Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2274: Qingying

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"What power is this?"

The power of chaos envelops this woman in an instant, as if injecting all power into it.

The powerful force mixed into it, with a piece of blue light in the sky, a blue stone appeared from the top of Dong Xiao Nai He's head.

This stone is the Chaos Heavenly Stone, and now the Chaos Heavenly Stone has fully recognized Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe can absolutely dominate the power of chaos in Chaos Heavenly Stone, but as long as the critical moment is not reached, Xiao Naihe will not use Chaos Heavenly Stone.

Of course, if the danger is encountered, the power of Chaos Heavenly Stone will also be carried out automatically.

For example, the last time the spirit of the Divine Son was injected into Xiao Naihe ’s body, the Chaos Heavenly Stone formed a chaotic force to repel it.

This time, Xiao Naihe actively used the power of Chaos Heavenly Stone.

"What is this?"

The woman's eyes moved, and she saw a blue stone above Xiao Naihe's head, but she asked subconsciously, but didn't care.

Because Xiao Naihe showed the power of chaos, he had come down from the void.

Chaos is breaking the earth, killing everything.

It can be said that the power of Chaotian Tianshi is one of the two purest powers in Taiyu.

One is the true energy of origin, and the other is the true energy of chaos.

Originating Qi is the mysterious power that created Taiyu.

Chaos Qi is another kind of power produced by Taiyu from destruction to rebirth.

The two are the same and different, and complement each other.

The origin of any monk, compared with these two true qis, is that the little witch sees the big witch, and there is no comparison at all.

"Refining the void, starting the Emperor's Fist."

At this moment, it was a moment.

The woman's body suddenly moved, and a burst of force erupted from her body.

It's hard to imagine that such a delicate woman's body would actually burst out with such a terrifying power.

A powerful raging wave swept away, and Dangkong resisted Xiao Naihe's power of chaos.

"Useless, the power of chaos can smash everything, even if it is the origin of the monk. Although you practice the Avenue of the Outsider, it is also not my opponent."

Xiao Nai, with no expression on his face, seems to be killing any feelings, without any color in his eyes, only a cold meaning.

The woman exhaled deeply, and said deeply: "Xiao Naihe, you really are not like a mortal. No wonder Huang Lin would value you like this. Although I know you still have a hole card, I also have a hole card. Personally, I will stop here today. Come to Japan, and I will meet again someday. "

Between the words, the woman had a slight body break, and broke a crack directly in the void, plunging into it.

"By the way, you are a powerful opponent. You are qualified to know my name. You can call me Qingying."

Afterwards, the woman who claimed to be Qingying became a fine man and fell into the void.

At the next moment, it was gone, and Xiao Nai and He Jing watched Qingying's departure without any action.

This woman is very powerful. Although Xiao Naihe just got the upper hand with chaos, he still knows what other cards this woman has.

This person is not worse than his third life, and it is even more mysterious. It is extremely difficult to defeat this person. It is much more difficult than killing Chen Dao.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's eyes swept, Liu Xiu on the ground no longer knew when to disappear, and Lan Ling and another young woman also disappeared.

The three people seem to evaporate, as if everything is just a dream.

"Sect Master Xiao, really powerful, the old dragon admires it."

At this time, Zulong turned into a humanoid figure, with respect in his eyes.

He was pretty sure that Xiao Naihe's cultivation practice was placed in Taikoo, and it was definitely one of the best.

In the end times of the first place, it can be said that no one can deal with it.

Today, there is a Lanling that does n’t count, but it ’s the last mysterious woman, Qingying, which is actually a passive post-existence, which makes Zulong feel a chill.

"I didn't expect the first plane to be near the end of the world. There are so many masters. It seems that Lao Long should hold Xiao Naihe's thigh well."

Zulong sighed in his heart.

Tian Daotong looked at the place where the original Qingying disappeared, and suddenly said: "It's strange. I have been in Danting for such a long time, and I have never heard of such a woman."

"Dan Ting is very mysterious, and even I suspect that it was created in a weird time. This person of Huang Lin is a character of Bai inorganic level. He has such a master, and it is not surprising. One of the most powerful people I have ever seen. "

Xiao Naihe closed his eyes. Like such a powerful woman, Xiao Naihe saw it for the first time.

People are not only beautiful, but even powerful to this level.

If it were not for Xiao Naihe's last use of the power of chaos, no one would know if Deer died.

"Forget it, Danting's business will stop here. Now I'm going to bring Yantian Pavilion back again. You can take a step back.

Tian Daotong and Zulong glanced, and quickly backed away to thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows appeared a situation, with five fingers and one grasp, it seemed to catch a wind in the void.

The long gully on the original surface was caught by Xiao Naiho, and suddenly it was close.

The entire wild continent seemed to shake with a strong coercion.

Then Xiao Nai's eyebrows appeared a gleam of light, a huge battleship appeared in the void, and suddenly a burst of light erupted from the battleship and projected onto the ground.

The area of ​​tens of thousands of miles suddenly changed from nothing to a mountain surrounded by rivers.

And the huge mountain gate appeared, it was Yantian Pavilion.

"This is ... a big battleship. I didn't expect Lord Sect to have such a battleship. With this battleship, if you want to cross Taiyu, it is not a problem at all."

Zulong said horrifiedly.

Suddenly he found that he had turned to Xiao Naihe, which was the most correct thing he had done for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, Xiao Nai deliberately revealed the Moonlight Battleship.

If you call out the Yantian Pavilion, you don't need to call out the Moonlight Warship at all. Instead, you can use the magical power to pull the Yantian Pavilion out of the warship.

The reason why he exposed the moonlight warship is actually to deter the Zulong and let Zulong do a better job for himself without any selfishness.

"Finally, the Yantian Pavilion was restored to its original state." Xiao Naihe exhaled and smiled slightly.

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