Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1918: Refining and revenge (Part 1)

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Xiao Naihe set up layers of forbidden barriers outside the cave, hiding them.

Even if it is the master of the nineth peak, it is difficult to see.

Xiao Nai didn't think anyone would come over in such a birdless **** cave. He summoned his deity and stepped into the inner world.

At this time, the time and space world is surrounded by vitality, and a badge floats in the void, releasing a fine light.

Above the layers of light, the badge obtained from the auction, the light flowing in the badge, looks like the heavenly river of nine heavens.

Sparkling, just after refracting the fine mans, Xiao Naihe was included in the palm of his hand.

"In this badge, there is a naturally formed little thousand world, and there are many Cambrian spars in the little thousand world. Unless I accidentally got the Xingyuan Xuanshi, use the Xingyuan Xuanshi to discover, otherwise I will miss this Cambrian spar. "

Xiao Nai was quite disappointed in his tone.

After he defeated the blood gentleman, he got the moonlight battleship, and the moonlight battleship is the future he will face the fate of the heaven and man. He must cross the galaxy with the moonlight battleship, go deep into Taiyu, and find other inevitable means.

The urge of the Moonlight Warship naturally requires the use of a lot of energy, and the Cambrian Crystal contains the heaven and earth aura needed by the Moonlight Warship.

Only by virtue of the heaven and earth aura of the Cambrian spar, the moonlight warship can persevere.

"When I first got the Yueguan Battleship, I didn't know the depth of the Moonlight Battleship and consumed too much aura inside."

When thinking of the first time he got the moonlight warship, Xiao Nai was three-pointed curious, deliberately controlling the moonlight warship to fly around in the sky.

Now thinking that it was a waste of energy, Xiao Nai suddenly smiled bitterly.

Pack up your mood, open the badge in your palm, and infuse your mind into the badge.


Suddenly, the world of Xiao Qian in the badge appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, a shimmering light flickered, as if the stars were all over the sky.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe seemed to have entered another space world, and was in a mysterious world.

The Cambrian crystals are in front of you, and every era will produce different crystals. These are all to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth.

But in different eras, the heaven and earth auras produced are also different.

It's like the present heaven and earth aura has become thinner, and what really supports the cultivation of the cultivators is the heaven and earth atmosphere transportation.

In the Cambrian era, it is the aura of the Cambrian world to support cultivation.

"These heaven and earth auras are the energy that urges the moonlight warships, but although I am not a star clan cultivator, but after swallowing the memory of the greedy wolf, I have a lot of opinions on the star clan cultivation road. If the spirit in the spirit is used for cultivation, it will be enough to allow a cultivator of the acquired realm to directly cultivate to a half-step passive state. "

Xiao Nai and his heart are bright. Although these auras in the Cambrian spar are not needed by themselves, they cannot be used as energy for moonlight warships.

"I'm uneasy about putting these in this small world, and it's all safe for me to receive the world in my body."

Xiao Nai He Shennian moved, a shot of golden light flowed from between his fingers, covering the Cambrian spar.

The Cambrian spars of the Little Thousand World are piled up into mountains, and by stacking these spars, ten seven-star towers can be piled up.

The inner world of ordinary practitioners can't bear such a large amount of energy, but Xiao Naihe's inner world does not have such pressure.

Not to mention the Cambrian spar in front of it, even if it is ten times more, Xiao Nai can accommodate it.

But even with so many Cambrian spars, they still have to be used as energy for the Moonlight Warship, and they don't know how long they can last.

It can be seen that the moonlight warship consumes too much energy.

"All extradited first."

Xiao Naihe opened a channel between two different worlds, and then introduced all these spars into his own body world.

At this time, the Cambrian crystals have all fallen into the deep world of Xiao Naihe's body.

Seeing full of Cambrian crystals, Xiao Nai suddenly felt very satisfied and nodded again and again.

Then, when he raised his head, he suddenly heard a few clicks.

