Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2016: There is no way to go to heaven

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"It's you, Xiao Naihe!"

After seeing Xiao Naihe, King Huo Luo's body shook violently, and his eyes showed deep horror and simplicity.

Not only that, even the Wushen next to him felt a kind of terror.

He was now hated and afraid of Xiao Naihe. After Xiao Naihe broke his Dao heart, every time Wu Shen thought of Xiao Naihe, in addition to his strong hatred of Xiao Naihe, he was deeply afraid.

Xiao Nai was in a wild land, killing North Songyang, and extinguishing the situation of Huo Luo Wang's body. Now Wu Shenyi still remembers it deeply.

As soon as Wu Shen knew that he was definitely not Xiao Naihe's opponent, he came to Jiutian God Realm this time. He wanted to find Pan Lingzi to find out if Pan Lingzi had a better medicine to help him get through this time. Daoxin crisis.

Secondly, I want to win over more powerful masters and deal with Xiao Naihe once.

Xiao Naihe, who is almost alone, is already in a state of cleverness. Bei Songyang is not an opponent, nor is King Huo Luo.

So Wushen retreated and asked for more, to find more masters to deal with Xiao Naihe.

That's why, he saw that the Red War Flames are at the level of the nineth highest peak, and Wushen will find the Red War Flames.

But Wushen tens of thousands did not expect that the first person he found in God Realm met Xiao Naihe.

This probability is like the chance of being killed by a meteorite on a road one day.


The Huo Luo King almost did not hesitate, his body retreated, and at the same time he grabbed the Wushen and flew directly towards the back.

Later, I saw that the Huo Luo was about to tear the space and escape to a farther place.

But where did Xiao Nai make the two leave safely.

At the moment when King Huo Luo left, Xiao Nai also moved. His body seemed to be merged with the world, and he instantly stepped out.

In an instant, Xiao Naihe had already arrived in front of Huo Luo.

A wall of powerful aura directly blocked the Huo Luo King.

Huo Luowang only felt that the blood was a little upset and uncomfortable, but what was more uncomfortable was the disaster of Xiao Naihe.

"Xiao Nai He, here is God Realm, don't you want to do it yourself? Don't forget, Bai Wei is in God Realm, if you do it, I'm afraid it will attract his attention."

Huo Luowang's tone was full of fear.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Nai said with a faint smile: "I don't think Bai inorganic will do it, just like I'm going to kill you now, no one will help you."

Since going through the fiftieth day, Xiao Naihe has estimated that Bai inorganic energy has encountered something, and there is no way to be separated.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe only heard such words when he heard the words of King Huo Luo.

"Xiao Naihe, you really have to kill everything and stay alive, and I will see you in the future. My body has already been destroyed by you. What else do you want?"

"King Huo Luo, you're such a heroic puppet, didn't you want to kill everything before? You wanted to chase me because of a disciple's problem. Even when I was far worse than you, you just Come and kill me by hand, you think I might let you go now. "

"Xiao Naihe, if you are willing to let me go, I will swear by King Huo Luo that I will never go against you again. Even I am willing to contribute Wu Shenyi, I know that Wu Shenyi and you only see a deeper conflict, I can kill Leaving him, express his mind for himself. "

King Huo Luo glanced at Wushen, and Wushen suddenly felt a chill attack.

"King Huo Luo, how can you do this?" Wushen suddenly burst into anger, soaring into the sky.

"Wu Shenyi, you should understand the reason why the tribulation is flying separately, I can't help it. My life is much more valuable than you, and now I can only sacrifice you."

"Huh, you think after killing me, Xiao Naihe will let you go. The hatred between us can't be washed away through all the lakes and lakes."

Xiao Naihe looked at the two men in a dispute like this, as if looking at the two clowns, his heart was indifferent.

"Yes, no matter what, I won't let you two off today. King Huo Luo, you don't need to make a show anymore. I didn't expect you to leave a ray of spirit in God Realm, really cunning. But now you are estimated There is only such a ray of gods and souls, this time I destroy you, you are truly incapable. "

Between his speeches, Xiao Naihe directly condensed his mind, and a huge divine wheel appeared above his head.

"The Great God Wheel!"

The **** wheel rolled, striking toward the side of the King Huo Luo with a destructive momentum.

With the strength of Xiao Naihe's avatar now, even if it is compared to the Huo Luo King at the peak, it is not much worse.

The current state of Huo Luo is not as good as one-tenth of the peak period.

Once locked by Xiao Naihe's divine wheel, there immediately appeared a shadow of death.

He still cannot forget how Xiao Nai killed his own body.

"Xiao Naihe, you forced me, Tianhuo Avenue, Tiandi Famen."

At this moment, the only ray of spirit left by Huo Luo also burned up, actually wanting to be desperate.

"Do you think that you can deal with me by burning your own soul? Huo Luowang, you may not be too worthy of yourself. At first, you are still in the state of the body, and you are not my opponent, let alone you are just the level of the soul soul. . "

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, holding the magic wheel, as if the huge magic wheel was fused into the world, and immediately hit it.

Squeak! Squeak!

The entire void seemed to be squeezed, and the flame that the Huo Luo originally burned was extinguished by the Great God Wheel at this time, and the body was even more squeezed by the God Wheel.

A smell of destruction permeated at once, and Xiao Nai's five fingers were even more forceful, and Shen Nian broke out, holding the Huo Luo King's body to death.


The word is true, the King Huo Luo immediately screamed, and the whole person was directly squeezed into a powder by the Shenlun.

"Xiao Naihe, I want to curse you, curse you not to die ..."

"Don't think that the mighty Huo Luo will play a curse?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, unmoved at all, and gathered his five fingers together, and the huge **** wheel came together at once, squeezing King Huo Luo's body directly into powder.

The body, the soul, are completely turned into ashes.

This time, Huo Luo was really dead and could not be born again.

After doing all this, Xiao Naihe turned his gaze to Wu Shenyi.

I saw that although there was a fearful look in Wushen's eyes, he looked calm and seemed to maintain a preparedness attitude.

"Huh?" Xiao Na couldn't help being surprised.

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