Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2323: Suzaku Academy (Part 1)

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After that, Gong Yueling took Xiao Naihe and the little girl Yile away.

They originally wanted to follow Qiu Wei, but Gong Yueling did not agree. She said that Red Moon City now needs their protection.

Again and again, Qiu Wei and Bai Ming could only agree because they also needed to recover from the injury and should not leave.

This time the Three-Eyed Demon is in an unexpected situation, and Gong Yueling has also considered what he has to do, and must go back as soon as possible.

"Why don't you let me take some people away?"

On the way, Gong Yueling suddenly asked.

She has a Taoist implement that can be turned into a carriage, traveling a million miles a day.

With this Taoist weapon, you can go back soon.

As for what she just asked, it was actually aimed at Xiao Naihe.

Before Xiao Nai had a rest, she had sent a voice to Gong Yueling, so that she should not take her own guards anymore, it would be better to walk alone.

As for Yile, Gong Yueling must be taken. The two of them are sisters, and it is not safe to separate Gong Yueling.

"Sister, what are you talking about? I don't understand?"

Yile was confused. She thought Gong Yueling was talking to herself.

Gong Yueling smiled slightly and touched Yile's head.

Xiao Naihe took a break and temporarily recovered his spirit. At this time, he still couldn't move around casually, but it was no problem to speak.

"You think why I didn't let you take them away, but let all the guards around you stay?" Xiao Naihe smiled.

As soon as he heard Xiao Nai talking, Yile jumped up in a sudden, his face surprised, his eyes wide.

"How did you wake up? When did you wake up?"

"Yele, don't be rude, don't talk first, I have something to say with this brother."


Gong Yueling shook his face, and Yile dared not speak.

For Gong Yueling, Yi Le has always been very obedient. Now Gong Yue Ling keeps himself from speaking, but Yi Le really dare not speak, but a pair of lovely eyes have been turning around Xiao Naihe, as if looking at what.

"Although I don't know about your Jiugong family or why the three-eyed demon wanted to catch you, don't you think things are wrong?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head: "I was already awake when you saved me, and I heard some of your words, and probably guessed something. This time you came to the Red Moon City, no one should know That ’s right! "

"Not many people know, all of them are Jiugong family."

"Then think about it. Since you don't know many people, you are all from the Jiugong family. Why did you ambush this time just outside the Red Moon City?"

Hearing this, Gong Yueling's face suddenly changed.

She is also an extremely intelligent woman. Xiao Naihe is so clear. If she still can't hear Xiao Naihe's meaning, then she is simply a pig.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe say this, Gong Yueling felt quite reasonable.

Recalling the three-eyed demon, from controlling the Red Moon City to ambushing, the distribution is orderly.

This time I traveled, the only people I knew were the Jiugong family and the guards around her, but obviously I didn't know many people, but I was still ambushed.

Recalling this, Rao Shigong Ling didn't worry much before, and began to feel something was wrong.

"I came out of the Jiugong family this time, coming from the Jiugong family flying boat" Jiugong ", but there was a little trouble on the way of the" Jiugong "and could only land in the Red Moon Desert. As you say, Is it ... "

"I'm guessing that the flying boat you're sitting on should be passive, and it's an exquisite calculation that you will definitely pass through the Red Moon Desert. The people who can do these things are only those of your Jiugong family, because they are the only ones. Know your whereabouts. "

Gong Yueling took a breath, she vaguely felt something wrong, but Xiao Naihe hadn't explained it, and she couldn't say anything.

As Xiao Naihe said, Gong Yueling has indeed taken these into consideration.

Regardless of whereabouts or flight ship failure, these things are separated, and it is not strange to see.

But together, there is a big problem.

Even the little girl Yi Le called out, "Sister, are you talking about the truth? Is there a thief in our Jiugong house?"

Although Yile is young, she is a cultivator after all, and she has been trained by the Jiugong family for a long time, and she is relatively precocious.

It's just that she has a more cheerful personality. In fact, she is also a clever and clever woman, otherwise she won't cultivate to the supremacy level, and anyone who can cultivate to the supremacy level is simple.

"Not only your Jiugong family, but the guards around you are also very likely, so this time I will not let them follow."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said.

Yi Le's eyes widened and said: "We understand these words, but you have a thief in one sentence, what evidence is there? Anyway, your origin is not clear, I think you are also very suspicious."

