Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2039: I'll try you

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"Aren't you an old man? She turned out to be the granddaughter of an old man."

Xiao Naihe's eyes slightly revealed a ray of light.

Xiao Nai is no stranger to the ten old men.

Ten years ago, the old man was a half-step passive master.

If it is purely half-step passive, Xiao Naihe will definitely not pay attention to it, mainly the ten old man, he is the same as Xiao Naihe, he is a demon.

A master who can repair a demon to a half-step passive is even more powerful than the 歒 湮.

At the time, Xiao Naihe had also planned to meet with the ten must-have old people to discuss it, but it was a pity that he never saw the ten must-have old people.

But now I saw the granddaughter of ten old people, which made Xiao Naihe feel unexpected.

"The ten old men are said to have achieved the passive state six years ago. I don't know if this news is true."

The Emperor asked suddenly.

But when Xiao Nai heard it, his expression moved slightly.

Do ten old people have achieved a passive state?

This Xiao Nai did not know that Xiao Naihe had just been reborn six years ago.

If it is true that the ten elders have truly achieved the passive state, then it will be terrible. It is estimated that the shackles of this world will be broken.

"I don't know the realm of my grandpa now, and the emperor does not need to ask me."

Qiuyue smiled slightly, and did not fully point it out.

The granddaughter of ten old people, no wonder Hua Xiang is so afraid.

Afterwards, Qiuyuexin looked at Xiao Naihe and asked, "I don't know how to call this lord? The half-step passive in God Realm, I know a lot, but I haven't seen you so young again."

The youth in Qiuyue's words, it is really young.

Although it is a trivial matter to say that a cultivator is a closed-door cultivator for hundreds of years and thousands of years, all those who can prove a passive step within three hundred years are all young evils.

And the breath of years revealed by Xiao Naihe is far less than three hundred years.

This made Qiuyuexin feel strange and surprised. Perhaps this person was reborn, but why the other party didn't have that kind of charm.

I ’m afraid that Qiuyue wants to break her head. She never thinks that Xiao Naihe ’s rebirth is very strange, and it ’s not that she won.

"In the next Xiao Naihe, he flew up from the 3,300 world."

"Nether soars?"

Qiuyue was shocked.

The lower realm is far inferior to the **** realm, and the environment of the **** realm is far beyond the lower realm, and it can achieve half-step passiveness in the lower realm, which is definitely a evil spirit among geniuses.

In the history of God Realm for so many years, I have never seen this kind of demon.

"It seems that the girl in the heart of the moon does not know Xiao Naihe, the son of Xiao Naihe, but the legendary son and the general character. But he is not the three sons of the Three Cultivators, but the pioneer, but the Four Cultivation Avenue. . "

Hua Xiang glanced at Xiao Naihe and said in a very deep tone.

At this point, the audience was almost shocked.

In addition to Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye and the two knew from the beginning that the other people's expressions changed.

"Sixiu Avenue? How is it possible? How could there be such a character between heaven and earth, I don't believe it."

The strange half-step passive cried out.

Jun Yongye smiled coldly, and also revealed a deep feeling in his face: "Ji Wuye, you can't believe it, this person has cultivated humanity, demon, Buddha, and Wudao. After fighting, naturally know the foundation. "


It was shocking again.

Wu Dao has been extinct for more than 6,000 years, but I did not expect anyone to start practicing Wu Dao.

Qiu Yuexin's beautiful eyes are already shining with bursts of light, and it seems that the curiosity about Xiao Naihe is even more widespread.

Even the emperor's heart was shaken fiercely, no wonder Xiao Naihe is so powerful, even he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

This kid actually pioneered the Four Cultivations. If such a character survived tens of thousands of years ago, it would definitely be a unity of origin.

"Wu Dao, Wu Dao! At that time, the Nine Witches Wraith was extinct, and the Wu Dao was extinct. How could anyone else practice Wu Dao?

Ji Wuye sneered coldly, as if he wanted to suppress Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows, and this person seemed very disgusted with his practice of martial arts.

The flower picture next to it is cold-eyed, and it is normal for Ji Wuye to have such a reaction.

When Jiuwu Youhuang was still alive, Ji Wuye succeeded in shooting Jiuwu Youhuang, but there were no surprises in the ending. Ji Wuye was defeated by Jiuwu Youhuang, and had no backhand strength .

At that time, for Ji Wuye, it was a shame.

Ji Wuye is desperately practicing and wants revenge.

It is a pity that Jiuwu Youhuang disappeared, and news of the fall came.

Ji Wuye can no longer avenge his revenge. This knot has always been in his heart and is not a good thing for his cultivation.

