Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1926: Meet an acquaintance again

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All three cultivators are masters.

Two of them have reached the level of Jiuzhong, one is the early stage of Jiuzhong, and the other is the middle of Jiuzhong.

But the third person is a female, and her cultivation practice is nothing more than an eightfold realm.

The woman's looks are extremely beautiful, her eyes are like the moon, she is wearing a white dress, and the gold hairpin above her head is slightly shaking.

Between her every move, she revealed a dusty fairy.

It's just that this female nun looks a little panicked because of her looks, and looks a little embarrassed, but she can't hide her beauty.

Originally, Xiao Naihe had no idea of ​​wanting to shoot, but Xiao Naihe was ruthless, and this kind of thing happened every day, and Xiao Naihe was not a hero, he could save it.

He doesn't have so much leisure.

Originally, Xiao Nai also wanted to leave, but when he saw the woman in front, he suddenly looked a little surprised.

This woman, he knew.

She is exactly what Xiao Nai has a history of white fox.

"I remember that after she was promoted to the Eightfold Realm, she had already ascended into God Realm. I originally thought that I would never meet her again, but I didn't expect to see White Fox here."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Speaking of the white fox, he also has a lot of connections.

When he was Beinanyi back then, the white fox was still a small nine-tailed **** fox, and the white fox was subdued by Xiao Naihe.

Until later, Xiao Nai challenged many masters of Nine Heavens, and the white fox closed its doors.

But as soon as the White Fox exited the customs, the original Beinanyi had disappeared.

Although Xiao Naihe had cut off the connection between the white fox and his past life, but now seeing the white fox again, Xiao Naihe can't help but sigh.

I saw him shaking his head, feeling that things were impermanent.

Even if Xiao Nai had a heavenly star map, he did not expect such an encounter.

"Since I saw her, I helped her once."

Xiao Nai thought about it, and then flew up, but just stepped out and came to the front.

"Smelly woman, you are a little loose repairer. The **** fox from the lower realm thought that he had a few pounds or a few pounds. He got these six days of grass, and he didn't give it to us. You just died."

The mid-nine men in the front shouted coldly, with a murderous tone in their tone.

It was another man in the back who kept looking at the white fox with a kind of evil charm, and there was a kind of **** smile on his face: "Hey, this little girl looks good, it looks better than Lei Yunzong's Luoying By the way, by the way, since this woman is about to die, let me take her Yuanyin. "

"Senior Brother, you are really monkey anxious. When I get Liutiancao, I will give you this woman. Liutiancao can make nine high-quality elixirs, which are great for you and me. The role. "

The white fox's face was pale, because he was chased and killed by these two men and there was no way to go to the ground.

Now they are stared at by these two people. White Fox knows that once it falls into their hands, it will definitely be better than life or death.

Suddenly, there was a look of despair in the eyes of the white fox.

"Even if I die, I won't let you succeed, even if I ruin the six days grass, I won't leave it to you."

Afterwards, the final light erupted in the eyes of the white fox, seemingly determined to do something.

Soon, there was an extra handful of green grass in the book of the White Fox. As soon as the six days of grass came out, the greed was evident in the eyes of the two men in front of them.

But when they saw that the white fox was trying to squeeze off Liu Tiancao, the greed in his eyes suddenly turned into a hurry, and quickly said, "Dare you dare? If you ruined Liu Tiancao, Lao Tzu had to seal off your cultivation behavior Kill you fiercely, and then throw you into the checkbox, and let you try what it means to be human. "

When the white fox heard it, her heart shook a little.

And the man also knew that it was a good opportunity. A sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and his hand moved faster.

As if it were a meteor, the man shot immediately.

The speed of the other party seemed to be a fusion of wind and thunder. In an instant, he came to Xiao Naihe's front. With one shot, he directly caught the white fox's chest.


But at this time, a strong gust of wind blew, and the oncoming face blew the man from the early days of the Nineth Layer to the back.


The men in the mid-nineth layer only felt a strong masculine force in this gang wind and forced themselves to retreat.


The leading man shouted, and then the consciousness was released, looking for the person who did not shoot with long eyes.

Soon, he saw a young man slowly approaching them.

"Just your shot?"

Another man saw that the person who shot was actually a very young man, and his face suddenly became ugly, and the murderous burst out.

"You are looking for death ..."

Just about to start, this man who was low-cultivated suddenly was stopped by the lead man. "Don't do it first."

"Why? This man seems to have only eightfold realms. I want to kill him as simple as killing an ant."

