Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1955: Look away

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Lei Jiuao stood there dumbly, motionless.

Xiao Naihe can clearly see that the vitality in Lei Jiuao's face has disappeared, the other party's knowledge of the sea has been crushed by himself, and even the soul of the **** has been smashed directly.

Even if the passive master comes, it is impossible to save Lei Jiuao.

"What's going on? Why didn't you fight?"

"What happened, only to see the climax."

Some people have started to complain.

The battle between Xiao Naihe and Lei Jiuao was unexpectedly splendid, and splendid from beginning to end.

Not as he predicted, the scene was not one-sided. Instead, Xiao Naihe and Lei Jiuao were too fond of recruiting and demolition.

"Is it a win or a loss?"

Su Jianan froze for a moment, he knew that this level of fighting was no longer something he could estimate, but now Xiao Nai did not move, and Lei Jiuao did not move. The two were motionless like wood carvings.

For a time, a strange situation appeared on the ring.

"No, that kid is weird."

Zhang Yijun's eyes flashed, and he looked at Lei Jiuao carefully. He exhaled suddenly and sighed, "I didn't expect that I looked away."

Look away? What do you mean?

The clansmanship of several large gates around was all weird. They all looked towards Xiao Naihe and Lei Jiujiao, wanting to see what was happening on the ring.

Ye Mo nodded, a rare caution in his eyes.

"It's a look away."

What the **** are the mentor and apprentice, what medicine is sold in the gourd?

The Gemini Gate coach Yan Tianluo asked involuntarily: "I said Zhang Yijun, what do you mean? How can I not understand?"

"It's nothing. I haven't thought Zhang Yijun has been looking away for the first time for so many years, and it's still looking away from the young monk."

"You know who won those two?"

"It should be the little fellow of the phoenix division, yes, I knew that the phoenix division had a red warfare and became the king of our Phoenix ancestors, but I did not expect another red warfare after many years And the blue is better than the blue. "

Zhang Yijun smiled faintly.

Several people around finally understood, that the opponent Lei Jiuao won.

Strange, hasn't Lei Jiaoao always been in the upper hand, how did it become Lei Jiaoao lost?

Although these people wanted to ask again, they found that Zhang Yijun had closed his eyes and he held back.

These masters released their consciousness one by one and swept around Xiao Naihe and Lei Jiuao.

After a while, Yan Tianluo and the others at the Gemini Gate took a deep breath: "This is a very powerful method. This person is really amazing. He is very young, and even the consciousness and Taoism are so skilled."

They have seen that Lei Jiaoao's sea of ​​knowledge has been shredded. Not only that, even Lei Jiaoao's soul was shredded into pieces.

Under the eyes of everyone, it was actually amazing to be able to smash all the other's consciousness and spirits.

Even those masters of the Ninth Peak, dare not say that they can quietly destroy the soul and knowledge of each other under the eyes of so many people.

That method is too powerful.

"This child is at least in the realm of the late Jiu Chong. I didn't expect how could a master of the 33rd celestial world have such a great master."

Yan Tianluo couldn't help saying.

The people around also nodded one after another, indicating that they also looked away.


At this moment, a horrified and angry cry came from the crowd.

Lei Wou-ki's voice is like a furious lion, looking at Xiao Naihe, who wants to fly to the ring, but he is worried about the Phoenix General Sect.

Presumably Lei Wou-ki also saw it. Looking at Lei Wou-ki's killing and anger, Xiao Naihe knew.

"You actually ruined my soul?"

"Why? Only Lei Jiuao is allowed to kill people, and no one is allowed to kill your son? Your opinion is really interesting."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

Others may be afraid of Lei Wou-ki, but Xiao Nai is not afraid. Even if Xiao Nai does not borrow his deity, with his strength as a clone, he will not be afraid of Lei Wou-ki.

"Get me down."

Lei Wuji burst into tears and wished to tear Xiao Naihe's whole person into pieces.

"You came up to me."


Xiao Nai suddenly grabbed Lei Jiuao's body and threw it directly out of the ring.

Regarding Lei Jiaohao, Xiao Nai did not have any favors. Lei Jiaoao actually wanted to torture him to death. Such a fierce character, Xiao Naihe will sooner or later kill him.

"Stinky boy, I can't spare you."

Lei Wou-ki watched that his son was thrown out by Xiao Naihe, his eyes suddenly burst into red, a strong murderous opportunity emerged, and he looked at Xiao Naihe with hatred.


Lei Wou-ki exploded in a strong thunder, and Lei Wei came with him, and flew directly to Xiao Naihe's ring. Xiao Naihe was about to be killed.

