Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1967: disturb

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That's when the heaven and earth movements spin up and slowly move closer to the chaotic Tiangong Temple.

At this time, the ring of light above Xiao Naihe's head turned around, revealing two beads, which were the Xingyuan mysterious stones.

"Blood gentleman polishes his star element black stone to the sky, and it is extremely fast to absorb the heaven and earth atmospheric luck. The two star element black stones absorb the sky and earth atmospheric luck, and the speed can be comparable to one hundred I continuously absorbed. "

Xiao Naihe's heart was permeable, and as soon as the xingyuan blackstone above his head was released, a thin layer of dark clouds appeared above the ceiling of his practice room.

There is a black sky in the clouds, which gathers the strength of the luck around it and forms a small round ball.

If a passive master notices Xiao Naihe's side now, he will surely be surprised.

Xiao Nai could actually transport the atmosphere of heaven and earth to substance.

That blurred river was the river on the other side that attracted the power of luck. Xiao Nai introduced a powerful force of luck into his body, and his body was suddenly cool.


At this time, Xiao Naihe's 1,118 acupoints were constantly gathering and unfolding, absorbing heaven and earth's atmospheric transport, just like a firecracker, making a loud noise.

If it weren't for Xiao Naihe who had imposed a lot of forbidden enchantments around him, I was afraid that his body would make a thunderous sound, and it would spread throughout the chaotic temple.

It is now the most lively time of the three thousand years of chaos in Tiangong. Once someone finds an abnormal noise, it may cause a lot of trouble.

Xiao Nai didn't want to lose a big thing because of a small one.

"Forget it, take this opportunity, I will deduct all four of my own avenues, the refinement is more extreme."

Afterwards, Xiao Nai gathered up his thoughts all over the void and stopped absorbing the luck of heaven and earth.

Now the general power of luck has been absorbed by Xiao Naihe in the chaotic Tiangong, and Xiao Naihe is not too excessive. Not only will Zhang Yijun find it troublesome.

Zhang Yijun's ability to absorb luck is far less than Xiao Naihe, but after all, he is a half-step passive master. Once he absorbs a lot, it is easy to be discovered.

"Humanity, demonism, Buddhism, and sorcery."

There was a ray of light in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, and the aperture that had originally shrouded his head turned into fragments, which scattered around.

Among these shards of light, there is a strong Tao Yun.

If any other cultivator gets any piece of light, it will definitely be of great benefit to his own Dao practice.

Xiao Naihe deduced all the abilities of the four avenues at once, and what a mysterious Tao Yun was.

Not to mention ordinary cultivators, even the masters of the late Jiuzhong, such as Eastern Tang and Jianfeng, will have great benefits once they get Xiao Naihe's Daoyun fragments.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body changed from time to time, but it was not a change in appearance, but Xiao Naihe's breath seemed to be a vortex of the road, becoming more and more deep and difficult to control.

"Demons of the Heavens".

"Da Ri Ru Lai Handprint".

"The Book of Dust Witch".

"The Book of Humanities".

Among these four scriptures, except for the humanity that Xiao Naihe specially condensed, the other three are all original books.

The four scriptures turned into four different rays of light and converged into the sky.

The last "Four Dao Zong Jing" appeared in midair.

The "Four Dao Zong Jing" records the mysteries of Xiao Naihe's four major roads.

"There is also my Avenue of Stars. Now that I have the Xingyuan Xuanshi, it is equivalent to cultivating the origin of the stars and belongs to the fifth kind of Avenue."

Xiao Naiho had a look in his eyes, and flashed in his mind.

These exercises were formed by Xiao Naihe's refining the memory of the greedy wolf, and the memory of the Dao Fa obtained by Xingzu before.

Greedy Wolf itself is a passive master, and Xingzu has gathered countless years of Daoist experience, even more abundant than Xiao Naihe's own experience.

The two Taoist experiences merged together, and Xiao Naihe used the Xingyuan mysterious stone and these Taoist memories to form a page of stars and passages.

"Nine-star graphic, supernatural power."

Suddenly, a stream of galaxies appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind. Each stream of galaxies seemed to flow into the distance, and it turned into a river of nine days.


Xiao Naiho only felt that the inner world seemed to open up a small world.

"What's the matter? There is a starry sky in my body?"

Xiao Nai was taken aback. Originally, his inner world should belong to a chaotic world transformed into a world of five elements, but at best it is a land-based world, just like the outside world.

But the starry sky world is different. It is a deeper world.

And Xiao Naihe has never heard of someone refining a starry sky.

"There is no record of the starry sky in the memory of the greedy wolf, what the **** is going on?"

Xiao Nai frowned, although he didn't know what happened? But this starry world is real.