Soon, all the barriers in the small Qianqian world in front broke down and lost the support of Cambrian spars. This naturally formed Xiaoqian world naturally had no energy to support it.

"After all, this naturally formed Xiaoqian world is not artificial. After losing the Cambrian spar, this Xiaoqian world will not be destroyed by itself, and it will soon break down."

Of course, Xiao Naihe knows, for example, that his inner world needs time and rivers, all living things, rice paddy fields, Taikoo Leichi, and Jinwulieri. These four ancient miracles are the key to supporting his inner world!

"The Cambrian crystals, which have become mountains and mountains, can be regarded as an ancient miracle in disguise. I got so much, but I can't use them for cultivation. It is a pity."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.


Soon, the world of Xiaoqian in the badge disappeared, and Xiao Nai didn't care anyway. Anyway, he already had enough capital now.

Later, Xiao Naihe adjusted his clothes. When he extradited the Cambrian spar, the strong winds made Xiao Naihe look embarrassed.

Putting on a clean piece of clothing, Xiao Nai looked around and cleaned up, then waved his hand, and suddenly a fine flash flashed out, showing a group of fine lights.

There is indeed one person in this mass of light, which, to be precise, should be a human body.

This person is no one else. It is the shadow guard next to Dongfang Tang, the old man who was captured by Xiao Naihe before.

All the collections in the old man's body were obtained by Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naiho threw all these things into a treasure room of his own.

Xiao Naiho divided a part of his space-time world into a treasure room.

He put all the treasures he had previously waited for, and all the treasures of heaven and earth, into this treasure room. Only he can open it.

The spirit of the old man was brought up by Xiao Naihe at this time. The fierce light flashed in the other party's eyes, but soon disappeared.

"I didn't expect that there is such a young master of the nineth peak in Phoenix Realm. Which family are you a child of?"

"Hey, I'm not a child of any family. You should be the person next to Dongfang Tang. I haven't offended Dongfang Tang anyway. I didn't expect you to stop me to kill me in order to get to the" One Yuan Extreme Shendan " . I only have to solve you one by one. "

"Huh, even if you arrested me, what then? My life has long been regarded as my own. If you kill me, kill it. Anyway, you will die like that in the future."

The old man closed his eyes and stopped speaking. He didn't seem to worry about what would happen next.

The old man is now trapped in this weird world, not to mention the spirit body, even if it is real, he cannot escape this inner world.

Thinking of this, the old man calmed down instead.

Although Xiao Naihe is powerful, it is not too strong to be against the sky. Only the day that the Phoenix General Sect is there, Xiao Naihe certainly dare not stay in the Phoenix God Realm for too long.

Once I stayed for too long, I was caught by the people of the Phoenix sect. With the many chances of this kid, I am afraid that I will die.

Although he didn't know what chance the young man had in front of him, it was definitely not simple.

Thinking of coming here, the old man didn't care much about what Xiao Nai would say next. Close your eyes, there is a kind of life and death at your disposal.

"It seems that you have abandoned life and death, otherwise your state of mind will not be so calm. Because you have no heart for contention, no idea of ​​seizing your vitality."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, a trace of fine awns appeared in his eyes, and the words were like beads, as if it were a big bead and a small bead falling on a jade plate, and its clang was powerful.

The old man said indifferently: "The old self-knowledge is no longer alive. If you separate my soul and flesh, I will have no hope. Besides, my life is not my own."

"It's from the Eastern Tang Dynasty."

Where does Xiao Nai do not know that the old man is a person of the Eastern Tang Dynasty? With the news that the old man talked inadvertently before, even if he is stupid, he knows that this old man is a person of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Dongfang Tang heard that there was an old slave in the late Jiuzhong of Supreme Realm, and his strength was also in the late Jiuzhong, and he was loyal.

The old man closed his eyes and did not answer Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe looked the same and slowly said, "You must be thinking, I dare not stay in this Phoenix God Territory for too long. Once I am caught by the people of your Phoenix sect, I will definitely die?"

