Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1984: Luck, luck

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Xiao Naiho withdrew from his starry sky.

After he refined the origin of Feng Mo Zun Lord, his strength is now closer to the passive state.

Once his heaven, earth, and atmospheric transport have been absorbed to a sufficient degree, there will be a majority of chances to be able to unify the origin.

If you want to be successful, you must wait for him to cultivate the Avenue of Stars to a level comparable to his own.

His cultivation of the Avenue of Stars is equivalent to starting from scratch. He can cultivate to the realm of creators so quickly, because it borrows the memory of the Taoism of the Xingyuan Xuanshi, Greedy Wolf and Xingzu, as well as the ability of the heavenly star map .

As long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to advance the Avenue of Stars to the level of his cultivation.

At that time, the power of the whole body will run in a state of five elements, and the five elements will create a path. As long as the power of luck has accumulated to a sufficient level, and the body and soul will be cleaned, the passive state can be restored.

However, he can't even reach the passive state now, because after absorbing the power of the demon king, without borrowing any artifacts or Taoism, he also has enough strength to fight with ordinary passive masters.

This is Xiao Naihe's biggest method now.

"Feng Mozun is the source of the soul path, not the six paths of heaven and earth. It does not belong to demon, demon, man, god, alien, and witch, but belongs to the source of other systems."

Xiao Naihe knew.

It is not every passive master who has refined his origin that he must take the six avenues of origin.

The origin of the six kinds of avenues is the highest and deepest six in this plane.

But the masters who have cultivated to the passive state before, not everyone has this ability.

The Six Dao Origins are a type of the Qiyuan Book. The Qiyuan Book can only be taught to one person at the same time. If you can cultivate these six avenue sources, you will be standing among the six most powerful people in this world.

"However, the source of Soul Dao practiced by Master Feng Mozun is mainly based on the spirit of the gods, and refining the divine thought as the source. This kind of supernatural power is really rare. I have seen the source of physical strength and the source of thunder and lightning, but I have not Use the soul as the source. "

It is estimated that Lord Fengmozun in the peak period will certainly not be inferior to himself or himself in the days of the demon.

Just like Feng Mozun said, it is not the right time. If you can be born in the ancient times, maybe you may really have a fight with Feng Mozun at the peak.

"However, there is no passive master in the Phoenix General Sect. How can passive masters appear so easily. For example, today's air transport is already very thin, and even these big gates need to gather the power of the luck through the magic circle, think It is even more impossible to derive a passive avenue. "

Xiao Naihe estimates that there may be a third or even a passive master in this **** realm, but it is definitely not in Phoenix God Realm.

Since he practiced the Avenue of Stars and refined the origin of the Soul Dao, he has been in a very deep understanding of the passive induction in the midst of the world.

As long as he stands here, he can sense the breath of the passive master through the heavenly star map and the soul source.

This is what ordinary people call "in the midst"!

Feng Mozun had practiced it for eight years, but Xiao Naihe occupied all these achievements.

For eight years in Star World, a month has passed outside.

Xiao Nai felt very surprised when she thought that she had stayed in Phoenix for a month, and no one had bothered to disturb herself.

"Can it be that Zhang Yijun mistakenly thought that I had just entered the Ninefold Peak and it would take some time to settle? If so, it would be easy to explain. If I ask, I will use this excuse to answer."

At this stage, Xiao Naihe still needs to stay in the Phoenix sect. He wants to absorb the power of luck, but the condition of the Phoenix sect is very good.

He walked out of the yard, and suddenly two star mysterious stones appeared above his head.

When this Xingyuan mysterious stone is in operation, it absorbs all the power of luck around it and continuously refines it.

At this time, Xiao Naihe built a passage in his divided body to transfer these luck forces to the body of the deity.

The power of luck is of no use to him.

Once the power of luck has accumulated enough, the physical body and soul will undergo fundamental changes, resulting in a surge of self-cultivation.

This is the path that every cultivator wants to step into the passive realm in this era.

