Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1906: Shenge Auction (Part 1)

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"Why are you following me?"

Xiao Naihe was helpless. Since Li Xing thought he was a red war, he was very interested in himself.

Even Xiao Nai could not withstand Li Xing's enthusiasm.

Su Bingyun followed behind these two people, whether it was Xiao Naihe or Li Xing, she was far behind, but just behind them, as if they were close to the maid.

However, Su Bingyun is satisfied, Xiao Naihe has great gratitude to her, and Li Xing is a big player in Phoenix God Realm, and not always have the opportunity to follow these two people.

"I am the owner of Xianyun Inn. If you want to go back, I will go back."

Xiao Nai He sighed. He knew that this guy was as sticky as brown sugar, and he said no to Li Xing, but this person just didn't listen.

Even Su Bingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw it, just like a spring breeze.

"Do I still want to take a walk outside?"

"That would be great, since you want to walk outside, then I suggest that you come with me to a place. Senior Red Warfare is now going to participate in the Phoenix Dabi, then I suggest you also buy some good Equipment is definitely of great use to you. "

Li Xing's idea is very simple. This ‘Red Warfare” soldier will definitely participate in the Phoenix comparison, although according to the strength of the Red Warfare, even if he is rebuilt, it is likely to become a dark horse again.

But the Huofeng branch is really not good, even if Xiao Nai is even more powerful, it is useless to have a good Taoist opinion.

This person Li Xing not only adores the Red Wars, but also has some thoughts about the Red Wars. He regards Xiao Naihe as the Red Wars. Think about it. If you can let Xiao Naihe see how good he is to him, it can also endure for him A good karma.

Thinking of this, Li Xing had some plans.

"Tao? You asked me to buy a Dao that can participate in the Phoenix Dabi, and increase the advantage?"

Xiao Naihe's face was indifferent, but his heart was funny. It's useless to have a bunch of magic weapons inside him. In particular, the Taoist weapons robbed on the Moonlight Battleship have not been touched by Xiao Nai so far.

It is not that Xiao Nai looked down upon him, but that when he came to his level, unless a passive magic weapon, or a magic weapon close to the passive, other grades of magic weapons were of no use to him.

"Yes, I want to go to an auction house this time. This auction house is the largest auction house in the domain of Nine Heavens. Because of the Phoenix Dabi, the Nine Heavens Pavilion opened an auction before the Dabi. To attract those other people. "

Xiao Nai nodded.

Whether it is in the three-thousand-three-hundred world or the nine-sky **** realm, any businessman is not profitable early. Although Jiu Tianshen Pavilion has a great career, it is no different from the auction houses that do business in the lower realm.

This time, the Phoenix Daby attracted too many people to watch, and the flow of people was huge. Jiutian Shenge knew that it was a business opportunity and would not let it go.

How can Xiao Nai think of how lively this auction will be.

But if he thought so, he had no thoughts.


Just when Xiao Nai wanted to say no, she suddenly saw Su Bingyun next to her and was very interested.

I knew in my heart that Su Bingyun wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to see if there was something suitable for him at the auction, increasing the odds of winning against Phoenix.

"It's just a little time for me, it's better to see what the auction in God Realm is like."

After pondering for a while, Xiao Nai agreed to Li Xing.

Li Xingxing was aggressive, and he even decided that if Xiao Nai and He Jingshi were not enough, he would take advantage of Xiao Nai and cultivate humanity.

Of course, he doesn't know how many top grade spar there are in Xiao Nai's inner world, otherwise he would definitely not think so.

Jiutian God Pavilion is the largest auction house in Jiutian God Territory, spread across the nine continents of Jiutian God Territory, and there are branches of Jiutian God Territory in some of the worlds.

The location of the Nine Heavens Pavilion in the Phoenix Realm is on the southeast side of the entire remaining, just close to the Phoenix Sect.

But when Xiao Naihe followed Li Xing in front of Jiutian Shenge, he only saw a crowd of people inside and outside of Shenge. Looking at him from a distance, a powerful blood was released in the center of Shenge.

This is a sign between the strong.

"I just walked in, and it felt like a suffocation inside. There were too many masters in it."

Su Bingyun's face was slightly ugly.

She originally thought that after she stepped into the creator, even if she was not comparable to the super genius children who had a golden spoon at birth, they would never be too far away.

But now it seems that I think too much.

Looking at so many people in front of him, Li Xing laughed instead: "That is, there are too many masters in it. Many people come from outside the Phoenix Divine Realm to see Dabi, and even some people know the Jiutian God Pavilion. I want to participate in the auction and deliberately participated in it. Not to mention the existence of the Ninefold Realm, there are thousands of masters alone. "

Su Bingyun secretly smacked his tongue. Thousands of eight-level masters, no matter one of the eight-level masters, can wipe out their phoenix divisions, not to mention so many.

And inside, there is the existence of the Ninefold Realm.

There are very few masters of the nineth layer that Su Bingyun has seen. When he first came out of Phoenix Realm, the only two passers-by he saw were Li Xing.

