Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2037: involve

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Xiao Nai chased and killed the emperor, directly chasing and killing him from the Phoenix Divine Realm, and he traveled along the way. I don't know how many small worlds there are.

The two of them did not hide their traces, but flew.

Therefore, the actions of the two people were seen by those who were interested.

Many people have seen that Xiao Naihe is chasing and killing the Emperor. Xiao Naihe ’s reputation is nothing in God Realm. It can be said that as soon as he walks out of Phoenix Realm, almost no one knows his existence.

But the Emperor is different. As the overlord of the Moon Moon God Realm, his identity in the Moon Moon God Realm is just like Hua Xiang's identity in Wushuang God Realm.

Many people recognized the Emperor.

For a time, these two people have entered a **** realm.

"Who is fighting, actually flying in the sky without fear."

"There seems to be someone in that magic weapon, and that person seems to be the emperor of the Moon Realm."

"It's the emperor, the emperor is the Buddhist cult I remember very much. I heard that this person was already the peak of the Ninefold five thousand years ago. Now that so long has passed, I am afraid that my strength has become stronger. Now I am being chased and killed.

"Who is that person? Why does it look so young? There is no impression of this person in the Nine Heavens."

Seeing Xiao Naihe, some people began to speculate about Xiao Naihe's identity.

But no matter how they speculate, it is impossible to know who Xiao Nai is.

He was just someone who had come from the lower realm before, and he was not a cultivator in God Realm. These people naturally did not know Xiao Naihe's identity.

"This monk is really not easy to catch up. Although his fortune gate is far from the passive level, it slips away really quickly. I want to chase down unless I catch up with three days and three nights in a row, or It is to summon moonlight stars. "

Xiao Naiho's eyes flashed with a fine light, calculating the distance from the Emperor.

If you now summon moonlight and floating stars, you can indeed catch up quickly, but it is easy to make Xiao Naihe the target.

Anyway, now Xiao Naihe has more time. Since he wants to go, he will accompany him.

Xiao Nai was not in a hurry, he caught up sooner or later.

"This kid is really difficult? I just don't believe that he can't get rid of him."

The Emperor felt that Xiao Nai was chasing behind her, and she was a little irritated.

This kid just refused to let himself go. If he was not as good as this kid, Shanghuang would rather deal with this kid directly.

"This Xiao Nai is too cunning, he is also obviously half-step passive, but he has to pretend to be a nine-fold state."

Thinking of Xiao Naihe's breath before, now the Emperor is still so angry that his teeth are tickled, and he can't wait to kill Xiao Naihe.

Thinking of coming here, the Emperor's expression moved, he screamed, turned on the Buddha's magical power, and the King Kong Lion roared: "Xiao Nai He, you three cultivators, you still have to kill me!"

Hearing the emperor's words, Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly.

Xiao Naihe's name is nothing, but his identity as the three sons of the Three Cultivators will eventually affect something.

At this time, the Emperor called out without any worries, I was afraid it was not that simple.

Sure enough, at this moment, several powerful breaths suddenly fluctuated in this **** realm, and enveloped from the depths.

For a time, these breaths showed a strong aura, which seemed to show Xiao Naihe through.

"San Xiu Son? Is your Excellency San Xiu Son?"

"Emperor, are you talking about true?"

The strength of these two people is extremely high, at least at the level of the ninth peak, and the thunderbolt flashes in both eyes, as if the **** thunder is running.

The emperor nodded: "This man is the Son of Three Cultivators, the reincarnation of the Holy One. He has big secrets in his body and knows some secrets of the unity of the origin."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the unity of the origins, and when they looked at Xiao Naihe, a greedy look was revealed.

They can ignore other things, but the unification of the origin is a big secret.

If this son is a reincarnation of the Holy One, then this son must be taken down.

"In this case, it is better for us a few people to join forces, leave this son." A Jiuzhong peak said lightly.

The other nodded: "That's what I meant."

Seeing these people easily set the result for themselves, Xiao Naihe had a storm brewing in his eyes, and the whole person was extremely deep.


At this time, Xiao Nai opened his body, and as the thunder broke out, his momentum was even more elevated.

A simple word seems to form a powerful gas field, and this gas field is brewing, as if a powerful storm has formed in a moment.


During the storm, there was more invincible Shennian airflow. For a time, these people felt that this Shennian storm bombarded them, and they did not dare to neglect, but operated magical powers to block Xiao Naihe's attack.

"It really is the breath of different roads."


"Take him and take his secret."

These people shouted and started to show their powerful strength.

