Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1928: Rescue (Part 2)

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When Xiao Naiho walked in, his acupoints were already restrained, and his momentum did not burst out.

At this level of master, he has returned to the original, and no one can see through any strength.

Even ordinary passive masters have no such ability.

"who are you?"

When they saw Xiao Naihe, the three men were stunned.

Two of the masters of the late Jiuzhong were called Mo Youshen and Ling Tianxing, and the practitioners of the middle of the Jiuzhong were called Jiyun.

Among them, Mo Youshen's strength should be the most profound one, and his eyes are extremely keen.

When he saw Xiao Naihe, Mo Youshen seemed to feel the kind of non-existent danger in Xiao Naihe.

The danger is not obvious, and I don't know if it is true, but Mo Youshen thinks this man is very dangerous.

That is why Mo Youshen didn't do it for the first time.

"Who are you? We are the people of Lei Yunzong. We are doing private affairs. If you want to get ahead, you still have to think about whether you can withstand our anger."

Although Mo Youshen was somewhat afraid of Xiao Naihe, on the surface, he had done enough work, and even took out Lei Yunzong.

Although the background of Lei Yunzong is not as good as the super sect of the Phoenix sect, it is not much different from the top sect of the Tianjianmen.

Even the average Nine-Level Peak Master is reluctant to get into the top sect like Lei Yunzong.

Xiao Naihe's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't hear Mo Youshen's words, but his eyes moved and placed on Yue Yong.

At this time, Yue Yong is indeed very weak, and the essence of Jing Yuan Shen Nian has consumed too much.

Not to mention the late Jiuzhong period, even the master of the mid-nineth layer, maybe now you can give this powerful decision Yue Yong to **** on the spot.

"You are ..." When Yueyong looked up to see Xiao Naihe, the color of despair slowly disappeared, replaced by a surprise, "You are Xiao Naihe, are you Xiao Naihe?" "

"Yes, it's me. This time I heard the words of the White Fox girl and came over to save you."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Suddenly shocked in Yue Yong's heart, she had no feeling for Xiao Naihe before, but felt that Xiao Naihe was Beinanyi's 'descendant'. So I still take care of Xiao Naihe.

In particular, Xiao Naihe helped himself at the beginning, and Yue Yong was also very grateful to Xiao Naihe.

But it is very ordinary gratitude.

Just when Yue Yong felt that she was in a desperate situation, Xiao Naihe had just thought of it in her mind, and Xiao Naihe actually appeared, and she made an incredible shot to solve herself.

As if Xiao Nai stepped on the colorful auspicious cloud, she flew directly to save herself.

At this time, Xiao Naihe was standing there. Although Yue Yong could not see through what level Xiao Naihe's strength had reached, Yue Yong could feel that Xiao Naihe's strength had reached an extremely powerful state.

And just standing there, without any movement, can make everyone feel a kind of horror.

"Don't Xiao Naihe's strength reach the level of the Ninth Peak? But he was able to retreat even his husband Meng Yurong, and now it has been so long, I am afraid that his strength has become more powerful, maybe It's really at the height of the Nineth Peak. "

After a pause, Yue Yong thought again: "Is this time he deliberately came to rescue me? He seems to have some super magical powers, but he can predict my danger and deliberately rescue me. There has never been a man Will do this, is he interesting to me ... "

When I thought of it, Yue Yong's face actually showed a touch of ruddy, which seemed very charming.

The face of her very pale face, because of this fascinating blush, suddenly became like a peach, and people could not help but take a bite.

"What am I thinking? How could this be the case. Xiao Nai did nothing to rescue me because he listened to the words of the white fox. How could it be thought of to me?"

However, since Yue Yong thought of the idea just now, she couldn't get rid of it. She just thought that Xiao Naihe was very nice-looking, and the more handsome she looked.

Even Yue Yong had a feeling that if Xiao Naihe wanted to, he wanted to be his wife and his mate, maybe he would really agree.

While Yue Yong's thoughts were floating, the faces of the three men were already ugly.

Especially Mo Youshen, this man dared to ignore himself, he just didn't take himself as one thing i.

However, he really guessed, Xiao Nai did not take them seriously.

Although these three people are all in the Ninth Realm, one in the middle of the Ninth and two in the late Ninth, they are of no use to Xiao Naihe.

Even if these three people are the masters of the nineth peak, Xiao Nai wants to save Yue Yong, these three people can't stop it.

"Three of you, get out! Or die!"

Hearing Xiao Naihe's icy voice, Mo Youshen and other people's face was even more ugly, and a strong murderous eruption burst into his eyes.

Among them, Ji Yun in the mid-ninth layer looked at Xiao Naihe. Although he could not see through Xiao Naihe's strength, he could see through Xiao Naihe's real age.

The bone age of any person cannot be falsified, and the years and rings of the cultivator's soul cannot be falsified.

