Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1972: Unstoppable

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Sword qi is like frost, momentum is like rainbow.

The swords of Chen Qi and Xiao Naihe turned into a rainbow, colliding with the void.

Suddenly, Chen Qi knew that he was not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Sad in his heart, Chen Qi asked: "Did your move" Wan Jian Gui Zong "really come from yourself?"

"What do you say?"

Chen Qi laughed at himself: "This world really has genius, but genius is not me."

"This battle, Xiao Nai won."

The elder of Phoenix General Sect spoke again, and this time he couldn't help but set his eyes on Xiao Naihe and scanned it up and down, as if to see Xiao Naihe through.

Xiao Nai's victory over Chen Qi, although surprising, was still expected by many people.

Not long ago, Xiao Nai defeated Dongfang Tang and entered the quarterfinals.

Although Chen Qi is powerful, it is similar to the Eastern Tang Dynasty. It is the same with the two people.

So Xiao Nai can beat Chen Qi, which is not a surprise in itself.

"Flying to the sky, it really is flying to the sky."

Hao Tian closed his eyes and suddenly felt that Xiao Nai and Jing Yuan were introverted, standing in the ring like a **** of war and unstoppable.

After today, Xiao Naihe's prestige must be widely spread in Phoenix Realm.

Not only that, but in the future it may also become famous in the Nine Great Realms.

Su Jian'an was even more excited and impatient. Looking at Xiao Nai's unstoppable, almost invincible, that momentum, even Su Jian'an himself felt excited, and wished to replace Xiao Nai himself.

"It seems that this son will be in the final."

Tianjizi stood in the back altar, and all the high-level officials were gazing at each other, and their expressions changed.

Xiao Naihe's identity has long been detected by these people.

Those masters who can stand at the highest level have extraordinary identities, standing in the top ranks of Phoenix God Realm and the 33rd Heaven. They have extremely high power and a little means can naturally find out Xiao Naihe's identity.

Xiao Naihe also knew that he could not stop it. Some of the things he had done before, such as crossing the night king and killing King Huo Luo, were all blocked from the news. Xiao Nai was not afraid of them finding out.

As long as Xiao Nai has an identity, they are not afraid. What they are most afraid of is that Xiao Nai has no identity background, which is the most fearful.

With an identity and a history, one can know the roots and the bottom line. It is not terrible if it is not unknown.

"Seeing him, I suddenly remembered someone."

Tian Jizi said suddenly.

Jian Feng couldn't help but ask, "Are you saying ... Chi Zhan Huo?"

"Yes, it is Chi Zhanhuo. Both of them are from the Huofeng branch, but they both shine on the Phoenix pen, and they are the only ones. Your ancestor has a good relationship with Chi Zhanhuo. I don't know each other. But the two men are equal in strength, similar. It's a pity ... "

Hearing Tian Jizi's sigh, Jian Feng suddenly understood that Tian Jizi was a pity. I was afraid that Tian Jizi mapped the relationship between Chi Zhanhuo and Shizu to himself and Xiao Naihe.

Jian Feng knew very well that his strength was not as good as Xiao Naihe, and he was comparable to Dongfang Tang and Chen Qi.

If neither of the latter is Xiao Naihe's opponent, then he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Fortunately, he and Xiao Nai are not much different, and there is a possibility of catching up or even surpassing. It's just that before he and Xiao Naihe said they wanted to play against Xiao Naihe.

I'm afraid it feels funny in the other party's heart now.

"If you encounter this, don't try to compete, it is better to be able to win. It is not expected that you cannot win."

Tian Jizi closed his eyes again, waved his hand, his mind was indifferent.

Jian Feng nodded, but a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his voice was powerful: "Although I know that it is not Xiao Naihe's opponent, nor Ye Mo's opponent, but the person I cultivated in, if everything was indisputable, met the strong I bowed my head, my heart was n’t perfect, and I would never benefit from practicing in the future. Even if I ca n’t win, I have to fight, everyone can fight, why ca n’t I? ”

"Okay, it's best if you have this kind of thinking, as usual, and the momentum is like rainbow. This is unstoppable. If you meet Ye Mo and Xiao Naihe, then argue, maybe you can see the opportunity and break through first."

Tianjizi smiled and clapped his hands.


Occupy stabilized, Xiao Nai did not watch the next game.

He has already won by one game, and by winning another game, he can reach the semifinals.

