Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2291: Send you clear shadow

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"Qingying's mother?"

Xiao Nai's expression remained unchanged, but it was impossible to say that he was not curious.

Being able to give birth to a woman like Qingying is afraid that she is not an unusual person.

Especially women with characters like Huang Lin.

What does Huang Lin exist?

One of the three great emperors of the world, the existence of the passive peak.

Even in Xiao Naihe's eyes, Huang Lin and Bai inorganic have the same existence, and they are both vertical and horizontal characters.

A woman who can be watched by Huang Lin is definitely not simple.

"However, the existence of Huang Lin will actually be entangled with women."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, his face slightly strange.

The feeling of Huang Lin as Xiao Naihe is unfathomable. No one knows what this person is thinking forever.

Such people seem to have no purpose, giving people a sense of aimlessness.

But this is the kind of person who actually gave birth to their own children with other women.

However, Xiao Naihe thought that Bai Yuan was still entangled with Pu Yue, and even Bai Baihe couldn't cut the love root, ruining the Wu clan, and calculating Xiao Naihe's previous life of the Nine Witches.

In the end, Bai inorganic will also fatten the flower quite like a dog. When the flower phase thinks that it can transcend the plane, it directly kills the flower phase, revenge and hatred, and then cuts off the root of love.

No matter how powerful the man is, he never seems to escape a love word.

"Hey, there is a mysterious woman next to Huang Lin, and Bai Yue has Pu Yue, and I have Yun Weixue. It seems that there must be a woman next to every powerful man."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and rejected these thoughts.

Seeing Xiao Nai never spoke, Bai Li Tian Cong underneath was suddenly a little afraid.

He was afraid that Xiao Naihe did not believe his words at all and insisted on refining himself.

Even though Bai Li Tian Cong said that Xiao Nai He could not refine himself, but in fact Bai Li Tian Cong was still a little worried that Xiao Nai He might really be able to refine himself.

You know, before, I thought Xiao Nai was nothing, but things changed volatilely, who knew that Xiao Nai was so powerful.

Now Xiao Nai did not use any powerful means, Baili Tiancong will surely believe it.

"The origin of Qingying's mother is very mysterious. Even if it is a senior in the Danting court, many of them don't know the identity of this lady. However, Qingying and I have come close and have been with this lady for a while work."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Nai suddenly said lightly: "Who is Qingying's mother, and what do you do with me?"

"No, no, this person may really have something to do with you, because this person, like you, is a character who has cultivated multiple avenues."

"Well, how many avenues to practice?"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved slightly.

"Yes, I have heard rumors that this lady has practiced demon path, human path, devil path, divine path, and a mysterious avenue that transcends the existence of the ancient holy saint."

"Five major principles, five elements connected?"

This time, Xiao Nai was a little surprised in his heart. No one knew the symbol of the Five Avenues better than him.

The five kinds of avenues are integrated and formed into five elements, which live together and create new avenues.

Xiao Naihe was through the fusion of five avenues, humanity, demon, voodoo, Buddha, and Star Avenue, and then he created the Great Dao Dao and stepped into the passive realm.

If the mysterious lady is also a cultivator of the Five Ways, then the other party must have created a new way just like herself.

"I don't know what the avenue she created? Will it be the same as my Infinite Dao? However, it will definitely not be the same. She should not have created the Infinite Dao. The five avenues she practiced are different from mine It should be another way. "

Xiao Na thought of coming here and said slowly, "Is there any identity for this woman?"

"Of course, this lady is not just Qingying's mother, the legendary son-like figure, but also ... is ..."

Speaking of ‘Yes’, Baili Tiancong ’s face suddenly changed, resembling earthy color, holding his face, and seemed to be strangled by his neck.

I saw the sound of ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ’s throat, it seemed to be struggling.

When Xiao Nai saw the situation, he suddenly knew it was wrong.

"Promise purification."

Then, between Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a fine mane floated.

After this fine mango spreads, it is directly merged into the eyebrows of Baili Tiancong and escapes into it.

Xiao Naiho infused his own thoughts into it, and just entered the eyebrows of Baili Tiancong.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe only felt that his mind was actually losing his control, and there seemed to be no connection.

This phenomenon has never been encountered by Xiao Naihe.

When I meet them now, I feel bad directly.


At this moment, a strange sound came out of the void. This strange sound spread throughout the small space and echoed in Xiao Naihe's ear.

