Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1889: Xingzu Secret (Part 1)

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This light penetrated from all around, as if numerous stars appeared, more mysterious than the nine stars.

The vast stars flashed in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and a pattern floated continuously in the center of his eyebrows.

"Thunder moves nine heavy!"

Countless thunders burst out and squeezed into the world from all around.

As soon as this thunder appeared, there was a burst of thunder sounds, revealing a breath of masculinity, softness, righteousness, mightyness, etc.

It is as if all positive forces have converged into this thunder throughout the era of the era.

Countless thunderclouds spread out, spreading in the space of 100,000 miles, and wrapped the whole blood gentleman.

"This is the power of the Taikoo Leichi? The Taikoo Leichi absorbs the rivers of the tens of thousands of peoples in the heavens and accumulates and inherits from the first era. Each era will absorb different races of the **** river **** pool, and finally change into the mine pool . "

This thunder breath was clearly revealed from the Taikoo Thunder Pond, where thunderclouds spread, wrapping the void directly and gathering it into countless thunderstorms.

At the next moment, this thunderstorm scissor is going to bombard the whole blood man into pieces.

Although Taikoo Leichi has a strong righteousness, and has a lot of anger, but once this righteousness and anger are extremely transformed, it can form a very dangerous means of attack.

Once the master of the passive realm gets the Taikoo Leichi, the Taikoo Leichi can be transformed into the most powerful weapon, and the power of the Leichi can be used to transform the ultimate to kill more and more powerful passive masters.

"In those days, if the ancient thunder holy pool was used to transform into weapons, I was afraid that Chen Ming would not have that kind of patience.

Archaic Saints are just upright and too straightforward to be calculated by Tian Tao Chen Ming, leading to the fall of the final juncture.

However, Xiao Naihe is not like Taigusheng, and he will not be merciful against the enemy when he comes back.

Even if they use the imposing Taikoo Leichi to attack the enemy, they will not hesitate.

"Oops, this kid is too horrible to borrow the power of Taikoo Leichi. I have to leave his inner world."

The blood gentleman's heart shook violently. Xiao Naihe's move simply claimed his old life. His blood gentleman originally entered the inner world with the state of the **** and soul, and now he is under the attack of Xiao Naihe.

Especially the Taikoo Leichi, which has the momentum of the King of Taoism among the ancient miracles. It can be said that an Taikoo Leichi becomes a weapon, and it is not many times more powerful than any Taoji.


The blood idea of ​​the blood gentleman suddenly increased suddenly, and the blood gas transformed by the blood idea formed a huge planet.

This planet will almost explode Xiao Naihe's entire space-time world,

But in an instant, the planet shrank quickly and formed the existence of Wuquxing.

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and he was caught in the void. In an instant, he directly hit Wu Quxing floating in the void.

This Wuqu star seemed to be hit by some other terrible star. After shaking it, it was about to be smashed into smoke.

"Boy, I do n’t know what your name is, but if you really want to force me, do n’t you fear that I and your fishnet ca n’t be broken? Just know that in your world, once I explode into a divine personality, you wo n’t be completely collapsed here. , I am afraid that the losses will be heavy. "

There was a hint of coldness on the blood gentleman's face, and he looked at Xiao Naihe in death, but in fact his heart was extremely calm.

In the face of such danger, the blood gentleman did not lose much.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said, "You are threatening me? The most annoying thing for me is being in danger. Since I dare to set up to introduce you, I naturally have to deal with you. You think I will not think of you like this do."

"You are trying to force me. Although my Wuqu is far from the peak period of the Cambrian era, the soul of the gods is also a passive level. Once the deity explodes, its power is even stronger than the peak of the nineth heavy."

"Then you can try to see if you have the power to explode, or I will be able to suppress you before you explode."

Xiao Naihe finished speaking, his body moved, as if a burst of thunder came out and raised his fists.

This fist was punched out, and the thunders around them all gathered together, as if they were an array of magic figures.

The thunder above Taikoo Leichi turned into water flowing.

Thunder was originally the most violent force in heaven and earth. If this violent thunder can be domesticated into the most mellow water in heaven and earth, its own power exceeds a limit.

And Xiao Naiho now has this ability.

