Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2033: Buddha (4)

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"Emperor, this is not easy. You and I join forces to take him down. Before ruining his consciousness, he is seizing his wisdom."

Yan Tianluo shouted loudly and saw that his wife and Chen Qi were defeated by Xiao Naihe, and he was already full of anger.

But even so, Yan Tianluo forced himself to suppress his anger, making his whole person show a calm and calm emotion.

Yan Tianluo can see that Xiao Naihe's strength is definitely not as simple as that of Phoenix, and it is far beyond Yan Tianluo's imagination.

Even if he wanted to kill Xiao Naihe, I was afraid it would not be so easy.

Although the peak of Jiuzhong is divided into three, six, nine, etc., but this state of existence exists, everyone is not simple, and Yan Tianluo does not want to take risks alone.

With the help of the emperor, Yan Tianluo can reduce many risks.

The Emperor took a deep look at Xiao Naihe and Yan Tianluo, then pondered for a while: "Well, you help me plunder."

At this time, the Emperor will not see Xiao Naihe's not easy, but the Emperor still has enough faith.

I saw that an iris suddenly appeared above the upper emperor's head, and this iris glowed like a golden light, shining directly in all directions.

Suddenly it turned into a stove within thousands of miles.

"Yang 960."

Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank slightly, and the emperor also cultivated the top level among the Buddhist Taoism, and truly achieved perfection.

There are hundreds of small auras in that golden aperture, which is the perfect performance.

"Battle of heaven and earth, Buddha palm of heaven and earth."

At that moment, the Emperor seemed to be transformed into a battle to defeat the Buddha. As soon as he shot, the endless Buddha power broke out.

The vast Buddha power is surging, as if the endless seawater has invaded the front, locking Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the battle between the three of them has entered a small world from the Gemini Gate.

This was specially arranged by Yan Tianluo. At this level of fighting, Yan Tianluo could not guarantee that the Gemini Gate would be affected.


As if two different forces were impacting each other, the naked eyes could see the two squeezes of the mind continually squeezing, seeming to squeeze into each other and devour each other.

When the Emperor took a picture with his palm, the airflow all around exploded, making a sharp sound, as if the sword collided or the air was broken.

"In the end, this emperor is not simple. No one is able to cultivate to this state of Buddhism. No one is not simple."

Xiao Naihe's heart was bright, only to see the hand behind the wheel of Xiao Naihe, his right hand was suddenly holding a huge tripod.

"The big ovens, burn them!"

The oven appeared, as if everything in the world was taken away, everything was contained, and everything was burned to the ground.

"Very powerful demon law methods can almost be comparable to the handprints of Darirulai."

The eyes of Shanghuang shrank, and how many secrets were hidden in this young Son. Now the Huanghuang ca n’t wait to take Xiao Naihe down and seize his memory.


Xiao Naihe spit out a word coldly, and the airflow around exploded, forming a vortex, as if it were super power.

Every move is accompanied by a transcendent momentum, and Xiao Naihe seems to have become an ancient demon **** at this time.

"San Xiu Sheng Zi, it really is not simple."

Yan Tianluo breathed a sigh of relief, and he was sure that he would not be absolutely sure once he dealt with Xiao Naiho alone.

This Xiao Naihe is far younger than himself, but he has a lot of means, and is afraid that his strength is comparable to his own.

This kind of person participates in Phoenix Dabi, it is absolutely invincible, I really don't know how Xiao Nai went to participate in Phoenix Dabi.

"A person who soared from the lower realm is so powerful. Is the 3,300 world so powerful now?"

Yan Tianluo's pupil shrank.

There is a Danting God in the lower realm, named Huang Lin, which is the existence of a passive state. At the same time, the Passive Realm that was recently born is the Celestial Devil Bei Nanyi three hundred years ago, which also originated from the lower realm.

Now there is another Xiao Naihe, Yan Tianluo has not seen the first two people, but he feels that once this Xiao Naihe is allowed to grow up, it is afraid that in the near future, it will be the same as the first two people.

Thinking of this, Yan Tianluo paid more attention to the secrets of Xiao Naihe, and at the same time became more intense about Xiao Naihe's killing opportunities.

He and Xiao Naihe had no possibility of reconciliation. Even if Xiao Naihe could not get the secret today, Xiao Naihe must be killed.

"Jade Emperor's Divine Power."

Yan Tianluo slammed at this time, as soon as he shot, countless sword spirits rolled up.

These sword spirits, as if Wan Jian returned to the sect, continuously scrolled into countless streamers, which directly fluctuated and enveloped Xiao Naihe.

It seems that with a thought, Xiao Nai can be smashed away.

"This is Jian Qi? I will show you what Jian Qi is."

Xiao Nai sneered, suddenly opened his fist, as if to shine.

The whole body's mind was directly shrouded in Xiao Naihe's body. At this time, Xiao Naihe's whole body strength was stimulated to the limit. The sword gas rolled, as if a thousand piles of wind and waves were rolled up.

"Demon Buddha sword spirit."