Now Xiao Naihe also appeared, and still practiced Wu Dao, which made Ji Wuye see the shadow of Jiu Wu You Huang on Xiao Naihe.

"Why should I start with you?"

Xiao Nai's eyes are as bright as electricity. Although he is not afraid of Ji Wuye, he is not interested in playing with each other.

"You mustn't fight."

Ji Wuye violently shouted, and his body was dispatched.

All of a sudden Ji Wuye squeezed into a punch, squeezed in the void, and a burst of gas was extremely obvious, as if to smash the whole world.


Ji Wuye's whole body is in full swing, seems to disturb the whole God Realm, and become the King of God.

Xiao Naihe's pupils shrank and he already recognized what Ji Wuye was.

It is actually a very rare king physique. If this physique can accumulate enough luck power, it is almost likely to rise to a passive state.

At this time Ji Wuye punched out, not only had the high quality of innate physique, but also the strength was extremely strong.

This punch not only broke the air explosion sound of the void, but also rolled up countless airflows into a long startled dragon.

"Get out of here."

As soon as the acupuncture point opened, Xiao Naihe had a total of 1,118 acupuncture points as if it were clamoring, and a powerful force was brewing in the acupoint point.

At the next moment, a force that devoured the heavens and the earth erupted.

Ji Wuye only felt that his fist was bombarding a wall, and he felt extremely painful.

"Hard ideas."

But it was a momentary fight, Ji Wuye already knew what Xiao Naihe's advantage was, and also knew Xiao Naihe's disadvantage.


Looking at Ji Wuye floating in the void, Xiao Nai He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, that is, it was crushed across the air, and it was extremely powerful. In a flash, Xiao Naihe's fist seemed to shuttle through countless spaces and came directly to Xiao Naihe front.

This fist bombarded and collided with Ji Wuye's fist to produce this powerful temperament, which was incredible.

Xiao Nai does not plan to use his strength to deal with Ji Wuye now.

But Xiao Naihe bowed left and right and pinched out two French seals.

These two dharma seals come to life, rising to the sky in an instant, as if to smash the whole world.

"Thousand Buddhas lead, cause and effect reincarnation."

Xiao Naiho shone with the radiance of the sun, as if transformed into a blazing sun, floating in the void.

He spread his fingers apart, forming two Buddhist seals, which were crushed across the sky.

The two 'Buddha Seals' are like Haoyue Tomorrow, in the golden light, directly wrapped Ji Wuye all over him.

For a time, Ji Wuye seemed to feel an intimidating coercion, and the whole person was almost overwhelmed.

His body shrank slightly, and there was horror in his eyes.

"Buddha? And this force seems to be three points stronger than the emperor. Could it be that the legendary Rulai fingerprint could not be achieved?"

Behind Xiao Naihe, a huge outline appeared. The outline turned up, as if to disturb all the laws in the world, and gather all the beings.

Suddenly, a powerful force came out directly, and it seemed that Ji Wuye's body would be crushed into powder.

"I don't believe in evil, even if you are the reincarnation of Jiuwu Youhuang, I can beat you."

Xiao Naihe heard Ji Wuye's burst of drinking, and suddenly, Ji Wuye's strength flashed all over him. His fists were like Jiangshan She Ji, giving people an extremely heavy sense of solidity.

"Promise against the current, Datong."

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body's acupoints seemed to be connected into a line, and this line continued to flow, and a long river of Shen seemed to appear in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

With a shot, Xiao Naihe put out a palm, and a vicissitudes of aura of history directly hit the face, and fell on Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye only felt that his body was completely locked in this aura, unable to move.

At that time Ji Wuye, his body was trembling, almost unable to control himself.

At this time, he only realized that Xiao Nai was so powerful, no wonder Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye had a deep fear in their tone.

"Holy Son, Son, how could there be such a character between heaven and earth?"

Ji Wuye felt too defeated. He originally wanted to learn about Xiao Naihe's magical powers, but now he was suppressed by Xiao Naihe.

Although he can still resist, even so, Ji Wuye certainly has no hope of victory, and there is no need to fight anymore.

"All right."

Suddenly, Hua Xiang's voice spread, as if there was a long and endless aura of breath, which suddenly swept away, slightly separating Xiao Naihe and Ji Wuye's body.

Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows, and the power of this flower phase was vaguely improved by three points than before. It seemed to be closer to the original intention of the passive state.

Put away his strength, Xiao Nai looked at Hua Xiang.

"Xiao Shengzi, it is really the creation of the four-cultivation precedent, which can be cultivated to this state. It seems that Xiao Shengzi has some big secrets in you. Even the legendary Taisheng has no talent like you. How to cultivate. "

Jun Yongye looked at Xiao Naihe, his eyes faintly gleaming with greed.

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