Subsequently, Bai Li Tiancong's body shuddered, and all of his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth popped out of blood.

Moreover, what Xiao Nai noticed most was that the breath of life in Baili Tiancong seemed to be strangled at this instant.

Finally, the seal that Xiao Nai stayed in Baili Tiancong also disappeared.


From the moment when the breath of life in Baili Tiancong disappeared, the other party seemed to be resurrected, and the huge vitality suddenly reappeared.

Not only that, the power of the original Baili Tiancong being sealed seemed to reignite at this moment.

"Break through the seal?"

Xiao Nai moved slightly in his heart, pushed his body slightly, and exhibited two different forms of darkness and light with his left and right hands, and he became the seal of a gossip form, which was once again printed on Baili Tiancong.

"Useless, Baili Tiancong is dead. Although you can suppress the previous Baili Tiancong with this kind of vitality seal, you can't suppress the deity."

At this time, Baili Tiancong spoke.

It should be said that this Baili Tiancong is not the former Baili Tiancong.

Because Xiao Nai felt that at this time, "Bai Li Tian Cong" seemed to have undergone some kind of drastic change, and the aura was completely different.

"Who are you? You are not a Bailitian Cong."

Although the other party spoke with Bai Li Tian Cong, Xiao Naihe was very keenly aware that the person inside was not Bai Li Tian Cong.

"You are very smart, and the deity appreciates you. Not only did you get Huang Lin's attention, even Qingying looked at you. Young people like you, the deity has not met in many years. Although you have inherited multiple reincarnations, , But for thousands of us monks, it ’s just a snap. "

Among the practitioners, the least valuable and equally precious is time.

If the cultivator casually reaches the supremacy, he immediately has the ability to live forever.

In the passive state like Xiao Naihe, as long as there is no accident, you can't die if you want to die.

Of course, it would be different if you were killed.

But it can also be seen that in his realm, time is indeed the least valuable to him.

As for the preciousness of time, it refers to cultivation time, not survival time.

"Do you know Huang Lin and Qingying? Who are you really?" Xiao Naihe's face moved fiercely, and he seemed to think of a possibility. His pupils shrank slightly, staring at 'Bai Li Tian Cong': "You Could it be Qingying's mother? That mysterious lady? "

"You are smart, yes, the deity is indeed the mother of Qingying. Didn't you want to know the identity of the deity before? Now the deity comes directly and comes face to face with you."

Although Xiao Naiho's expression didn't have any shock or fluctuation, his heart had already made waves.

This man was actually Qingying's mother, a woman who had a relationship with Huang Lin.

It is the same as myself, to cultivate the existence of five kinds of avenues.

Such a person actually came here, directly descended with the body of Baili Tiancong.

"Strange, how could this woman know the dialogue between me and Baili Tiancong so quickly. This is impossible. Even if I use the power of the Tianji star chart, it is absolutely impossible to deduce here in a short time, follow Needless to say, coming with my consciousness, quietly stepped into my moonlight battleship. "

Xiao Nai said secretly in her heart that this woman suddenly entered her own moonlight battleship. This method was too weird.

However, Xiao Naihe also knows that even the most powerful characters cannot be deduced here and entered in a short time.

"You must be thinking, why can the deity know you and Baili Tiancong so quickly, and appear here directly?"

"Yes, but if I didn't guess wrong, the reason why you can appear here is not because you really use the mind to come. It is because you were in the body of Baili Tiancong from the beginning. Or , You are in the body of Baili Tiancong, what kind of imprint is left. So you can appear here for the first time, right? "

"Hey, a smart young man like you, this deity really hasn't seen it in many years. This deity really hasn't seen a few young people like you in his life. At that time, Huang Lin counted as one, Bai inorganic Count one, you are the third. "

Speaking of which, the lady suddenly smiled and said: "You are very good, actually made Mrs. Ben interested. You are a talent. If you are willing, the deity can even train you to a higher level and become the next generation of real. God of Danting may also be. Even Qingying, the deity can make her your partner. "

How did Xiao Nai Wan Wan think that this lady actually said this in the end.

If the lady was soliciting herself before, Xiao Naihe did not have any psychic fluctuations.

But in the end, Xiao Nai suddenly felt strangely strange even when Qingying was even sent out to become a fellow.

This is not to say that Xiao Nai was moved, but that this woman was willing to even her own daughter, and wanted to recruit herself, just afraid of other ideas.

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