Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1920: Sky Book World

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"It turns out that way, it turns out that way."

The essence in Xiao Naihe's eyes has not disappeared, because he has read too much about the plane of the Xingzu from this book.

When the Xingzu power came to the first plane, it was not because the Xingzu plane was going to experience the five decays of heaven and man, but the Xingzu plane was still in a growth period and did not exist in dozens of epochs. problem.

Xingzu Mighty led the master down to enter the first plane, in fact, to occupy other planes.

"This is race, plane invasion?"

Xiao Nai suddenly thought of an alien race. Over 6,000 years ago, the third-faced alien race was the invasion of the clan. Many people still remember this.

Originally Xiao Nai also thought that the third plane had an alien invasion, and that the Six Worlds Jihad was the most terrible in the first plane.

I did not expect that the first plane invasion was not the Six Worlds holy war of the alien invasion, but the event of the astral invasion during the Cambrian era.

"That star clan power is also powerful. There were definitely some masters in the passive realm during the Cambrian era, but the star clan power was able to lead so many people in the star clan, occupying the entire first plane and gaining the first place. The first one to control. "

Xiao Nai lamented secretly.

At the time of the Cambrian era, the first plane had not yet reached the end, and the aura of heaven and earth must be very sufficient.

Under such conditions, there must be some masters of passive realm in the Cambrian era.

However, under the passive state of his own, the Star Clan can lead so many people in the Star Clan, defeat the pig belly master of the first plane, and become the overlord of the first plane.

It can be guessed that even if the power of this star family exists in the passive realm, it is definitely a very powerful existence in the passive realm.

It may even be the passive peak, the most powerful being in the world.

"But how can that Star Clan Power disappear now? There is no clue on this Jiuxing Tianshu, such a master, I can't think of anyone in the world who can kill him."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. He really didn't know where the Xingzu might came to the end. He moved his heart slightly, and then turned to the next page.

Suddenly, a golden page appeared in front of him.

"What is this?"

When Xiao Naihe saw this golden page, he suddenly showed a glimmer of light in the sky. The light is constantly released, as if to wrap up Xiao Naihe's entire inner world.


Although Xiao Nai didn't know why this happened, he knew that it shouldn't be a very good thing. Immediately it was a supernatural power. At this moment, at Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a golden light flickered, which directly sent these nine stars Forced out.


At this time, these two stars, Xiao Naihe and Xiao Naihe, flew out of the space-time world with their aura.

But after the nine-star heavenly book flew out of the body world and entered the cave, a ray of light was continuously released, as if a thick blood rushed into the sky.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The violent thunder, and the power of various stars converged together. At this moment, it seems that there is a long galaxy in front of Xiao Naihe.

In front of Xiao Naihe's eyes, it seemed that countless white lights gathered in his own eyes. Next, Xiao Naihe's white eyes appeared as if he had entered a white space world.

"What's the matter again? This kind of space magical power, even when I was a celestial monster, wasn't there."

Xiao Nai was shocked.

He was just a moment out of the inner world. Jiuxing Tianshu didn't know why the light was released again, and then the light rolled, and he wrapped himself directly into a strange world.

In front of Xiao Naihe, all are white spaces. The whole white space world seems to be in another plane.

After seeing this white space, Xiao Nai suddenly fell into a state of mind.

why? Because he felt his power in this white space world, he felt a little vaguely suppressed.

This feeling is just like the white inorganic face before facing God Realm, and the imperial Lin facing Danting, it is a feeling of unmatchable.

Now, Xiao Naihe regenerates this feeling.

Since he entered the half-step passive, no one in the world can threaten himself unless he is the master of the passive state.

But this time, Xiao Nai indeed felt an inexplicable danger.


At this time, nine strange lights flew up to the sky, and the entire white space was full of nine different streamers at this time.

These nine different streamers directly formed a huge vortex when the disk turned up, and it seemed to wrap the entire world in the vortex.

The endless white seems to be sinking slowly in this nine-color vortex.

At this moment, Xiao Naiho also felt that in this whirlpool, the power of the mind seemed to be controlled.

