Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2325: Trouble (on)

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Competition is unavoidable anywhere.

Where there are people, there is competition.

From the realm to the realm, to the mortal world. People are competing.

There can be progress only if there is competition. Without competition, that person's existence is much less meaningful.

Especially within the scope of advanced comprehension, there is a lot of competition between them.

"Although the Terran League has said that it is not possible to fight inside, but at Suzaku College, and even several other colleges, some people will compete to lose their lives. This is everyone's eyes closed."

"Forget about that, Xiao Naihe, come, I will take you to Suzaku College. You are now my assistant. From today, do n’t expose too many other things. Suzaku College is actually very complicated. Although it is safe inside, there are still various factions. "

Although the human races have begun to join forces, it seems that a habit that has been cultivated for so many years, the human races all hope to form parties, fight for each other, and fight for each other.

Even in this complex situation, these things are still inevitable.

"When we arrive, Suzaku College is in front."

At this moment, after hearing Gong Yueling's words, Xiao Naihe's eyes moved and looked towards the front.

A huge academy appeared in front of me. In front of me, there was a Suzaku engraved with a black stone, turned into a stone carving, and a blaze of blue flames dyed on it, showing a sense of coercion.

Although this is not a real Suzaku, it is engraved with some strange black stone.

But now when Xiao Nai sees this Suzaku stone sculpture, he has a feeling, as if the Suzaku stone sculpture in front of him is really alive and lively, and may rush into the sky at any time.

"This is the dean who got a piece of heavenly black stone and carved it out. Although it is not a real Suzaku, it is better than a real Suzaku. It is said that there were some people who wanted to steal this Suzaku stone carving. Come over and cry with a huge flame, and they will all be burned to ashes in an instant. And the few gangsters are still strong in the early passive period. "

At this time, Gong Yueling's face also appeared faintly with admiration.

The Dean of Suzaku College is arguably the most famous among them.

Dean Shenlong sees no end, many people have never seen the dean of the accurate academy, and even the dean's appearance is unknown.

But they know that as long as the dean is in Suzaku College, no one will come to offend Suzaku College.

The Dean is like Dinghai Shenzhen, which stabilizes everything in Suzaku College.

The Suzaku he carved was actually modeled after his mount.

Because the dean of Suzaku College actually has a Suzaku mount, although this mount is not the kind of pure blood race in the legend, it is still very powerful.

As long as everyone sees this Suzaku statue, it is indeed easy to be attracted by this invisible coercion.

"Suzaku College has a huge land area, and half of the entire Suzaku Town is classified as Suzaku College. It can be said that Suzaku College is because of the Suzaku College. One."

Between speaking, Gong Yueling thought, because her eyes flashed, she seemed to see something.

At this time, their carriage had just arrived at Suzaku College, and they saw a faint red gas swaying in the sky.

"What's that? I want to check it out first."

"It should be when someone breaks through, his own mind changed a bit, directly changed the practice of cultivation, and finally stepped over." Xiao Naihe looked unchanged,

He has seen this phenomenon many times. When he was transformed from the Ninefold Realm into a half-step passive, such a phenomenon had occurred, but the movement at that time was much larger than it is now.

At that time, the whole heaven and earth seemed to be fused into their bodies, with a white glow, and the source flickered, almost equivalent to the kind of weather that really stepped into the passive state.

At present, Suzaku College doesn't know what breakthrough it has, but the phenomenon it produced is not as big as Xiao Naihe's original.

"Wait, please show your student ID."

The two men at the door stopped Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling with a blank expression: "Sorry, please show your student ID."

It is not too simple to get something in the student ID in the hands of some people, but it is more like a certificate when placed on Gong Yueling.

The Suzaku Academy is very strict in itself, and the student ID is an item they represent.

In Suzaku College, only accreditation is not recognized.

"Look at it."

Gong Yueling and the little girl Yi Le directly handed over their student Zhang to the person in front of them.

This person looked at this person and glanced at the student ID, nodded and said, ‘It ’s really Suzaku ’s thing at the college. "

Little girl Yile is a student of Suzaku College, although it is far from being comparable to others in terms of details.

