Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1924: Xingzu's Secret

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Xingzu transferred Qicheng's power into Xiao Naihe's body. The other party originally thought that as long as the nine-star throne is present, he can always take back everything that was poured into Xiao Naihe's body.

But did not expect that Xiao Naihe also has passive Tao Qi.

"Let me go, kid, you won. If you want, I can give you all the remaining 30% of the power of the stars and the memory of Dao, how?"

The light of wisdom flashed in Xingzu's eyes.

At this point, the old man also knew that there was no chance to resist.

When he was trapped by these two great fate tools, Xingzu knew that he could not go out alone.

"I won? If I don't have these two destiny tools, I'm afraid that I would have died in your hands just now. If I were to believe you, it would be impossible."

Xiao Naihe sneered coldly.

This star ancestor was able to temporarily discover the mystery of his body, and almost used the throne of nine stars to kill himself to the town. It was really unexpected.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe would never believe in Xingzu.

"What do you want me to do to believe me?"

Xiao Nai He groaned down, collecting memories of Xingzu in his mind.

What surprised Xiao Naihe was that although he had 70% of Daoist experience and power of stars, he had very few memories of other complexities.

But those confusing memories are rather crucial to Xiao Naihe. For example, Xiao Naihe wants to figure out the location of the Xingzu, and there are some dangers in Taiyu.

Although Xiao Naihe has already gained the experience of surviving the five decays of heaven and man, for Xiao Naihe now, there is not much need. Because the first plane is already in the age of the end of the Fa, and it is the last one with five decays.

Even though Xiao Nai survived the great disaster of Heaven and Man, there is no way to survive. The only way is to leave the first plane.

"You are the beginning of the Cambrian era, lead other people from the clan into the first ancestor of the first plane."

"Yes, in order to conquer other planes, I deliberately entered the first plane."

"Now that you are so good, why did you fall into this state? Even the spirit body sinks into the Jiuxingtianshu? Is it related to the separation of the physical body and the soul of the soul you just said?"

"In the middle and late Cambrian era, I separated the body of the soul and soul. I divided the body into four parts. One stayed in this first plane, and the other three entered Taiyu to fight for the other planes."

what? Actually still have an avatar in the first face?

Xiao Nai was cold all over. If, as Xingzu said, there is also an avatar of Xingzu in this first plane, wouldn't what he did today let that avatar know?

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai suddenly developed a sense of danger, and quickly asked: "What are the strengths of your four avatars?"

"My physical body occupies two-thirds of all my original strength, but it is divided into four. But my four avatars are not like my spiritual body. They will also grow, become stronger, and practice. I can I feel that at least three of the four of them have reached the passive state, and one of them has even reached the late passive stage, which is only one step away from my peak of passiveness. "

Xiao Naihe's face suddenly became ugly. It can be said that even if Xiao Naihe occupied all the strength of this star ancestor, it was at most the level of the middle and early stages of the passive, and it will take a long time for refining to play a role. .

But this is only the case. As for the other four avatars, it is no different from human cultivators. They can also practice and become stronger.

What is special is that Xiao Naihe heard that three of the avatars had reached the passive state, and Xiao Naihe was thinking about the avatar that stayed in the first plane.

However, Xiao Naihe can also be sure that no matter what stage the passive avatar stayed in enters the passive state, now Xiao Naihe is not an opponent.

At the beginning, he was in the midst of becoming a demon, and the peak of his strength was only the beginning of the passive.

"What kind of cultivation did the avatar you stayed in the first plane have?"

"Hey, if I say he has reached the passive state, do you believe it? Do you want me to tell you who he is? But I won't tell you because I don't know."

Xiao Nai closed his eyes, of course he believed that even he had vaguely guessed the identity of this person.

Suddenly, a person appeared in his mind. This person looked like he was in his thirties, and he had a kind of extraordinary mood in every move.

That person is naturally Huang Lin, the king of Dan Ting.

Xiao Naihe has doubted the origin of this Huang Lin more than once. On Huang Lin's body, Xiao Naihe could hardly feel any taste of this era.

He had already assumed that Huang Lin existed in the last era and seemed to have some connection with Guanhai.

"If Huang Lin is one of Xingzu's avatars, then everything makes sense."

Xiao Nai suddenly realized that if Huang Lin was the avatar of Xingzu, then all the doubts were now solved.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Naiho's expression also began to change.

If Huang Lin is really a body of avatars, I am afraid that Huang Lin should be the most powerful of the four avatars. It is likely that it is the passive late period, or even more than the late period.

"I really don't understand that with your strength, it is already a passive peak. Even if it is placed in Taiyu, Rao has multiple planes, and there are not many opponents. Why do you still want to put your own body and soul Separated to form four avatars? "

This is Xiao Naihe's most incomprehensible thing.

To the point of Xingzu, he didn't know who was his opponent in Taiyu as a whole, but instead he had to do the hard work.

Xingzu had a sneer on his face, but his eyes were so severe that he even vaguely revealed a discreet taste.

"Because I believe there is still a way above the passive."

Xiao Naihe's head banged, Xingzu said that above the passive state, there should be a higher state.

But Xiao Nai did not know what the realm was. He didn't dare to say that there are other realms above the passive, and he didn't dare to talk to death.

But Xiao Naihe can already understand why this star ancestor divided his physical body into four parts. This kind of person has reached a limit, but Xingzu is not reconciled to this stage.

In order to break through, he would rather abandon the rebirth and divide his physical body into four avatars. What he cannot do alone, the other four may be able to do it.

Obviously, this is not necessarily a good idea.

But why did Xingzu leave his spiritual body in Jiuxing Tianshu, if he completely covered his spiritual body in one of the avatars, the chance is greater.

