Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1945: Opportunity

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Long Ye and Ye Yonghao flew like white smoke, and instantly turned into a powder, which disappeared.

Su Bingyun's face was full of joy and sorrow, and he watched the two men turn into ashes, and their eyes rolled slightly. For a long time, only a sigh.

"The two of them were not like this before ..." Su Bingyun said slowly.

Xiao Nai waved his hand and said lightly: "Knowing people knows the face but not knowing the heart. The devil is born of the heart. They rise because of greed and die because of greed. There are too many people like them in God Realm. "

After talking, Xiao Nai stopped talking.


Suddenly, a loud noise came and there was a tremor in the sky. Xiao Nai and He Yun suddenly had golden lights flashing all around, condensing a protective cover, protecting themselves and Su Bingyun.

"Be careful, something is coming."

Ye Mo and Luo Yun also responded quickly. The two of them took a step back, and a finger seal was already condensed between their fingers. The ban was also imposed to isolate the surrounding airflow fluctuations.

A pattern in the sky appeared, like the most mysterious formation in the sky and earth, combining countless patterns and ancient scriptures.


A flash of light fluttered out of the array, and countless lightnings followed, as if it were the Nine Sky God Thunder, a sudden blast came directly down.


The barren planet in front was bombarded into a huge pit in an instant, and a figure appeared in the pit.

"Who is that?"

Su Bingyun frowned tightly.

The figure in front was floating, revealing a black robe, and there was a stream of light shaking, wrapping his body as if it were a vortex.

And in this person's eyes, there is a star haoyue, the light gathered.

As soon as he raised his hand, countless rays of light turned into vast expanses of galaxy, showing extremely powerful coercion.

"What a powerful force, who is this person?"

Su Bingyun said horrifiedly.

She found that when she faced this mysterious person, she actually had a feeling of being unable to move, that was instinctive suppression.

Very strong, Su Bingyun knew that even if he tried his best, he could not get close to this mysterious person.

"Senior is ..." Luo Yun clenched his fists and was about to speak.


Ye Mo burst into a sudden burst of noise, as if numerous waves were rolled up.

Luo Yun suddenly looked shocked. She felt the rush in Ye Mo's tone. Although she didn't feel much about Ye Mo, she knew Ye Mo very well. Since Ye Mo was so rushed, she obviously knew the person in front identity of.

Without any hesitation at the moment, Luo Yun retreated, and immediately retreated to Ye Mo's side.

"God of war and war of war!"

The voice of the mysterious man came and hit a three-hammer gun, as if compressing countless minds together, a huge shell was condensed.

At the next moment, the mysterious man punched his fists, as if they were gods and demons turning over the river and the sea.

"This is not the breath of supremacy, this is ... beyond the supremacy ..."

Luo Yun said abruptly that he was running the spiritual power in his body. A layer of white light wrapped his body into a huge mask.

"Moyue Yin-Yang Technique!"

On Luo Yun's hands, a moon and a sun suddenly appeared, and the sun and the moon were in the sky, one yin and one yang, looking after each other.

"The Moyue Yin-Yang technique at Wanjian Mountain Villa? Sister Luo Yun actually used this card?"

Ye Mo's eyes lit up, and he was surprised.

"Brother Ye, who is this person? You should have recognized it already."

"Yes, I did think of someone, but I'm not so sure. I've seen this one among the Zongmen Scrolls!"

As soon as Ye Mo's voice fell, he gave Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun a deep look. Originally they were not qualified to know, but now this time, it's useless to hide.

"He should be the first master of the Phoenix General Sect, known as the Lord of Demons, and the real master of the Palace of Demons."

Lord Demon Lord?

Xiao Nai suddenly thought of the magical spirit of Fengmogong. The magical spirit of Fengmogong said that the seventh floor might have no chance of his own shot, so he had to escape.

It turned out that there was such a character in the seventh floor of the Fengmo Palace.

However, Lord Demon Lord has long since died, and what appears here should not be the deity, but something similar to the soul.

"Fengmo Venerable Lord? I heard the master say that the first master of Phoenix God Realm was passive. There was no expectation that he was here!"

Luo Yun was shocked. She never thought that there was such a master in the space on the seventh floor. Her face suddenly changed and her pressure suddenly increased.