At this time, the starry sky world is completely integrated with Xiao Naihe's spacetime world.

Xiao Naihe's inner world suddenly changed from a kind of inner space into a star world.

"Mysterious, extremely mysterious. I do n’t know if I open my starry sky world, can I let other people come in to live, multiply and survive like the first plane?

Xiao Nai suddenly had a whimsy. If this starry sky world, like the first plane, could come as a planetary plane, does that mean that in the future when facing the five-decay of heaven and earth and the end of the plane, there can be an extra life-saving means.

From moonlight warships and floating stars to the present starry sky world, Xiao Naihe found that he already had two different life-saving means.

Of course, if he can succeed in creating the Dao, he can unite his origins, transform himself into a avenue, and merge chaos. Then he can also survive in Taiyu by virtue of his own body.

At this point, Xiao Nai He disappeared slowly because of his previous fear of the five declines of Heaven and Man, because he knew that he already had enough ability to protect himself and the people around him in the first era of the last law.


Xiao Naihe suddenly heard a click and quickly looked at it. In his starry sky world, the two star element mysterious stones suddenly glowed in pure white.

A series of obscure scriptures shuttled and twirled continuously in the air, and finally Rong deteriorated into four general scriptures.

"Star Chapter?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, suddenly ecstatic.

He did not expect that the avenue of stars he practiced could actually be merged into the "Four Daoist Classics" to open up a chapter of stars.

This is equivalent to the "Five Daoist Classics". If he wants to unite his origins, he must use the five avenues to transform his mind into a cost source in a natural way with five elements.

The five elements complement each other and are indispensable.

Xiao Nai did not think that he had inexplicably completed the chapter of the Avenue of Stars.

What surprised Xiao Nai most is that his Avenue of Stars has been promoted to the seventh level.

This means that Xiao Naihe can also use the Avenue of Stars to fight with others.

Although it is only the level of the creator, it is complementary to the other four avenues, and it will definitely be a surprise.


Suddenly, with a loud noise, Xiao Naihe felt only a shock above his head, as if the mountains and rivers were cracking, and the sky was going to be nine thunders. It is the sign that the Avenue of Stars has entered the Seventh Realm, inspiring the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

"Oops, I forgot to set a ban outside."

Xiao Naihe's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly converged his Taoist breath and sent his own respect to the starry world, which is Xiao Naihe's internal space.

Then continue to show a few clear heart tactics to calm down your state of mind and merge it into Daoyun.

Zhang Yijun was originally watching the game below. At this time, Jian Feng's game had come to an end.

Suddenly, with a bang, it seemed that countless **** thunders had landed and slammed into the sky above the chaotic step palace.

A few masters of the late nineth layer were stunned, not to mention other less powerful cultivators.

"What's the matter? This is a world disaster? Is anyone promoted? Who is it?"

The Tianjimen of Tianjianmen stood up, his eyes were like the sun, and he released a dazzling fine awn, shining brightly.

"It's a strange world tribulation, is it the creator tribulation? But it's not like that, how could the world tribulation of the creator be changed by stars."

"Perhaps it was Yazhong who entered the Jiuzhong Heaven and Earth Tribulation, but this might be too powerful."

There are already many sectarian giants standing up and looking forward.

If it weren't for the chaotic Tiangong Temple, which belonged to the ancestor of the Phoenix, these people had already flown up and went directly to the source.

"Don't you want to be upset, the game continues, it may be that a disciple in my sect broke through, and the world vision was triggered."

Zhang Yijun's voice came out, and he kept turning back.

Those Zongmen giants who wanted to find out, after hearing Zhang Yijun's words, did not dare to think of anything else, but congratulated each other.

Zhang Yijun didn't stay long, and turned into a shooting star, tearing the space.

The next breath, I have come to a small palace, which is a lounge in Tianbu Temple.

"Zong ... I have seen the Sect Master!"

At this time, the male disciple who had received Xiao Naihe quickly fell to his knees. He did not expect that the patriarch would actually come, and he was a little panicked.

"Who is here?"

"Return to Sect Master, it is Brother Xiao."


Zhang Yijun raised his brow slightly.

Seeing Zhang Yijun didn't understand, the male disciple summoned the courage to say one more sentence: "It is Brother Xiao from the Huofeng Tribe."

"It's him?"

Zhang Yijun was taken aback for a while, and he was still impressed with Xiao Naihe.

Because Xiao Naihe defeated the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and also got the axe of the Eastern Hall.

Although he has no interest in slashing Zhang Yijun, it will be different if he defeats Dongfang Tang.

"You go down first."


At this time, Xiao Naihe had already felt a strong breath approaching outside, and there was no movement in his heart: "Actually Zhang Yijun, Chief of the Phoenix."

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