For a time, everyone in the **** realm saw it in the sky, and several super masters actually fought against each other, showing the unpredictable power of the gods and demons. This has not been seen for many years.

Xiao Naihe's eyes were like a magic light, and he immediately showed a huge array behind him.


Buddha figure.

The power of the two avenues converged and turned into a powerful force of the image.

The first nine-fold peak failed to dodge, and was actually bombarded directly, as if dropped a kite and fell directly.

"A good boy, no wonder he can chase down the emperor."

The pupils of these few people shrank.

From then on, when they chased down the emperor, these people knew Xiao Naihe's power, so they would unite together and wanted to unite to capture Xiao Naihe.

But did not expect Xiao Nai in a face to face, has shot down a person.

"We joined forces to block him."

"The war begins."

"Undead Seal!"

The other two Jiuzhong peaks also joined forces, and they shot together to stop Xiao Naihe.

The people underneath saw the two giants join forces and attacked Xiao Naihe.

These two people are the overlords in the **** realm, and their prestige is extensive. At this time, what a horror it is to join forces.

It seems that the young master is finished.

"Dragon fist, Promise against the current."

Why did Xiao Nai not panic, he turned around and was a punch. With a powerful Tianwei, this punch merged with the power of people, real dragons, and Wu clan, and once burst out, it far exceeded the previous power limit.

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

It was as if this punch had hit the edge of the world, and the whole world shook at once.

These two masters who had originally joined hands to deal with Xiao Naihe's master, at this moment his body shook, and he was somewhat irresistible.

The Emperor's eyes flashed, and he seemed to be shooting too.

"The vast stars, the fist of heaven and earth."

Xiao Nai snorted, and punched again.

This time on the top of Xiao Naihe's head, there appeared a book of five classics.

"It's this book again."

When he saw this book, the Emperor embarked on the heart, but then he shot Xiao Naihe, but shrank his body and quickly fled.

He can remember that inside the Twin Gates, Xiao Naihe used this scripture to shock himself so much that he would almost disappear.

"I won't believe you can't take it."

The other two peaks are unclear. Therefore, the two of them joined hands together, almost comparable to half-step passive, extremely confident.

But Xiao Nai is not an ordinary person. His physical achievement is passive, and his strength is comparable to passive.

At this time, the Avenue of Stars is running and the physical strength is fused.

With a simple punch, he instantly broke the countless voids and came to the two men.


Another roar, Xiao Naiho's fist bombarded, seemed to divide the world and directly swept away with a strong momentum.

A Jiuzhong Peak only feels that his soul and body are under this punch, as if he is about to be bombarded, and that kind of discomfort cannot be described by words.

"Do not……"

With a scream, the body of the Ninth Peak was actually smashed by Xiao Naihe's fist, and the soul was exploded.


Another person saw that his companion actually lost the punch of the other party, and he felt a shock in his heart, looking at Xiao Naihe's look, as if he were looking at a demon.

At this time, this person dared not stay any longer, directly swept a wave of divine thought on the surface, and fled directly.

"The three giants with nine peaks, one dead and one injured, and the other was frightened to escape. This man was actually the legendary son of the three repairs. It was terrifying."

The cultivators underneath all saw the horrible fighting power displayed by Xiao Naihe.

Even if Xiao Na didn't want to, he was afraid that his reputation would soon spread in this **** realm.

But these Xiao Naihe don't know now. These three people are just a minor episode. The person Xiao Naihe really wants to kill is the Emperor.

Not only did the emperor offend himself, but he actually had a trick in the middle. He borrowed a knife to kill, and Xiao Nai could not keep the emperor.

"This Xiao Nai is so powerful that even those three people can't stop him."

At this time, the Emperor also vaguely regretted. He regretted that he fell into the Phoenix God Realm to calculate Xiao Naihe, otherwise he would not need to offend a terrifying Saint Xiu with such terrifying power.

This time, Xiao Naihe held a kind of cat-and-mouse mentality, but did not let go of the emperor's thoughts.

The two of them flew directly for three days and three nights around the two **** realms, hundreds of heavens, and many dangerous places in the **** realm.

In these three days and nights, the Emperor inspired all potential to fly, and has maintained a distance from Xiao Naihe, which has consumed too much.

The speed of the emperor has gradually slowed down, and Xiao Naihe is almost going to catch up.

"Oops, if you go on like this, it won't take three hours, I will be caught up."

At this moment the eyes of the Emperor Huang flashed anxiously, his mood fluctuated a bit, and he felt a threat of death for a while.

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