"The two of you can go in, but this person I want to check." The first guard pointed at Xiao Naihe suddenly said.

Gong Yueling could not help but froze for a moment, and quickly said: "This person is my assistant, I think he should be able to come in."

"This, Miss Gong did not know that in the Suzaku College, everything must be checked. Recently, there have been some thefts in the Suzaku College. The college suspects that there are aliens, so we have a responsibility. Please forgive Ms. Gong. "

One heard the words of this guard, and at this time Gong Yueling suddenly became unhappy, his face became very ugly, he looked at the guard deadly and shouted, "You mean that my assistant is a thief?" "

Ren Renren said that no one would be happy.

Xiao Nai didn't have an expression on his face, but he still had some words in his heart.

"Miss Gong don't make us embarrassed, we have to check it."

"You guys, can't you treat college students like this?"

Gong Yueling shouted coldly, a chill appeared on his face.

Xiao Naihe is now her half benefactor, so Xiao Naihe suffers such humiliation, where did she go for it?

"Forget it, Miss Gong, let these two people check it out."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and there was nothing precious in him-and the cultivation base was only to return to the supremacy of the duality, and he would not be discovered by the other party at all.

The two guards nodded and took out something in their hands. This was a mirror, and a white light reflected from the mirror.

The light flickered and then shone on Xiao Naihe.

The constant change in the mirror is like an invisible force turning and turning into small vortexes.

This mirror is to check whether Xiao Naihe has a breath of other races.

However, Xiao Naihe simply put the different avenues in this concentration into a state of degeneration, and then recovered to the uppermost level. The spiritual power in the body was too weak.

The two guards in front of them, at least reached the peak of the sixth heavy.

If this kind of existence is placed in the 3,300 world, I am afraid that all parties are capable.

But placed in front of Suzaku, then it can only serve as a **** for the six-level realm. .

Xiao Nai couldn't help but sigh for a guard with six peaks.

"Without the breath of other races, it seems that the level of cultivators in this world is far beyond my imagination."

After the inspection, Xiao Naihe had no other meaning, and the two could only do it.

"Miss Gong, you can go in."

The two guards hurriedly said that their guards were sometimes really bad.

It can't be said that the two people were really badly mixed, but that some people came by chance, and some people didn't have any chance.

"Hey, when is the majestic Miss Jiu Gong family Gong Yueling, when will you come back? Now it should belong to the holiday, our young lady will actually come back."

An obscure voice suddenly came from the side, Xiao Naihe's eyes moved slightly.

A man walked out from the front, with a dark blue bird-shaped ribbon tied around his waist, a temple with hair like cloud hair, a pair of deep star eyes, and a strong body.

This person's eyes are like lightning, and various types of flames are constantly growing in his eyes,

Xiao Naihe estimated that this person's strength has reached the upper limit of the eighth level, and there is a force that is swallowed up by the other party, it seems that they are restraining each other.

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and he saw that the man suddenly reached out his hand and clapped his hands.

"Wu Yang, why are you here?",

Gong Yueling's face changed.

This man is called Wu Yang, and his relationship with Gong Yueling is not very good at this time.

Both of them are formation mage, and their strength is equal, both are senior formation mage.

The resources between two people have always been competing.

That's why, so the two of them are very disgusted with each other, and they want to know how to depress the other every time.

Some time ago, Wu Yang was said to have realized the rhythm of the Jiuzhong Realm, and he could break through directly in a short time. This news is very bad for Gong Yueling.

Gong Yueling said coldly: "Wu Yang, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, and you are still obedient and don't mess up."

"Hey, Gong Yueling, are you using radical techniques?"

"You don't need to excite‘ me ’, I do n’t have time to talk to you today.”

After that, Gong Yueling, the little girl Yile and Xiao Naihe walked towards it.

And it was at this time that he was about to leave.

"Miss Gong, you don't need to be so anxious. I heard that you are like me, and you have all reached the senior formation master, and your nine palace family is still a famous formation master, so I want to compete with you.

"Guidance? This is not Yanwutai, don't you want to do it?"

The eyes of these two people flickered, as if two flashes of lightning collided in the void.

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