Xiao Nai turned his voice to Fengmo Palace: "This is the seventh test you said? Lord Fengmo has been dead for many years, now it should be a remnant soul, this kind of assessment is even a general ninefold The pinnacle may not be able to bear it. "

If Xiao Naihe is an ordinary nine-fold peak and encounters the remnant soul of the master of the Demon Palace, it must run as far as he can.

"Yes, this is the remnant left by the host, and he left it deliberately. The host specifically asked for it. I said that there is a great opportunity in this seventh floor. As long as you can pass this test, you will Can get a big chance. "

There was a voice from the magic weapon of the sealing magic palace.

Big chance?

Is there any chance at this time?

However, Xiao Nai He already knew something in his heart: "Feng Mo Zun Lord is already a master of the unity of origin. Although he died for a long time, the opportunity of a passive master is definitely not simple."

Now even the opportunity left by the half-step passive master does not benefit Xiao Naihe much.

But passive masters are different.

Even one of the most ordinary passive practitioners, the opportunities left behind can bring great benefits to Xiao Naihe.

Not to mention the first person in the original Phoenix Divine Realm, Feng Mo Zun Lord, Xiao Nai had to ignore it.

"You mean that as long as you pass this assessment, you can get the chance to seal the deity Lord." Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

"you could put it that way!"

"Well, do you want to defeat the remnant soul of the Lord Demon Palace, even if you pass the assessment?"

"You still want to defeat the master's remnant soul?"

Feng Mo Gong Qi Ling twitched his lips and looked at Xiao Naihe with an unbelievable look.

Although Xiao Naihe can't see the nirvana of the magic palace, but he can feel the arrogance of the instrumental spirit.

If it is a doppelganger to deal with the owner of the Feng Mo Gong, it is still very difficult.

But if you can quietly borrow the power of the deity, even if you are facing the master of the Demon Palace, he still has absolute confidence.

"Feng Mo Zun Lord has been dead for so many years, no matter how powerful he was at that time, the rest of the remnant soul has long lost its strength. I just need to be careful, and I want to pass the assessment.

Just as Xiao Naihe's heart was linked, Ye Mo and Luo Yun in front also changed their looks.

Xiao Nai and He Lima knew that it must have been the magic weapon spirit who had just told himself to Ye Mo and Luo Yun.

Speaking of that, Ye Mo and Luo Yun are also assessors, and they also have the opportunity to get the master of the Magic Demon Palace.

The seventh floor of the original magic palace is no longer within the assessment of Phoenix Dabi, but the benefits it brings far exceed that of Phoenix Dabi.

Even Luo Yun's temperament was as quiet as water. At this time, after hearing the words of the magic device of Fengmo Palace, his face was also excited.

But soon, Luo Yun suppressed this expression, quietly glanced at Ye Mo, and asked quietly, "Brother Ye, do you know this opportunity on the seventh floor early in the morning?" "

Luo Yun will suspect that it is too normal, Ye Mo can actually enter the seventh floor of the Demon Palace, which is very suspicious in itself. And Ye Mo can keep calm after hearing the words of the magic weapon of Fengmo Palace.

The chance of a passive master, even if her master heard it, could not keep calm, let alone Ye Mo, who was young.

The only possibility is that Ye Mo has long known some secrets in the seventh layer.

However, it is not surprising that Ye Mo, as the chief disciple of the Phoenix Sect, and Feng Mo Palace is the holy land of the Taoist princes, it is not surprising that Ye Mo knew some secrets of the Feng Mo Palace.

"Sister Luo Yun, although this opportunity belongs to our Phoenix sect, but you and I also have a fate. We are in a group of two. If I can get this opportunity, you naturally have a share."

Ye Mo smiled slightly.

Can the passive master's chance be given to himself?

Luo Yun couldn't help but jump in his heart, suppressing his fanatical mood.

Although she knew that Ye Mo might be interested in herself, she was able to call on her promise to divide the passive master's chances into herself, which itself required great courage.

If it were changed to herself, she would not dare to say that she had such great courage.

But Ye Mo was so courageous, Rao was such an excellent woman as Luo Yun, and she couldn't help shaking in her heart.

