Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2332: Dao Wizards?

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Tianlianxincao soon came over there.

Xiao Naihe grabbed this day lotus heart grass, a little force, a stream of fine element then flowed out of the body.

I saw a red and blue light released from Tianlianxincao and injected into Xiao Naihe's body.

In order to prevent him from being seen by the old man, Xiao Naihe directly used the red and blue yin and yang breath in his palm to directly pour into the Dan furnace, and began to "crack" it pretendingly.

In fact, he was refining the effects of Tianlianxincao to make up for his lack of spirituality.

"Has it started?"

Shangguan Jiajia also calmed down at this time. Her eyes were on Xiao Naihe. She fixed her eyes on Xiao Naihe and seemed to analyze Xiao Naihe.

But no matter how you look at it, you can't see anything famous, because Xiao Naihe at this time has already introduced the power of Yin and Yang from Tianlianxincao into the body.

Feeling that there was an extra sperm in his body, Xiao Naihe knew that he could start.

"Yin Yang transformation, Promise Dao!"

Between the words, Xiao Naihe reached out his hand, and a red and blue light was drawn from the red furnace.

The real fire underneath seemed to stop burning.

At that moment, it seemed that time in the void had stopped.

Xiao Nai He thought, and one of them released a golden light from his heart.

Although he is not as good as before, Wu Dao Dao is still there. With the power of Dao Yun, he introduced the Dantu into the Dan furnace and directly changed Dan Tu's path. This is the easiest way.

If there are no special abilities with no maximum, Xiao Nai needs to crack the sacred figure in this sacred furnace, at least half-step passive.

This is why Xiao Naihe said that the people who can crack this dantu are basically the existence of a fairy.


At this time, the entire Danlu seemed to come alive, and made a sound of tweet, just like a yellow bird!

Later, I saw that Danlu actually started to shake, and there seemed to be something to rush out of.

At first glance, Shangguan Jiajia felt anxious.

However, she did not act rashly. She also knew that it would be best not to disturb Xiao Naiho at this time, otherwise if Xiao Naihe failed because of her own interruption, it would really be worth the loss.

Just looking at the anxious expression of Shangguan Jiajia, Grandpa He sighed softly, in fact, he had no bottom in his heart.

Although he already believed that Xiao Naihe might have a way to crack the Dantu in this panacea, but that kind of confidence was not much, because Xiao Naihe's cultivation practice was indeed too weak.

Four levels of supremacy, in the college, this four levels of supremacy is just a poor grade.

And it was this kind of "poor student" who actually said that he could crack Dantu, which made Father He feel a little unbelievable.

But it is useless to stop him now, because Xiao Naihe has already reached a certain level of enthusiasm.

Above Xiao Naihe's head, layers of white smoke also appeared.

The moment the white smoke rises, it seems to burn everything.

This anger was actually drawn from the red furnace.

There is a pure fire attribute hidden in the Dantu, that is, this pure fire attribute will prevent the speed of the alchemy furnace.

Originally, alchemy is essential.

But Danhuo won't work one point more, nor will it work.

There are not many pure fires, but it happens that because of this pure fire, it is the biggest cause of the unsuccessful alchemy.

"It seems that when he was practicing alchemy with Old Master He, he did not pay attention to this pure fire, and mistakenly thought that it was due to his own fire, and subconsciously entered a misunderstanding. Otherwise, he may really let him crack it first."

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

Then I only saw Xiao Naihe grabbed the pure fire in the red furnace and led it out.

Above his head, a variety of strange arrays appeared, flashing a picture of stars.

This is Xiao Naihe's astronomical star map, which simulates the array in this golden furnace, so that he can better control the route in the golden map.

"What's this? Grandpa He, can you tell?" Shangguan Jiajia couldn't help but transmit the voice to Grandpa He.

But at this time, Old Master He stared at the Dantu above Xiao Naihe's head with horror.

"This is the Dan figure in the Dan furnace, yes, I have seen the appearance of this Dan figure, but because this Dan figure is hidden in the depths, I ca n’t go in deeply, so I just looked at a rough look. But Not only did this kid see clearly, but he was able to fully simulate it ... This kid, could it be that the Dodge Wizards failed? When did they get more such a Dodge Wizards in the Daoyuan? "

Grandpa He exhaled deeply.

On Dan Dao, his father He can be ranked in the Suzaku Academy.

But in terms of formation, Grandpa He is not very familiar.

But Mr. He also understands that it is very difficult to practice either the formation or the Dan Dao.

Even practice in practice is much more difficult than alchemy.

This is why in the longevity world, the number of array teachers is not as good as that of Dan.

The gold content of a Zhenzun is even comparable to a few Danzun.

And this young boy, who seems to be just a student of Front School, has this kind of front talent. This is what made Master He feel shocked.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if this kid's talent for Dan Dao is as good as his talent for Dao."

Grandpa He thought about this with regret.

But at this time, Xiao Naihe didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, because he had cracked the Dantu in the Dan furnace, and he had reached a heated situation.

In the last step, Xiao Naihe opened his eyes, grasped his five fingers in the void, and suddenly released a mass of energy from his fingers.


After a light drink, the Dan furnace then stopped shaking, and the pure fire drawn by Xiao Nai He gradually disappeared, and the Dan figure above his head had also turned into nothingness.

Xiao Naihe's face looked slightly pale.

He smiled bitterly, it seems he still overestimated himself.

This time, some fine elements were lost. If it were not for Tianlianxincao, Xiao Naihe estimated that he didn't even have enough ability to support himself to crack the Dantu.

Once it fails, the things in this furnace are finished.

It seems that my previous request is still a bit useful.

"It's alright, Father He, you can bring in Danhuo. It's better to refining it today, so that Dantu will not eat back when you get it."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief and said suddenly.

Mr. He nodded and hurried over.

On the one hand, Shangjia Jiajia secretly said in his heart: "This Xiao Nai, what kind of Dodge Wizards really can't succeed?"

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