Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2042: Still not yelling you

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Ji Wuye's voice sounded eerie, like the gangrene of the bones.

"Your eyes listen to aura."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

Everyone on the scene is as smart as a fox. As long as he has any actions, he will be immediately noticed by the other party.

Although Ji Wuye and others are absorbing passive thoughts, most of their attention is separated.

"Go inside and get any chances, isn't it your own?"

Xiao Naihe asked back.

"Haha, Xiao Shengzi, you are just a joke. The Xuanshi Tianmen is broken by Huaxiang Daoyou. You bear his light, don't you get anything in it and don't want to share it?"

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and showed a very hesitant look.

The Emperor looked at Xiao Naihe's indecisive face and couldn't help but feel happy.

I was suppressed so much in Xiao Naihe before, but now it's my turn to lose.

It was cool to see Xiao Nai eating deflated. The emperor immediately felt that Ji Wuye was really good.

Jun Yongye smiled coldly, and he also discovered Xiao Naihe's actions.

In this, anything can be a treasure left by the five passive masters, so you must not pay attention to it.

"Xiao Naihe, since you took something, just give it away. If it is good, it is naturally divided equally, otherwise what kind of cooperation are you talking about?"

Ji Wuye said lightly.

Xiao Nai He sighed, gave Ji Wuye a deep look, and a token changed in his hand.

"Forget it, since you have said so, then look at it yourself."

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe threw this token directly to Ji Wuye.

The token shimmered up and down, showing a mysterious taste.

Ji Wuye just glanced at it, and knew that this token was not a mortal thing, and suddenly had greed.

"Miss Heart Girl, let's step back a little."

At this time, Xiao Naihe passed his voice into Qiuyue's mind, and he quietly retreated back.

Qiuyue's expression moved, although she didn't know why Xiao Naihe told her so, but she knew that Xiao Naihe would definitely not deceive herself.

She also moved the lotus step slightly, retreated slightly, and at the same time operated Shennian, forming a barrier on her body.

Ji Wuye grabbed the token with one hand, and hadn't had time to be ecstatic, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

In the realm of half-step passiveness, my innate sense will become stronger. For example, if there is danger, you can feel it on the spot. This is the ability of half-step passive.

"No, this token is weird."

Almost instantaneously, Ji Wuye quickly threw the token out and withdrew at the same time.


But at this time, a strong light emerged from the token, as if the sun was burning the world, a powerful force enveloped it, and it suddenly shrouded in Ji Wuye's body.

At the same moment, Ji Wuye only felt that his soul and body were locked in by an invisible force. No matter how he acted, this feeling could not be rid of.


Ji Wuye's body retreated, but the light in the token was faster than Ji Wuye's, spreading in an instant, directly affecting Ji Wuye's body.

"Is this the original counterattack?"

Flower phase pupil shrinks.

Even Qiuyue's heart was a little surprised, she quietly looked at Xiao Naihe.

I'm afraid that Xiao Shengzi knew from the beginning that there was a weirdness in the token and that there was a backlash from the origin.

The original source counterattack is originally a means of attacking the source of the passive master. Some strong men will hide their power and violently attack the source of the other party.

Although Ji Wuye is not a true passive master, as a half-step passive, he has stepped into the passive state with one foot. This kind of source backlash is also very harmful to him.


Ji Wuye roared, the strength of his body was even more open, and he directly broke through the shroud of this light.

Click and click.

At this time, Ji Wuye finally rushed out of the light barrier, but his whole body was covered with blood.

He had a deep bone scar on his arm, and even his back was hurt, and his blood was blurred.

"Huh ... What a terrible token, this token actually hides the magical power of the original backlash. If you dodge slowly, it is estimated that Ji Wuye had just died."

The Emperor took a deep look at Xiao Naihe. He even doubted whether Xiao Nai knew the weirdness of this token, but gave it to Ji Wuye.

"Xiao Naihe!"

At this moment, Ji Wuye, like a furious lion, came directly to fight.

Covered with blood, Ji Wuye at this time seemed to be transformed into an ancient demon, and his whole body was filled with murderous intentions. A cold drape over him, and Ji Wuye directly attacked Xiao Naihe.

"Humph, I don't know what to do!"

Xiao Naihe's eyes were thunderous, and there seemed to be a magical sky sound in his voice. There was a thunder, and it flickered like thunder.


With a loud bang, Xiao Nai shot with a palm, with strong force, bombarded directly in front of Ji Wuye.

"not good."

Ji Wuye was also awake at this point, and Xiao Naihe's powerful force was making a moment of oppression, making him seem to be facing a passive existence that was far stronger than himself.

The heavy pressure seemed to crush oneself in an instant.

"The Purgatory Supernatural Power, the three Luoshengmen."

Suddenly, the triple shadow appeared, and the huge Luo Sheng goalkeeper Xiao Naihe and Ji Wuye were separated.

Jun Yongye caught in the void and separated the two men.

Xiao Nai shot with his palm, and the three Luoshengmen were like weak tofu, and they exploded into ashes.

"Good boy, this guy's strength is no longer under me."

Jun Yongye's pupils shrank, it was not the first time he played against Xiao Naihe, but every time he started with Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe's strength became more and more powerful.

Even Jun Yongye now feels that Xiao Nai's simple power is showing signs of threatening his life.

"Jun Yongye, do you want to stop me? The person who shot was Ji Wuye, don't you want to join forces with him to deal with me?"

Xiao Nai stepped out, and a fire lotus was suddenly born under his feet, as if the entire small world had been refined, and a strong heat wave came.

The scorching breath made Ji Wuye awake, and he was not a stupid person. He naturally knew that Xiao Nai had given him a hand, so he would act on Xiao Nai in anger.

But Xiao Nai stopped himself and actually killed himself.

If it was n’t for Jun Yongye, I ’m just afraid that he was already fierce.

"Xiao Naihe, hello, you are fine!"

Ji Wuye exhaled and said coldly.

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