Luo Yun's expression changed slightly, and his tone became a little softer: "Thank you, Brother Ye."

Ye Mo heard a smile on his face.

He knew that he had succeeded, and no cultivator would not care about the chance of the Master of the Magic Demon Palace.

Even a woman like Luo Yun is no exception.

Ye Mo was about to shoot. Suddenly he saw Xiao Naihe standing next to him, so he could not help but raised his eyebrows, but still kept a warm smile on his face: "This younger brother, this is me in the seventh level assessment In the internal affairs of the Phoenix Sect, I also asked my younger brother to leave first. "

"Hey, is it? Since it's your internal affairs of the Phoenix Sect, why is the Fairy Luoyun in Wanjian Mountain Villa here?"

"Miss Luo Yun was invited by me, and it can be regarded as half of our Phoenix sect, he naturally has the qualification to participate in the seventh layer of assessment."

"Haha, interesting, you mean that Fairy Luoyun is half of your genre of the Phoenix sect? In that way, I can be regarded as half of the genre of the Phoenix sect, and I am also eligible to participate."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, but Ye Mo's idea was good.

Taking advantage of the hostage of Feng Mo Gong to pick up girls, this kind of courage, even Xiao Nai, greatly admired it. But if you want him to leave, Xiao Nai is not so stupid.

"How can you be the gatekeeper of our Phoenix Sect?" Ye Mo put away the smile on his face, and his voice sank slightly.

"Why not? I am a disciple of the Fire Phoenix Division. The Fire Phoenix Division is originally a division of the Phoenix Division. Since that is the case, I can be regarded as a half of the Phoenix Division. I am right."

Ye Mo couldn't help but froze for a moment. If Xiao Naihe said this, he was right.

"Besides, you already know that there is a spirit in the magic palace, and this spirit has agreed to me to participate in the assessment of the seventh floor. I think the person who really talks is not you, it should be the magic spirit of the magic palace. "

In Ye Mo's heart, the murder flashed, but he didn't expect that he had moved out of the Demon Palace. He could not help but broke out and locked Xiao Naihe.

He also knows that it is no longer possible for Xiao Naihe to leave at this time, only to allow Xiao Naihe to participate.

However, even if this man is even more powerful, even if it is the same as the red war of that year, it is still far inferior to himself.

Ye Mo believes that as long as he persists, the chance of sealing the Devil Palace still belongs to him.

"In this case, everyone should use their own skills. No matter who the chance falls into, no one can take the shot."

Ye Mo immediately said.

"Haha, well, since that is the case, Brother Ye Mo, please do it first."

Ye Mo nodded. His body flew as if it were lightning. His five fingers spread out, forming a huge chaotic vortex directly, and he was going to wring the broken soul.

"Dry Blue Fire Fist!"

Ye Mo's fist ignited with a fiery fire, as if a flame made from **** could burn nine days of hell.


Between the fierceness, a violent explosion came from the void, as if to smash all the space.

Then the remnant soul of Lord Demon Lord also turned into a black flame, and the airflow around it rolled up, and a strong air force was blasting out above.

The remnant soul raised his fist and slammed it out, which was directly squeezed through countless sound waves and shocked four kinds of explosions.

This vast force seemed to make Ye Mo feel a strange sense of terror.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Fist attacked, the speed was faster than the flashing light.

A strong murderous force burst out of the fist, and at the next moment, I saw two forces striking each other in midair,

"This Ye Mo is really powerful. Although he is young, he is on the top of the Jiuzhong Peak, even if it is not as good as the veteran masters such as Night King and Huo Luo King."

The powerful force field rolled wildly, and the surrounding forces even rolled up Ye Mo.

This Demon Lord is actually dead, and there is a residual soul, but it is such a residual soul that has powerful power.

You must know that Lord Demon Lord is originally a passive strong man. Even if it is a residual soul, the terror of power is not something that the ordinary Nine Peaks can resist.

"I don't believe I can't break your remnant soul."

Ye Mo's eyes suddenly flashed a strong murderous opportunity. Even if this is the first master of the Phoenix General Sect, Ye Mo will also blow up the remnant soul and get the chance.

At the next moment, Ye Mo pushed again!

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