Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2189: Yan Tian Pavilion

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"Finally stepped into the passive realm, it turns out that this is the unity of the original, I feel very good."

Qiuyue Xin's body is filled with a hazy moonlight, and the divine way she cultivates is to absorb the power of the moon.

But now that Qiuyuexin has condensed her roots, she does not have to use the power of the moon every time. She can create Yuehua by herself.

At this time, Qiu Yuexin's original pale face was stained with a delicate layer of ruddy, just like peach, red and sloppy.

"Thank you, Xiao Naiho, it is my greatest honor to know you."

Qiuyue said sincerely.

She was able to break through to the passive state, relying on Xiao Nai at the critical moment to inject the power of the magic sky into Qiu Yuexin's body.

Qiuyue's heart was originally a genius. She had accumulated enough knowledge in the lost kingdom, and there was only an opportunity to break through to the passive state.

But when will this opportunity come, not even Qiuyuexin himself?

Xiao Nai gave Qiuyuexin the power of Motian's original source, which made Qiuyuexin understand the deeper meaning of the source in an instant, so he instantly stepped into the passive state.

"You helped me at the beginning, I'm just paying back the favor."

Xiao Nai said lightly, she did not think so much.

If there is enough source power, Xiao Nai can help other people step into the passive realm.

At this time, he merged the real energy of chaos and the origin of real energy to create the infinite way, which has this ability.

If Yun Weixue is also a half-step passive now, Xiao Naihe can even raise her to a passive state at once.

"Are you going to go back into the three thousand worlds next? I haven't gone back in a long time, and I don't know what happened outside."

Qiuyue frowned slightly: "I don't know why. After I entered the passive realm, I always felt a restless look, as if something happened outside."

"The passive realm, condensing the source, and being able to understand the heaven and the earth with the power of the source. The reason why you feel it is because of your source. We really have to go back this time, but before that, I will do something. "

After talking, Xiao Nai sat on the ground and turned out a few strange patterns on the ground.

Qiuyue looked at it curiously, and these arrays painted by Xiao Naihe seemed to be covered with stars and sun and moon.

But the most intuitive can be seen that in the array, there are countless lives and worlds, which are actually alive.

"Is this a lost kingdom?"

Qiuyuexin glanced at it and knew that what Xiao Nai painted was the lost kingdom.

"Yes, I am looking for two people, I hope they are still here."

Xiao Nai nodded, and then a thick mirror made of spiritual force appeared between his palms.

This is the shape of the celestial mirror after the celestial star map has been modernized.

But he found no picture in this mirror, a blank.

"How? The person you're looking for has found it?"

"No, it seems that they left here a long time ago. After all, this lost kingdom is just an unexpected world. As for the outside world, it is the real subject. Since Chen Ming and Long Tianlong are not here, let's leave . "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Now Qiuyuexin can be said to Xiao Naihe as a blind believer. Xiao Nai can even achieve the passive state. She does n’t know what else Xiao Nai ca n’t do, even if her grandfather is an absolute old man. There is no such thing as Xiao Naihe.

"I don't know what state he is in now? He can kill Motian at a fingertip, at least more than the ordinary passive strong, is he already in the middle of the passive?"

Qiuyue secretly thought, she could not see Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior, but felt that Xiao Naihe's strength was like a frosted layer, hiding all the truth.

"Void, Promise cracks."

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho's voice pulled Qiu Yue's thoughts back.

I saw Xiao Nai and He violently blasted the void, and all the layers of mysterious prohibition appeared.

This is the prohibition in the lost kingdom, as long as it goes out of this layer of prohibition, it will be 3,300 worlds.

"Qiuyue Xin, are you going back to God Realm?"

Qiuyue thought deeply and nodded: "I am now stepping into the passive realm, and the cultivation is still unstable, so it is not good to go around. I will go to my grandpa first and see what to say.

"Alright, I heard that the Ten Old Man is a veteran passive strong man, he should be able to give you a lot of experience."

After talking, Xiao Nai pushed Qiuyue's heart into the ban.

I saw that the tunnel inside the ban was constantly twisted, changing various scenes.

After a while, they have stepped out of the lost kingdom.

The place I entered was the former Taikoo Caves.

Xiao Nai suddenly remembered that he had entered the lost kingdom from the Taikoo Caves. If he had not entered the lost kingdom, he would not have entered this state so quickly.

It will not create infinite Dao, get Chao Tianshi, know so many secrets.

"Xiao Naihe, I'm leaving now."

Qiuyue thought about it for a while, and she seemed to want something. There was a struggling flash in her eyes, but she only sighed in the end and didn't speak.

