Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1915: Give up the chance to spare you

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The old man stood like a flying star and stepped forward.

Like a seven-star foot, a lotus blooms underneath, forming a painting.

Just like the **** thunder in the nine days, striding meteor, striding out, a flash of thunder flashed around him, like a thunder dragon.

"Just ahead, Baisen Mozun is indeed cunning, afraid that he would come out and wait for that person in advance. If the chance of" One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill "and that person was snatched by Baisen Mozun, it would be bad Now. "

Thinking about this, the old man speeded up and flew out directly, like a cannonball, brushed out and broke the vacuum.

Baisen Mozun is famous for its fierce reputation, and the old man naturally knows the means of this demon. The cultivators in the yellow box were certainly not high, but they definitely got a chance.

This great chance is even wanted by the Tang Tangzi. If it is obtained by Baisen Mozun, it is his fault.

The old man can't let Nabaisen Mozun escape.

A stream of startling colorful clouds surrounded the sky, forming a blood.

It was automatically formed after the death of Baisen Mozun. The spiritual power in the body of Baisen Mozun turned into a blood and death after death, forming a colorful cloud, which is a sign of great evil.

The old man's brow furrowed. When he first saw the layer of colorful clouds above, he suddenly moved his heart, a fine flash of light flashed, and the golden light formed a ball in the air.

The orb formed by the forbidden enchantment slowly receded, and finally a young man appeared.

This man is Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Xiao Naihe had already removed his avatar, showing his deity.

The old man in front of him is even more powerful than Baisen Mozun. If you rely on the avatar, Xiao Nai would not be easy to deal with the other party, it is better to show the deity directly.

"So young?"

The old man looks surprised. Although the cultivator has a long time and can live for a long time, it looks very young on the surface, but in fact it may be a giant who has lived for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

However, the age of the person's bones and the age of the body cannot be tampered with.

The young man in front of him is definitely no more than 30 years old. Perhaps the other party has been in the realm of time flow velocity for a long time, but the real age is real.

"Less than thirty years old, with a strong breath, I am afraid that it is not just the Seventh Realm, and even I can't see his cultivation behavior, is it already the existence of the nineth Realm?"

The old man's face was rarely cautious, and the previous guess seemed wrong.

The man in front of him seemed to be beyond his imagination. Originally, in the eyes of the old man, the people in the yellow box should have the strength in the Eightfold Realm.

But now it seems that this young man can not see through his cultivation, but the Ninefold Realm is inevitable.

"It should be from the early stage of the nineth to the middle stage of the nineth layer, and it cannot be the later stage of the nineth layer. It took two hundred years for the Tang son to be able to step into the late stage of the nineth layer, and was crowned as the rare genius of the ancestors. If the son is less than thirty years old, it is already in the late Jiuzhong period. Isn't the talent more than Tang Gongzi? I can't believe the old man. "

The old man thought for a moment. He calmed down involuntarily, his mind calmed down, and the light in his eyes burned, and there was a ray of thunder. There was a taste of thunderfire's initial rebirth.

This is the number of dollars, the means of Dadao's initial return.

The world is lucky.

The breath of the old man is actually a kind of sublimation of the power of heaven and earth.

"Yellow box, how about Baisen Mozun?" The old man said first.

Xiao Naihe didn't answer. Although the old man in front of him was a little deeper than Baisen Mozun, it was just like that, Xiao Naihe was naturally fearless.

The celestial star map flashed in his eyes, vaguely calculating something.

"Although I do n’t know what happened to the guy at Baisen, but I know you must have gotten a big chance, and you must still have a supernatural magic pill on your body. You take it all out, I will abolish your cultivation, old age can be How about spare your life? "

Similarly, in the eyes of the old man, Xiao Naihe is no different. No matter how high the talent is, it is still far inferior to yourself.

"Are you here to grab the one-element ultimate panacea and want to step into the ninth peak?"

Xiao Naihe can naturally see that the strength of this old man has reached the late stage of Jiuzhong, and the aura of his body is surrounded, obviously approaching the peak of Jiuzhong.

Although saying "One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill" can increase the 50% chance of the late masters of Jiuzhong to reach the peak of Jiuzhong, it is not just for everyone.

