Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2287: Shura

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"What magical power is this? I did not expect that the cultivator from your rural area still has such a superb Taoism, but it is beyond the expectation of Uncle Ben. It is false. "

Behind the head of the mysterious man, a black halo emerged, and a burst of black gas instantly diffused, covering Xiao Naihe's surroundings.

This strong breath of death has already wrapped Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe's mind was so powerful, but Rao was still surrounded by the man's death, and frowned slightly.

"This man is comparable to his third life. But in this kind of place, it is tailor-made for him. I don't have an advantage. I can only retreat and talk."

This mysterious man's cultivation of Taoism is very special, coupled with the strength of the passive late period, Xiao Nai wants to overcome the deal, almost to pay a great price, and not grasp it.

Especially on this death star, there is death all over the sky, it is simply this man's home court.

If it were not for Xiao Naihe who had realized the Tao Yun of the Passive Peak, his strength was good, otherwise he might have suffered a big loss just now.

However, although this man is powerful, Xiao Naihe is very calm. He knows that his cultivation practice has reached the zero boundary point. After seeing the ancient war, he has realized it and pursued a higher state.

How strong the heart is, how stable the strength is.

After seeing the ancient wars, this mysterious man is simply more vulnerable than the three men in that illusion.

That's why Xiao Nai has maintained a confidence from the end. If he can't beat this man, how can he become a legendary figure like Yi, Yuan, and Emperor?

As soon as the thought moved, Xiao Naihe seemed to be a cannonball. He burst out and raised his fist in an instant. Without any other idea, he attacked with pure power.

Yes, it is pure power.

In the realm of the two of them, the two are equal, and the easiest way to separate the superiors is to confront each other in strength. Whoever can surpass the other party and suppress the other party will have an advantage.

It's that simple.

"Destroy the King's fist."

Xiao Naiho's voice was very indifferent, and his expression was even more calm.

The boxing intention was released, and the strong original power burst out in his body instantly.

In an instant, Xiao Nai He punched out, seeming to break the void, and issued a fierce storm of airflow.

The huge dead air around them turned into vortexes, which seemed to become Shura **** in an instant.

There are dozens of fist-sized fist prints, bombarded in the void, although each fist is small, it gathers Xiao Naihe's huge source of power.

Even the strong in the late passive period, one accidentally took a punch, fearing that there would be danger to life.

"Break it all, lifeless relics."

Suddenly, the man's eyebrows drawn a red blood, very fast.

This red blood light condensed a blood-red relic in an instant, and the relic covered a mysterious atmosphere.

"Your boy is a good man with a strong body, so be a puppet for this uncle."

With a smile, the ‘Death Relic’ in the hands of the mysterious man exploded in the void, and the entire Death Star shook, and seemed to be shaken.


However, when the mysterious man wanted to capture Xiao Naihe again, he found that Xiao Naihe had disappeared.

"Running so fast? Do you think you can run away? Uncle Ben came from heaven and earth to find the legendary map. It must be in your hands. Don't try to escape."

The man's face became gritty, and his blood-red death was controlled by his body, and he burst out into the distance.

For ordinary passive practitioners, the galaxy burial ground is afraid that it is a forbidden land with no return.

But for them, the strong late passives, it seems to be a back garden, come and go whenever you want.

"Go, where did you go?"

At this moment, the mysterious man suddenly saw Xiao Naiho in front of him, Xiao Naihe showed his back, and quickly left the battlefield, already jumping out of the galaxy burial ground.

But the man glanced, and the whole person's life was soaring. At this moment, the big casserole's fist had already followed Xiao Naihe's back and slammed into it.

Among the electro-optical flint, the blasting light suddenly burned the meteorite around, and burned dozens of flying stars and stones to ashes.

There was still half a waste meteorite in front of him. When he was hit by this fist, it suddenly seemed to be annihilated by fly ash, and turned into a plume of smoke and smoke, which was catalyzed.

In the shocking fist, there was a smell of death.

"Remember, Uncle Ben is called Shura God, who killed you."

Bang Bang Bang.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe hadn't had time to look back. The whole person suddenly burst under the bombardment of this fist, and turned into ashes, and the dust disappeared.

"Huh? Is it because I used too much force to actually explode his body? This is troublesome. This kid may have the legendary pattern on him."

The mysterious man, Shura God, frowned slightly. He originally wanted to capture Xiao Naihe's life, then refined Xiao Naihe's body, and treated Xiao Naihe as a puppet avatar.

But now that he found himself under a single blow, Xiao Naihe directly exploded without even a single piece of debris.

"Huh, I thought how strong it was. That's what the rural cultivator is. It's really fragile. It's the uncle who looked up."