And Luo Yun has been sent to the semi-finals, Xiao Nai He will definitely meet this woman.

Thinking of Luo Yun, Xiao Na couldn't help but think of Ye Mo and Luo Yun he met in the seventh floor of the Fengmo Palace.

At that time, Ye Mo was going to find the opportunity in the seventh floor of the Fengmo Palace. Now he came out safely and showed such a strong performance. I am afraid that this man and a woman should have doubts.

"But what if it's doubtful? It's impossible for me to hand it over."

Xiao Nai and his heart clarified that he got a huge opportunity in the Magic Demon Palace and earned a floating star. It can be said that he is equivalent to the Xingyuan Xuanshi, and even more important.

A floating star is equivalent to the origin of a passive master in the upper middle class.

After refining and refining, it is like the sky, invincible, it is the biggest means of survival in the face of the future decline of heaven and man.

Even if he does not stay in the Phoenix sect, he must take away the floating stars.

Zhang Yijun looks calm, he is closing his eyes to recuperate.

Suddenly it seemed to feel something, opened his eyes, a hint of fineness appeared in his eyes, and said:

"Brother, you are here."

"Yes, I'm here."

The coming man is dressed in white cloak, his eyes are star-like, and his eyes are bright.

Step by step, the lotus grows, like Jing Yuan Shen Lian.

As soon as this person came over, he suddenly looked at Xiao Naihe on the field: "He is the Xiao Naihe of the Huofeng Tribe. I have read the information. He is the son of San Xiu. Will it be the reincarnation of Taikoo Sheng? "

"It hasn't been known for a long time, but Archaic Saints are not practitioners of Buddhism."

"Oh, now that you have the tips of the three cultivations, all the avenues of cultivation are the same, for the Saint!"

"How are you doing?"

"I'll find a chance to try it out, but looking for this situation, he might meet the kid Ye Mo. By that time, Ye Mo might help me test in advance."

The man, who was called the younger brother, said slowly that his voice seemed to be running water and rippled in his heart.

And as this person said, the quarterfinals game is almost over, Xiao Naihe finally started the second game.

This time, Xiao Naihe met the Jian Feng.

When Jian Feng heard that he was going to meet Xiao Naihe, he could not help but twitch.

Xiao Naihe's current name is too frightening. Although Jian Feng has won a match, it is comparable to Xiao Naihe, but he also knows that he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

However, since he decided to fight, he was fighting for the slightest chance and he could not let it go.

"In the third game, Xiao Nai played against Jian Feng."

Chief Elder Phoenix's voice stretched out, as if covered in the mind of the human body.

In the sky, a burst of snow fell.

A white light melted in the snow, and a city of sky was condensed directly in the air, and a huge ring emerged.

"It's finally started."

Ye Mo murmured.

Luo Yun also glanced at Xiao Naihe.

There is another contender for the semi-finals. This person's strength has also entered the ninth mid-term, and it must break through to the ninth mid-term at any time.

He has lost the last game and knows that it is difficult to reach the finals, even the semifinals.

These people put their own affairs down at this time and began to pay attention to Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naiho should be the biggest dark horse of this time, most promising to enter the final and play against Ye Mo.

There was a lot of complexity in the field, and everyone was excited to wait for the game to begin.

"I will go first."

Jian Feng burst into a sudden, people like sword, shadow like frost.

He knew that he was not Xiao Naihe's opponent. If he actually lost to Xiao Naihe, he would really lose.

Therefore, he must seize the opportunity at that moment and occupy the 'potential'.

Sure enough, Jian Fengren rushed out like a flying sword, and rushed directly to the front.


Xiao Naihe's eyes glared, and there was a little interest in his eyes.

Subsequently, he followed.

He does not have the problem of not winning the "potential", his own strength is a kind of momentum.

Taking advantage of the momentum, in the case of a large difference in strength, it can only be regarded as a trail.

"I used the heart of the sun and the moon to shadow the sword. Take me a sword."

The sword front standing in the void, the person moves with the sound, the sword light flickers and turns into a ray of glow.

Suddenly, Bai Hong runs through the day.

Jianfeng not only wanted to "strength", but also took the lead to break Xiao Naihe's "strength".

In this way, he might also have a chance.

"Even if it's not as good as him, it will certainly be similar. I have the opportunity and the advantage, and I have a chance."

Jianfeng thought so.