Everyone didn't expect that Lei Wou-ki would actually break out at this time, especially Yue Yong and Baihu, who were scared to sweat and looked nervous.


Suddenly, a cold hum came from above. When Lei Wou-ki heard the sound, he suddenly shook his body, and a strong pressure fell from the sky, like a wheel that crushed everything.


The thunderbolt, which was originally called around Lei Wou-ki's body, suddenly began to crack and turned into fly ash.

Lei Wou-ki just felt that his body was frightened by an invisible force, and he shot it fiercely.

Later, Lei Wou-ki shook his body, and the boundless killing, locked himself, so that he seemed to have no escape, even the opportunity to fly out was too late.

"Too powerful, this is Zhang Yijun's power."

At this time, Lei Wou-ki came awake, but this was the site of the Phoenix Sect. He actually wanted to kill people in the Phoenix Sect, but he was too arrogant.

"Get out of here."

Zhang Yijun was standing on the high platform, Linkong was a palm, his five fingers were like mountains, and a group of fine elements formed in the air was shot on Lei Wuji.

Lei Wou-ki was like a kite disconnected and flew out directly.

It's crackling.

Lei Wou-Ki did not know that several acupuncture points had been taken, and a severe pain struck him.


"Lei Wou-ki, for your son's rush to kill, I will spare you. If you break the rules again, don't kill."

Zhang Yijun's icy voice came, and Lei Wuji suddenly urinated in the buttocks, and flew down quickly.

His face was pale at the moment. Zhang Yijun's palm just opened Lei Wuji to Zhende Shihai, and his injury was not light.

Zhang Yijun is already a half-step passive master, and his Lei Wou-ki is the peak of Jiuzhong.

It's easy for the other party to kill themselves.

Lei Wuji was able to escape in Zhang Yijun's hands and could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Lei Wou-ki's hatred towards Xiao Naihe was even stronger. He had never been so alone. Lei Wou-ki vowed to transform Xiao Naihe into pus blood to revenge today.


Xiao Nai sighed softly. The way he did just now also had the idea of ​​trying to evoke Lei Wuji's impulse, and borrowed the rules of the Phoenix General to kill Lei Wuji.

But it seems that Zhang Yijun should have seen it, and Xiao Nai did not care.

Anyway, he is not afraid of Lei Wou-ki. People like Lei Wou-ki are three points worse than Huo Luo and Ye Wang. Xiao Naihe is not afraid of him at all.

Once it came to slaughter it.

"That Lei Wou-Ki is the master of Jiuzhong Peak, but he didn't even have the chance to shoot, so he was stopped by Senior Zhang."

"It's too powerful. It is said that Senior Zhang is already a half-step passive existence. It is very likely to be a passive legend. I have never known how strong his strength is. Now I know that Senior Zhang is powerful."

"It is worthy of being the first person in the active Phoenix Divine Realm. The entire Phoenix Divine Realm and the 33rd Heaven of the Phoenix, I'm afraid I can't find one that can compare with Senior Zhang."

The people around me have already started to talk about it, and even Jian Feng and Chen Qi were shocked.

Although they knew that Zhang Yijun was very powerful, they did not expect to be so powerful.

An opponent like Lei Wou-ki, the two of them think they are not opponents.

But I didn't expect a man so mad as Lei Wou-ki to be seriously injured in the cold hum of Zhang Yijun.

A half-step passive is so powerful, so how terrible is a true passive existence?

"There is also Xiao Naihe of the flaming phoenix, which is too crazy. He dared to provoke Lei Wuji."

"However, a master like Lei Wou-ki is still stopped by Senior Zhang."

"Great, I have never seen such a crazy person for so many years. In the face of Lei Wou-ki, he killed his son. Finally, in front of Lei Wou-ki, he provoked Lei Wou-ki and survived safely. Even Lei Wou-ki can't get any benefits. "

"The Huofeng tribe is just a very common paradise in the 33rd paradise. When did even such a master come out?"

Everyone was horrified, and Xiao Naihe calmed down.

Xiao Naihe was born like a black horse.

From the 10,000th in the first level to the eleventh in the second level, it is now in the top 18.

It can be said that this young man became one of the top geniuses in God Realm without anyone knowing.

"Chi ... Mr. Xiao is really powerful."

Li Xing in the audience was even surprised, and Xiao Naihe's power was beyond his expectations.

In this way, Xiao Nai should be a master of the late Jiuzhong.

In this way, even though Xiao Nai didn't stop at the quarter-finals, it will have a promising future in God Realm.

Fortunately, I see the situation and invest quickly, otherwise I will regret it now.

When Xiao Nai defeated Lei Wou-ki in one fell swoop, the voice above rang again.

"Winner, Xiao Naihe!"

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