The old man still didn't speak.

"Unfortunately, you are wrong. I will not only stay in Phoenix God Realm, but also enter the Phoenix Sect, and win the Phoenix Sect. Since the Eastern Tang has annoyed me, I will kill him one day. No one can stop it. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Hearing this, the old man's closed eyes shuddered slightly, but soon he recovered.

"I must kill this person in the Eastern Tang Dynasty. After I arrived at the Phoenix General Sect, I attracted the attention of the Phoenix General Sect. At that time, I had absolute ability to enter."

The old man couldn't help but sneer: "What are you? Inheritance of the Phoenix Sect is actually a small cultivator you can think of. The Phoenix Sect is going to kill you, it's as simple as killing a dog."

In the end, Xiao Naiho once again drilled a divine thought out of his own eyebrows. The divine thought merged into nothingness and soon disappeared.

"You really think that the Eastern Tang has determined me. You haven't seen the inside of me. You are a small person."

Subsequently, the thought in the middle of Xiao Nai's eyebrows seemed to be a colored light, which was directly injected into the void, and seemed to have entered a certain deep space.

Afterwards, several large, gas fields were crushed.

However, when this spiritual force spread, it suddenly showed part of its true face in this space.

Bang bang

In a thunder pond, there is constant spiritual power scrolling, and this spiritual power summons a rice field of all things.

There is also a huge vortex above the head, which is the old man's hands and feet, but it is useless.

When the old man saw the thunder pond, and the river in front of it, it was the river of time.

There was a huge blazing sun floating above the sky.

"These are ... Taikoo Leichi, you actually have Taikoo Leichi? What is that? What a rich life, how can there be such a huge life in these rice fields?

The old man at this time could no longer bear the indifferent look, but there was a kind of panic and horror in his eyes.

In the paddy field in front of him, each mature rice has the size of a fist, and each one emits an irresistible fragrance.

A vitality was released from the rice fields.

Even after the old man felt the paddy field, the soul seemed to have a feeling of recovery.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the mind of the old man, and he cried out: "Is this a long-lost rice for all things? It is said that the raw rice eaten by all things at the beginning of the heaven and earth era? But that is also an ancient thing, many people I thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect to have rice in all things. There is also the Taikoo Leichi, which is also a miracle in the Taikoo.

"Well, Taikoo Lei Chi still has such a background, but I don't know?"

After hearing the old man ’s words, Xiao Nai froze for a moment. He did n’t expect this old man to know so much, and just now he heard that if he could understand some mysteries in Taikoo Leichi, he would probably realize that he would spend the day. The mystery of people's five declines, this Xiao Nai He Ke never heard of.

But now that I have heard of it, Xiao Nai could not be regarded as unheard of. It seems that it is time to study this Taikoo Leichi.

At this point, the old man was already shocked to be speechless. He originally thought that Xiao Naihe had accidentally got a big chance. Even after knowing that Xiao Naihe was at least the powerhouse of the Ninth Peak, this old man was definitely Xiao Naihe. It is a great opportunity inherited from Taikoo.

But now it seems that this great opportunity is too terrifying.

"The Taikoo Leichi, the rice of all things, and some here I don't know what is there, but it is definitely a Taikoo miracle level. Even the huge General Zongfeng has no such heritage. Who are you ..."

The old man's words hadn't been finished. Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's eyes erupted in a flash of light, as if it were a divine sword, and immediately penetrated into the old man's eyebrows in a flash.

The old man seemed to explode, and the original strong sea of ​​consciousness had a feeling of collapse at this moment.

"You ... are you refining my soul? Are you mad at me?"

Originally, the old man planned to stay on his own sea of ​​knowledge. As long as his sea of ​​knowledge is not open, even if the kid in front of him is the master of the nineth peak, he can't break it forcibly, otherwise the kid will suffer a lot of losses.

But now the old man knows that he is fooled.

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