Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1951: Doudou

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On the three hundred miles scroll, Xiao Naihe's three golden fonts ranked eleventh.

Those who can enter the third level are not simple characters.

In particular, the top 20 are basically at the top level of God Realm or the 33rd Heaven, and they will definitely be Dragon and Phoenix characters in the future.

"Eleventh, is it really? Or am I looking at the same surname?"

Su Jianan was stunned, and could not believe that Xiao Naihe on the scroll was his daughter's disciple.

From Su Jian'an's point of view, there are more than one person named Xiao Naihe.

But Su Jianan vaguely felt that Xiao Naihe above was the man in his subconscious.

"Xiao Naihe, is it really him?"

Lian Haotian was stunned.

Even if Haotian himself participated in the Phoenix competition, not to mention the eleventh place, even the top 144 are very mysterious. Until now, he didn't know how Su Bingyun got the 61st place.

The eleventh place of Xiao Naiho is too different.

Able to stand in the top 20, the basic urban ninth master level.

Xiao Nai is a cultivator who is not even the creator. How can He De stand at this level?

"No, Bingyun, you just said that you entered the fifth floor. Why do the two of you differ so much in rank?"

Hao Tianmeng recovered, and hurriedly asked.

The disciples of the Huofeng Fenzong around were also worried and looked at Su Bingyun.

These people already know the "Xiao Naihe" above, which is the Xiao Naihe they are familiar with.

"Brother Xiao's strength is far from what I can think of. It's useless to say more. When the third hurdle begins, you will naturally know."

Su Bingyun breathed a sigh and sighed, and there was some Xiao Ran in his voice.

After knowing that Xiao Nai would leave the Huofeng branch, Su Bingyun felt very sad, and even had no mood to explain one more sentence.

But everyone in the Huofeng branch was shocked by Su Bingyun's news, and he didn't pay attention to Su Bingyun's expression.

Su Jian'an, in particular, has a more complicated mind. He never expected that Xiao Nai, who had always looked down on him, could win the 11th place in one fell swoop.

Su Jian'an felt that Xiao Naihe's strength was not ordinary.

"Is he also the creator? It should be. Only the creator can open up a world of thousands of people. I can't even find it."

However, Su Jian'an was not sure, and Xiao Naihe did not look like the strong man who concealed his practice.

"Do you want Xiao Naihe ... Brother Xiao to come, let's ask how?"

A female disciple asked a little timidly.

At this time, the people of the Huofeng tribe feel a little uncomfortable.

"This one……"

Many disciples were extremely embarrassed, and many people were not familiar with Xiao Naihe, and they even accused him of participating in the Seven Star Tower trial.

What happened at the Seven Star Tower was still vivid.

Under the circumstances at that time, now they go to Xiao Naihe, they will be ignored.

"He ... he is anyway a disciple of our phoenix tribe. Is the patriarch let him come, can he not come?"

A young disciple snorted coldly, emboldened, and looked at Xiao Naihe.

Su Jianan nodded, and he felt the same way.

Regardless of whether Xiao Nai hides his strength or not, as long as he is a disciple of the phoenix, he needs to listen to his own words that day.

"I'll call ..."

Hao Tian sighed softly and was about to pass.

Suddenly, the three-hundred-mile scroll turned around, and countless streamers glowed and grew like a long river.

"The third level of assessment is about to start. All the top 144 will be promoted. The first place will be sent to the finals. Everyone will draw randomly to select the first round of opponents.

A deep voice came from above.

This time, it was not the magical edict of the magic palace, but the master of the Phoenix Sect, Zhang Yijun.

"The patriarch of the Phoenix Sect finally came out."

"Sect Master Zhang's strength is simply unfathomable, and I can't see at all what he cultivates."

"Master Sect Zhang is supernatural, if you can tell, he is not the first person in active service in Phoenix God Realm."

Several audiences discussed it, and the sound came one after another.

"All non-competition related personnel retreated to the outside of the circle. Once three breaths stayed inside, don't talk about killing."

Finally, out of the four words, there was a murderous opportunity. When I heard the words "Do not kill", many people suddenly felt chills and quickly retreated.

