Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2006: Extreme oppression

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Xiao Naihe's perception of danger is not based on his own predictions, but because of the reminder of the sky, stars, and stars.

"What's the matter? I don't feel any danger, but the information that the sky machine map transmits to me is extremely dangerous. Isn't the prediction wrong?"

In this situation Xiao Naihe had never encountered it, as if he was locked in by some kind of motivation, making him unable to predict the danger in advance.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate. He knew that the Tianji Star Chart itself was very good. It can be said that Xiao Nai He was very dangerous to the Tianji Star Chart.

Since Xiao Naihe got the sky chart, he has never deduced anything wrong in the sky chart.

Even though Xiao Naihe didn't feel any crisis, Xiao Naihe chose to believe in Tianji Star Chart.

"Red war, go away."

Xiao Nai turned his mind and forcibly drew back the attention of Chi Zhanhuo.

At this time, the red warfare was still engulfing the power of luck. He had just found a feeling that he had the trick to devour the heaven and earth.

But he was stopped by Xiao Naihe at once, just like a man who was about to reach a high tide. He felt cut off, not to mention how annoyed he was.

"Xiao Nai, what do you mean?"

Chi Zhanhuo's tone is very polite. The feeling just now is no less than that of epiphany, but was interrupted by Xiao Naihe. Now it is almost impossible to get it back.

No wonder Chi Zhanhuo is so angry.

But Xiao Nai sneered coldly: "If you want to die, stay here, I will not accompany you."

"Ah?" Chi Zhanhuo froze for a moment. Hearing why Xiao Nai wanted to leave, he even forgot to be angry. "It's less than three hours. The time should be enough."

"I don't believe it or not, I can't keep people in this place anymore. I'm already satisfied if I chew too much. If I don't go, I'm afraid that none of us can go."

After talking, Xiao Nai took away the means of swallowing the power of luck, and hid the browed moonlight and floating stars again.

Subsequently, Xiao Nai turned his mind, floating alone, like a gust of wind, and instantly retreated.

Chi Zhanhuo raised his eyebrows, and the time is less than three hours. There should be no problems, but why did Xiao Nai appear so rushed.

However, Chi Zhanhuo knew a little bit about Xiao Naihe. This man is not as simple as he looks on the surface. It is estimated that he did feel something.

"But why can't I feel the danger?"

Chi Zhanhuo hesitated for a moment, carefully withdrew his seal door, and then stepped back for a while.


But just as the red war was about to retreat, suddenly an aurora flickered, and there was a loud noise in the void.

The whole world of heavy heaven shook, and the power of luck compressed here was absorbed into another space and disappeared.

"what happened?"

No matter how dull the red war is, it also knows that the situation is constant.

He has done so many years of passive experience to tell himself that Xiao Naihe is right, it is really in danger.

Afterwards, as soon as Chi Zhanhuo's body shrank, the whole person seemed to turn into a ball of fine fire and retreated directly.

The space that was originally torn in the void was lost, and suddenly a hand was stretched out.

This hand seems to be the person of the sun, the moon, the moon, and the moon, and can handle the stars.

Whirring whirring……

The violent wind was rolling, and Xiao Naihe found that the palm of the sky was torn apart, and the five fingers were crushed, like a huge five-finger mountain.

"Fight the battle, fight the sky, fight the magical powers!"

At this time, when facing the extreme crisis, the red warfare hurriedly ran all its forces, took a bite of fine blood and sprayed it, and a powerful power directly broke out.

For a time, the red warfare seemed to have become a giant in this world, with every move carrying a worldly atmosphere.

And Xiao Nai even saw the red battle fire burst out, and actually collided with the mysterious palm in the void, making a loud noise.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The shaking of heaven and earth, is the entire fiftyth heavenly world finally uprooted?

"A person who can know this kind of thing ... Bai inorganic."

Xiao Nai was shocked, and suddenly a cold behind.

His worst anticipation finally appeared, and Bai Hao certainly knew that, he shot directly at an unknown distance, and wanted to get rid of Xiao Naihe and Chi Zhanhuo.

But what is most dangerous now is not Xiao Naihe, but red war.

The red war is facing the crushing of this palm.

With just one palm, Red Warfare felt a terrifying danger.

Since being defeated by that person that year, he fell to such a level, and the red warfare heart is also sad.

But this was only a moment of thought, and the red war quickly recovered.


The red war slammed with fierceness, bombarded the fist and hit the void directly, as if to raise the whole hand to destruction.

Bang Bang Bang!

However, when the punch of Chi Zhanhuo hit the palm of the hand, the palm changed, and five fingers combined, as if forming a huge hand knife.


A cold chopping word suddenly came from a mysterious void, and after hearing the red war, I suddenly felt cold all over.

At this time, the punching intention of his full blow was actually beaten into powder by this palm.

The boxing intention disappeared, and the palm formed into a knife, and it suddenly rose into the sky, directly chopped over, and fell directly on the arm of Chi Zhanhuo.


Chi Nahuo screamed, Xiao Nai He looked at it, and Chi Nahuo's left arm was actually ruined, but Xiao Naihe's offensive did not expect that Chi Nahuo could give up even his own arm in order to survive.

Although it can be said that after the cultivator has reached the extreme level, even if the arm is broken, it can be restored.

But Chi Zhanhuo had a feeling that this time his arm was broken, it was really broken, and he could never recover.


This is the only idea in Chi Zhanhuo's mind. Just a moment ago, Chi Zhanhuo suffered a big loss, and almost instantly knew that he was not an opponent, and quickly retreated.

He regretted why he was not the same as Xiao Naihe.

Now his left arm was hacked, and temporarily unable to recover, his strength has dropped too much.

"Tongtian Divine Art."

Chi Zhanhuo exhaled a breath, held back the pain on his broken arm, and jumped up quickly. Directly retreated to Xiao Naihe's side.

"This hand ..."

"It's white inorganic."

Upon hearing the red war, he was shocked, and his breath was a little horrible: "The Lord of God Realm is not white?"

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