Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2285: Mysterious Man (Part 1)

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Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly flashed two groups of thunder, flowing continuously in an arc.

On the top of Xiao Naihe's head, there is another Promise Sutra book. Every page of the sutra is opened, and each page has a text flying out of it.

Every text seems to be covered with a thundercloud.

It was the taste of Taikoo Leichi, a huge vitality radiated from Xiao Naihe's body.

The dead air that originally spread throughout the space disappeared at this time, it was just the thunderous air carried by Xiao Naihe.

"On the late passive period, that is, the passive peak, it seems that I really have to face the Thunder Tribulation. I have seen it in the memory of the Tiangong World. When several of them stepped into the Passive Peak, they all have to face the Everlasting Peak Thunder Tribulation, as long as it is over, it is the true peak of passiveness. But if it fails, it will be the end of the Tribulation, and it will definitely die. "

Xiao Nai thought in his mind.

He recalled the ninth life of Tiangong World at this time, remembering all the memories of that ninth life.

Xiao Naihe is also very familiar with the journey of the passive peak.

In fact, it is not just passive. It can be said that every powerful person in the realm will cause various disasters when he breaks through his realm. He can only transform after experiencing the disaster.

It's just that Thunder Tribulation is the most common, because the most powerful natural phenomenon in the world is Thunder.

How did Xiao Nai step into the peak of the passive from the late period of the passive, he must go through the thunderous disaster.

But this kind of thunder disaster is not an ordinary thunder disaster. Before those cultivators crossed the thunder disaster, they all endured the thunder that came down from the first plane.

But Xiao Nai had to bear it, but it came from the thunder in Taiyu. The mighty power and the dangerous danger were far higher than others.

"I haven't made much preparations now, and Dao Xin is slightly unstable, not a time to break through."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, he clearly felt that at this moment, he had already captured the opportunity to break through a higher realm.

But Xiao Naihe did not seize this opportunity because he was not sure.

Once he entered the late passive period, it was not too long. Although there had been a lot of accumulation before, but after entering the passive state, Xiao Naihe spent too much accumulation.

Now that he wants to step into the peak of passiveness, he needs more preparations, which is obviously not possible at this time.

Secondly, I saw the ancient war in the array just now, which caused some fluctuations in Xiao Naihe's mind. Under this circumstance, Dao Xin was affected, and it was too dangerous to force into the passive peak.

Taken together, Xiao Naihe's grasp is not high, especially in this second plane, Xiao Naihe is not willing to take this risk.

"However, I have now realized the Tao Yun of the Passive Peak. It turned out to be inspired by the living thunder, and endure the ancient thunder. Knowing this, I can prepare."

Although this time did not take advantage of this opportunity to break through, but with this realization, Xiao Nai will be more confident in breaking through and practicing in the future.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe focused his attention on the array, which must have been left from a very long time ago.

The three strong men appearing in the illusion, Yi, Yuan and Emperor, are the most top level among Taiyu, only higher than Bai inorganic.

With Xiao Naihe's current strength, any one of them is just a dead end.

"Just looking from the illusion, it seems that Yi and Yuan have already died together, but the emperor may still be alive, otherwise the blue wolf will not remind me. It seems that the blue wolf has also seen the ancient wars in this picture before. Let me guard against this mysterious 'Emperor'. "

For a long time, Xiao Naihe practiced in the first plane.

In his realm, it can be said that he is in the first place.

But now after knowing the ancient wars, Xiao Nai gave birth to himself for the first time.

Sure enough, he didn't go outside, he didn't know the wonderful and dangerous outside.

"Leave this picture here. The purpose of the blue wolf should be to make me feel this ancient war. If there is no illusion, I will understand the rhythm of the passive peak. I am afraid that I have to wait for a long time. . "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, his body flinched, and there was a flush in his eyebrows.

The light flickered, and the "Wuji Book" above him was taken back by Xiao Naihe.

As for the map in front of him, Xiao Naihe also knew that he didn't need to bother about it.

Although he did not get any magic weapon or Tao weapon this time, the ‘things’ he got were far more precious than any Tao weapon or magic weapon.

Xiao Naiho walked out of this small independent space, and as soon as he flew out, the thousands of rotating meteorite outside automatically spun up again, forming a banned enchantment again.

