Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2308: Peak circuit rotation (below)

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When the Lady of God gave a shock, suddenly the whole person jumped up, and the ocean of light in the starry sky was converged.

Various strange runes appeared on her, and these runes flew and merged into her body.

At this point, the entire Lady of God seems to be showing a very cautious state.

"Is that the mysterious strongman by Xiao Naihe? The deity has been waiting for you for a long time."

The Lady of God exhaled, sounded like thunder, ignoring the vacuum environment.

But her thunder sound spread, and the so-called mysterious person did not show up, and even no movement happened.

Xiao Nai He was also very shocked in his heart, because the mysterious strongman said by the Lady of God was referring to Gongsun Yan.

Isn't Gongsun Yan in the inner world of his own chaotic Tianshi? How could it appear.

But who is this person who saved himself just now? You know, the person who can break the magical power of the Lady of God is at least not under the strength of the Lady of God.

This is what Xiao Naiho is most shocked by, who actually saved himself, and is still a strong passive peak.

"Don't you come out? I don't see how the deity wants to kill Xiao Naihe. If you don't come out, then the deity will start again."

Just when Xiao Naihe's thoughts were floating, the hand of the Lady of God was about to be grabbed. Before this time, the momentum was even stronger, and he directly grabbed Xiao Naihe's right leg.

Xiao Naihe felt a sigh of sorrow and quickly turned on the magical power, so she had to crotch down.

At this time, the electric light flashed for a moment, and a star burst was spreading in the depths of the void. This star burst continuously evolved in mid-air, and finally turned into a sword gas.

The sword is like a rainbow, and the mountains and rivers are settled.

Xiao Naiho just felt this sword spirit, and seemed to ignore any existence, and could pierce the starry sky, kill all the powerful, and wrap the passive peak.

This sword spirit also made the Lady of God's heart move suddenly, and the look on her face changed instantly.

"Stop it for me."

Subsequently, the Lady of the Palm took a shot, and the force of the roots was abruptly formed, forming a wall of light in the starry sky.

This wall of light blocked this sword energy, and issued a kind of power to shake the galaxy and destroy all existence.

Xiao Nai took two steps back, and he did not expect that this man who rescued himself actually showed such a terrible power.

"Where should I feel this breath?"

Xiao Naihe frowned slightly, at this moment, he seemed to be very familiar with the breath of the mysterious man.

He had definitely seen this mysterious man, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

"The moon sinks west!"

The lady of God turned around in the air, five fingers followed by Chen Ming and a huge seal.

Fayin flew into motion, and two swishes flew towards Xiao Naihe.

The mysterious man has not yet appeared, and the best way for the Lady of God to deal with the mysterious man is to cause Xiao Naiho to be in danger, which can lead to the existence of the mysterious master.

But Mrs. God thought so, but suddenly heard a very weird hum, an ancient, vicissitudes, desolate feeling instantly surging.

Xiao Naiho seemed to feel that he had entered a desert, and the whole person was walking in the desert.

The strong qi came from the seal of the Lady of God, but when it entered the void, it suddenly seemed to dissipate, and was drowned by this ancient breath.

Xiao Nai suddenly changed his face, because he was already guessing who the person who saved himself was.

Because he has a celestial star map, and also has a strong calculation ability.

When the mysterious man shot again, the celestial star chart directly shook.

This kind of jitter Xiao Nai did not encounter for the first time. The last time I encountered it was when I saw Huang Lin.

Yes, it is Huang Lin.

Xiao Nai He suddenly had an idea in mind and saved his own person, is it Huang Lin.

But the relationship between the Lady of God and Huang Lin is very close. How could it be Huang Lin?

Huang Lin attacked the Lady of God and rescued herself. Xiao Naiho only felt too ridiculous.

But reason tells himself that this person who rescued him must be Huang Lin.

Only Huang Lin would let Xiao Nai feel this way.


Xiao Naihe no matter whether this mysterious man is Huang Lin or not, he now has only one idea, that is to go.

If you don't leave at this time, it would be a fool.

Xiao Naihe knew that she must not be the opponent of the Lady of God, or she left the Lady of God to the mysterious Emperor Lin.


At this time, Xiao Nai tore a ray of light from the depths of the starry sky, and turned into a void crack.

This void crack was shrouded in, and Xiao Naiho went directly into it.

This time, Mrs. God did not act, because all his attention seemed to be focused on the mysterious man.

The mysterious man was hidden in the starry sky, and did not shoot, and the Lady of God did not dare to move easily.

Because she was able to feel the strong and unmatched taste in the breath just now.

This mysterious man is more dangerous than Xiao Naihe.


Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in front of the Lady of the Lord. This flash of light directly separated the Lady of the Lord, as if a light cut through the boundary of the void, resulting in two different star planes.

Finally, the Lady of God was isolated.

When she wanted to feel the breath of the mysterious person again, she found that the breath of the other person disappeared, and it seemed that she really left.

"Who is this person? Why is his breath so familiar? I must have seen him. But I didn't think about it for a while. The other party seemed to be deliberately concealing it from me, directly erasing his own existence.

The Lady of God is sure that she must have seen the mysterious man, but the mysterious man does not want to let himself know his identity, but deliberately erases the breath of his own existence.

That is why the Lady of God cannot calculate the identity of the other party.

"The situation has changed. I did not expect that there is such a master in this first plane. What does this person have to do with Xiao Nai?"

Madame God's brow furrowed slightly, looking a little anxious.


In a certain corner that the Lady of the Lord did not know, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared on a floating meteorite.

This figure slowly appeared, showing the appearance of Huang Lin.

Sure enough, the other party was the same as Xiao Naihe's conjecture, really Huang Lin.

At this moment, I only heard Huang Lin's low voice whispering to herself, saying with a blank tone: "Xiao Nai He, you'd better not let me down and live up to the grace I saved you today."

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