Asura God snorted, his expression slightly uncomfortable, but he quickly calmed down.

"I learned from the old guy that in this plane of starry sky, there is a battlefield left over from the legendary war. As long as I can get it, I will have the opportunity to promote the passive peak."

Between the words, Shura God put away his fist and flew deep into the burial ground of Xinghe.

But he had just moved and suddenly felt a danger.

That's right, this crisis really appeared in his perception.

For all these years, he did not know how long he had not encountered danger.

Now, for the first time, I felt this dangerous thought, and at once, Shura God felt a slight discomfort, and a trace of disbelief.

However, at the next moment, Shura finally knew why there was a crisis in his thoughts.

Suddenly a huge warship flew out of the depths of the void, and directly hit the Shura God.

The storm that rolled up at once was extremely intense.

There was a golden glow in the sky, and all the breath of death was expelled.

"The spirit of the gods is not extinct, and the diamond is not bad."

At this time, Xiao Naihe, who should have turned into ashes, was directly resurrected from the void.

"Impossible, your body and soul are obviously smashed away, how can you be resurrected. Even the passive peak powerhouse, once the body and soul are lost, it is like a person without a boat, How to get to the other shore. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and smiled coldly in the void. He didn't do it, only a huge and huge figure appeared above his head.

"Moonlight Battleship, shock."

It turned out to be a huge moonlight warship, to be left alone among the dead stars. Battleships are very dangerous.

Even the Shura God in front of him saw the danger of Xiao Naihe, a moonlight warship,

"Moonlight Battleship, kill him directly."

Xiao Nai said coldly, and the moonlight warship above him instantly lit up.

"Shura God? You are from heaven and earth, but you don't know anyone outside."

Xiao Nai He laughed, and the moonlight warship in his eyes had hit the front enchantment.

The golden eyes seemed to feel Xiao Nai's call, and suddenly countless Vatican cultures became a piece of fine art.

In the blink of an eye, this fine awn has come down, and the Shura God is locked.

At the same time, the Moonlight Battleship sprang out of the cracks in the void and rushed directly towards the Shura God.


Without any hesitation, the Shura God instantly retreated towards the back.

Although he is very arrogant, he is not without his mind.

On the contrary, he is very clever and able to cultivate to such a state, which one is normal existence.

Just thinking about it, you know dodge.

However, the huge cloud of light has already appeared.

And Xiao Naihe's moonlight warship, as if hit by chicken blood, was locked in the body of God Shura.

The Shura God couldn't even walk away.

"Since you want to take my flesh, then I will see and see for a while."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, and the immense seal of light had appeared before him, turning into a moonlight warship.

At the next moment, this battleship seemed to hit chicken blood and hit the front of Shura God.

An extremely rare dignity appeared on Shura ’s face, because he felt the terrible moonlight warship.

If the moonlight warship was really bombarded, Xiao Naihe's loss is also very large.

So he is fighting now to see what his Moonlight Warship can do.


The Shura God retreated slightly, but still could not avoid the impact of Xiao Naihe, the moonlight warship.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

It seemed that countless thunders were mixed together and gave a violent shock.

The Shura God once again withstood the impact of the moonlight warship, but it seemed that the body was overturned, and it was not so good.

Just now, Xiao Naihe's collision with the moonlight warship was indeed terrible. Even Shura was suddenly hit by this.

But at this moment, Xiao Naiho's body moved, a strange pattern emerged behind his entire person, and he showed a huge world-like oven, rotating.

"The infinite power, the power of the ages."

Xiao Naihe's voice seemed to contain an extremely terrifying power.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's **** intentions have been bombarded in the past.

The world's big oven rotates, and with the power of many arrays behind it, it comes with the infinite source.

In an instant, I saw the whole Shura God being hit by Xiao Naihe's fist.

This time, the Shura God crashed into a meteorite, and the entire meteorite was smashed into fragments, turning into endless ashes.

"God Shura? What a pity."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, but his face was expressionless.

He had just borrowed this Shura **** who didn't know his magical power, and used the means of immortal soul and physical body, pretending to be bombarded into pieces by the other party.

Then, with this period of time, he directly summoned the moonlight battleship, and in accordance with the strength of the battleship, he gave the Shura **** such a thing.

Xiao Naihe also knows that the opponent's strength is strong, and the Moonlight Warship will certainly not be able to leave much damage to the opponent.

Therefore, the soul and flesh of the gods were reunited, and the punches came out, and the power of his infinite source was merged, which was a punch to the Shura God.