Then Qiuyue wrapped up a layer of white brilliance and flew directly towards the sky.

In a flash, it has disappeared.

Xiao Nai did not stay long, his heart remained in Yun Weixue.

Now Xiao Naihe is very different from the original one. He tears the void directly, crosses several continents, and can go to another big world at any time.

Soon, Xiao Naihe had come to the periphery of the wild continent.

There is a demon realm outside the wilderness continent. This site is full of monsters, monsters, and monsters.

It can be said that it is the largest demon power of 3,300 in the world.

The reason why Xiao Naiho chose to go to the wilderness continent was mainly because of the terrible site, very close to the wilderness continent.

At that time, Xiao Nai's strength had not been achieved, and he needed the help of Shi Nao, and he promised Shi Nao.

However, at that time Xiao Naihe and Shi Nao helped Liu Xiu, with the goal of Liu Xiu and other Gods.

Later, Xiao Naihe and Liu Xiu parted ways, and they were no longer in contact with Shiyao.

Looking back now, Xiao Naiho also felt a little emotional.

Time changes too fast, although it is only a few years from that time.

But for Xiao Naihe, he has already experienced the life of IX.

"Huh? What's going on?"

At this time, a burst of rumbling sounds came from all directions, as if the world and earth were shaking.


It was like a thunder agitation, shaking the ground.

That kind of momentum can almost destroy all nine strong players.


Xiao Nai He rose into the air, he flew into the air, a few miles above the ground.

Subsequently, he suddenly saw the mountains and rivers in the distance, a burst of black pressure.

If you look closely, it's actually a huge monster beast group, and ran directly.

These monster beasts do not know how many there are, but a rough calculation, at least millions of monsters.

Some monsters are in the supreme realm, some are triple and quadruple, and more are not in the supreme realm.

However, there are thousands of monsters that have reached the level of creators, and they have opened their minds. They are no different from humans and can be transformed into humans.

There are also several eight-level and nine-level realm monsters.

Once millions of monsters are crushed, almost 3,300 continents of the world can be destroyed. It can be said that ordinary forces are simply not enough for them to swarm.

Even if it is the strongest of the Ninth Peak, if it is confronted by millions of monsters, don't have a face-to-face, it will be torn and clean.

"How did the monsters riot? How did that guy manage it?"

Xiao Nai frowned slightly.

His previous life was a heavenly demon, and of course he knew about the demon world.

The explosion of millions of monsters must be directed by someone, and the commander must be a big figure in the monster world.

Now there is only one person who can control such a million monsters.

Unless there is deep hatred or hatred, or it is time for the life and death of the demon world, otherwise such a wave of millions of beasts will not be used.

"It's too close to the Wilderness Continent, Yantian Pavilion is on the Wilderness Continent. If it is faced with the impact of this million beast tide, I'm afraid the Night King can't stop it."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, then the figure moved, turned into a streamer, and flew directly to the future, leaving here.


At this time, Yantian Pavilion, a guard.

There was a deep chill that emanated from up and down Yantian Pavilion.

The whole sect door went up and down, everyone's face was very dignified.

Yun Weixue, in particular, has a ugly face.

"How's it going?"

Yun Weixue was sitting in the lobby, constantly receiving reports from the spies.

Coming to the newspaper is like snowflakes. It is endless, but it is basically bad news.

"Miss Yun, the demon king has attracted millions of demon beasts, and is confident that the Yantian Pavilion will be leveled, and has reached the wild land.

Xue Xingfeng's tone was bitter.

"is it?"

Yun Weixue nodded, her face ugly to the extreme.

At this time, Yun Weixue was surrounded by a layer of black and white gas, which was her Yin Yang thought to cultivate to a very high level.

Her current strength is already at the beginning of the 9th layer, although it is much worse than Xiao Naihe.

But be aware that Yun Weixue hadn't stepped into the creator just a few years after Xiao Naihe left Yantian Pavilion.

With the resources that Xiao Nai He left to Yun Weixue, she practiced directly to the early stage of the Nineth Layer, and it was also very fast.

There are still some cards left by Xiao Naihe to deal with the ninth peak, and even half-step passive masters, Yun Weixue is not afraid.

If you rely on all the cards and face the Ye Wang directly, the Ye Wang dare not say that Yun Weixue moved.

It was the Night King, standing next to Yun Weixue, the breath became thicker and deeper, and obviously went further.

"Come, the son of the demon king is here."

At this moment, Tang Hailong shouted loudly, and there was a trace of tremor in his voice.

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