Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2340: Kill the main line

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"It has something to do with me? What does it have to do? I don't know him."

"Hey, you don't know him, but there is someone around him, you must know."

"Huh? A person by his side?"

Xiao Naihe turned his head slightly and seemed to be thinking.

"It's Shangguan Jiajia. It is said that her mentor is actually Lin Feng's father. You said, do you have something to do with this Lin Feng?"

"Actually she?"

I didn't expect it to be Shangguan Jiajia, but Xiao Naihe knew that he had nothing to do with Shangguan Jiajia at all, and forced himself to have a relationship with Lin Feng, which was somewhat too reluctant.

"Lin Feng has now become a Zhanzun, one of the best Zhanzong among Zhan Daoyuan, even if it is placed in this and the previous session, he is the first person deserved."

Gong Yueling suddenly sighed.

Although she comes from the Jiugong family, compared with Lin Feng, she is much worse.

Lin Feng is the real arrogant of heaven, and gathers all the people who are focused on one body.

Some seniors of the Suzaku Academy once said that Lin Feng is the most likely to enter the legendary sacred realm.

An array of young people who are less than one Jiazi, and then practice for another ten, one hundred, or a thousand years, who knows how powerful he will become.

Zhen Sheng, maybe really possible.

"You guys and sisters are good. Presumably you already know who I am. Today, Mr. Chen Wuji came to teach the class, but Master Chen gave me the lesson for some things. So today ’s lesson, It ’s up to me. "

Lin Feng always had a smile on his face, that kind of smile like a spring breeze.

But Xiao Naihe felt faintly that there was no emotion in Lin Feng's eyes.

Although the other party hides well, Xiao Nai can still feel it.

After experiencing the ninth life in Tiangong World, Xiao Naihe's grasp of human nature has reached a very high level.

Even with any subtle performance, it is difficult to escape Xiao Naihe's capture.

"It was really senior Lin Feng who passed the class."


Suddenly, there was a noisy surprise around.

Even Xiao Nai had to admit that Lin Feng was indeed very popular in popularity and won the hearts of many students.

"The position of Lin Feng's cultivation is completely different from that of my Jiugong family. It is said that he is taking the main killing formation, and our Nine Palace family is taking a variety of positions. There are various types. . "

At this time, Gong Yueling said again.

The killing formation, among many formations, is actually the most valued by people.

This is the most critical thing because the lineup division is ready to kill the enemy.

As such, the killing formation method is the most popular among the formation masters,

"Everyone, please take a look first, what is the formation that I have imprinted."

Then, between Lin Feng's speeches, his five fingers spread out, and he caught in the void, a wonderful and invisible force suddenly formed, as if it were a sword spirit, and many lines were printed out of the air.

These glowing lines form a very strange array, with various strange patterns and other special characters.

The picture and text are combined together to form a very strange formation.

"Void Array!"

Suddenly, many people exclaimed below.

Painting the Void array is actually a common method of array.

Before Zhanzun, even if they were senior mage masters, they engraved the cast formations, they all need to carry objects, such as paper, land, human body, etc., as long as the existing objects can be imprinted.

But Zun Zun's "Void Painting Array" is different. It is completely engraved out of the array directly from the sky, without the need for a carrier.

"It is worthy of being a master of the ranks of the ranks. It is not easy for him to reveal this hand of the void painting array alone. And in this formation, he seems to have some mysterious ability."

Gong Yueling took a deep look at the array.

At this moment, the array in the void suddenly rotates, constantly rotating in a very strange form. Various powerful airflows in the void converge to form a vortex.


In the vortex, there was a cold tearing sound.

This voice seemed to forcibly tear through the nine days of snow, and the cold that permeated could freeze all existence.

Even if it is now in a sunny time, everyone seems to really feel a chill in the frost.

"Kill the main formation, this is the ice spear formation."

Xiao Nai suddenly lit up, and made a slight noise.

However, his voice was very low. Others did not notice Xiao Naihe at all. Instead, Gong Yueling beside him heard Xiao Naihe's words.

"Ice Spear Formation, what kind of formation is this?"

"This kind of formation method is to condense the powerful icy cold gas from the origin, compressed in the array, there are hundreds of thousands of changes in the array, each change will release a powerful chill. Trigger, even if it is a general passive strongman, if you are not careful, you may be frozen to death. "

Xiao Nai said slowly.

He didn't know this kind of formation, but he inherited the memory of a certain celestial constellation in the Tiangong World. The memory of the other party has a record of this "spear formation".

Although this ‘Lance Formation’ in his memory is just a general third-rate formation, there are many powerful formations in the memory of Shengsheng.

For example, there is a formation method, which also compresses the strong cold. After it is released, it can even freeze the area of ​​100,000 miles, and lively transform a small world into an ice sculpture.

In comparison, the "Lance Formation" is nothing.

But for Xiao Naihe now, this spear array is also very dangerous.

At least now Xiao Naihe does not have the ability to perform this formation.

The direct conversation between Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling was not known to anyone else. Lin Feng looked around. It seemed that everyone did not know what this formation was, and could not help but reveal a trace of satisfaction.

But at this time, there was a voice: "Senior Lin, is this a" spear formation "?"

When Lin Feng heard it, he saw a slight pause in his eyes, but the smile on his face did not stop: "Yes, it was the spear array. Which student proposed it?"

When everyone looked down, they only saw a simple man standing in the crowd. After being noticed by everyone, a smile appeared on his face.

Only one person, after seeing this man, was not noticed by the other person's appearance.

"It's him?"

Xiao Naihe recognized this man. It was the man who had come to find his iron cow earlier this morning, but this iron cow seemed to be quite deep in the city, and Xiao Nai was not willing to have a relationship with him.

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