Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2019: Well prepared

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"Xiao Naihe, you really surprised me."

The dark sky, the twinkling starlight in the sky, and a layer of halo filled up.

A man stands in this void world.

There is also a flow of stars in Huang Lin's eyes, as if it is the infinite vast world in Taiyu, showing a kind of unpredictable.

Subsequently, Huang Lin's hands were caught in the void, forming a golden light, the golden light shines, and it is a mysterious book.

The scriptures are engraved with several large characters-Van Gou Hongtu.

There is a very terrifying power in the four characters of "Vangu Hongtu".

If a person with bad temperament sees these four words, he is afraid that he will be lost in it for a moment and he can't extricate himself.

But Huang Lin just glanced at this book, and then it was earned into his brow.

"Now the era of the world is approaching the end of the Fa era, and there are too few people who know. Bai inorganic, this world is not the only one of you who has the hope to overcome the five failures of heaven and earth."

Between the words, Huang Lin turned into a streamer, and disappeared directly into the void.


After Xiao Naihe killed Wu Shenyi and Huo Luo Wang, he had already left his original position.

"Xiao Naihe, the person you are fighting with should be the Lord of the Court, Danlin."

On the road, the red war finally asked.

The strength of the mysterious man is too strong, even if there is only one Shennian doppelganger, it makes Red Warfare feel terror.

Chi Zhanhuo also felt too scary.

"Yes, that person is Huang Lin, how can you not know?"

"I naturally haven't seen him, but I have heard of him. This person's strength is estimated to be the level of Bai inorganic, even in the peak period, I am far inferior to Huang Lin."

Afterwards, Chi Zhanhuo glanced at Xiao Naihe and said, "But what really surprised me is that Xiao Naihe, you can actually deal with the magical projection of monsters like Huang Lin, really."

"Three points of strength, three points of momentum, three points of time, one point of luck."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

"If it's me, even if my hand is still there, I'm not an opponent when it comes to the projection of Shennian. Just let me practice and count."

Chi Zhanhuo shook his head: "That's right, I will stay here to practice. I won't go back to Phoenix God Territory for the time being. I'll leave first. Do you want to follow me?"

"Forget it, no need."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Naihe shook his head and refused.

His deity still remains in the Tianshen Tower, and now Xiao Naihe has absorbed enough power of luck and has a passive spirit tire.

Xiao Nai wished to refine this passive spirit foetus and merge it with the deity.

He had to practice in the outside world for a period of time like the Red War.

But after thinking clearly, the more I feel that placing the deity in the Tenjin Tower, the more unsafe it is.

"Since that is the case, I am not begging you. I guess if you see you next time, you might have already merged into one."

Chi Zhanhuo took a deep look at Xiao Naihe, remembering that Xiao Nai actually captured the passive spirit foetus, and he also fought against Huang Lin's Shennian projection.

Now the red war is more and more unfathomable to Xiao Nai.

"Don't stop here."

Chi Zhanhuo and Xiao Nai left, leaving in different directions.

At this time, the red warfare flew at a high speed, and the whole person seemed to be a starlight on the horizon, and it instantly crossed.

"When is Xiao Nai, who is the passive master born in the end? San Xiu Shengzi, true dragon fist, moonlight and floating star, can contend with the imperial spirit projection of the imperial Lin, capture the passive spirit.

Chihuohuo whispered, each of these is a terrifying existence.

But all of them are concentrated on Xiao Naihe, making Xiao Naihe achieve a wonderful and unpredictable state.


Since the Great Phoenix, the Phoenix Divine Realm and the surrounding Chongtian World have returned to the past.

Although the Phoenix God Territory is still so prosperous, it is still a lot worse than the Phoenix.

In the Divine Realm, the disciples of the Phoenix General Sect went back and forth.

"Do you know that there is a mysterious guest in Lingtian House on the east side."

"I know that this person is so powerful that even the suzerain has greeted him personally."

"More than that, he stayed here for a few days, and the suzerain and other elders dared not urge the other to leave."

"Who is this person? Is it a master in other **** realms?"

"Are you kidding me, the Sect Master is now the first person in Phoenix God Realm, even if it is placed in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, it is also the master of the masters. The first person of the other God Realm, the Sect Master does not need this attitude what."