Even the masters of the Cambrian era, such as blood gentlemen, have to follow the rules of this era to restore the passive state.

Xiao Nai can't avoid vulgarity.

"The celestial and earth atmosphere of Feng Zong Feng is really strong, but I belong to a more remote yard. I can feel such a strong power of luck in the dark."

Xiao Nai could not help but praise.

A closer look reveals that there is a layer of red brilliance in Xiao Nai's body, which is constantly turning and flowing around, which has long been a very mysterious realm.

Another hand reached, Xiao Naihe caught in the void, as if he had caught the wind in the void, and his breath was surging.

The power of luck in this courtyard has become thinner, and Xiao Nai has not completely absorbed light. He also retained 30% of his luck.

Now in God Realm, it is estimated that no one can get the same two stars as Xuan Nai as Xiao Naihe, which can quickly absorb the atmospheric transport of heaven and earth.

This opportunity is indeed extraordinary.

"Even Zhang Yijun has already stepped into the passive state with one foot, but unfortunately he has not absorbed enough heaven and earth to transport."

Xiao Na couldn't help but feel complacent, but soon suppressed this idea.

He was also not sure if anyone in this **** realm could get the Xingyuan Xuanshi like him.

But at the same time to get two Xing Yuan Xuan Shi, it is estimated that really can not find a second person.

The power of luck in the Phoenix sect was so magnificent that Zhang Yijun even wanted to absorb it. It would take tens of thousands of years or more, and it could not be accumulated to the level of promotion to the passive state.

Xiao Naihe is bright in heart.

"Someone is beside the yard."

Xiao Nai He released his consciousness.

I saw an old man waiting outside the courtyard.

This old man, Xiao Naihe, also knew that it was the old man that Xiao Naihe had seen before, that was Elder Lin.

"Elder Lin, I have already gone through customs. I don't know where Sect Master Zhang is now?"

Xiao Naihe knew that the reason why this elder Lin would wait for him here should be Zhang Yijun's arrangement.

An elder has many things, and he will be waiting outside the courtyard of this outsider every day. It must have been ordered by Zhang Yijun.

At this time, Elder Lin was originally rehearsing and practicing. He found that a half-month ago, the aura around the courtyard had undergone a strange change, becoming more and more spiritual.

This environment is of great benefit to cultivation. Although Elder Lin does not know why this phenomenon occurs, it is not obvious that he did not want to give up this excellent cultivation opportunity.

He didn't know that the reason why the spiritual power here would become so rich is that the Lord Demon Lord exuded the anger when he used the Taikoo Leichi to nourish his origin.

Taikoo Leichi was built by the Five Realms and Five Divine Rivers during the Archaic period, and was transformed through the brewing of the Taikoo God Thunder. Its value is immeasurable.

If you are even a master at the level of Lord Demon Lord, you will know if you feel shocked when you see Taikoo Leichi.

There is a kind of ability to nourish the soul and flesh in the Taikoo Leichi, but the most unfavorable is the ability to nourish the original power.

If Xiao Nai could return to the passive state, with Taikoo Leichi, even if his source was damaged, he could return to normal through Taikoo Leichi at any time.

There are also all kinds of raw rice, which is a magical substance that cleanses the flesh and blood, and contains vitality. Can make your flesh quickly enter the peak period.

This is similar to the Taikoo Leichi, and is an ancient holy thing.

The anger spreading in Taikoo Leichi, even passive masters, are regarded as treasures, not to mention Elder Lin.

Elder Lin cultivated and cultivated under this anger. Although there was no change in the flesh, the spirit of the spirit was slightly improved.

"I can't think of someone in Lin who has been practicing for so many years. I have stuck on this level for thousands of years. Now I have the chance to subtly sublimate my soul. This is a great opportunity."

Elder Lin sighed softly.

After he heard Xiao Naihe's voice at this moment, he immediately woke up.

Xiao Naihe's voice actually appeared directly in his mind. When he was practicing, he would subconsciously shut down his knowledge of the sea and put an end to other people's transmission.

But Xiao Naihe was able to forcibly enter, this method is simply shocking.