The death gas in Xinghe's burial ground is too thick, and it still carries the aura of disaster that remained in the second plane. Even if it is an ordinary passive strong man, I feel afraid of the death in this second plane To be greatly affected.

"Let's summon the Moonlight Warship."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and he would summon the Moonlight Warship directly from his body.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's extremely sharp mind suddenly had a whim feeling.

In the later period of passive, there will be a kind of psychic induction. This kind of phenomenon usually occurs in unexpected situations.

For example, a sudden danger, or someone approaching, or an attack.

And Xiao Naihe is actually in the burial ground of the galaxy, and this kind of telepathy is produced, which is not good.

"Damn, my previous Dao Xin was a little worn away, and now my mind is coming a little bit slower."

Xiao Naihe frowned, and then his body was covered with a layer of golden brilliance. The moonlight warship that was about to appear in the middle of his eyebrow was also taken back by Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the two arcs of light flashed from the void space, as if they had become two swords, and they pierced towards Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Xiao Naiho straddled his body, drawing circles with his hands, forming two avatars, trembling and flashing.

"No maximum oven."

These two avatars evolved from Xiao Naihe, each holding an infinity oven, the two large ovens seemed to cover hundreds of miles of space, even if the flies could not fly through.

In this case, the Infinite Oven directly bombarded into the depths of the void, trying to get the man who attacked him.

For a moment, Xiao Naihe only heard an icy voice: "It's really an effort to break through the iron shoes and no hiding place. It's all effortless. I didn't expect that there is another cultivator among the death stars of this second plane, presumably. What benefits have you made. "

From inside the void space, a Lei Feng split across the horizon, revealing a figure.

This is a man in Tsing Yi, his eyes shining brightly and his body strong.

And between the eyebrows, a long eyebrow is connected, a man with a straight eyebrow.

Just standing in the void, as if with a breath of immortality, presenting a deep charm.


Xiao Naihe's face changed slightly.

In this second plane, the lifelessness, even for a master like Xiao Naihe, is a bit dangerous.

He mainly came to think of the memory that the wolf had given him.

However, there are other dangerous places deep inside the burial ground of Xinghe. Once inside, it is difficult for Xiao Naihe to escape, and he may even be forced to give up his body.

There are still people in this dangerous death star. This time even Xiao Nai had to be surprised.

But when he was surprised, he was also paying attention to the man in front.

This man has an unfathomable taste and is extremely powerful.

Especially the kind of breath brought by this man is obviously not the breath of the Six Avenues, it seems to be another system.

"It seems that you are the indigenous of the first plane. You have the nostalgia of the first plane. I can't be mistaken. The people of the first plane can't think of this kind of master, you can come Go to this death star. But whatever you get from this death star today, I will. "

Obviously, this man thought what Xiao Nai had obtained in the Death Star.

"Oh? The treasure I got was just looking at the picture in front of me and understanding something. If you want, take it yourself."

Xiao Naihe pointed to the array behind him, and the man obviously noticed.

But the other party just glanced, and then fixed his eyes on Xiao Naihe.

"I will definitely take this picture, but don't think you get a benefit from it, you want to hide from the sky. If you don't call it, I will take it."

"Hey, why don't you believe it? I said it all. I didn't take anything else. You can believe it or not, just let yourself go."

Xiao Naihe had just realized some passive peaks of Tao Yun, and he had to go back and think about it carefully. There was no spare time to deal with this mysterious man.

This mysterious person does not seem to be the master from the first face, but may be a person from Taiyu, who came from outside.

As for why the deal is close to the first plane, Xiao Nai did not know.

"Hey, a little cultivator, dare to succeed in my face, I think you are young, even if you reach the passive state, it is too tender. You do n’t want to leave today, wait for me to get your body Things, your flesh, can be refined into puppets, yes, yes! "

"Finished me into a puppet?" Xiao Naihe's eyes narrowed slightly, with a cold breath, coldly smiled: "It was not that no one did not have this idea before, but now it is dead."

"Yellow Mouth, I do n’t know if it ’s high or thick. You, the first Aboriginal, have never seen the world. You have to let you know what it means to be desperate."

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