Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2337: First-line difference

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After leaving the Taoist courtyard, Xiao Naihe returned to his residence with Gong Yueling.

Now Xiao Naihe has become Gong Yueling's assistant. Although he is only a nominal assistant, he still lives there.

Of course, it is impossible to live together. Chen Wuji arranged another room for Xiao Naihe to let him lean near Gong Yueling.

In fact, with the strength of Xiao Naihe and the four-fold cultivation practice of the Supreme Realm, it was placed in the Frontal Academy, but it was the entire Suzaku Academy, which can only be said to be at the middle and lower levels.

Normally, Xiao Nai should not have a separate room. Only senior array masters like Gong Yueling, or even higher level array masters, have their own separate rooms.

However, Xiao Nai's test on the battlefield was too weird.

If Xiao Nai is a genius, it is definitely not a loss for Xiao Nai to get a good relationship in time.

But Xiao Nai wasn't a genius in the battlefield. Even if he was given a separate room, there was no loss.

"Six colors, red means there is no talent in the battlefield, and blue means the talent in the legend. These two colors appear at the same time. Why is this Xiao Nai a genius or a waste material?"

Chen Wuji walking on the road suddenly looked strange, thinking for a while, then sighed gently.

The Confucius Institute never accepts students in red, let alone in red, even orange.

But if Xiao Naiho gave up, in case this person's talent is really good, but it hasn't shown up for a while, wouldn't he be a sinner by then?

Genius is still waste material, only the first line difference.

Chen Wuji's thoughts shook his head.

Thinking of Xiao Naihe's only four levels of supremacy, it seems that red performance is more likely. After all, looking at Xiao Naihe's age, people with a bit of talent in Jin Daoyuan have at least reached the six levels of supremacy.

"Xiao Naihe, I hope you don't let me down."

Chen Wuji sighed again. He was now looking for some information about the intersection of the five colors of Xiao Naihe.

I just hope to find out, because he now wants to know why Xiao Nai is a genius or a waste.

Xiao Nai didn't know all this, he had already entered into his room under the arrangement of Chen Wuji.

This room is close to Gongyue Ling's residence, although it is not big, but the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs.

Everything should be there.

Xiao Naihe has no special requirements for his residence, but he takes security seriously.

"These" strange power chaos "are temporarily unavailable, and they have just returned to the four levels of supremacy. They are too anxious and will gobble up instead."

At this time, Xiao Naihe turned over several pills.

These elixirs are all the "strange power chaos" obtained from Shangguan Jiajia. With these elixirs, Xiao Naihe does not need to worry about at least recovering to the resources directly needed by the creator.

Even if the recovery is in good condition, it can be restored to eighth, even nineth in one fell swoop.

After all, ‘Strange Power Chaodan Pill’ belongs to the passive low-level panacea, and there is not much problem with the realm of passive recovery at will.


Just at this time, there was a noise outside the room.

"who is it?"

Xiao Naihe flipped his right hand, and the few immortals were gone, and all the incense in the room was eliminated.

"Brother Xiao, I'm here to tell you that there will be a public speech tomorrow at the Confucian Academy and everyone will be there."

After opening the door, a man stood outside.

The man's face was clear and his face was thick and straight.

But Xiao Nai could feel faintly, the man's eyes had a sharp look.

This person must be the kind of person with a simple appearance and a very sharp heart.

Most of the people studying in the ballistic school can not be simple characters.

"Okay, I know."

Xiao Naihe nodded. This person had just registered the information of Xiao Naihe's residence. It must have been known that Xiao Naihe entered the Daoyuan Academy and the relationship between him and Gong Yueling.

"The younger brother joined the Daoyuan Academy on the first day. There are more rules in the Daoyuan Academy. There are also many rules in the Suzaku Academy. If you have anything you don't understand, you can also ask me."

This man is called Tie Niu, this is not his nickname, but the real name.

Because of this name, people have seen it with strange eyes.

However, Tie Niu's appearance is very honest and honest, many people will be fooled by his appearance.

If Xiao Nai didn't notice the sharpness in the depth of this person's pupils, otherwise she would really be cheated by the other person's appearance.

"It's okay. If there is something I don't understand, I will ask again. It's not early, and I'm going to rest."

Knowing that this man is quite deep, Xiao Nai did not have any interest in his waste.

Although this kind of person is deep in the city, Xiao Naihe has encountered too many people who are more cunning than him. He has no interest at all, but just keeps his eyes open.

"This ... okay, let's have a good rest."

Tie Niu froze a little, then laughed smirkly.

