Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2335: Front Rock

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"This person is also in the early stage of passiveness. Are all the teachers in a college at least passive? Is this Suzaku College too strong?"

Xiao Nai He was secretly surprised.

The two people he met were all predecessors in Suzaku Academy, both in the early passive period.

This is only superficial. There are still many seniors in Suzaku College. If everyone is a passive state, that Suzaku College is probably more powerful than Xiao Nai thought.

Before Xiao Nai thought that a Suzaku Academy, no matter how powerful it is, at most it is the general details of the first plane of the Nine Heavens.

But did not think of a Suzaku Academy, which may hide many passive strong.

Even the master of Nine Heavens and Passive Realm can count with one hand.

The details of this Suzaku Academy are much stronger than those of Nine Heavens.

"Gong Yueling's assistant? Test it first, and follow the rules in the academy."

Chen Wuji stood up. Although he was a little surprised at Xiao Naihe's performance just now, he does not arbitrarily put joy and anger on his face.

"Academic test?"

This point Xiao Naihe has never heard from Gong Yueling. Why do you need to test to become Gong Yueling's assistant?

Chen Wuji did not know what Xiao Nai thought, but he still explained: "Suzaku Academy, although it is a human race for the entire longevity world, but our Suzaku College only recruits elites, it is to strive for excellence, train human masters, and serve the human race . So some people with poor talents, our Suzaku College does not charge. "

After a slight pause, Chen Wuji continued: "Also, this is not just the Suzaku College, it is the same in several other colleges. Because it is impossible to waste too much energy, but to train some people who don't have much talent and can only enjoy their success."

Xiao Nai nodded, knowing Chen Wuji in his heart.

Instead, Xiao Naihe, I'm afraid he will make the same choice.

After this period of time, Xiao Naihe has sorted out the current situation in the longevity world.

A human race in the longevity world is in a precarious position and is in a state that will be destroyed by people at any time.

It is not that the human race has no masters, but that the human race does not have much living space at present, and the other races seem to have reached an agreement, they can compete with each other, but once they encounter the human race, they will all put hostility on the human race. .

This is because the human race long ago occupied the dominant position in the longevity world for a long time, resulting in the hostility of the other tribes in the longevity world.

This hostility is inherited from the bones and cannot be changed at all.

Compared with the first plane, the chaos in the longevity world is one heaven and one earth.

If the longevity world is a battlefield on earth, the first plane is simply a paradise without death.

"The assessment is very simple. Most assistants of the Academy are not recruited by the Suzaku College itself, so if the test fails, you cannot stay at the Suzaku College. And this assessment is mainly based on the assessment of the Academy."

Gong Yueling is a member of the Daoyuan Academy. Xiao Naihe was introduced to the Daoyuan Academy by Gong Yueling. Naturally, the evaluation of the Daoyuan Academy was needed. Xiao Naihe could guess even if he didn't hear it.

The assessment of the Confucius Institute is simple and indeed very simple, because there is only one assessment, that is, to test its own sensitivity to formation.

To practice the formation, one must have sufficient sensitivity to the formation, so as to have the ability to develop high-strength formations.

If the sensitivity to the formation is higher, the talent of the person will be better.

"This is a rock of battlefields. It specifically tests the force sensitivity. There are five different colors. Red has no force, orange fails, yellow passes, green is good, and cyan is excellent."

At this time, I saw Chen Wuji suddenly had a small box in his hand.

The box whirled in the void, releasing a gleam of light. Six different colors of light suddenly flowed out of the box and fell on the ground.

In the end, the box transformed into a rock. There were various formations on the rock, each of which seemed to contain some kind of power.

At the top of the rock, there are six different corners, showing different colors.

"Huh? Is it true that the real rock has five different colors? Why the six corners on the rock have six different colors."

Xiao Naihe pointed to the front end.

Chen Wuji's face moved slightly, and he hadn't spoken yet. He only heard Gong Yueling next to him say: "In fact, Zhendao Rock originally had six different colors, red, orange, yellow, green and cyan Very common. But there is also a special color, that is blue. "

After talking, Gong Yueling put his hand on the formation rock, and the rock suddenly flew out a slightly thin green.

