Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2305: Ready to leave

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A few days later, Xiao Naihe will retreat in Yantian Pavilion for a short period of time.

He has dealt with the wife of God and the father and son of stars for several days. These three people are all top-level characters. Even if Xiao Nai is strong and deep, he will inevitably feel a little tired.

He was exhausted a lot of energy and could only recover by retreating.

Fortunately, there are miraculous artifacts such as Taikoo Leichi in his body. Through the active power of Leichi and the vitality of all things and living rice, Xiao Nai can recover in a short time.

If there is no Taikoo Leichi and all living things rice, Xiao Nai wants to recover the energy he consumes, just afraid it will take a long time.

"However, this first plane can't stay for a long time. I want to find a way to leave. I won't be able to come back again and pick up some other people until I practice to a passive peak in other days."

Xiao Naihe's idea is very clear, he has offended many people now, whether it is the star king or the wife of God, his strength is much higher than himself.

If you stay here again, you will fall into a passive situation. Once you are targeted, you will be too late to resist.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe's idea was to first take Yan Tiange away and make it into the Moonlight Battleship.

Wait until you have achieved a passive peak in the future, then come back and take away some people.

For example, the people of Danyuefeng who had been in the small world for a period of time before, and there are thousands of worlds in the moonlight battleship, still enough to accommodate these people.

This is also the maximum that Xiao Nai can achieve. As for others, he can hardly accept it. With a sinister heart, Xiao Naihe does not have that ability and can save everyone.


Xiao Nai He suddenly sighed softly. Since he stepped into the passive realm, he has never been forced into this field.

Even if they are the three sons, the Son of Creation, and Chen Ming, they work together to deal with themselves, Xiao Nai has no fear.

But now a wife and star of God, Xiao Naiho can only leave first, avoiding the edge, and it is still a matter of strength.

If the strength is not enough and the fist is not big, then it has to be restrained and pinched.

"But now with my cultivation base, it is almost impossible to go further in this first plane. On the other hand, to Taiyu's other planes, there are countless opportunities and greater confidence in achieving the passive peak. This idea is not a bad thing. "

Xiao Nai thought a little, and things were mixed.

He knows that sooner or later he will leave this world of thousands, because his current strength, with the strength of the first plane, can not support himself to step into the peak of the passive.

Since the last time the core of the earth was stabbed by the pedestrian of the Sansheng and the Son of Nature, Shouyuan in this first plane has become less and less.

"I do n’t know what the other planes of Taiyu are like? Although I have the memory of Nineteenth Heavenly Palace, but after all, I stepped into Taiyu personally. Taiyu, you still have to be careful. "

Xiao Nai thought about it for a while and felt that it was not too late. It is better to act first. The longer you stay here, the more dangerous you will be.

It is a pity that I have just settled the Yantian Pavilion, and now I will lead people to run. The kind of drop, even Xiao Nai feels helpless.

Without further ado, Xiao Naihe wanted to leave today.

He first found Qiuyue Xin, Shiquan Old Man, and Fumengwu Father and Daughter.

"Sect Master Xiao came to us, is there anything to be ordered?"

Hu Mengwu haha ​​smiled, sitting squinting below, hiding the light in his eyes.

During this time, Humengwu stayed in the Yantian Pavilion. The longer he stayed, the more extraordinary the Yantian Pavilion was.

Although Yantian Pavilion is now only a rising force, in addition to Xiao Naihe and another little girl in Zongmen, most of them are high-level seniors.

However, Hu Mengwu thought that Yan Tiange had only two people of passive realm. Not long ago, he found that there was a mysterious man who exuded a domineering aura, like a wild and beastly power, and his strength was no longer his own. under.

This surprised Hu Mengwu slightly.

One of the three passive powerhouses, in a world like this today, such forces are almost comparable to the most powerful forces in God Realm.

That's why Fu Mengwu became more and more curious about Xiao Naihe. He wondered how this young man had such a powerful man.

"Yes, I have a few people here today. It's really something. I've decided to leave this first plane."

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of the old man of Shiquan suddenly widened and said, "Is Mr. Xiao preparing to enter Taiyu and go to that mysterious secret realm?"

Before, Hu Mengwu handed Xiao Naihe a piece of the secret realm, which was the key to the secret realm.

These four people are still very interested in the mysterious secret realm.

After all, from the description of Fu Mengwu, that mysterious secret realm seems to be a mysterious treasure place where the masters are strong and the passive strong men erected.

If you can enter it, it might be a huge opportunity.