Experts who take "One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill" must have a certain accumulation and background to digest, in order to be eligible to take Divine Pill.

Otherwise, it looks like a cultivator who has just stepped into the late stage of the 9th Chongzhong. If you take Shendan rashly, let alone 50%, there is a good one in Chengdu.

But the old man has accumulated enough in the body, and Xiao Naihe believes that if this person takes his ‘One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill’, he will definitely have enough chance to go directly to the peak of Jiuzhong.

"Serving as a slave, old age is nothing more than a servant. Naturally, it should not be swallowed privately. If there is a Tang son, this magical pill should be his."

The old man slapped both hands and said slowly.

Xiao Nai was stunned for a moment, good fellow, this old man was actually a layman, and he was able to resist the temptation of "One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill". This is not simple.

On the contrary, who is Tang Tangzi in his mouth?

"Tang? Tang? Son of Tang? I probably don't even know the people in Phoenix God Realm ... Could this old man say that the East Tang in the auction was not successful?"

With a move in his heart, Xiao Naihe was so clear that he already guessed that the old man's master was Dongfang Tang.

Dongfang Tang is a genius disciple of Phoenix General Sect. This Xiao Nai knew long ago. That Eastern Tang was the hottest figure in Phoenix this time than the top ten, and it was also the later period of Jiuzhong.

And I heard that the Eastern Tang Dynasty is only more than two hundred years old. This kind of genius, even the God of War known as the first genius in the three thousand three hundred world, can't compare with it.

"Speaking of Wushenyi, this person will not disturb me in one day. When the matter in the **** realm comes to an end and I absorb enough heaven and earth luck, I will go directly to the **** realm and find an opportunity to kill Wushenyi and Huo Luo. Wang Caixing. "

In the realm of Xiao Naihe, Wu Shenyi and Huo Luo Wang can already be killed by raising their hands, but the villain is difficult to keep. These two lunatics are left, and no one knows what these two people will do next what.

Xiao Nai is not alone. First, he cultivated Yantian Pavilion. Secondly, he had Yun Weixue as his companion.

The last time Wu Shenyi hit Yun Weixue's idea, he sent someone to attack Yantian Pavilion.

"At least I have to wait until I realize enough path creation ability, absorb the heaven and earth luck, and have a certain amount of capital to compete with Huanglin. Then I can go down and forcibly destroy both Wushen Yi and Huo Luo Wang."

Xiao Naihe's heart was translucent, and one after another, and at one time he was planning for the grudges of the lower realm.

But now he is facing the threat of the old man's momentum.

I saw Xiao Nai raised his hand, his fingers were like transparent jade. Since Xiao Naihe's physical training has reached the triple defensive body, he has achieved half-step passiveness, and his physical strength has reached a state of almost passive state.

Now the flesh is a kind of leak-free gold body, and all the pollution in the body disappears. Xiao Naihe's body is the purest energy in the world, without any impurities.

His skin has also turned fair due to the experience of rejuvenation.

"The gods of the heavens, the life and death of me, the legal sentient beings."

Xiao Naiho's voice seemed like a giant from the ancient times, reaching forward, grabbing towards the void, and suddenly breaking the vacuum.

A huge Falun spins, as if to wrap the stars.

At that moment, Xiao Nai seemed to turn into the king of stars, and the spiritual power of Shennian was suddenly very powerful.

The God Wheel, which is constantly spinning in the sky, seems to control the lives and deaths of the heavens, wrapping all the Tianhe, forming a huge water curtain.

"What kind of Taoism is this? A superb supernatural power."

The old man froze for a moment, and at the next moment, a dangerous thought came to life.

"Three yuan lifted off."

The old man burst into a scream, five fingers, and it turned into a long sharp knife.

Then there were countless rays of light bursting between the fingers. These rays formed a long line, as if the strong knife gas would crush everything in all directions and smash everything in the surrounding sky.

At the next moment, the old man swiped forward fiercely, referring to the knife. The knife was boiling violently, the knife surging, and it exploded directly in the void, breaking the front.


The huge water curtain turned into debris in the air of this knife, and scattered around, forming a heavy downpour, and the laura fell down.