At this moment, Shura was caught off guard. He didn't expect Xiao Naihe to have this hand. He was slammed into the meteorite by Xiao Naihe, and all the meteorite was exploded.

"This Shura **** is not simple. I have to deal with him. It's really not easy. If you don't count on him with his temperament, otherwise it will be hard to tell who will die."

Xiao Naihe knew very well that he directly used the arrogant nature of the Shura God to make the other party think it was a winning ticket, and then Xiao Naihe turned over instantly.

However, when Xiao Nai wanted to scrape the Shura God out, he suddenly discovered that the Shura God's breath of life had disappeared, and quickly took a look.

There was no trace of the Shura God in the place where the Shura God was smashed.

The Shura **** seemed to evaporate out of thin air and disappear.

"Still let this Shura escape."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, but he was not too surprised.

After all, each other's cultivation behavior and strength are almost equal to their own. Both sides are the kind that no one can but both sides. If they want to kill each other, they don't know how much they have to pay.

As soon as the thought moved, Xiao Naiho still released his own consciousness, and scraped it around in order to find out the mysterious Shura God.

But he found that he still didn't go out, he could not help but sigh gently.

At this time, Xiao Naihe didn't chase it anymore. Even if the other party's passive post-existence existed, even if they fought, once Xiao Naihe wanted to chase the other party back, it was almost impossible.

"But this Shura **** seems to have come from the mysterious outer space, which is the depth of Taiyu. He said he was looking for some legendary array ... It would not be the array in the second plane. ? "

Xiao Nai suddenly thought of the array in the galaxy's burial ground, the array hidden by the blue wolf.

It turns out that others still know.

It seems that the news of this image was known to others long ago, but the Shura God didn't know where he got the information, and he could actually find it here.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Nai shook his head: "This place is still not to stay for a long time, and now there is no benefit. As for the array in the Xinghe burial ground, I can't take up this kind of practice now, still waiting Let's talk about the strength later. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head. He had no way to grab the mysterious array now, he could only wait for it to be taken back in the future.

Although that array of images can reflect the ancient wars, Xiao Naihe has not studied whether there will be a mysterious secret.

It's just that the mysterious array seems to be covered with a strong breath, no less than the power of any passive late stage or even peak.

So why can't Xiao Nai capture this picture all the time, he doesn't have this ability yet.

After the decision was made, Xiao Nai could only return to the first plane first.

This time the harvest is still not small. The biggest gain is the secret of promotion to the Passive Peak. Understanding the Tao Yun of the Passive Peak will greatly help Xiao Nai to break through to the Passive Peak in the future.

"We walked."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, summoned the Moonlight Warship, and then moved towards the first plane.

He felt that the stimulating energy on the moonlight warship was slightly unstable. Obviously, it was consumed a lot when he hit the Shura **** not long ago.

However, Xiao Naihe is now powerful, and part of the original power directly urges the operation of the moonlight warship, which is not a problem at all!


The time has passed quickly, it has been the past five days.

Adding to the time Xiao Naihe left Zongmen, Xiao Naihe also passed nearly ten days.

Within these ten days, the 3,300 world still seems to be very calm, but in fact it is still a raging tide in the background.

It's just that many people in God Realm were fighting for control of many continents in the 3,300 world.

That's because several passive old monsters are competing.

However, after the war of Zu Shen Shan, the whereabouts of the passive old monsters are unknown, and it seems that the competition for 3,300 world control has eased.

But I don't know when it will start, and some masters of God Realm have begun to descend into the 3,300 world. It seems to start a new round of competition for control of the lower realm.

However, those who come down in the **** realm know that there are two forces in this lower realm that cannot be provoke.

One is Dan Ting.

Dan Ting has been established for so many years, the origin is extremely mysterious.

Everyone already knows that behind Dan Ting, there seems to be a passive realm of God, very powerful.

Those masters of God Realm do not know the background of God, so they are not willing to provoke each other.

Another force is the Yantian Pavilion, which has recently emerged.

Speaking of them, the reason they know Yantian Pavilion is mainly because of Xiao Naihe.

After Xiao Naiho shined in God Realm, many smart people investigated Xiao Naihe's background.

Soon, these people investigated and punished Yan Tiange behind Xiao Naihe.

That is why the people who came down from God Realm regarded Yantian Pavilion as an object that could never be provoked.

"Finally returned to the three thousand three hundred world."

On this day, a small hole suddenly appeared above the sky curtain. At the moment when the hole appeared, a figure flashed out and appeared.

After the Moonlight warship shuttled in, it was taken away again by Xiao Naihe.

That's right, the person who came in from this void was Xiao Nai.

Xiao Naiho once again returned to the 3,300 world!

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