A white ray of light rolled up to form a huge circle, wrapping everyone all up.

After a few breaths, the hundred players who took part in the final level of the game to the top of the field.

"The first round of competition, at the same time, select the top 16!"

The meat play is here.

Everyone was extremely excited. Although the assessment of the first and second levels was wonderful, the first and second levels were extremely flat compared to fighting face to face.

"It's finally started."

Su Jianan's expression also showed tension, and for a time he forgot about Xiao Naihe's things. His attention shifted from Xiao Naihe to Su Bingyun.

This time Su Bingyun represented their phoenix tribe.

Even if Su Bingyun failed in the first round of fighting, Su Jian'an didn't take it for granted. It was beyond his imagination to be able to enter the top 100.


At this time, the rainbow in the air turned, and the long river flowed, and a strange mirror was drawn from it.

Bamboo slips flew out of the mirror one by one, each with its own name.

Xiao Naihe also took a bamboo slip, and at this time the bamboo slip in his hand already showed a number.

"Number six?"

"The bamboo slips in your hand are the occasions where random draws were made. Please follow the numbers of the bamboo slips in your hand and go to the corresponding ring."

Zhang Yijun continued to do it.

I saw the light shining in the void, as if the starlight flowed, and dozens of rings were formed between the turns.

30,000 miles in a flash, filled with dozens of rings.

Those participants did not dare to neglect, but turned their minds and flew out to find their own ring.

"I'm thirty-seven."

Su Bingyun holding the bamboo slips in his hand, and suddenly looked up, the consciousness swept through the crowd for a while, and found that Xiao Naihe was not nearby, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she is not in the same ring as Xiao Naihe. Although she knows that this probability is too small, it is not impossible.

If she really met Xiao Naihe, Su Bingyun could only give up.

"Sister Su is in the ring center on the 37th."

A disciple of the Fire Phoenix branch pointed to the screen above.

That was some kind of supernatural power in the Phoenix General Sect, and there were dozens of platforms directly formed, each of which was broadcast in real time.

"It's true that Sister Su's opponent is also a woman, but I can't see what it is."

"It is the creator, who can enter the third level of competition, basically all masters above the creator."

Although Su Bingyun was very powerful in the Fire Phoenix tribe, he was admired by everyone, but once he entered the domain of God, the creator was nothing.

In the third hurdle, the creator is the bottom-level existence, not to mention Su Bingyun, who was the early creator.

"My name is Liu Yuejia, and I am the seventh heavy blue sky person. I have not consulted."

The woman on the opposite side is not that kind of beautiful woman, but her figure is well maintained. She is a person who naturally forgets the appearance of a woman when she sees her figure.

Liu Yuejia is indeed a cultivator at the level of the creator, but like Su Bingyun, it is only the early stage of the Seventh Layer.

"Su Fengyun, Su Bingyun, please advise."

Su Bingyun's voice came out, and he immediately shot, with a dagger in his hand immediately, the acupuncture in the palm of his hand made a crackling noise, as if it were a wild tornado.

She knew she had to make quick decisions. Liu Yuejia's strength should not be under her. Su Bingyun must make quick decisions.

At that moment, I saw a boxing image on the ring.

Liu Yuejia also shot, and her speed was even three points faster than Su Bingyun.

"It's too fast! I also heard of the Qinglan Gate. It is a sect that doesn't lose to the Bingfeng branch. I didn't expect that their sect's disciple was so powerful."

Haotian's face changed slightly, and Su Bingyun in front of him had fallen into the next moment.

Liu Yuejia burst out with a punch. The steady flow of fist, like flowing water, instantly locked Su Bingyun.

And Su Bingyun's body was locked at that moment, as if locked by infinite boxing, unable to move.

Not only that, Liu Yuejia raised his fist and shook it, and the fist was shocking, and he seemed to wrap the entire universe.

It's hard to imagine how infinite power is hidden in Liu Yuejia's petite body.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

As Liu Yuejia's fist erupted, there were loud noises in the air, as if numerous countless rocks rocked each other greatly, terrified.

"too strong."

Su Bingyun said badly in his heart. When he gritted his teeth, he suddenly had a white aura in his palm. After the aura glowed with white light, it turned and seemed to be a planet that had been pulled away.