Suddenly, Xiao Nai and He Lingguang flashed and clapped, saying: "It turns out that it is no wonder that you have integrated your spiritual body into Jiuxing Tianshu. If I am not wrong, you four avatars have independent consciousness. Not to let his consciousness affect the consciousness of his four people, he deliberately merged his spiritual body into the Jiuxing Tianshu. And this Jiuxing Tianshu has always been protected by the Jiuxing Overlord. "

Xingzu's expression moved, shouldn't he integrate this part of memory into Xiao Naihe's body?

This kid could have guessed it with three words, but it was also a bit more powerful.

But thinking of this, Xingzu calmed down: "Yes."

"You divided four avatars on one side to help you embark on a higher path above the passive. On the other hand, you secretly manipulate the nine-star overlord. These nine xingyuan mysterious stones are all born for your sake. , The nine of them should be in their infancy at the peak period. But what's the use of cultivating them? "

"This will not bother you, you know."

"Haha, even if you do n’t tell me, I can guess one or two. You use these nine stars to devour and fight each other. The last one to survive in the future, which is the strongest one. This person is likely to be your future. Let ’s take the target. "

Xiao Nai He took a slight pause, and slowly took two steps forward, slowly said: "From the beginning, you misunderstood me as a wolves, and implanted all your mental strength into my body, that is fancy I can survive the Nine Star Fight. The spiritual power you gave me may one day really take away my flesh. But unfortunately, I am not a member of the Xing clan, and the Xing Yuan Xuan Shi It ’s not my destiny that exists, so your plan to win over is useless to me. "

At the end of the day, Xingzu didn't say a word and looked closely at Xiao Naihe, as if to see other things in Xiao Naihe's eyes.


Xingzu applauded in the cage formed by the fate lock, and there was actually a three-point admiration in the look: "You deserve to be the four sons of the Four Cultivators who surpassed the" Holy "in legend. The" Holy "also reached the late passive period. If the path creation is successful, you can enter the passive peak and become like me. And you, I saw his shadow on you. "

"You really know who I am!"

Xiao Nai suddenly opened his eyes, a burst of light erupted in his eyes, as if countless burning suns had merged, dazzling.

At this point, Xiao Naihe has connected everything.

He had too few memories of Xingzu, but it was with this kind of memory that Xiao Naihe connected everything.

"You and the avatar that stayed in the first plane should have the ability to sense each other? The reason why you know my identity is that you should get some memory induction from that avatar."

Although Xiao Naihe's voice was powerful, he was vaguely worried.

Even the existence of that person knows his own existence, I am afraid that some of the more powerful existences than he imagined have already begun to pay attention to himself.

Thinking of this, why did Xiao Nai frown tightly.

He only knew that everything was false before the passive state.

"You want to absorb my remaining strength and memory?"

Seeming to feel Xiao Naihe ’s thoughts, Xing Zuton shouted: "Do n’t think about it, I have sealed all my memory and strength. Although you have my 70% strength, there is no absolute ability to break it at this stage My seal. "

Xiao Naihe glanced at Xingzu and said slowly, "I know, but when I accumulate the atmosphere of heaven and earth to the point where it is completely enough, the luck will increase and break your seal, leaving 30% of your memory and It is naturally not a problem to refine power. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Na was no longer willing to talk nonsense with Xingzu, only to see him wave one by one, a golden light flowing in the void.

Fate Sky Lock and Fate Chain are tightly locked to Xingzu.

Xingzu didn't have any resistance, but his eyes revealed the color of resentment: "One day, the four of them will definitely find you, and your house will be mine after all."

"Then see if your doppelganger will find me soon, or if I will refine your spiritual body." Xiao Naihe took a slight pause. "Yes, I took your nine-star throne. I These two pieces of Taoism are used to trap you and temporarily cannot be used, so take your throne as interest. "

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Xingzu almost vomited blood, and locked Xiao Naihe's death, and the resentment and killing in his eyes were extremely extreme.

But Xiao Nai ignored this breath and shook his head.

"Is this the throne of nine stars?"

After Xiao Naihe sealed the Xingzu, he distracted some attention and looked at the nine-star throne in front of him. Xiao Naihe suddenly felt the struggle and hesitation in this nine-star throne.

"The Nine-Star Throne has a spirit, but it does n’t know if I am the Xingzu. Xingzu has incorporated 70% of his power into my body. I already have part of the Xingzu taste in my body. The throne is hesitant. "

This is a passive Taoqi, even if he was a demon at that time, there is no passive Taoqi.

As for the fate of Taoism, it has also lost the true heritage of passive Taoism.

Obtaining a true passive Taoist, the Nine-Star Throne, has far more benefits than a fateful Taoist with two and a half barrels of water.

"If I completely refine the Nine Star Throne into my belongings, even if I meet a passive master, even if I am not enemies, I will have enough confidence to contend with one or two, and then escape!"

Xiao Naihe smiled on his face. If he can really control the Nine Stars Throne, even if he can't beat the masters of the passive realm, he can escape with the Nine Stars Throne.

"However, I have absorbed 70% of the power of the stars and the memory of Taoism now. If all of them are connected to form my" Dao ", with the throne of the Nine Stars, I might meet the masters of the early passive period, and I have enough ability to fight. . "

Xiao Nai was so hot in his heart that to speak of the passive masters in this world, there were only three people: Huang Lin, Bai inorganic, and Fu Mengwu.

There may be passive masters hidden in the dark world, but there are definitely very few. Such masters of the hidden world should be devoted to the study of the methods of surviving the five failures of heaven and earth.

"I'm going to refine this nine-star throne now."

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