Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1958: Draw attention

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The huge stiffness has been photographed, and when Lei Wou-ki feels this Fayin, he even feels the power of three avenues.

The thunder and lightning that had condensed on him had already been crushed by this Fayin, and disappeared almost completely.

"Aren't you the late Jiuzhong, the peak of the Jiuzhong?"

Lei Wuji was horrified.

He felt Xiao Naihe's powerful power. The two collided in this move. Lei Wuji immediately knew that he was no longer Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Now why Xiao Nai wants to kill himself, Lei Wou-ki feels a huge murder opportunity even more.

At this moment, Lei Wou-ki didn't even have the idea of ​​rebellion. He regretted it for the first time, regretting that he would come here, and regretting why his son was going to provoke this fierce star.

Even if Lei Jiu'ao died, it would be fine. Anyway, when he came to the realm of Lei Wou-ki, if he wanted to inherit the incense, some would have the ability to regenerate a son.

Now because of a dead Lei Jiuao, offended a master of the nine peaks, it is not worth it.

"Ninth peak?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

His avatar will not become the peak of the Ninefold. The most powerful thing about this avatar is that it can be summoned with Xiao Naihe's body to borrow the power of the deity.

According to the strength of the late Jiuzhong, in the first time, Xiao Naihe's avatar was not so powerful, but since practicing Star Avenue, this avatar has also accumulated some power of stars.

More importantly, the doppelganger has been taking all things for a long time, and he has the power of refining and regenerating in the minefield.

Even without borrowing the power of the deity, Xiao Nai is not afraid of this Lei Wuji.


Lei Wou-ki made a decisive decision, and his current strength is less than 60% of his peak.

Because after being injured by Zhang Yijun, he didn't have much power to deal with Xiao Nai anymore.

What shocked Lei Wou-ki was that Xiao Naihe's strength far exceeded his own imagination, and he already had the strength of Jiuzhong Peak.

"Don't talk about the top 16 in this guy, even the top four might go in."

Lei Wou-ki's mouth twitched, and Xiao Naihe was hiding too deep, even he could not see through Xiao Naihe's strength.

"Do you want to come, and leave if you want to go? Too ridiculous of yourself?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and there was another punch in the void. This punching force condensed a strong dignity, entrained with strong power fluctuations, and swept **** Lei Wou-ki.

"God fist!"

At that moment, Xiao Naihe seemed to be transformed into a heaven, and his every move was beyond the control of heaven and earth.

The punch is amazing, forming a huge vortex.

This whirlpool of **** interest had locked Lei Wuji whole when he circled here.


Lei Wou-ki shook in his heart and quickly turned his magic power into his eyes. A burst of light erupted in his eyes. The divine personality burned slightly, ignoring his serious injury, and raised his mind to an extremely high level in an instant.


After Lei Wuji was hit by Xiao Naihe's fist, he suddenly turned over the river, even his own soul was crushed.

But Xiao Naihe's fist was hit, and the rumbling piece made him torn apart.

Lei Wou-ki's throat was sweet, and a spit of blood was directly spit out, and the blood swept across and back.

This time, Lei Wou-ki was already scared. He dared not fight Xiao Naihe again. He did not expect that Xiao Naihe's strength was so horrible.

At this time Lei Wou-Ki was already afraid, and he dared not stay here again, directly running the Divine Thoughts, flying directly, and flew out instantly.

"Leave me."

Xiao Naihe shot again, a huge **** wheel appeared behind him. When the **** wheel turned, the powerful pressure on all sides was directly crushed down.

The thoughts from all directions squeezed onto Lei Wou-ki's body.

Lei Wou-Ji flew out just now, and was squeezed by the God Wheel.

He was already injured under Zhang Yijun's attack. He was counted by Xiao Naihe just now, and then burned part of his divine personality. It can be said that he was wounded.

Now it is even more squeezed by the powerful force of Xiao Naihe, and it is extremely difficult to suffer.

"There is no way."

Lei Wou-Ki's eyes showed a decay, and suddenly, a strange iron token appeared in Lei Wou-Ki's hands.

This iron token seems to contain a strong thunder force. Even Xiao Nai is so far away, he can feel that the thunder in the token is about to explode.

It's like a ninth-level peak master blew himself up.

"The strong Thunder Power, this token, has been refined for at least thousands of years."

Xiao Naihe was taken aback. If Lei Wou-ki inspired this token, although he could not kill himself, he would certainly be able to block his footsteps.

At that time, Lei Wou-ki can take advantage of this period of time to fly directly out.

"Since that is the case, I will let you see how powerful I am."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the iron token in Lei Wou-Ki's hands had already released a strong blue light, and countless Thunder mixed together, like a big dye tank.