At this time, a few disciples were gathered together in the grandstand of the Yanwuchang. All these people talked about the mysterious guest.

"What do you say, don't hurry to practice."

Ye Mo's voice sounded faintly, and when the few disciples saw it, they quickly bowed and said, "Have seen Master."

"Don't discuss the privacy of your guests."

After seeing these few people, everyone suddenly felt that Ye Mo released a breath that could freeze everything, so that everyone could not help but fight a chill.


The faces of several disciples changed, and they quickly went out and went to each other.

Ye Mo shook his head. In fact, the mysterious master came here, and now tends to a state unknown to Ye Mo.

The last time Ye Mo saw the mysterious man, he only felt that the mysterious man revealed a state of power all over his body.

No matter what it was, Ye Mo couldn't see through it.

"This mysterious person may be a legendary passive master, otherwise the master will not reveal that kind of expression."

Recalling his master, Ye Mo's heart was sure that the mysterious man was the master of the passive state.

When his master saw the mysterious man, he was cautious, and even Ye Mo had never seen him so respectful.

"If I can get a little benefit from this mysterious person, or even let this person point me, it is a super opportunity for me, but how can I get such a benefit?"

Ye Mo raised his eyebrows and began to think hard.

Just as the thought flashed in his mind, suddenly the mind moved, and a feeling of rapid approach was directly derived.


A rainbow of light appeared in the void, like a cloud burning in the sky.

In a flash, Ye Mo's fundraising will be directly placed in the void, and a figure will shuttle through it in an instant.

This is a woman with an exquisite and graceful figure. She was wearing a turquoise-green gown outside, and she was covered with a sapphire and blue flowers. The breeze blew through, and the light yarn flew, and the whole person exuded a little aura.

The bright blue silk was pulled into a simple bun, and a graceful burnt blue pierced coronet was put on.

In her eyes, there are countless streaming discs turning up, showing a kind of high-level magical power of her own.

Ye Mo just glanced at it, carefully evaluated it, and suddenly reached a conclusion in his heart.

"This woman's strength is not under me."

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief. The woman was not only beautiful, but also very powerful. No wonder Ye Mo would look more.

"Who are you?"

Ye Mo suddenly said.

At this time, Fumeng Yurong gave Ye Mo a light look, and there was a slight change in his eyes.

Nine heavy peaks, and no more than a year old, what is this person?

"This is the Phoenix God Territory, don't know where is the person in charge of the Phoenix Sect?"

The woman ’s voice fell like a yellow bird, and she immediately felt a very mysterious charm.

"Are you here to find the suzerain?"

"It can be said yes or no. I came to find someone, but not to your patriarch, but to my father."

Ye Mo doesn't know what this woman is really up to now, but after hearing the woman's words, Ye Mo's heart shook violently: "Doesn't this person come to the suzerain, but to the mysterious person."

"What's going on? I'm just a woman who just saw this, so I have had time?"

Ye Mo thought his head moved, and then his body disappeared like a broken line.

"Who the **** is he?" Ye Mo stepped out.

"Don't care about me, I just came to look at the lively." The woman's body flew towards the front, and flew out instantly.

Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly filled the void, just as he shuttled out, he suddenly heard a loud noise. A powerful force erupted directly.

The woman's body twitched slightly, and turned into nothingness, passing by Ye Mo.

"Good character."

Ye Mo said slowly, looking at Fu Men Yu Rong's disappearing back, he became more and more afraid.


"Father, here it is."

Fu Meng Yu Rong turned around, and there was a dark air around her, sending her body into a courtyard. ,

This courtyard is like a paradise, giving a fresh feeling.

A man sitting in the middle of the yard suddenly opened his eyes and slowly said, "Why are you here too?"

"I heard your father, did you feel the existence of Xingzu's life, I specifically came to check it out."

"I don't need it anymore. I'm still not sure if there is a star life."

Hu Mengwu shook his head.

"Does the father suspect that the celebrity is hidden here?"

"It's hard to say, but I guess it's possible. You are now stable at the top of Jiuzhong. It's when you need to practice, just leave."

"Hey, it's easy to come out, I don't want to leave so quickly."

Hu Meng Yurong smiled, the black gas rolled up, and then disappeared.

Looking at the disappeared back of Humeng Yurong, Humengwu sighed softly.

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