"I take another step back, I will give you the Xuan Yuan Xuan Shi, and I will tell you about the Star Family Taoism and secrets, if you let me go, these things can be given to you. Including integrity, integrity from Cambrian The era is still a virgin. Although her physical body has been abandoned, her own soul is still pure. If you can make a deal with her, it will definitely be of great benefit to you. "

At this time, the blood gentleman regarded almost everything he could take as his condition, and even the moonlight became his bargaining chip.

If the moonlight outside knows, I don't know what to think.

"Oh, do you want to tell me everything? Even Xingyuan Xuanshi?"

Xiao Naiho pondered for a moment, and the speed in his hands became slow.

This inner world has been directly wrapped up by Xiao Naihe, and he is not afraid that the blood gentleman will explode his personality or escape.

As soon as he saw Xiao Nai's heart moved, the blood gentleman's heart was filled with joy, but a murderous flash flashed in his eyes, and soon recovered, "Yes, whatever you want, you want to know, I am I can give it to you. "

Xiao Naihe actually intended to refine the blood gentleman and use the Soul Search Dafa to search out the other party's memory.

However, after all, this blood gentleman is of great strength, and it is too difficult to refine.

Similarly, Xiao Nai also thought of using his own supernatural powers to transform the blood gentleman and become the same as the immortal elders and night kings.

But after considering it for a while, I felt that it would not work. The Buddha's magical power cannot be used casually.

Every time you lean on a person, you will give some attention, especially the more powerful the person is, the more dangerous it is.

The blood gentleman's strength surpasses that of the Night King and the Immortal Elders. Once the blood gentleman is gone, Xiao Naihe's mind and spirit must be consumed by more than half.

"Well, you just talk about it."

"How did you agree?"

"Huh! Do you think you still have the qualifications to talk to me about conditions?" Xiao Nai He snorted coldly and sneered coldly.

The blood gentleman's expression remained unchanged, closing his eyes, hiding the killing in his eyes, and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"Is your astral family the race of the celestial plane or other planes? The thing of the Xingyuan Xuanshi is not in this era. I learned by chance that the Xingyuan Xuanshi should be in Only in Taiyu. "

Xiao Naihe asked slowly.

"We Xingzu are indeed not people in this plane, we are from other plane worlds in the depths of Taiyu."

After hearing the words of the blood gentleman, Rao is Xiao Naihe who is already ready, and can't help being shaken in her heart.

This star race is really not this first-plane race.

Before he refined the memory of Greedy Wolf, he knew some clues from it.

"So, there are indeed other planes in Taiyu? I originally thought that apart from the first plane, only the second plane and the third plane, it seems that I still think too simple."

Xiao Nai said slowly in his heart.

Now that this first plane has experienced so many epochs, it has slowly entered the era of the end of the law, knowing that these things are absolutely few.

The Nine-Star Overlord must know, and Huang Lin and Bai Fei should also know, and there are no other powerful people in the world who have survived the five decays of heaven and earth from the Cambrian era.

If you want to escape the last tribulation of Heaven and Man's five decays, and escape the final disaster of this first plane, you can only go deep into Taiyu and find other plane civilizations.

"Since this is the case, is it really the end of the era of the Fa in this era of epoch? How did you originally plan for the nine-star overlord?"

"Nine of us did not know at the outset that the era after the Cambrian era was the end of this plane. When it was discovered that it was 100,000 years later, the atmospheric transport in the world was still so poor and lacking. Too many passives exist, and I realize that the first plane has less than 30,000 years of life left. "

"Then eh?"

"Then we plan to find the survivors of other nine-star overlords and join the super masters in this plane to repair my moonlight warship together. We can leave here with the moonlight warship."

The blood gentleman said slowly, and then a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, staying on Xiao Naihe's body, saying, "If you were in the same situation as before, I don't know that you were the one who killed the wolf, maybe one day I will also find you and discuss repairing the Moonlight Warship together. "

"What the **** is this moonlight warship, do you want to rely solely on this warship to leap over the galaxy and not get through Taiyu?"

"The origin of the Moonlight Battleship is not as simple as you think, and I do n’t know much, but I can be sure that the Moonlight Battleship itself was left from the first generation of Star family ancestors in that year. This battleship should be Crossing the warship of Taiyu. It is our last chance to enter the civilization of other planes. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Nai's eyes moved, and he glanced deeply at the blood gentleman, as if to distinguish something on the blood gentleman's body.

He knew that the blood gentleman should not lie to him!

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