"As long as you put your hand on the formation rock, you can distinguish a person's formation talent according to the color sent out. And the color strength displayed by the formation rock is also graded. Like my current color strength, But it ’s green junior. There will be intermediate and advanced. "

Subsequently, Chen Wuji placed the battlefield rock in front of Xiao Naihe.

"Gong Yueling is right, there are indeed six different colors in Battle Rock. As long as these different colors are used, you can roughly distinguish one's achievements in the future."

"Red and orange, this kind of person basically has no achievements on the front. Even with the efforts of the day after tomorrow, maybe you can get a little bit of the front, but it will not be very strong, and there are very few such people. Yellow It is the qualified level. Most of these people can become the ranks of senior formation mage, and the luck may be higher. Green is the potential of the formation of respect, and even the potential of the fairy. Green is the excellent level, this kind of person There are not many in the formation world, the minimum achievements are the formation of immortals, and even the formation of nothing. "

Talking and talking, the rock in Chen Wuji's hands suddenly released a dazzling green light, and vaguely began to tend to a blue color.

"One thing you have to remember is that the color of the formation rock will slowly change as the formation of the formation increases, and it will gradually change as the talent changes."

Chen Wuji is a high-ranking array of respect, belonging to that kind of foot in the ranks of array cents, as long as there is an opportunity, can break through the ranks of array cents at any time.

"What about the sixth color?"

Xiao Nai suddenly asked, but he had guessed a little clue now.

In the memory he got, although there was any experience of cultivation memory on the front, there was no news about the rock of the front.

It is conceivable that this rock formation should come from a new generation.

"The sixth color, blue?"

Chen Wuji's expression moved slightly, not only him, but even Gong Yueling's face also showed a longing.

Seeing the expressions of these two people, Xiao Naihe already had an idea in his heart, and slowly spit out: "Zhensheng?"

"Yes, the sixth color represents the talent of the Line Saints, that is, the Line Saints. This kind of existence is too few. As far as I know, there has never been a single person in the Suzaku Academy who is testing the Line Rock. Above, there is a blue state. "

Xiao Nai also understands that if there is such a person, let alone Suzaku College, I am afraid that several other colleges will find ways to **** talents over.

Don't look at the fact that these colleges are all developed by the Terran League. In fact, there are also competing relationships among these colleges.

The Human Race Alliance will allocate resources and luck to several different colleges, but how to allocate them will require competition between these colleges.

Although the Terran League has the intention to cultivate elites, their resources are not blown by the wind. Several colleges will decide the amount of distribution through certain contests.

Suzaku College is not at the forefront of the world, but it is not the worst. With the newly opened college, Suzaku College ranks third, followed by Baihu and Xuanwu Colleges.

If Suzaku College really has a battle, then Suzaku College can even be upgraded to the top two of the five colleges at once.

The war between the tribes is no longer determined by the number of people.

Because of a battlefield, only those senior cultivators can decide the outcome.

"Jiansheng is a high-level cultivator. If you cultivate a Jinsheng, then the disadvantage of the human race can even be greatly reversed. This is also the crazy training of elites in several colleges. Their ultimate goal is actually to cultivate Out of the most powerful. "

Chen Wuji gave a soft sigh, a Sheng, almost comparable to the existence of passive peak.

A passive peak can change the status of the human race.

One more passive peak and one less passive peak are two completely different meanings.

If other races have a passive peak, then it will be the end of the human race.

Because between the human race and the various races, the high-level strongman is still in a relatively balanced state, even if there is one more party, it will immediately break this balance.

Among the various races, there are also human races. In fact, they have an unwritten rule. Before breaking this balance, the high-level of either side, that is, the passive peak powerhouse, cannot take action at will. Moving the whole body will cause various reactions.

"Okay, so much explanation, now you can put your hand in the formation rock."

Xiao Nai nodded. In fact, although he was confident about his talents, he was still curious.

This test seems to be useful.

As Xiao Naihe put his palm in the rock of the battlefield, the color on the top slowly appeared,

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