Rao is the heart of Qiuyue, but also a little yearning. She is also very enthusiastic about monasticism. If there is a chance to go to a higher level, she is naturally unwilling to let go of the opportunity.

Otherwise, Qiuyue's heart wouldn't be iron-hearted at first, and Xiao Nai went to forget the country.

"Mysterious realm ... to be honest, I don't recommend that you go in now."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Fumengwu and Elder Shiquan suddenly froze and looked at each other, and some ideas inevitably came into their minds.

Especially Fu Mengwu, he even thought that Xiao Nai had collected his things, and wanted to turn his face away from people, and his face suddenly looked pale.

Xiao Naihe looked at the two of them and said slowly: "That mysterious realm, among which there are many passive practitioners, once anything happens, even I can't protect you."

The reason for this idea is that the ancient war that Xiao Naihe saw in the burial ground of Xinghe, Yuan, Emperor, and Yi seems to have something to do with the mysterious origin and mystery.

If it was really what he had guessed, then the secret of origin is too dangerous.

At the beginning, Huang Lin said that after he stepped into the peak of passiveness, he would definitely find Huang Lin and let him take himself to the secret realm of origin.

It is said that Bai inorganic didn't seem to go there either.

That's why Xiao Nai felt that place was too dangerous.

Even Xiao Naihe feels dangerous now, not to mention the other four people, once something happens inside. Xiao Nai was afraid that she could not take care of them.

Hu Mengwu's complexion kept changing, and Shiquan's old man was similar.

These two people have been in the passive state for many years. They feel that it is too difficult to go further. If there is no big chance, it is almost impossible to go to a higher level.

But that mysterious realm is the best opportunity. If you miss the opportunity, there will be no more. There may be danger, but danger and opportunity have always coexisted.

"How is it going? What do you say?"

Xiao Naihe felt that the two men seemed unwilling.

But he also knows that the two men regard the mysterious secret realm as their great chance.

Just as before, Xiao Naiho thought that the secret place of origin was his chance.

"Mr. Xiao, what you said makes sense. But we still want to spell it out. There was no smooth sailing on the road, even if it was dangerous, I have to gamble."

Hu Mengwu gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind.

The next husband Meng Yurong didn't speak, and he also tended to his father.

Elder Shiquan nodded: "Brother Humon said it was reasonable, and the path of the path was to act against the sky, and there was a lot of danger. If you were afraid of danger, it wouldn't make any sense. The husband also had to try it, regardless of life or death. "

"Well, since you said so, I won't persuade you any more. At that time, I will find the mysterious realm by some means and send you in."

Xiao Naihe knew that when he said this, they did not listen and there was no need to persuade them anymore.

The road is your own choice.

Only Qiuyue's heart next to him, blinking in a pair of beautiful eyes, revealed a struggling look.

She actually prefers to stay with Xiao Naihe. Although Xiao Naihe already has a buddy, she also wants to fight for it.

Anyway, many monks have more than one partner.

But Qiuyue's heart also wanted to be in that mysterious realm, and she didn't know how to choose for a while, which was very complicated.

Next, Xiao Naihe told Yun Weixue this matter.

After listening to Yun Weixue, he also fully supported Xiao Naihe's approach.

In fact, Xiao Naihe does anything, Yun Weixue certainly supports it, and Xiao Naihe himself knows this.

Soon, Yantian Pavilion also knew to leave the wild continent temporarily.

Xiao Naihe didn't tell them too many things, but only told them that if they want to go to Taiyu, whoever wants to follow the past, they can go together.

If you are unwilling, you can stay in this first place.

However, Xiao Naihe has become a symbol in the Yantian Pavilion, without any exception, everyone is willing to follow Xiao Naihe.

In fact, most people also have a curiosity about Taiyu, thinking that a trip to Taiyu may not be a good thing.

"Sect Master, when are you going to leave?"

The person who spoke was Tian Taotong.

Since Tian Taotong turned to Xiao Naihe, he quickly integrated into Yantian Pavilion.

There is also Zulong, which is not shown in the form of a real body.

It can be said that after Yantian Pavilion, no one except Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue knew the origin of Tian Daotong and Zu Long.

As soon as these two people heard that Xiao Nai was going to Taiyu, the spirit came at once.

Zu Long and Tian Daotong have never heard of Taiyu, and there are other planes. If it is not for this ability, it is estimated that the two of you will have to find a way to leave this plane.

Xiao Naihe glanced and said in a deep voice: "Now!"

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