Xiao Naihe has long been replaced by a doppelganger. His doppelganger is still controlled by Xiao Naihe in the form of eightfold realm.

Therefore, when these two men saw Xiao Naihe, they thought at first that Xiao Naihe was only a cultivator of the Eightfold Realm.

"This man made a great shot just now, and that gang of wind can actually force the two of us back. It's not easy. Let's not act lightly."

Although the lead man was full of murderous opportunities for Xiao Naihe, he was still very calm.

He stared at Xiao Naihe with a fist and said, "This Daoist, this is our Lei Yunzong affair, please don't let Daoyou come in."

"Lei Yunzong, what kind of shit? Haven't heard of it!"

The leading man froze for a moment, then his face went cold.

Although Lei Yunzong is not the super sect of the Phoenix General Sect, Lei Yunzong is the top sect of the first heaven of Phoenix God Realm.

It can be said that Lei Yunzong is the most powerful sect of the thirty-three heavens, which is almost comparable to Tianjianmen.

The man in front of me has never heard of them Lei Yunzong, how is it possible?

But Xiao Naihe had never heard of it.

"Is it you? Xiao Nai?"

At this time, after seeing the coming person, the White Fox suddenly felt violent in her heart. She actually knew this coming person. It was Xiao Naihe who had met in the lower realm that year.

Xiao Naihe is the heir of Beinanyi, so the White Fox is very clear.

Now when he sees Xiao Naihe, the white fox is very surprised.

At this moment of despair, Xiao Nai actually appeared, and the heart of the white fox was extremely moved.

"It's me, how did the White Fox girl get so embarrassed this time? I had heard that you and Yueyong girl had soared into God Realm, one step ahead of me. But how did I not see Yueyong girl ? "

"Sister Yueyong?" When she heard Yueyong, a trace of sorrow clearly appeared in the eyes of the white fox, which suddenly gave Xiao Naihe a bad hunch.

"Sister Yue Yong was injured a bit and was hidden in Dongxuan God Territory. Her condition is not very good now."

Xiao Naihe frowned, and Yue Yong was the life-saving benefactor of Beinanyi. It can be said that without Yue Yong, there would be no Xiao Nai today.

So, in any case, Xiao Nai can't see death.

"What's going on with these six Amakusa? You robbed them?"

"No, this is clearly what I saw in the Blackwater Pool. I originally took the six days grass out, but as soon as the two passed by and saw the six days grass in my hand, they chased me directly here. Come on. If it's not you, I'm afraid I really want to ... "

Speaking of which, White Fox closed his mouth and stared at the two men in front of him.

Xiao Nai nodded, and he finally cleared the future.

The two men saw that Xiao Naihe and Baihu actually felt angry when they were like Airmen: "Your Excellency really wants to get rid of it."

"A person like a fly, is she true?"

"Hey, what's the matter? Can I still let Lei Yunzong fancy it? Since you are so ignorant, you blame us for being ruthless."

Xiao Naihe glanced at it, as if looking at the two dead men, and said lightly: "I don't need it. I don't have to use my full power to kill two flies. Girl Fox, you step back a little."

White Fox nodded, she quickly backed away.

Although she doesn't know why Xiao Naihe's Xiuwei seems to have only eightfold realm, the White Fox also has some understanding of Xiao Naihe's true strength.

When Xiao Nai was in the lower realm, he was able to contend with the masters of the Ninefold Realm.

And it can also force away Fumeng Yurong in the late Jiuzhong.

Although these two are powerful, they are not afraid of being Xiao Nai's opponent.

"You are looking for death!"

The two men were finally angered. The stride of the man in the early nineth layer of the nineth layer, as if forming a Tai Chi figure, flew directly.

"Let me pick you up and refine it."

The man sneered and punched, and countless thunder riots directly attacked Xiao Naiho.

But Xiao Nai didn't look at it anymore, he also took a punch.

"This is the thunder."

Xiao Nai said indifferently, and then punched a punch on the front.

There was a strong thunderstorm in the fist, and countless lightning flashed, converging on Xiao Naihe's fist.

At the next moment, the thunder force in the fist had already fallen down, and it fell on the man's body.

The man suddenly felt bad and was about to retreat, but it was too late. He didn't know why he was dying, why Xiao Naihe's fist actually contained a thunder that was even stronger than him.


The man suddenly turned to ashes under the punch of Xiao Naihe.

Just a punch, Xiao Nai He immediately killed a nine-layer master.

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