This man is definitely very young, even much younger than any of them in the field.

"Even those geniuses in the Divine Realm, I am afraid that at such a young age, breaking through the sky is just the beginning of a nine-ninth middle school. Boy, since you want a hero to save beauty, you must have the consciousness of death.

Ji Yun sneered.

As soon as he shot, Ji Yun's momentum exploded at once, as if a super dragon rushed into the void sky.

In an instant, the whole world suddenly rumbling. .

Countless days of thunder are falling down, seeming to smash everything out.

When Ji Yun shot, his fist had a strong sense of destruction, as if it could destroy the world.

"Eternal God Fist!"

The fist broke out, and the entire hut was turned over by a fist at this time, directly revealing the appearance inside.

But Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, even if he saw such a powerful punch, his mood did not change.

"You retreat."

Xiao Nai gave a voice to the white fox,

White Fox also knew that he couldn't help at this time, so he had to retreat.

Xiao Naihe stood there, Ji Yun's punch came to Xiao Naihe, but Xiao Naihe did not hide, but stood there, motionless.

"What is this kid doing? Did he come to death on purpose?"

"It shouldn't be, I always feel a little weird, but I can't say it, I don't know what is going on."

"In any case, if this kid doesn't avoid it, it will definitely die. Even the master of the nineth highest peak, Ji Yun's punch in the front, I am afraid it is also very dangerous."

The two men watched Xiao Naihe stand still and doubted, but his face still showed an ironic smile and shook his head, as if he looked down on Xiao Naihe.

Even that Ji Yun has sneered again and again, he feels that Xiao Naihe is not even the existence of the Ninefold Realm, but just wants to scare himself with a momentum, but did not expect that he really started.

"A junk wants heroes to save the beauty. I really don't know what to do. Let me crush your soul and flesh together."

As soon as the voice fell, the fist was in the blink of an eye, directly bombarding Xiao Naihe's chest.

When Yue Yong saw Xiao Naihe faced with a punch from Ji Yun, his face suddenly became bloodless, and there was even a sorrow in his heart.

Originally, she thought Xiao Nai came to save herself, but she did not expect that Xiao Nai even caught herself.

But soon, Yue Yong moved his head, but instead looked at Xiao Naihe, what seemed to be in his mind: "No, when he was in the lower realm, he could already deal with the masters of the late Jiuzhong. Although this man It ’s awesome, but it ’s just the mid-ninth level. He should n’t be able to deal with Xiao Nai, but why did n’t Xiao Nai avoid this punch? ”

Even Baihu couldn't understand it, but she also knew that every expert he did, such as Xiao Naihe, could not understand what he did, and could not explain it from his own point of view.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

It seemed that countless dull thunders directly bombarded Xiao Naihe's body, causing Xiao Naihe's body to make a noise.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe's body produced a clicking sound, as if there was a burst between bones, and even a sound of firecrackers.


Originally thinking that Xiao Naihe was already torn apart, Ji Nao saw that Xiao Naihe was still standing in front of him in a safe and sound state. There was nothing at all, and suddenly his face was slightly stunned.

"How can it be?"

Mo Youshen and Ling Tianxing also felt weird, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Then a smile appeared on Xiao Naiho's face: "Since you have already attacked, I should have attacked next."

At this moment, Ji Yun suddenly felt a very bad hunch.

"Oops, Jiyun, rewind."

Mo Youshen's feeling was even stronger, and he could not help shouting.

It was almost less than a breathing time. Ji Yun only felt that when the flower in front of him was about to jump back, suddenly Xiao Naihe ’s five fingers kept zooming in front of him, as if it was a giant mountain rolling over.

A strong pressure crushed onto him all at once, Ji Yun had a breathless feeling, as if all the gas in his lungs had been squeezed out by Xiao Naihe.

"Die to me!"

At the next moment, Xiao Naiho's voice came again, in three simple words, which seemed to contain a strong magic power.

When this magical thunder sound came, Ji Yun in front of him suddenly felt that his soul seemed to be drawn away,

"Don't ..."

Ji Yun's screaming voice spread, and at this time he saw Xiao Naihe's body zoomed in front of him indefinitely, with five fingers spread out, slightly touching his eyebrows.

Although it was only slightly lighted up, Ji Yun suddenly felt paralyzed when he felt that his eyebrows were pointed up by Xiao Naihe's fingers.

At this time, Ji Yun was standing still, motionless.

The two men at the back are unclear, so they want to save others, but they dare not act.

"Jiyun retreats fast!"

"What are you doing? Don't go back soon!"

Mo Youshen and Ling Tianxing could not help but burst out.

But Ji Yun stood there motionless. Seeing this, Mo Youshen's heart suddenly had a bad hunch.

When Mo Youshen still wants to speak.

Suddenly, Jiyun's body seemed to be weathered away, and a breeze came, and Jiyun's body suddenly turned into sand.