However, Xiao Naihe seemed to have a breath of surging air, which would form a vestment, which would isolate all the moisture from the surrounding, and finally formed a small vortex.

"God wheel, **, life and death wheel, wheel on wheel, wheel on wheel!"

Xiao Naihe called out six "wheels" in a row, and all the outlines in the entire void suddenly had all kinds of outlines. These outlines rotated up, as if they included everything, and controlled everything in their hands.

At the next moment, all six different outlines rolled down, and Xiao Nai's aura turned into a violent force field.

The moment when the severe gravity crushed, it directly shocked the old man's knife.

Each of these six divine wheels is full of power. Each divine wheel is full and contains endless divine power.


The old man only felt that as soon as his ear exploded, a strong force rolled up, making him seem to be shaken directly.

Then the **** wheels above the head fell down one after another and hit themselves.

"Humph, break it for me and ask for Biyun Picture."

There is also an infinite power in the old man's voice. When he said 'Introducing the Biyun Picture', every word was like a vast frost. float.

Under the moonlight, all the mists of fairy mist surround.

And a ray of light erupted in the old man's eyebrows, and this ray of light formed a long river when converging.

This river surged forward and finally formed another galaxy.

A picture emerged from the galaxy, as if it shot down an area of ​​a hundred thousand miles away and contained everything here.

"A picture is in my hand, and life and death are under my control."

The old man's voice was like Shenxiao, and the thunderstorm rioted. For a time, from this void picture, it seemed to reveal the galaxy inside.

The galaxy floats, and Xiao Naiho surrounds him with white air.

"You can see that I have published the Biyun Picture, which is already your blessing. Since you don't want to surrender the" One Yuan Extreme Divine Pill ", I can only solve you.

The old man said slowly, with a cold tone, as if waiting for the person to be killed, as if killing a ants.

However, this old man really regarded everyone who was inferior to himself as a ants. Even those children of the Protoss, as long as they did not enter the late period of the Nineth Layer, they were all ants, explaining falsehood.

Whirring whirring!

The wind in the air rolled, and a stream of streamer revealed.

The old man in the galaxy once again opened his five fingers, and a fine awn was pointed out between each finger, forming a long blade of gas.

The breath swelled and rolled away directly, shrouded towards the front.

At the next moment, it seemed that thousands of sharp knives appeared out of thin air, all facing Xiao Naihe's figure, and stabbed in the past.

Click and click.

Even the six divine wheels summoned in the void are shattered by this infinite sword.

At this time, the old man's momentum is like a rainbow, and there is a great momentum of encountering God to kill God and encountering Buddha to kill Buddha.

All the river water in Tianhe was drained, forming a vast pit. ;

However, the strength of the old man's body is endless, and the law comes out.


A dead word seems to set Xiao Naihe's life and death.

"I can't even reach the peak of one yuan, and I want to arbitrarily talk about his life and death. The real ants should be you. The power of life and death should be used like this.

Xiao Naihe was very polite to speak. When his five fingers snapped open, a vortex suddenly formed above the heavens.

It seems that countless stars are compressed, wrapping all the nebula, including thousands of wisdoms.

This is how Xiao Nai merged the four avenues into a kind of ultimate, life-and-death transformation, borrowing the magical power of the immortal soul to comprehend the magical power.

"A vortex of life and death."

The whirlpool circled, and the "Introduced Biyun Map" summoned by the old man was just urged, and there was no sign of it, just spread out.

At that time, the galaxy that originally appeared was directly absorbed into the vortex of life and death, and separated alive.

Even the Biyun map was not spared.

"Impossible, I asked the Biyun map to be the natal magic power that took six thousand years to refine. My natal power magic was actually separated?"

The old man who was very calm from the beginning, finally at this time, lost his mind and was shocked by Xiao Naihe's magical means.

Back and forth, the old man's face changed wildly, and he showed all his strength. He wanted to compete with Xiao Naihe for the "produced Biyuntu", but found that he could not receive his consciousness at all.

After the consciousness in the "Explore Biyun Picture" was erased, Old Han suddenly knew that he was no longer Xiao Naihe's opponent.


Without any hesitation, the fierce light flashed in the eyes of the old man, and now he swept away directly from Tianhe.

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