Liu Yuejia's fist intention fell on this aura, and suddenly a lot of spiritual fragments were scattered.

"Seven grade medium Taoist?"

Liu Yuejia didn't seem to think that Su Bingyun, a cultivator of the early seventh class, actually came up with a seventh-grade Taoist, and it was still medium-grade.

This aura and Liu Yuejia collided with each other in mid-air, creating a strong riot that made everyone around them feel the wind blowing against them.

"This is a spiritual aura, how could it be in Bingyun's hands, I remember it seemed that I saw this Bingyun summoned and immediately took the advantage." Hao Tian shouted in surprise, his eyes turned, thinking that Su Bingyun was spiritual The aura is supposed to be Su Jian'an's reason.

How could Hao Tian know that Su Jian'an didn't have that halo device, if he knew it, he would be shocked to the extreme.

At that moment, Liu Yuejia's fist intention had already lost his advantage in front of the Ling Tao Taoist, and Liu Yuejia retreated in one punch.

"Slow and slow, I don't have Qipin medium Taoist, I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

Liu Yuejia quickly called.

The Seven Grade Taoism is now in the God Realm with little chance, and it is not easy to refine it.

"The Fire Phoenix Sub-Sect Su Bingyun wins."

A voice sang from nothingness, the voice had no emotion.

Su Bingyun breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for borrowing the Taoist weapon just now, I'm afraid she's really not Liu Yuejia's opponent.

Recalling that these things were brought to him by Xiao Nai from the seven-star pagoda, Su Bingyun was immediately grateful to Xiao Nai.

"Spiritual aura, that is Uncle Tianyue's Taoist weapon, when he fell into the Seven Star Tower, the spiritual aura disappeared and did not expect to appear in the hands of Bingyun."

Su Jianan smiled slightly, it seems that his daughter still has a good chance.

Although Su Bingyun was over, she did not return to the side of the Huofeng tribe immediately, but turned around and came to the sixth ring.

In the sixth ring, Xiao Naihe is confronting another stranger.

It should be said that the other party was aggressive, but Xiao Nai was unimpressed.

Su Bingyun suddenly felt curious about the picture.

At the moment Su Bingyun arrived, Xiao Naihe felt it, and only saw Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "You won?"

"Yes, thanks to the aura of the spirit suit, I can win." Su Bingyun smiled like a flower, and suddenly came like spring, very charming.

Su Jian'an and others who looked at Su Bingyun's expression were shocked.

Especially Su Jian'an, in his impression, his daughter never gives color to others.

But in the face of Xiao Naihe, he showed that expression.

Su Jian'an is also from here. He can feel the active temperament on his daughter's face. The attention of the audience is almost on Xiao Naihe.

Seeing here, Su Jianan could not help but frown.

"Bing Yun and Xiao Nai are not suitable, is it really like rumours, what feelings does she have about this disciple?"

Su Jianan strongly suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and he was also a little curious about Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Huofeng Fenzong also noticed Xiao Naihe.

Speaking of which, Xiao Nai is still a disciple of their Fire Phoenix tribe.

"You are looking for death, but you still dare to tell me in the showdown."

The man who confronted Xiao Naihe disappointed and saw Su Bingyun when he saw that he suddenly sneered with a sneer, and as soon as he shot, his body exploded with vigour, as if storming out of a storm.


The man was sent with a palm, swaying and shaking in the wind, squeezing all the airflow around, forming a vacuum space.

"Creator, and it's the late creator."

Su Jian'an and Haotian's face changed greatly.

Xiao Naihe's opponents are so powerful, and they are much more powerful than Liu Yuejia just now. Can Xiao Nai stop them.

"Hey, even if Xiao Naihe is like Bingyun, I'm afraid it's not the opponent's opponent anymore." Hao Tian was very sorry and shook his head.

Su Jian'an was expressionless and breathed out without speaking.

Although Su Bingyun knew how Xiao Nai would win, she couldn't help getting nervous when she saw that the other party's momentum was so fierce.


At this time, Xiao Nai raised his hands and did not raise his feet.

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