"Yile, don't allow nonsense, this ... this ... he won't harm us, I believe him."

After thinking for a while, Gong Yueling didn't know Xiao Naihe's name and could only do it.

However, Gong Yueling also knew that Xiao Naihe was definitely not the one who hurt her. Today, they were just the first time they met. Second, if they really wanted to harm her, they did n’t have to point themselves at them, and drove away the Three Eyes. people.

This man is definitely more credible than the guards around her, and even some people in the Jiugong family.

"I'm just talking about it." Yi Le grunted.

"This time, you'd better not go back to the Jiugong family first. Before the matter is clear, no one in your Jiugong family can be trusted, including the guards around you."

"Then where are we going now?" Yile could not help asking.

Gong Yueling nodded and said slowly: "This is a problem. The Jiugong family does not leave for the time being. We can go to Suzaku College."

"Yeah, we can go to Suzaku College, and when we get there, we don't have to be afraid of being targeted, because Suzaku College is definitely the safest." Yi Le clapped with a smile.

"Suzaku Academy?"

"You don't know Suzaku Academy?" This time Gong Yueling's turn was startled.

In the longevity world, there may be many people who do not know the Jiugong family.

But people who don't know Suzaku Academy, basically don't.

Because the identity of the Suzaku Academy is one of the most powerful colleges in the Terran League, the heritage is much deeper than the Jiugong family.

So when he heard that Xiao Nai did not know Suzaku College, Gong Yueling was really startled.

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly in his heart.

How could he know Suzaku Academy.

Because his memory of the longevity world is partly merged from the memory of the life of a certain Tiangong world master, and the other part is obtained from the memory of Xingzu.

But in the memory of these two people, there is indeed no news of Suzaku College. It is estimated that Suzaku College appeared before they left the longevity world.

"Where are you from the countryside? Suzaku College doesn't know. This is one of the most famous colleges in the longevity world."

Yi Le couldn't help but shouted his fists.

Xiao Naihe shook his head: "To be honest, I am a long-term retreat cultivator, because I am hiding in the mountains to practice and rarely touch the outside, so I don't know the direction of some forces in the longevity world. The reason why I will faint at the Red Moon this time In the desert, it is also because during the process of cultivation, getting rid of the magic has caused the power in the body to disappear. "

"It turned out that I was wondering, how can you, an ordinary person, change such a subtle formation." Gong Yueling suddenly realized.

She also believed in Xiao Naihe's words, because Xiao Naihe's current appearance really resembled what she showed after her power disappeared.

"In our human race alliance, there are four colleges. Because of the war among the clan, humanity is the weak side. To cultivate their elite, the human race opened four colleges hundreds of years ago. They are Qinglong College and Suzaku. College, Baihu College, and Xuanwu College. These four colleges are the largest colleges under the human race, and they are more powerful than those of the big schools. They recruit the best students of the entire human race and cultivate elites for the development of the human race. "

Gong Yueling gave a slight pause and said again: "These four colleges are an important stronghold of the Terran League, which is definitely the safest. Because some masters of the Terran are distributed among the four colleges. But I listen Say, it seems that the Terran League recently opened a new generation of colleges, and I do n’t know what kind of college it is? "

"It turns out that it seems that we are safe when we get to Suzaku Academy."

"Hey, we are safe, but you may not." Yile smiled mysteriously.


"Because the admission of Suzaku College is very strict, it is stipulated that outsiders cannot enter and leave at will, otherwise they will be beheaded by the masters of the college. Even the most powerful big family and the descendants of the big door, once they get inside, they cannot take people at will. Go in and bring in droves. "

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, he understood this.

Dare to love is not qualified to enter the Suzaku College. If so, this is not good news for Xiao Nai.

Now he needs to rely on Gong Yueling's help in a short time.

"Relax, although Suzaku Academy has such a rule, there is another rule, as long as you reach the ranks of advanced formation, you can bring an assistant. I have not wasted this quota, so I can let you follow in."

"Thank you so much."

"No, this time if it is not for your help, otherwise things may be very difficult to say."

Gong Yueling sighed softly. If it weren't for Xiao Naihe's final instructions on his formation, he changed the formation map of the Nine Palaces' serial formation. I was afraid that he would have been taken away by the three-eye demon.

Speaking of that, Gong Yueling wants to take this almost, to test whether Xiao Naihe is a Faxian, even if not, to see if he is a Venerable.

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