But she heard Li Xing talk about herself, she was just the early state of the ninth layer.

Su Bingyun followed Li Xing tremblingly and looked at Xiao Naihe accidentally. I found Xiao Nai's expression indifferent, very calm, and I couldn't help admiring it.

Xiao Naihe is only the "eightfold realm", and when he sees such scenes, it seems that Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face. I am afraid that Xiao Nai often participates in these big events.

It's just that Su Bingyun didn't know that Xiao Naihe was just caught in some memories.

The first time he participated in an auction after rebirth came to his mind.

"I remember that when I was born again soon, the cultivation practice was nothing more than an acquired spiritual realm. I deliberately participated in an auction to wash my marrow. At that time, I was ecstatic when I got the acquired herbal medicine. But now I have so much in my body. Heaven and earth and treasure, but there is no feeling. Life changes are really impermanent. "

Xiao Nai He sighed slightly, and looked a little solemn.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's expression, Su Bingyun was slightly stunned, and seemed to be a little moved, quickly turned his head to suppress his own deer.

"Yellow level token, please follow me."

A very charming woman looked at Li Xing with a calm look, neither respect nor apathy, but the three of them walked quietly into a small box.

Xiao Nai turned his eyes, and the entire lobby was almost hundreds of large and small boxes, but the most of them were yellow-level boxes, which were relatively simple, but compared with the outdoor seats outside, it was much better. .

The next is the Xuan-class box, which looks a bit larger than the Huang-class box, but it is less.

The prefecture-level boxes are the total size of the Huang and Xuan-level boxes, and the decoration is exquisite, but the number is not large.

In the end, the heaven-class box, which is the most high-end in the entire auction, is magnificent inside and outside, and there are special maidservants at the auction.

Even if the guests in the heaven-class box are willing, the maidservant can do some secret services at any time.

But there are less than ten such boxes.

The most remaining is the open-air seats. Looking at it row by row, there are at least thousands of them.

"I heard the night king say that the rank in the **** realm is very clear, more serious than the lower realm, it seems to be true."

In the 3,300 world, everything is spoken according to strength, and in this nine-day **** pavilion, the seat distribution must also be based on strength, cultivation, and identity.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai's thoughts became lighter.

He doesn't have any idea about these seats, but it's better to have a box.

After Su Bingyun came in, he always looked at these boxes and seat distribution back and forth, which seemed somewhat unexpected.

"Three guests are here."

After that, the charming maidservant slowly retreated.

This maidservant is already at the level of the Sixth Supreme Realm, Su Bingyun did not expect that a simple maidservant in the nine heavens pavilion is the level of the Sixth Supreme Realm, you have to stay in the Sixth Highest Realm for a long time, Finally, he entered the realm of the Seventh Creator.

Now, the maidservants of a God Pavilion have no less than their previous cultivation practices, which makes Su Bingyun a little frustrated.

Li Xing seemed to see Su Bingyun ’s thoughts, and could not help but smile slightly, and said with a smile: "Do n’t be surprised, this Jiutian God Pavilion itself is no less than the super sect power in any Divine Realm. The personnel it chooses is even more strict. At the very least, these maidservants must have at least six levels of qualifications, because they have undergone professional training, and most of their repairs are piled up by heaven and earth. "

After a slight pause, Li Xing's face showed some embarrassment: "And the yellow-level token in my hand is actually very difficult to obtain."

"Senior, I looked at the compartments and seats in the section that were very weird. What the **** is going on?"

"Actually, you should also notice that there are two situations, one is with boxes, and the other is without boxes. Without boxes is the ordinary seats outside. The people who sit there are either small Zongmen, the characters of the small forces, are either some self-cultivation with low cultivation status and low status.

"While there are boxes, they are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth and Xuanhuang. The yellow box is just like me. It has a bit of power and skill, and it is generally the early stage of the nineth layer. The Xuan class boxes are some middle-upper class sect forces, or The power of the masters in the mid-to-late period of Nine Heavy. The prefecture-level boxes are top-notch ancestors. As for the heaven-level boxes, there are super-zongmen forces like General Zongfeng, as well as the repairs of the top masters of the nineth layer. "

Su Bingyun was stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a metaphysics in the distribution of the inside. Originally in their 33rd heavenly world, the direct level of Zongmen was already very clear.

But in the Divine Realm, I did not expect that this level of distinction is even more obvious and serious. Even the largest auction house, Jiutian Shen Pavilion, is inevitable.

I thought Su Bingyun came here to admire Li Xing. Although Li Xing took the worst box, he, as the owner of an inn, had such strength.

In contrast, if the people of the Huofeng tribe come, I am afraid that there is no one box, and I can only sit underneath and huddle with other people.

Su Bingyun has never been a person who is very sensitive to status and identity. Just seeing this, he did feel uncomfortable with Jiu Tian Shen Ge's approach.

"Don't say this, let's watch it. The auction will start immediately."

Li Xing brought Su Bingyun's attention back.

At this moment, suddenly the light in the field dimmed, Su Bingyun thought that something big happened, a little nervous, but soon a golden light bloomed from the stage.