As Xiao Naihe closed the door, Tie Niu suddenly saw a flash of anger and contempt.

"This Xiao Nai doesn't know if she perceives anything, and even refuses to draw closer."

Iron Bull shook his head.

I saw that he withdrew from the student residence and entered a grove of trees, and suddenly it was another student residence.

The residences of the students of the Confucius Institute have two directions in the southeast.

Xiao Naihe is in the south position, and now Tie Niu is in the east position.

Subsequently, Tie Niu knocked on a more luxurious door.

There are dozens of weird arrays engraved on this gate, each of which seems to have unicorns, dragons, and phoenix beasts. Just a glance, you can feel the constant impact from the array .

"come in."

There was a deep voice from the room, and the Iron Cow went in response, pressing his body low.

"Sir, things are done."

Tie Niu looked respectfully and said to the man in front of him.

The man was sitting on a tiger chair, twisting two electrodeless beads in his hand, and made a clicking sound.

"Okay, how is that kid? Are there any useful clues?"

If Xiao Naiho was here, he would definitely recognize that this man was Wu Yang who had previously shot himself off, and also Wu Yang who Xiao Nai had to challenge two months later.

Wu Yang no longer had the evil look of that day on his face at this time, but instead looked cold and expressionless.

"Sir, this person has already joined the Confucius Institute, and it seems that he was joined by Gong Yueling's assistant. The person who went through these procedures was Chen Wuji."

"It's him? But Chen Wuji is the teacher of the Daoyuan Academy. These things are right through his hands. Is there any useful information?"

"This kid seems to be very keen and hasn't got into my relationship with me. I want to try him again, but he doesn't give me a chance at all. I don't have more than three sentences with him."

Upon Wu Yang's hearing, the Promise Pearl in his hand turned faster, making a clanging sound.

Subsequently, Wu Yang said again: "If that is the case, forget it."

After listening, Tie Niu was relieved, and quickly said: "Master, that Xiao Naihe seems to be just a cultivator with four levels of supremacy. His strength is far less than that of you, why should you be so careful. Thing? "

"What do you know? Any enemy must deal with it with all his strength. It is the so-called knowing each other and fighting each other. I want 100% certainty. Even if he is only four levels of supremacy, I will not underestimate him."

Afterwards, Wu Yang gave a slight pause, "This Xiao Nai, I just took him to the surgery, my real purpose is still Gong Yueling. This woman is a child of Jiugong Family, although it is only a sideline, but her identity is really not simple. .. If I want to get the secrets of the Jiugong Family from her, I must start with her. "

"Since that is the case, how can you promise that Xiao Nai?"

In their eyes, Xiao Naihe was just a small person, and to accept the challenge of this small person was simply to discount his identity.

"While Xiao Naihe does not matter, it is an entry point after all. If I deal with Gong Yueling directly, the woman will definitely be aware of it. I will nibble this woman step by step and wait for her to become a plaything in my hand. The cheats of the Jiugong Family are out. "

"It turns out that, my lord is smart."

Wu Yang smiled coldly: "This Xiao Nai actually found death to challenge me, undoubtedly gave me a good excuse, Gong Yueling, you can't escape my palm all the time."

Suddenly, with a click, the Promise Beads in Wu Yang's hands had been crushed and crushed into a piece of powder, blowing into the void.

In the eyes of Wu Yang and Tie Niu, Xiao Naihe is already a dead man.

There was an extra Xiao Nai from the Daoyuan, and no one knew the news.

Not as many people as Xiao Naihe who challenged Wu Yang in front of Suzaku College before.

Whether it is Gong Yueling or Wu Yang, among the students of Jin Dao Academy, they are all well-known figures.

And Xiao Naihe followed Gong Yueling, and many people have speculated that Xiao Naihe is the person of Gong Yueling. It is no strange thing that senior array warrior can be equipped with an assistant.

They all regard Xiao Naihe as Gong Yueling's assistant. A Gong Yueling's assistant actually challenged the talented students of the Confucius Institute. This has become a topic for many Confucius Institute students.

But in their eyes, Xiao Nai did not matter, they knew it was just a duel between Wu Yang and Gong Yueling.

As for the protagonist of this matter, Xiao Naihe, who just practiced all night.

Get up in the morning, refreshed.

Since his strength slowly recovered, Xiao Naiho also began to feel that his physical body had returned to its previous state.

Although it is still far from the peak period, it is much better than when it has no strength. ;

"Xiao Naihe, we meet again."

At this time, a strange voice came.

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