Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2000: crisis

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"Moonlight floating stars, come out."

Xiao Naihe burst into tears, and soon another voice appeared. After the moonlight floating star emerged, the whole Tianshu world shuddered, and finally slowly merged into the moonlight floating star.

"Floating star?"

At this time, Xing Zu, who had no desire to speak, suddenly shook his body, but the force that bounced back on the Dao Dao Qi directly suppressed Xing Zu.

If we say that the world of heavenly books is not passive, then the treasure like the floating star can be said that among the dozens of passive masters, only one or two can be refined at most.

It takes huge luck to make it.

Not only that, this floating star seems to be a fusion of moonlight warships.

"You actually integrated the Moonlight Battleship into the floating stars?"

Xingzu was horrified that the Moonlight Warship was driven by the people of their Star Clan when they crossed Taiyu and came to these three planes.

The value of the moonlight warship is definitely not worse than that of the floating star. Now it is actually merged by Xiao Naihe. This kind of ability makes Xingzu feel terrible.

Because Xingzu didn't even have floating stars, but Xiao Nai didn't know what **** luck he had, he actually got floating stars, and also merged moonlight warships and floating stars.

Now Xiao Nai has captured the heavenly book world, and the heavenly book world has not resisted.

The heavenly book world was originally a relatively docile Taoism. Besides, Xiao Nai possessed the power of stars and mysterious heavenly astrology charts. After feeling the heavenly book world, he actually merged into a floating star.

"Xiao Naihe, you'd better not meet one of the three spirit avatars that I have left in this first plane, otherwise everything you have today will be taken away and you can take care of yourself."

Xingzu said indifferently.

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, of course he would not naively think that this clan is kindly reminding himself. It is estimated that this old guy hates himself even more.

He was just reminding himself that in this first plane, there is another spirit avatar who will kill himself at any time.

Xiao Nai frowned.

That spirit fetal avatar is indeed a threat. If that spirit fetal avatar is now in the passive mid-term, Xiao Naihe is indeed not an opponent. Once encountered, he can run as fast as he can.

It's crackling.

After the fusion of the sky book world and the moonlight floating star, the whole floating star suddenly became thicker.

Xiao Nai felt the fluctuation of the power from the moonlight floating star and could not help but feel satisfied.

This moonlight and floating star is his fusion, and it is already Xiao Naihe's greatest handwriting at this stage. Even in the previous life, he did not have such a great achievement in the refiner.

Xiao Naihe believes that even if he does not have his own deity now, there are ordinary passive masters attacking, Xiao Naihe can use the moonlight floating star to deal with it.

Of course, if you encounter the previous blood gentleman, it is estimated that a moonlight meteor will hit it, and the blood gentleman will definitely disappear.

Seeing Xing Zu dragged into the depths of the world of Tianshu, Xiao Naihe stopped paying attention.

Xiao Naihe decided that as long as his luck does not accumulate to a sufficient level, it is estimated that he should not come to this old guy first.

This old guy is very cunning, this time Xiao Nai was inadvertently introduced.

"It's time for me to go out."

Xiao Naihe knew that he was still in the room of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and naturally he could not stay in the world of heaven and earth for too long.

The world of astronomy is not a space-time world, but there is no ability to control time. A day is wasted inside, and a day is really outside.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe tore the void and directly drilled into the world of heavenly books.

When he got out of the world of heavenly books, he suddenly heard a loud noise.



A powerful **** thunder oscillated. When this kind of thunder sound came in, the entire courtyard suddenly evaporated.

Xiao Naihe's face changed slightly.

"Nine Sky God Thunder."

The Nine Sky God Thunder and the God Thunder in the 3,300 world are not the same value at all. The God Thunder here belongs to Shen Xiao, and Xiao Nai, who passed through the lower realm, is just the weakened Thunder Tribulation. .

Xiao Naihe didn't expect that he would enter the situation of crossover at this time.

"It must have been my half-step ninth level of cultivation on the Avenue of Stars, and it was released. But others did not find it, but let the nine days discover it,"

Xiao Naihe's other avenues have already passed through the period of crossover, but it is Xiao Naihe's Xingzu Avenue, which is estimated to be in the process of cultivation.

Now Xiao Naihe's Avenue of Stars has just entered the Ninefold Realm, and was discovered by God Realm, thinking that Xiao Naihe broke through and directly dropped the world to test him.

"It's just a **** of thunder, destroy me."

Xiao Naihe burst into a bang, with a force in his hand, and a punch, his fist was violent, as if it stirred up countless thunders.

The two Lei Yi competed in mid-air, and finally Xiao Nai and He Leiyin finally passed the Shen Lei bombardment.

But Xiao Nai also felt the pressure.

Just under the pressure of the Nine Heaven God Thunder, Xiao Nai felt that his avatars were to be burst.

"The **** thunder in the **** realm is really powerful, far more powerful than the **** thunder in the lower realm."

Xiao Naihe exhaled softly.

But at this time, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a dense feeling, his goose bumps all floating up at this time.

When he saw the **** thunder that was engulfed in the void, the dense **** thunder was like a real dragon, with hundreds of **** thunder in front.

Xiao Naihe looked at these **** thunders and shook his body.

Suddenly, an unpleasant feeling emerged in Xiao Naihe's heart.

"Is the Avenue of Stars so uncomfortable to be seen for nine days, that it is going to kill me."

This time Xiao Naihe estimated that the land mine disaster that came down was not to assess oneself, but to destroy oneself.


Without any hesitation, Xiao Naihe escaped directly into the moonlight floating star.

At this time, the moonlight pulsar changed into a meson form, which directly withstood the bombardment of hundreds of nine gods.

You should know that hundreds of Nine Heavens Thunder in this God Realm, even half-step passive masters can be killed.


At this time, everyone in the entire Phoenix sect was found, these people came out and looked at the **** thunder in the sky.

"Look, is that Nine Heavens Thunder?"

"It is the Nine Heavens Thunder. When I entered the Eighth Realm to the Nineth Realm, I drew two Divine Thunders. They almost burst into pieces. It seems that someone was promoted."

"Who was promoted?"

"No, you see, the number of the nine sky **** thunders in the sky ... actually hundreds of them, oh my god, that kind of number is falling down. I don't know if a half-step passive master can survive.

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