"It's a pinnacle of the 9th layer, Phoenix is ​​the first person."

When Elder Lin thought, he quickly recovered his ban.

Then Elder Lin walked into the courtyard.

Since Xiao Naihe closed down, because of Zhang Yijun's arrangement, Elder Lin has not come in for a month.

But when he walked in, he found that the entire courtyard was full of vitality, as if everything was recovering.

The whole courtyard was green, and the blue and white trees were overgrown. Elder Lin only felt that he had stepped into a spring world.

Even in the yard, he felt that his mind was already relaxed, and the tense nerves had been relaxed for many years, and even the soul of the soul showed signs of breakthrough again at that moment.

"What kind of magical power is this? How did this Xiao Shengzi actually make this courtyard look like this?"

At this time, Elder Lin's feelings towards Xiao Naihe were more and more unpredictable.

If I said that he was still complacent because of his status as the elder of the inner sect of Phoenix, he looked at Xiao Naihe from a superior perspective. Now Elder Lin has no such idea at all.

Xiao Naiho was standing in the courtyard, and the spiritual power around him turned like a moment, and the entire courtyard became another spring-like world.

Not only that, Xiao Naihe no longer has the deep breath of the past, but instead there is no spiritual fluctuation at all, as if returning to the original.

Elder Lin only felt that the Xiao Shengzi in front of him, even standing in front of himself, could not even find out if he did not speak out.

It seems to be one with nature.

"A month's retreat has such a change. If this child is cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years, wouldn't he be like a suzerain and achieve half a step of passiveness?"

Elder Lin was calmed down by this idea.

Now there are not many passive realms in heaven and earth. Even if there are, there are only very few.

Although masters like Zhang Yijun do not enter the passive realm, they are also eligible to enter the passive realm because they are half-step passive.

If Xiao Nai could become a half-step passive, then he could also become a class of guru-level existence in the future.

"I have seen Xiao Shengzi, and the Sect Master is not here now. If Xiao Shengzi wants to see the Sect Master, let me tell you."

"Then there will be work."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment.

Suddenly felt that this kind of anger in this yard was too irritating. After all, the vitality like Taiko Leichi was indeed of great importance. If Zhang Yijun discovered it, there might be some accidents.

Now at this juncture, Xiao Nai does not want to cause trouble.

He came to God Realm to absorb the power of luck, but not to be hated.

Thinking about this, Xiao Naihe's thought suddenly rolled up.

The thunder anger in the entire yard has disappeared. The original aura of all things recovering at this moment has disappeared without a trace.


Elder Lin was surprised to find that the feeling in the courtyard was gone, and he was shocked.

At this time, Elder Lin also determined that the reason why the courtyard had such anger and disappeared at the same time was probably due to the Xiao Shengzi in front of him.

For Xiao Naihe's magical means, Elder Lin has become more and more shocked.

"Forget it, let me see Sect Master Zhang."

Xiao Nai thought about it for the sake of insurance, but still don't let Zhang Yijun come to this yard, lest he be spotted at any time.

"Well, Xiao Shengzi please follow me."

Elder Lin did not dare to neglect. He quickly asked Xiao Nai to come out.

Although Xiao Naihe is not the person of the Chief Sect of Phoenix, it is estimated that it will not take long to see the attitude of the Sect Master.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe is also a master of the 9th peak, and he dare not offend this master Elder Lin, especially the magical power that Xiao Naiho showed before, can actually allow him to practice to a breakthrough.

This method does not even have his own suzerain, and he may have a request in future, so Elder Lin wants to draw up a relationship with Xiao Naihe.

Tianshen Tower has appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

He was the first to approach Tianshen Tower at such a close distance for the first time. When he approached the Tianshen Tower at this time, he could feel the force of luck coming from the front, as if it were a functioning universe, and the whole world Surrounded.

At that moment, Xiao Nai wished to rush directly into the Tianshen Tower, enter the highest level, and directly absorb all the power of luck absorbed by the several spiritual gatherings inside.

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