definitely on the 30th floor of Xiao Naihe. At this time, she had entered the 108th floor and was fighting with the monster.

Aoao Aoao!

The monster was suppressed by Xiao Nai's hurricane formed by the four general wars. The weight of the whole body seemed to be dispersed, and he could not extricate himself.

"There seems to be something above his head, but I can't see it."

Qiling Tower's Qiling looked at Xiao Naihe's head. Although he felt that there was something on the top of Xiao Naihe's head, he didn't see it completely.

"Come down!"

Xiao Nai He lightly heard, the five fingers showed the form of mountains, just a catch in the void, directly pressing the monster from the air and hitting the ground fiercely.


Although this monster is a remnant soul, but it does not know what magical powers are in operation, it can actually change into a physical form.

That is to say, the monster's body is a real body, which has been transformed into an entity through an illusory form.

"Let go of the deity, the deity is a passive real person, can you understand it if you exist beyond the world. If you let go of the deity, the deity can give you a great chance."

The monster that was forced on the ground by Xiao Naihe is still clamoring, but now there is no more aggressive style than before, but it is somewhat soft.

"Really a passive master? Is it the life of other eras, or came from other planes?"

Qi Ling's voice was surprised. Although he had already prepared for it in his heart, he could not help but feel shocked when he heard this strange life.

"Yes, but the origin of the deity is mysterious. Although you can't say it easily, if you let me go and give me enough luck to let the deity adjust the constitution, I might not tell you."

Upon hearing the Seven Star Tower Spirit, the monster's attitude became tough again.

Perhaps because of the life of the passive existence, the Qixing Tower was somewhat ill-informed and asked: "How does Mr. Xiao plan? We are going to let it go. The great chance it says may be very precious."

"Why should I let it go?" Xiao Nai He smiled faintly and asked back.

Not only the Qixing Tower's spirit, but also this monster seemed to be calmed by Xiao Naihe's indifferent tone.

"You have to think about it clearly, the deity is a passive life, and it can give you a chance ..."

"I mean, after I have refined you away, I can use my magical powers without worrying about being unable to pull out your memory."

Xiao Nai didn't have any expression on his face, so he did it.

Raising one hand, a flash of light flickered in the middle of the palm, and suddenly it was crushed down, and a monstrous force directly locked on the monster.

Suddenly, the monster only felt that his vitality was cut off invisibly, and could never be recovered.

"You want to refine your deity ..."

The monster couldn't believe it. Xiao Nai actually wanted to refine herself. For how many years it lived in black beads, there were naturally some means.

At this point, the monster called for contact with Black Bead, and it seemed that he would flee back into Black Bead and never come out again.

"Come on."

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, squeezed his finger, and a strange circle directly pinched it, breaking off the connection between this monster and Heizhu.

"Ah! The deity remembers your breath. When the other eight brothers of the deity arrive, they will definitely avenge the deity."

At the moment of refining the remnant soul, this monster also left its last threat.

"There are other monsters like eight heads?" Xiao Nai raised a brow slightly.

But instead of being indifferent in his hand, he continued to run his power, refining all the breath inside the monster's residual soul.

The Qiling standing next to him had already been shocked by Xiao Naiho's means to be speechless.

"Obe, this is the life of the passive state. This surname Xiao actually said that refining is refining? Are young people now so terrible?"

If Xiao Nai knew the idea of ​​Qi Ling, she would absolutely disdain.

Passive life is powerful, but without the strength and flesh of its pre-mortal life, it is nothing at all with its own remnant soul.

Because Xiao Naihe's previous life was the passive state, and he was also considered a passive life, so this form of life did not have much deterrence.

"Soul Soul Search Dafa, Memory Search!"

Xiao Naiho's voice seemed to be an extremely mysterious French sound from the ancient times, trembling slightly, and when shaking, the whole void shook.

The monster's soul was refined and purified at this time, and the remaining memory fragments were all absorbed into Xiao Naihe's mind.

A shocking news appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

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