Like the countless golden flowers, the whole hall shone brightly.

"Good means, this is the golden peanut lotus magical power of the Jiuzhong Realm, at least it will not be available until the late Jiuzhong."

In Li Xing's eyes, a look of admiration emerged between his expressions.

The woman standing in the field had eyes like stars.

Light yellow bottom net makeup floral clip-on shirt, eight lily skirts worn by Baidie butterfly with green bean bottom, and dressed in honey and color flat embroidery disk flowers.

Dark and shiny hair, chic and elegant chic bun bun, and the jade jade victory in the lightly curled cloud temples, wearing a gold-inlaid jade jade bracelet on the skin like a curdled hand, and the waist with red beads , Hanging a blue-white knife.

Sheng Xue's skin is actually a gorgeous beauty.

The woman's breath is restrained, but with Xiao Naihe's strength, it is not difficult to see that this woman's strength has reached the height of the nineth peak.

"is her?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, he did not expect to see this woman at this time.

When Xiao Naihe was still Beinanyi, he once saw an ancient soul fox in the lower realm. The soul fox has been practicing for at least tens of thousands of years, and his strength has reached the level of one yuan and nine levels.

Bei Nanyi at the time was far from the woman's opponent.

But at that time, Xiao Nai was chased to the end of the world by this woman because he calculated a magic weapon in the woman's hands.

If it were not for Xiao Naihe to re-enter the endless sea of ​​demon at the last moment, I am afraid that he would have been taken down by this woman.

"I haven't seen her for so many years, I didn't expect that she actually ascended into the God Realm and became a person in the Jiutian God Pavilion."

Ancient Soul Fox, as the sixth kind of beast, Xiao Nai, the little Nan who left beside Yun Weixue, is the ancient Soul Fox.

However, Xiao Nan has reached the six-tail level at this stage, and there are three tails that have not completely reached the level of one flower, one mind, one world.

The woman in front of her, as the soul fox, has reached the peak of the nineth level.

This woman is called Ning Qingxue, and she is also a great beauty for the country.

"I took a demon pill from her back then, and it was by that moment that the demon stepped into the ninth realm. Although she chased me to the end of the world, but if I didn't **** her golden pill, I was very It's difficult to step into the Ninefold Realm. "

As early as after rebirth, the grievances between Xiao Naihe and Ning Qingxue had long since disappeared.

But now when I see Ning Qingxue again, Xiao Naiho's heart is also a little floating, and it seems to recall that he was still a Beinanyi during the demon cultivation period.


Ning Qingxue, as the auctioneer of Jiu Tianshen Pavilion, has a high position in the Shen Pavilion. Because of their beautiful appearance and identity, many sect giants are very interested in Ning Qingxue.

The moment she appeared, she didn't know how much of the sight she felt on her. It was all greedy, lustful, looking, etc. emotions, and Ning Qingxue felt disdainful about it.

But at this time when she felt another sight, she seemed to wake up a sense of familiarity many years ago. Her heart floated slightly, and she couldn't help but stunned.

"The woman's consciousness also swept over."

Xiao Naihe quickly took back his own consciousness. After he stepped into a half-step passive state, he released his consciousness, and the average master of the nine-layered peak didn't even feel it.

But Ning Qingxue didn't know how to sense her, but she noticed it in an instant.

"This woman is not easy."

Under the tumult of the crowd, Ning Qingxue soon spoke.

"Welcome Daoists to come from afar to participate in our auction of Jiutian God Pavilion. This time our God Pavilion opened a special auction for the sake of the Phoenix. This time we participated in the auction of our God Pavilion. Sixty-seven pieces, each piece is worth the price! "

Ning Qingxue's voice is like a yellow bird. Anyone who hears Ning Qingxue's voice seems to be tempted, and there are thousands of imaginations in his heart.

Even some masters who are extremely high-cultivated and have a tough state of mind like a rock are vaguely attracted to Dao Xin.

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled faintly: "This woman actually used a kind of heavenly soul thunder and thought a little."

Li Xing shook his eyes, and his expression was slightly red.

He was attracted by Ning Qingxue's voice just a moment ago. Although he recovered in an instant, he did not expect Xiao Nai to be unmoved, as if he had no influence at all.

Seeing here, Li Xing was helpless again.

Even though Xiao Naihe was rebuilt in the Red War, it is only in the Eightfold Realm. Why is it so perverted that even the Leiyin of Jiuzhong Peak Master can resist it.

"Ning Qingxue, the opening remarks of the Shenge need not be said much. Let's get to the topic and start quickly."

In a heavenly box, there was a faint voice.

When this sound came, Li Xing's complexion changed slightly.

"What's wrong, Senior, is there any big man in the box?" Su Bingyun noticed Li Xing's face and couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's a big man. I didn't expect him to appear here. This person is another top sect in Phoenix God Realm, called Qianji Gate. He is called Qianji Dao Ren, and his accomplishment has also achieved the state of the ninth peak. , Is a veteran master. "

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