There are vast stars in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and his hands are the power of demon Taoism and Buddha Taoism.

His current mindfulness capacity, how powerful, can no longer be described by quantity.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The sword qi broke open, and thousands of sword qi collided in the void, as if tearing the void.

A burst of air exploded, and a huge pit was directly exploded on the Bailiping ground.


Yan Tianluo felt uncomfortable for a while, and his chest seemed to be used with blood. He was hurt by the aftermath of Xiao Naihe's sword.

Back and forth, Yan Tianluo looked horrified.

Xiao Nai actually defeated him in terms of sword qi. You have to know that his Gemini Gate has studied sword qi for tens of thousands of years, but no young man is as powerful.

"Is this guy a reincarnation of an old monster?" Yan Tianluo was shocked.

At this moment, the Emperor burst into a scream, his five fingers crushed, as if it had turned into a Five Finger Mountain, and he suppressed to Xiao Naihe in front of him.

The giant palm appeared as if it had appeared in front of Xiao Naihe in an instant. He wanted to put away all the sword qi of Xiao Naihe and used it to counter Xiao Naihe.

This huge aperture enveloped Xiao Naihe, and bound Xiao Naihe as a whole.

"Will you know Buddhism and Taoism alone? If you come to a handprint, you must think!"

Xiao Nai He snorted, snapped his fingers apart, and an aperture appeared above his head.

It's just that the aperture of the emperor is merged through a hundred apertures, which is essentially a hundred apertures.

And Xiao Naihe is a complete aperture, which pushes the origin of Buddhism to the extreme.


In one word, Xiao Naiho's momentum seemed to rise suddenly, and everything could be crushed into powder.

This time, a huge Buddha statue appeared behind Xiao Naihe. The Buddha statue opened its eyes, Vajra was angry, and a powerful coercion broke out. The sword energy remaining in the void in a moment turned into nothingness.

As if evaporated, Xiao Naihe's sword spirit enveloped the sky, forming a huge Buddhist seal.

When this Buddhist seal was sent, it was printed on the emperor's palm and made a loud noise.


There seemed to be countless snowstorms rolling around, and the sky thunder landed, Xiao Naihe carried a thunderous breath with him.

"The same is Buddhism. You are much worse than me."

Xiao Naihe unfolded the magical power of the Buddha's mouth and used speech to pass into the Sanskrit to shake the heart of Shanghuang Dao.

"You can't afford to look at yourself too much, Buddha and Demon are supernatural, Dali King Kong!"

At this time, the emperor burst into a scream and clenched his fists tightly. It was this way that he punched down, as if punching the heavens with one punch, he could pierce the world and pierce a big hole.

Among the vast and endless power of Buddha, suddenly there was an endless atmosphere of the magic road.

"This emperor is actually a deity of Buddha and Demon."

Xiao Nai suddenly remembered that when he saw the evil Buddha, the evil Buddha was the dual cultivation of Buddha and Demon, and he achieved the eightfold realm.

However, compared with the emperor, the realm of evil Buddha is much worse.

However, the difference between the Divine Son and the Holy Son is a gap between heaven and earth, a gap.

Moreover, the Emperor seems to practice Buddhism and Taoism, and his magic power is not as powerful as that of Buddhism, but instead he is assisting at the moment.

The powers of the Buddha and the Demon merged with each other, and Xiao Nai felt that the spirit of the Emperor's whole body was elevated at this moment, exceeding the level just now.

In this trace of breath, there is a vaguely vague tendency.

"Half-step passive."

Not only Xiao Naihe, but also Yan Tianluo, after seeing the power of the emperor, his pupils shrank.

What level is the half-step passive? It is in the middle of the nineth peak to the passive state. It is not a unity of the original sources, but it understands some Tao Yun that the passive can only understand.

Until now, Yan Tianluo had only seen Zhang Yijun as a half-step passive, but did not expect that the Emperor was also a half-step passive.

And the emperor hid too deep, Yan Tianluo did not find it at all.

"If the Emperor took down Xiao Naihe and suddenly broke up, I would have no choice."

Yan Tianluo secretly feared, the emperor's hidden strength was too exaggerated, so that Yan Tianluo vaguely felt the pressure.

"Xiao Shengzi, although I lack you a kind of avenue, I am already a half-step passive. You are only the peak of the Ninefold, how can you be undefeated today."

This emperor is also a lotus flower magical sacred to Buddhism and Tao, knowing how to use words to make Xiao Nai not occupy the war of Quren.

"What kind of Buddha and demon, what kind of double cultivation of the Son of God, in front of me, everything is false, and die for me."

At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to be back to the sky monster Beinanyi at that time. There was a star flowing behind the **** son, which seemed to reflect other different space worlds.

"What magical power is this?"

The Emperor was slightly taken aback for a moment, and he also began to feel that Xiao Nai was a little confused.

"Frightened Dragon Fist, Thousand Methods Seal, Shenlun."

Xiao Nai spit out nine words, his body burst into strength in an instant!

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