The two men were shocked, and Ji Yun's body was almost at the level of the late Jiuzhong. Even if the two of them shot, they may not be able to hurt Ji Yun.

But the man in front of him felt a little lighter, not knowing what magical power was used, and suddenly turned into ashes.

This magical method is simply unheard of.

"The two of us went all out. If we couldn't put down everything to kill this man, I'm afraid that neither of us would want to leave here today."

Mo Youshen saw here, and suddenly knew that Xiao Naihe's strength is definitely above the two of them.

Even if the two of them do not go all out to deal with Xiao Naihe, they will definitely be defeated by this man one by one.

With this in mind, Mo Youshen and Ling Tianxing suddenly broke out with a strong murderous opportunity.

The two of them shot at once, one punch at a time, as if numerous tornadoes exploded in the void.

In the blink of an eye, the two tornadoes were already scrolling into the sky, and it seemed to separate Xiao Naihe from the whole person.

"Great Dragon Dragon!"

At this time, the two Lei Yunzong disciples finally shot jointly.

The two masters of the late nineth layer of the joint shot against one person have not appeared in many years.

"The Great God Wheel of the Heavens, the legal definition seal!"

Xiao Naihe combined the powers of Buddhism and Taoism together.

At this time, Xiao Naihe actually appeared a huge Buddha statue.

The Buddha's body shone with golden light, and his hand was actually holding this huge divine wheel.

If you look closely, this **** wheel is actually the great **** wheels exhibited by Xiao Nai He Shi.

At this time, Xiao Naihe combined the two Taoisms of the demon and the Buddha, and actually produced another Taoism.

The power of the demon Buddha came out, and the majestic giant Buddha behind him, holding the magic wheel, actually produced a kind of domineering atmosphere.

It seems that this big Buddha is not influencing the world, but a fighting holy Buddha.


The Big Buddha actually made a sound, but this sound simulates Xiao Naihe's voice.

The golden light flashed throughout the void, and soon, the **** wheel in the hand of the Buddha landed at once. The whole house was shattered into pieces by bombing.

Within five thousand miles of the radius, the whole area suddenly shook, forming a huge tiankeng.

When Xiao Naihe's **** wheel fell, it had already bombarded Mo Youshen.


Mo Youshen's expression changed drastically, and he quickly took a bite of blood. His whole body of thoughts rose at this time, and there was a faint smell beyond the late Jiuzhong.


However, when Mo Youshen collided with Xiao Naihe, the **** wheel, Mo Youshen only felt that his body seemed to be shattered and shattered.

At this time, Mo Youshen was a little bit hurt by Xiao Naihe's huge wheel, and even the soul of the **** seemed to be broken.

"Demon Dao and Buddhism? Are you the demon son of the double cultivation of demon and Buddha?"

Mo Youshen's face changed drastically, and as soon as he shot, it seemed that the Nine Heavens had thundered.

At this time, Mo Youshen is already desperate, and what kind of burning blood and divine personality have been used.

Because he knew that the young man in front of him was not in the late period of Jiuzhong, but a real peak of Jiuzhong.

The Ninth Peak is in the Phoenix Divine Realm, and it belongs to the overlord of that kind of overlord. It does not usually come out, but it is penetrating into a higher realm, and the origin is one.

Why is their luck so bad today, they actually met a master of the nine peaks.

"Come to help you, Tianluo thirty-six punches!"

At this time, Ling Tianxing also shot, he knew that if Mo Youshen died in the hands of Xiao Naihe, he did not want to live.

"Okay, younger brother, you and I will take another shot together, fuse the fist, and force this person back."

"it is good."

At this time, Mo Youshen and Ling Tianxing sent their own voices and shot together.

I saw that these two people seemed to be merged. The two were a punch, and the whole body was thundering riots, as if they summoned the most powerful **** thunder in nine days.

Zizizizizizizizi ......

The sounds of thunder and tears seemed to be extremely grim.

And the fist of the two men fuse together, a piece of La La La, like Leihua pure water, surging directly in front of Xiao Naihe.

"Come again, Dao Fa does not break up."

Xiao Nai squeezed with one hand, and suddenly the disappeared God Wheel in the void actually recovered again, forming another "Great God Wheel of the Heavens."


The strong power of the Divine Wheel had already bombarded below, and directly fell on the fist of the two men, as if to break the bodies of the two men.

When Ling Tianxing was hit by this **** wheel, he spurted blood, and the soul of the **** was greatly injured, as if he had lost his vitality in an instant.

"Brother save me ..."

When Ling Tianxing was going to ask Mo Youshen for help, he suddenly felt a move, he actually saw Mo Youshen, that is, his brother gave up himself and flew directly outside.

"Brother, you ..."

"Brother, you don't blame me. Your strength is not as good as me. Both of us are not his opponents. It is better that you stay here to help me drag him and let me leave safely!"

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