"What? Why does my mind read this way?"

This is dangerous. Once your mind is not under your control, it means that you have no sense of security at all.

Four classics.

At this time, from Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a scripture book suddenly appeared. This scripture book was exactly the other one that Xiao Naihe combined four kinds of avenues and three kinds of original source books together.

After the appearance of the Four Sutras, Xiao Naihe's original uncontrollable spiritual power in his body recovered at once.

And Xiao Naiho's eyes also showed a kind of brightness at this time.

Whirring whirring!

Xiao Naihe exhaled for a long time. This kind of danger was the first time that Xiao Naihe encountered after entering the passive secret realm. It was a life-threatening danger.

The last time he was in the lower realm, although he also encountered Bai inorganic, but at that time Bai inorganic did not die, so Xiao Nai was not threatened by his life.

But at that moment, Xiao Nai felt that the spiritual power in his body was out of control, and there was a feeling that all of them would disappear.

If it were not for the timely summoning of the Four Master Sutras, I was afraid that as soon as my own thoughts disappeared, I would really be finished.

"What is this place? There is such a dangerous space. Is it ..."

Xiao Naihe frowned tightly. Suddenly he saw the nine-colored vortex in the void. When the vortex swirled up, nine different stars suddenly appeared.

After these nine stars appeared, they radiated countless light and showed a mysterious state.

"Nine Stars and Nine Stars, can it be said ... This white world is exactly among the nine star heaven books?"

Xiao Nai raised a brow, which is very likely, because he just felt that Jiu Xing Tian Shu seems to have changed a little bit in the inner world. He quickly turned on the spiritual power of Nian Xing Tian Shu and brought Jiu Xing Tian Shu out.

But as soon as he went out of the inner world, Jiuxing Tianshu seemed to release a tremendous amount of light, wrapping himself up, and then as soon as the light disappeared, he also entered this mysterious white space.

In other words, this space should be the world in the Jiuxingtianshu.

Thinking of coming here, instead, Xiao Nai began to stabilize.

Because Xiao Naiho was a little rushed and worried just now, it was because he did not know where he was, because unknown places were the most dangerous.

Now that I know that this is the world in Jiu Xing Tian Shu, Xiao Nai is not as hurried as before, but still a bit worried.

"Since the Jiuxing Tianshu is the Cambrian era, the star family of the passive realm is powerful, then it should be said that there is mystery in this heavenly book. But I remember that the owner of Jiuxing Tianshu seems not to know this mystery, otherwise How could he take such a mysterious book out for auction. "

Xiao Nai shook his head. Since the owner of the previous Heavenly Book did n’t know that this Jiuxingtianshu had this ability, and the people in the auction could n’t see why the Jiuxingtianshu would automatically fall into his own hands. It was too strange to initiate.

Just when Xiao Naiho felt strange, suddenly, in Xiao Naihe's body, two black beads kept spinning, and a black breath was released from the two beads, wrapping Xiao Naihe's body.

Subsequently, a star power drilled directly in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows and entered the white space.

The nine-color vortex, after feeling the power of the stars, actually sent out a kind atmosphere.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe felt that this white space was actually alive.

"What? Could it be that the reason why I entered this weird white space is actually because of the two stars in my body?"

The two black beads were the Xingyuan mysterious stones that Xiao Nai took from the greed wolf and the blood gentleman.

Among the nine-star overlords, after everyone has cultivated to the passive state, the flesh body will condense a star element black stone, which is like the origin mentioned in this era.

It's just that the people of their Xing tribe are Xing Yuan Xuan Shi, and Xiao Naihe is the origin of this era.

At this time, Xiao Naihe was very clear that the real culprit was the two xingyuan blackstones in his body.

"I didn't expect it to be because of this Xingyuan mystic stone. This time I didn't know if it was a blessing or a disaster."

Suddenly, the seven-color vortex in the sky disappeared and retreated, and a huge throne appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

There was a man sitting above the royal family, who was introverted and closed his eyes, but sitting there seemed to be the existence of the star Taiyu.

"This is the master of the passive realm!" Xiao Naihe suddenly changed his face.

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