Pieces of thunder brewed, and Lei Wou-ki took advantage of these thunderstorms and was about to leave.

"Xiao Naihe, I remember you, and when I get hurt, I must come back to kill you." Lei Wou-ki's eyes exploded in an endless murder, and Xiao Naihe was locked to death.

Xiao Nai said coldly: "Unfortunately you do not have this opportunity."

The sound had just fallen, and Lei Wou-ki felt only a flower in front of him. At that moment, Xiao Naihe actually rushed into the thunderstorm, even if he was physically wounded, he would have to stay.

Lei Wou-ki didn't expect Xiao Naiho to be so crazy, and he was so scared that he was running away, and he quickly ran the mind, and he ran away with oil on his feet.


Suddenly, a strong blood blew into the sky, and Lei Wou-ki felt only a cold behind him, locked by a qi machine, and could no longer escape.

That air machine was much stronger than Xiao Naihe just now. Lei Wou-ki was scared to tremble with cold sweat, and his consciousness swept away. He actually saw another 'Xiao Naihe' drilled out of Xiao Naihe's body.


As soon as Xiao Naihe's deity appeared, his acupuncture points exploded, and each of the acupuncture points seemed to be through all kinds of magical powers.

It was such a mediocre punch, but it brought a force far beyond just now.

"No, take my life ..."

It's a pity that Lei Wou-ki's remarks haven't been finished yet, that boxing is already covering up himself.

At that moment, Lei Wou-ki just felt like he was facing Zhang Yijun, his flesh and soul were shredded into pieces by this fist, and a tumbling piece fell down.

"It turns out that this is his body ..."

That was the last sentence of Lei Wou-ki, and then it turned into nothingness and disappeared into the world.

At this time, the whole valley was already embarrassed. In the void, there were thunder wires gathering together.

After Xiao Naihe killed Lei Wou-ki, he directly picked the storage ring that Lei Wou-ki dropped, and threw it into his own space-time world.

"Huh? Someone is here? This breath is actually the peak of the Ninefold, and there are more than one."

Xiao Nai He raised his eyebrows, he felt several other breaths, and could not help but run his mind, put away his own deity, and then left.

Although he is not afraid of those people, it is best not to contact other people at this time.

Shortly after Xiao Naiho left, several people had appeared from the original position.

These people are masters of the Gemini Gate, the Tianjian Gate and other Zong Men.

Yan Tianluo frowned: "People have already gone. Someone is fighting here just now. And the other party's strength is very strong, should be the master of Jiuzhong Peak."

"Look, there is so much thunder in this void. If I guess correctly, it should be the old guy from Lei Yunzong."

The Tianjimen of Tianjianmen said.

Another cultivator of the eyebrow Daoren is an elder in Phoenix God Realm, whose strength is almost to the peak of Jiuzhong.

Feeling the collision of this strong breath, Yidao Dao couldn't help but exhale: "It should be Lei Wou-ki, the breath of Lei Wou-ki disappeared, and disappeared with the opponent, it is estimated that we are here.

"Lei Wou-ki is already a master of the Ninth Peak. There are not many masters equal to Lei Wou-ki in Phoenix God Realm. Who is this? In the void, there is demon, Buddha, and popularity. So simple? "

"Could it be that several people appeared together, and these few people could not fight together?"

"It is quite possible that Lei Jiuao was hit hard by Zhang Sect Master in the morning. I didn't expect to come here, and I didn't know who had a conflict with him."

"Everyone is gone, and we can't catch it. The situation here is more complicated during Phoenix's Dabi period, and we still have less trouble."

The three nodded.

The remaining breaths in the void, the strength of each breath is not under the three of them.

Xiao Naihe didn't think that some people actually misunderstood that they were a few people, because their roots would not believe that a Sanxiu Son appeared in God Realm.

But now Xiao Nai left this place long ago, but quietly returned to Xianyun Inn.

There are still many people in Xianyun Inn.

Huofeng Fenzong is still busy receiving people, watching Su Jianan and Haotian busy, Xiao Naihe did not want to meet them, but turned to enter the room.

The two or three disciples who had lived with Xiao Naihe had long since disappeared.

"It should mean Su Jian'an."

Xiao Nai and He are bright in heart. Of course he knows his identity is different. It is estimated that Su Jian'an and those disciples dare not underestimate themselves anymore, and Li Xing's willingness directly gives up a room for himself.

Xiao Nai was happy to accept it, he was more clean alone.

Afterwards, Xiao Naiho imposed a prohibition, directly entering into the world of time and space to practice.

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