The Excalibur in his hand was melted by the pure Yang's spiritual power. As soon as the sword came out, he made a popping sound like a firecracker. He wanted to twitch the void and explode countless airflows.

"Bai Hong runs through the sun."

The Excalibur in Jian Feng's hands is even more fierce, but the word Xuan Qi is inseparable.

His sword seemed to have life, facing Xiao Naihe directly, as if to lock Xiao Naihe's vitality.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe only felt that his whole body was locked by a powerful divine power, and the sword was full of light, as if it were a demon in the sword.

And Jianfeng came out with one stroke, even more fierce.

Unlike Dongfang Tang and Chen Qi, these two people are exploring Xiao Naihe step by step, so they will be snatched by Xiao Naihe, and finally lost the opportunity to try to restore the situation, but it is no longer possible.

But Jian Feng is different. He knows that he is not as good as Xiao Naihe, and he tried his best in the beginning, but he has no mercy.

His man and the sword are one, the man is unparalleled, and there is me in the sword.

His sword turned into a flesh-and-blood existence, and the sword in his hand had been stabbed out.

It's just a breath, it's already three hundred and sixty swords here.

The sword light flickered continuously, as if countless streamers magnetized, locked on Xiao Naihe's body.

"Vajra at ease."

Why did Xiao Nai not hurry, pinch five fingers apart, it is a seal of law.

The golden light in the French seal appears like the scorching sun in the sky, directly showing up.

The intense flames burned, almost squeezing out all the vitality.


Jianfeng felt that the sword in his hand and the Fayin had collided together, a feeling that the primordial spirits had been taken away.

"The Vajra Realm is freely printed, and it is indeed the supreme Buddha magical power, and the legendary handprint of the great sun."

Yan Tianluo stood up, his eyes glowed, his hands clenched.

And Mrs. Chen in the back looked at Xiao Naihe with a golden light like a Buddha, and wished to replace Xiao Naihe now, **** Xiao Naihe's supernatural powers and pass it to her daughter.

With the golden light in the air, Xiao Naihe turned into a supreme Buddha.

The French seal, which he pinched out with his five fingers, kept changing, and in the end, two different French seals were formed.

"Legal definition seal."

"Wisdom Boxing."

The three major French and Indians merged together, and suddenly a tremendous light spread out, as if it had become a sky and moon.

And Xiao Naihe's forehead showed a layer of seven light, dazzling.

"It's strange, I have heard that he has reached the extreme of his Buddhist practice, that is, nine or nine, one, why there is only one light?"

"Wrong, it ’s not ninety-nine to one, but a hundred ninety-six suns, with a hundred apertures covering the body. At the time, an ancient Buddha practiced to the top of the nineth layer, all covered with apertures. . "

"But Xiao Naihe has only one aperture, how can this be explained. But the strength of his aperture is so strong that it is almost worth the hundred apertures of others."

"Then I don't know. The three cultivators have vast powers, and Buddhist teachings are even rare. I don't know some of the mysteries."

A few powerful cultivators glanced at it and could not help but discuss it secretly, and they were horrified.

Xiao Nai He turned into a Buddha, with a colorful aperture behind his forehead, containing infinite divine power. The seal of the hand was opened, the bow was opened left and right, and the three seals and one were suddenly turned into a "big day like a handprint".

"Oops, this is the magical power of the supreme Buddha, it's no worse than the magical power of the Tianjianmen. The seven swords real sword, open!"

Jian Feng quickly ran the mind inside his body. The sword in his hand seemed to scream. After a burst of tweets spread, the sword was so angry that Xiao Nai would be bombarded.


The two forces seemed to be different void worlds. They collided with each other, and the entire ring, thousands of miles of space, were all twisted.

At this level of battle, every move can arouse the world's momentum and turn it into its own use.

"Come again, Wan Jian returns to the sect."

Xiao Naihe once again shot, this time shot, actually came from the sword moves of the Gemini Gate.

The sword trick Xiao Naiho used to perform was unskilled, but now he has reached the extreme. When he catches it, the sword is full of anger, which seems to inspire thousands of murderous.

At that moment, there were countless sword spirits left in the void, and they greeted Jian Feng.

"This is another trick."

When Chen Qi saw this in the camp, his mind was a little turbulent and he couldn't do it himself.

He felt that his Dao Xin was broken by Xiao Naihe. If he could not defeat Xiao Naihe, he would never be able to go further.

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